Tausende Herzinfarkt Operationen in nicht optimal geeigneten Kliniken

  • last year
Tausende Patientinnen und Patienten werden in Deutschland einem Bericht zufolge nicht optimal versorgt, weil sie in Kliniken ohne adäquate Ausstattung und Fallzahl behandelt werden.
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00:00 Thousands of patients are not being treated optimally in Germany,
00:05 because they are treated in clinics without adequate equipment and number of cases.
00:11 This is what the quality monitor of the AOK scientific institute, WIDO, reports on Tuesday.
00:20 Accordingly, more than 14,000 of the a total of 203,000 heart attack patients landed in a hospital without a catheter lab.
00:30 The quality monitor examined the areas of heart attack as a result, as well as breast and lung cancer in 2020.
00:39 In addition, more than 14,000 heart attack patients in a hospital without a catheter lab are being referred to the fact that the guideline of the German Society for Cardiology recommends that hospitals without such a facility should be treated around the clock.
00:56 In the 362 hospitals that treated less than 25 cases in 2020, only every fifth had such a lab.
01:07 However, these clinics alone treated more than 4,000 heart attack patients.
01:13 In the clinics with 240 cases per year, however, each clinic had a catheter lab.
01:19 In addition, in breast cancer, every fifth treatment in a clinic with less than 25 cases per year is carried out, according to the quality monitor in front of the newspaper.
01:30 "You have to keep in mind that 25 operations per year correspond to about one attack every two weeks," said WIDO managing director Jürgen Klauber.
01:40 "Under these circumstances, you cannot assume that there is a well-rounded team with sufficient routine and a well-rounded process chain."
