Jesse Watters Primetime 10_4_23 FULL HD _ BREAKING FOX NEWS October 4, 2023

  • last year
Jesse Watters Primetime 10_4_23 FULL HD _ BREAKING FOX NEWS October 4, 2023


00:00 Democrats from their offices. If you kick our guys out, we're gonna kick yours.
00:04 We're hearing reports that congressmen are crying in the halls. We're talking
00:10 about congressmen, not women, men. The backup speaker tried to break the gavel.
00:16 The chair declares the house on recess subject to the call of the chair.
00:24 They're never mad when things happen to us. They only get mad when things happen to
00:29 them. So the temporary House speaker wears a bowtie and is shorter than
00:33 Gutfeld. And AOC is mad because they say distance makes the heart grow fonder.
00:38 Look at Omar here, checking out gates in the chamber. Easy congresswoman, he's not
00:45 your brother. It's true, women do like the bad boy. Speaking of the bad boy,
00:51 Republicans are floating Trump as speaker now.
00:56 A lot of people have been calling me a bad speaker. All I can say is we'll do whatever's best for the country and for the Republican Party.
01:05 Would you take the job? A lot of people have asked me about it. I'm focused. You know, we're leading. I'm sure you don't read too much in the papers. But we're leading by like 50 points for president.
01:18 My focus is totally on that. If I can help them during the process, I would do it.
01:23 Trump can't babysit Washington. I mean, he's going to be stuck in court all year.
01:29 I'm here, stuck here, and I can't come back. I'd rather be right now in Iowa. I'd rather be in New Hampshire, South Carolina, or Ohio, or a lot of other places.
01:40 But I'm stuck here because I have a corrupt attorney general that communicates with the DOJ in Washington to keep me nice and busy.
01:49 Because I'm leading Biden in the polls by a lot.
01:54 Mr. Trump, why is he watching me?
01:56 This is election interference.
01:58 Here's the Trump courtroom strategy. Since there's no cameras inside, he's going to spin the case each day from outside the steps.
02:06 The media will take him live while he holds court and rages against injustice and nails Biden's hide to the wall.
02:13 Free media like that, that's how he got elected in '16. So Trump has no time for shenanigans.
02:18 And does it even matter who the House Speaker is when every politician is a spending addict?
02:26 Congress raised the roof with COVID spending to $7 trillion and tried to keep it up there after the pandemic and thought you wouldn't care.
02:36 We are sitting atop a $33 trillion debt, and we are about to run $2.2 trillion annual deficits.
02:42 We are about to see rates skyrocket at a time when most American families are spending $700 more per month to get the same household goods and services.
02:53 So I worry about financial ruin. I worry about de-dollarization and potentially losing the dollars, the global reserve currency,
03:01 more than I worry about whether or not some of my fellow Republicans have to go do a little hand wringing and bedwetting over Kevin McCarthy.
03:08 Donors aren't giving politicians money for favors. They want cash back.
03:13 And the politicians pay them back in pork right before Christmas Eve in one big old 50,000 page bill you can't read.
03:22 But primetime just read what the politicians want stuffed inside.
03:26 Are you ready? One and a half million dollars for a carbon neutral bird sanctuary in Virginia.
03:34 How about this? A million dollars to put solar paneled roofs on low income housing in California.
03:42 A quarter million dollars to give Tesla's to people in the projects.
03:47 Where would they charge them? Don't worry. Half a million dollars for charging stations.
03:53 Three million dollars for a playground in California. Now, we researched what a playground costs to install 50,000 tops.
04:01 About seven million dollars for an inclusive and equitable park.
04:07 What makes a park inclusive or equitable? I mean, do they lower the hoop so whites can dunk? We don't know.
04:13 Five million dollars to put Wi-Fi in a park. When have you ever been on a park and said, darn it, I can't get Wi-Fi here?
04:22 A million dollars to put grass and trees in a parking lot.
04:26 OK, I called my landscaper and he said sodding a parking lot, two dollars a square foot, 30,000 square feet is 60,000.
04:35 And he said five hundred dollars a tree. So let's say I want 100 trees in the parking lot.
04:39 So that's 50 grand. We just sodded and planted trees for about nine hundred thousand dollars below cost.
04:48 Eleven million dollars for a machine gun range. No wonder they think Mar-a-Lago is worth 18 mil.
04:56 And Nancy Pelosi asked for a five million dollar elevator at a train station.
05:02 How many stories is this train station? A hundred.
05:06 Then there's AOC. AOC wants a half a million dollars to remodel a bathroom and a library.
05:12 I didn't even know AOC's constituents used libraries.
05:16 AOC also wants a million dollars to refurbish a basketball court.
05:20 All right. It's outdoors. So you pave it. You paint the free throw line, paint the three point line, the half court line.
05:27 And you put up two hoops that won't break when I dunk on them.
05:31 And we got a quote to build a basketball court from scratch. Seventy five thousand tops.
05:36 And that's with the fiberglass backboards. She wants a million.
05:40 So this whole house speaker drama is a racket and they look you straight in the eye and they tell you they want to get inflation down.
05:48 How is that possible when you're spending a million dollars on a basketball court?
05:52 The whole thing's a joke. They're robbing us, paying back their donors and pretending their work.
05:58 I get it now. Keeping the government open is destroying the dollar.
06:03 Primetime says vote them all out. Here now, Adam Manjushevsky, he's the founder and CEO of Open the Books dot com.
06:12 So we just got started on this earmark request for this budget.
06:16 I mean, we're not even a quarter way through. And this is the garbage that we found.
06:21 They try to hide it from us, don't they? And then they they scratch their heads and wonder why.
06:27 Why inflation's like 10 percent. Well, bringing back earmarks, Jesse, was the equivalent of providing open bar for a bunch of alcoholics on our dime.
06:38 Right. In the twenty twenty four spending bills that will eventually be debated this fall.
06:44 Incredibly, the top 63 earmarkers in the House are all Republicans.
06:49 You don't hit a Democrat till the 64th earmarker. In the Senate, it's much the same.
06:55 Eight out of 10 of the top earmarkers in the Senate are Republicans led by U.S. Senator Susan Collins.
07:01 They've earmarked nearly six hundred million dollars for the state of Maine, her home state.
07:07 It's 42nd in population and it's the number one state receiving the most earmarks in the spending bills that will be debated this fall.
07:16 So is this ever going to change? You don't have McCarthy in there anymore.
07:20 Is this ever going to change no matter who's speaker?
07:25 Well, Republicans, they need to get serious. They need to cut spending, cut spending and cut spending, especially the waste.
07:32 And people can debate debate the merits of earmarks.
07:35 But here's the fact. Every single dime, Jesse, is borrowed against our national debt.
07:41 So local projects of merit, they should be funded locally, not with our federal tax dollars.
07:46 Do you think a three million dollar playground has merit? I mean, honestly, because I could put a tire swing up and maybe a little jungle gym.
07:54 We priced it out three million. Is it made of gold?
07:58 See, that's the thing. That project would never get funded locally because it's a pork barrel wasteful spending project.
08:05 But they're borrowing it off against the federal taxpayer and against our national debt.
08:09 Here's here's some quick examples of more earmarks in that year end spending bill.
08:14 One million dollars for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
08:17 Two million dollars for the great Wax and Blacks Museum in Baltimore, where the member who got the earmark got his own wax statue six months previously.
08:28 It was three point six. It was three point six million dollars for the Michelle Obama trail down in Georgia.
08:33 And it was five million dollars for the hip hop museum from Senator Schumer right there in New York.
08:38 All right. So listen, if you have a rock and roll museum, they can't raise a million dollars.
08:45 And you got who do you have in there? You got Led Zeppelin. You got the Stones.
08:49 You don't think any of those guys could pony up a couple dollars to for a million or hip hop.
08:56 You don't run. DMC can throw down 50. LL can throw down a 50.
09:01 You can't raise that kind of money like by the guys that are in the Hall of Fame.
09:06 Exactly. Look, here here's how it works in the Senate.
09:09 You had the retiring U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy. He was the chairman of appropriations.
09:14 He earmarks 30 million dollars into the University of Vermont.
09:18 Once he retires this spring, they rename the Honors College where the earmark went after him.
09:25 He did it again. Thirty four million dollars and an earmark into the Burlington International Airport.
09:30 And this spring they renamed the airport after him.
09:34 The whole state's going to be named Leahy. They just they just didn't even call it Vermont.
09:39 Right. They just New Hampshire and then Leahy right there. All right.
09:43 Well, we're going to keep tracking this. I mean, Pelosi, five million dollars for an elevator.
09:48 I mean, take the stairs. I mean, how high could this thing go?
09:52 It's a train station. It's not a monorail. Thank you very much.
09:57 Thank you. So, you know, the boxers that take a punch, punch after punch after punch and they won't go down.
10:06 That's Goldberg. First, Biden takes his gold. Then he calls him an Egyptian spy.
10:11 But Goldberg still standing. So Biden had to go low. And I mean, really low.
10:16 Today, we discovered that Goldberg's wife, Nadine, is a straight up killer.
10:22 We know who leaked the dash cam footage. Nadine had just run a man over with her Mercedes.
10:31 I just want to confirm that you do not want to give me your phone, correct?
10:35 OK. And that's your statement that you were driving this way.
10:38 The guy came from this way and he ran into your vehicle.
10:42 He jumped on my windshield. OK. OK. All right.
10:46 So Nadine likes the nightlife, obviously. She's got the fur coat.
10:49 Legs was in a hurry. But when you're senators or fiance, I mean, you can call and you walk away from a fatal car crash.
10:57 No questions asked. I don't even know my buddy's wife who's friends with her.
11:04 And he said, could you do me a favor and take her up there? Because her friend just got in a car accident.
11:08 Gotcha. So I don't even know. But it's just an investigation.
11:12 But due to the nature of that, I find none of that.
11:16 We follow you due to the nature. So nightlife, Nadine, a.k.a. Leggy Menendez, killed a man with her bends and police didn't breathalyzer.
11:24 Didn't ask her where she was going, where she was coming from. Just let an ex cop drive her home.
11:30 Leggy was treated better than Hunter. Would you get that treatment?
11:35 And this death was buried for five years. So Leggy needed a new whip and Goldbar called the Egyptian and voila,
11:43 a brand new Mercedes convertible showed up in Goldbar's driveway.
11:48 So will this be enough to shame Goldbar into resigning? Probably not. He's not corrupt.
11:54 He's just Cuban. Well, San Francisco now has pirate said he left his heart in San Francisco because it used to be beautiful.
12:03 San Francisco in the 50s looked like a movie set. Look at that. Clean streets.
12:08 Mom and pop shops. Utopia. But today, women are getting pinned under robot cars.
12:16 Use heavy rescue tools from our ladder trucks and rescue squad, including the jaws of life, to lift the vehicle off of the victim and pull her to safety.
12:24 She suffered multiple traumatic injuries as a result of this incident.
12:29 The paramedics stabilized as best they could on scene, and she was transported to the local trauma center.
12:34 After Oakland defunded the police, the public is being protected by karate masters to black belts, rushed out of a dojo,
12:43 packing tambo sticks and scared off two armed carjackers.
12:48 It's incredible. I mean, the Bay isn't really any safer.
12:53 Look at these guys. Boom, boom. San Francisco now has pirates.
13:01 The Oakland estuary is a playground for some and a home for people living on boats.
13:06 But some say it's now a breeding ground for what is being described as a crime spree by pirates.
13:11 I probably know of 15 people that have had their small boats stolen.
13:14 We came in in the morning and saw that the boats were broken into. One of our docks was missing.
13:19 These boats are tens of thousands of dollars, and they're just taken.
13:23 They remove the outboard motor. They cut up the inflatable and let it sink in the estuary.
13:29 It's a it's a tragedy. What's safer, the San Francisco Bay or the Somali coast?
13:35 We don't know. But the left has turned California into a time capsule.
13:39 Last year, a rash of train robberies rocked Long Beach, even shocking Gavin Newsom himself.
13:46 And we reached out to the governor to see if he has a plan to address piracy and train robberies, not to mention killer cars.
13:52 We're still waiting. I mean, Richards can't wait any longer.
13:57 He's the founder of Alameda County Sailing Center, and he's had five boats stolen from his school, each worth 30,000 bucks.
14:05 He even caught the pirates in the act as they were stealing his boat.
14:09 Cammy Richards is at his marina and he joins me now.
14:13 So, Cammy, are you worried about these swashbuckling hooligans?
14:20 Yes, we are. Worry is maybe that's a good word.
14:24 I'm there's been an awful lot of alertness that has been spread around the estuary and whole San Francisco Bay.
14:32 So stealing, I think, has been easier two weeks ago than it is now.
14:39 But we just have to be alert. And it used to be OK to tie up your boat in a marina and expect to come back and find it there a week later.
14:47 And now that in the case of a 16, 18, 20 foot motorboat, that's no longer a rule.
14:53 So we're locking our boats now.
14:55 Do these guys have mustaches, wear bandanas and walk around with long knives?
15:02 They don't look like Johnny Depp. No, they don't. They look like regular people.
15:07 So these are just regular people that are scouring the harbor now.
15:11 Are they also in in bloats themselves? Are they going around on kayaks with like two by fours and metal cutters?
15:22 We are quite certain that they're traveling around in small, rigid, inflatable boats, just like the ones they're stealing.
15:30 And I think they basically have been cycling them through.
15:32 When they get a good one, they use it for their general transportation.
15:36 And so off the old one, as you heard, take the motor off for parts and then sink the boat.
15:41 Do they have Coast Guard out there? Because I remember every time Barry Bonds was like hitting dingers,
15:46 people were all out on the harbor and they had Coast Guard there making sure people didn't drink too much and fall into the bay.
15:55 Right. And at the ballpark, you couldn't use a motor to travel around when there are that many people in the water.
16:02 So that's the ballpark gets support that community sailing center doesn't quite get.
16:10 OK, so has the politicians addressed this at all?
16:17 We have an address. Addressing something is as easy as talking about it.
16:21 But that's we're expecting more. I'm sure we will get more.
16:24 OK, so they're talking about pirates. They're not doing anything about the pirates.
16:29 They're just talking about them. OK, well, let me know when they start acting about on the pirates and then and maybe we could get some progress.
16:36 Well, hopefully no one boards your ships and and steals your booty. Good luck out there on the high seas.
16:42 We never thought we'd see it in San Francisco Bay, but it's come to this.
16:47 Thank you so much. All right. Last week, we sent Johnny to Seattle to see how people were handling the crime wave.
16:57 Violent crime is up 25 percent. Do you feel safe? I do. I feel very safe here.
17:02 I've never seen any crime in Seattle. I don't believe that number. People there, you know, get robbed out here, carjacked.
17:09 I've never heard of anyone getting robbed. So they say there's no crime.
17:13 They must have missed this. Cross-dressing guy with a hammer.
17:20 I mean, they're still looking for this loony smashed a bunch of 60 year olds outside a train station.
17:27 They're now in the hospital with head wounds. Unbelievable.
17:33 They said I said I wasn't going to try to save Seattle. So have a great night.
17:40 We just caught Biden's news alert. Primetime just caught Biden stuffing the special counsel's office.
17:46 Biden just appointed Hunter's friend and former partner to oversee investigations into himself and Hunter Biden.
17:54 Biden pal Hampton Dellinger will control investigations into Biden's classified documents and investigations into Hunter's guns and taxes.
18:04 Not only has Dellinger known Biden for years in Delaware, he's gone to dinner parties and lunches with the fam.
18:12 This guy even did crisis management for Burisma.
18:16 This is the guy running the special counsel's office. It's like Trump appointing Don Jr.'s drinking pal to oversee Mueller.
18:24 Trump would never get away with it, but Biden is getting away with it. He has to rig these investigations.
18:29 Why? Because Hunter's running out of money and can't pay his lawyers.
18:33 Hunter racked up 10 million dollars in legal fees and can't pay it back.
18:38 Wait a second. Why isn't Hunter working? Because we were told this Yale educated international businessman didn't need his dad to earn a living.
18:48 He was making millions on his own. Right. So what's stopping Hunter from working now?
18:53 Does it have anything to do with him not being allowed to sell access to daddy anymore?
18:58 It's almost like that's the only reason he was getting paid, because if he wasn't, he should be making it rain in the Biden economy.
19:05 Bidenomics best economy in 50 years.
19:11 Now, every time we lower expectations, we lower standards and then we have to lower expectations.
19:17 We call that a race to the bottom. Now, the one place where lowering standards is deadly is in the military.
19:24 And the armed services can't recruit enough soldiers, airmen and Marines because young Americans are too pudgy.
19:32 The solution. Stop testing for cannabis. Oh, and redefine what pudgy means.
19:40 I mean, there's a reason we have high standards. We're a superpower. Our soldiers have to win.
19:44 If they lose, we die. They should be ruthless. Maybe war fighting isn't for everyone.
19:50 And that's OK. Actress Tara Reid gave it a shot this week on the new Fox show that upsetting that he called you dope on a rope.
20:01 Yeah, I mean, I think, you know, part of their job was to be somewhat, obviously, cruel and mean.
20:09 But but when you're going through that actual experience and you really you're not almost even listening to what they're saying,
20:19 because you're actually in physical, physical pain. And I know anyone that's ever been in physical pain.
20:25 You're kind of not even listening to what people say, you know, but you do hear it.
20:31 But it's hard to keep moving on and going on. And on the show, I, I really did.
20:38 I don't know if you watched it, but I tried my best, you know, and I did the best I could be.
20:43 But at the end of the day, that backpack that we had the same amount as my body made no sense.
20:49 And you're like professional football players and basketball players putting the same amount on their back than I had.
20:56 Like there was no way that I was going to get out of it. It was impossible.
21:00 Did special forces break Tara Reid? It almost broke my back and it definitely hurt me, my shoulders, but it didn't break my spirit.
21:11 No, because you were crying when you're holding that rock above your head. How long do you have to do that for?
21:17 Oh, that rock wasn't just holding over my head. We had to hold that rock around about three different times
21:24 and then go over a bridge, under a bridge, in a bridge, out that. So then finally at the end when you were like,
21:30 everyone was just crushed, I had to hold the rock still. And like people just dropping the rocks left and right.
21:36 And of course they gave me one of the biggest rocks there.
21:40 They saw you coming a mile away. Yeah, this blonde actress. Yeah, we're going to make life pretty miserable.
21:46 You're going to have a great life up until that point. Going in, did you have a preconceived notion of the military
21:53 and did that change after this experience?
21:56 I've always respected our military very, very much. And I don't know what we'd do without them
22:04 because they've made America safe so much and that's incredible.
22:08 But to go through special forces and realize what they have to go through, it made me have such a different opinion
22:17 and respect for them, how hard they really work. And this was just a few days for me.
22:23 This is what, for them, this is their lives. They do this every day. I can't imagine what they, to do this every day.
22:31 If you ever hear people at dinner parties, bad mouthing the military or this country,
22:37 did you ever just give them a little elbow and say, guys, you have no idea what these men and women go through
22:43 to serve our country and protect us.
22:46 I promise you if I did, I would definitely elbow someone. But no, unfortunately, thank you.
22:53 I haven't ever heard that conversation, but I would definitely always respect and protect our military
22:58 and the United States of America.
23:01 Tara Reid, Special Forces, check it out. It's on Fox. We love it. We love you. I grew up watching you.
23:06 Still watch you. You're doing great. Thanks for joining Prime Time.
23:10 Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate you.
23:14 Breaking news. The FBI is targeting Trump voters ahead of the election.
23:21 The FBI secretly put Trump supporters in a category of extremists
23:26 that it's going to be tracking ahead of 2024.
23:30 And classified data obtained by Newsweek shows that Trump supporters are the main target
23:35 of FBI anti-government investigations, investigations that doubled from 2020 to 2021.
23:43 FBI assessments on Americans also doubled.
23:46 And an FBI assessment is about as close to spying on citizens as you can really get without saying it.
23:52 So why are we using counterterrorism techniques that were developed to fight Al Qaeda on us?
24:00 A senior intel official told Newsweek we've crossed the Rubicon.
24:05 Biden's made it clear MAGA Republicans are an existential threat to the country.
24:09 He's campaigned on it. And the FBI now releases a report that says claims of voter fraud,
24:15 conspiracies about COVID-19 will spark domestic terrorism.
24:21 Now, who do you think they're talking about?
24:24 But the FBI says we don't play politics. Sure. We'll have more on that tomorrow.
24:32 Big tobacco got us hooked on cigarettes, and it wasn't just the leaves in the nicotine.
24:38 They were adding highly addictive chemicals to your smokes.
24:42 And then the big tobacco companies bought food companies and they started adding
24:47 the same addictive chemicals to our food like Kraft, General Foods, Nabisco.
24:53 They make stuff you probably have in your cupboard. Kool-Aid, Kraft Mac and Cheese,
24:58 Lunchables, Oreos, Chips Ahoy, Ritz crackers. You see it, Mike.
25:05 So what are these addictive chemicals that made everybody smoke like a chimney?
25:10 And you're saying they went into Nabisco? Yeah, I mean, it's not any chemicals.
25:14 It starts with the salt, the sugar, the fat. Right.
25:18 Those sort of the unholy trinity, if you will, that gets us to not just like their products,
25:23 but they want more and more extraordinary science.
25:26 They use in creating these products. Noise, for example, the more noise a chip makes,
25:32 the more apt we are to eat more. Wait a second.
25:35 You're saying that they engineer the crinkle and the crackle of my snacks to make me addicted to it?
25:43 Look, these are companies doing what companies do, which is they want to maximize the allure of their products.
25:48 And so they have scientists working for them day and night doing that to create these products.
25:54 All right. So you're saying Oreos are just as addictive as Marlboro's Reds?
26:00 Well, I'm not saying that. Listen to this. So you mentioned Philip Morris, right?
26:03 Owned Oreo cookie Nabisco for a while. You know, I spent time with the former general counsel of Philip Morris.
26:09 He goes, Michael, you know, I was one of those people who could smoke one cigarette a day business meeting,
26:14 put the pack away, not think about it again. I couldn't go near a bag of our Oreo cookies for fear of losing control.
26:21 You have to bag it like one sitting. I mean, tobacco guys themselves were leery of the power of their food products to cause us to lose control.
26:31 So these are laced with highly addictive chemicals and we eat it all day and the kids eat it all day.
26:36 And the government puts the food in the cafeterias for everybody to eat because they don't have a choice.
26:42 Is there a way to stop the poisoning? Stop the poisoning?
26:46 Yeah. I mean, people have to think about more about what they're eating.
26:50 And I think it's incumbent upon these companies. It's on us. It's well, it's actually us that we have to fix it.
26:55 We can't just tell these companies and the government to knock off the Holy Trinity.
26:59 I think it's on the companies, too. I mean, I've written about insiders in these companies who have been trying to change the industry
27:05 from within to reform on our behalf. And I think maybe they just need a little more encouragement from us.
27:11 It's really, really hard to change your eating habits. All right.
27:14 So you're saying instead of trying to break up Amazon, we should try to break up Nabisco.
27:20 Well, try one cookie breaking it up. Right. Can you just one bite? I'm wanting to eat the whole sleeve.
27:25 Of course you do. Look at its design that way. You want to pop. You can't stop.
27:29 How are you talking about crack? Yeah. How are you supposed to resist that?
27:33 It's shouldn't be honest. Well, I'm going to try. All right. You know, I unscrew it like this.
27:38 Like, oh, you do. Oh, yeah. And then you dip it. Oh, look, sick little old nasty little man.
27:45 All right, Mike. Well, everybody needs to go read Mike's book and look at him. He's skinny as Johnny.
27:51 He doesn't eat any cookies and he only smokes a cigarette when he feels like it.
27:56 I'm kidding around. Thank you very much, Mike. Yeah, of course. Pizza wedgie.
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