Sostenibilità, Grillo (Vision): “Vogliamo raccogliere proposte per soluzioni concrete”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Alla Dolomite Conference cercheremo proposte per soluzioni concrete, tra cui: come rendere più efficienti e veloci le organizzazioni internazionali che si occupano di climate change e come ridurre la burocrazia e i costi legati agli indicatori Esg”. Queste le parole di Francesco Grillo, direttore Vision Think Tank, a margine della presentazione della seconda edizione della Dolomite Conference on the Global Governance of Climate Change, intitolata “A new hope for climate: action beyond words”, di cui Axa è founding partner assieme ad Autostrada del Brennero. La conferenza si svolgerà il 5, 6 e 7 ottobre a Trento e si concluderà a Bolzano il giorno successivo.


00:00 [Music]
00:07 The first is how to reform the international organizations that deal with climate change.
00:15 At the moment they are neither fast enough for the crisis we are experiencing nor inclusive enough.
00:23 So this becomes a piece of advice that goes directly to the United Nations and COP28.
00:35 The second question is how to make the ESG indicators,
00:41 which are indicators that serve to guide the company to have more sustainable behaviors,
00:49 less bureaucratic and expensive, especially for small businesses,
00:56 and more effective, because ESG indicators cannot avoid greenwashing phenomena.
01:03 The third question is about public opinion.
01:08 Compared to last year, compared to the first edition, there is a certain disaffection
01:13 and probably the next European elections will record this element.
01:19 This is probably also because people are both growingly aware
01:27 that climate change is literally raining on them,
01:32 but also of the costs of the energy transition.
01:35 In a country like Italy, renewing the property of the house,
01:40 as the European Commission wants, as the European Commission prescribes,
01:44 would cost 500 billion euros to Italian families from here to 2033.
01:49 So it is obviously a slightly impossible and difficult thing to digest.
01:55 And this brings us to the last big question.
01:59 We will try to explore the work that is already being done,
02:03 and we are looking more pragmatically at how to transform this huge cost,
02:08 for example, to renew the house and make it more efficient,
02:14 in an investment that is also repaid by future savings.
02:19 The last thing I wanted to emphasize, which we have not said until now,
02:26 is that we are trying to make the conference zero impact,
02:32 neutralizing the negative impact that these conferences have,
02:41 especially in terms of flights, of people from all over the world.
02:45 About 60 people will arrive in Trento, from all over the world.
02:51 In COP27 last year, 40,000 people arrived.
02:55 So in this sense we are buying those certificates that will offset the impact.
03:02 In addition, we will use hydrogen cars, thanks to Autostrade Brennero,
03:07 which have zero impact and which will probably become an example
03:13 for other meetings of this kind.
