NASCAR Insiders Roundtable: We lose more sleep worrying about (driver) safety

  • last year
In this clip from the NASCAR Insiders Roundtable, the panel talks driver safety and the effort by NASCAR to ensure competitors are protected.
00:00 I think that as fans, it's easy to,
00:02 and even sometimes as industry guys,
00:04 we get caught up in the entertainment.
00:06 It really is dangerous what these guys do
00:08 and the stuff they put themselves through.
00:11 We lose more sleep just worrying about their safety,
00:14 but as a fan, you don't always see that.
00:17 - I have raced a lot of cars, man,
00:20 and from the day one of getting in the car
00:23 at Daytona and Talladega, those places just,
00:26 they scare me, 'cause the crashes hurt,
00:28 and they certainly hurt a lot worse with the new car,
00:31 but we've been making great strides in that too.
00:34 It's just one of those deals where you know it can happen.
00:37 - I feel the same way going to those places.
00:39 Those tracks, as much as they are physical
00:42 and you know the danger, it's a really good test
00:44 of the courage and the effort that it takes
00:46 to make those moves, because when you're able
00:49 to block it out and make decisions
00:52 based on what's most competitive and not think about that,
00:56 That is the nature of being an athlete.
