Towing with the just under the maximum tow rating of the new 900ft-lb. Cummins equipped 2016 Ram 3500.
00:00 I'm Troy Davis and I'm the chief engineer for Ram heavy duty and chassis cab trucks.
00:21 We're out here at Chelsea Proving Grounds today evaluating the heavy haulers and the
00:25 heaviest of haulers, like the ones pulling up now that have best in class trailer tow
00:32 capability of 31,210 pounds.
00:37 We have six products, six pickup trucks out here today ranging from 1500 all the way up
00:43 to the 5500.
00:44 The 1500 is an eco diesel with an 8 speed automatic transmission towing up to a 9200
00:51 pound trailer and we have 2500 pickups also out here towing and hauling with a class max
00:58 payload and there's also one 3500 that you see driving away right now with over 7000
01:05 pounds of payload in the back of the truck.
01:07 Best in class payload at 7,390 pounds and the chassis cab model has a dump body on it
01:15 and that vehicle is being used in the playground area for folks to go over and use skid steer
01:21 to load and unload dirt.
01:23 So that's our pickup line up today and I hope you enjoy it.
01:26 Thanks for watching.
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