CBS Young And The Restless Audra and Tucker create a trap - Nikki has been cheat

  • last year
CBS Young And The Restless Audra and Tucker create a trap - Nikki has been cheat
00:00 [Music]
00:10 The Young and the Restless revealed that Nikki, after becoming manager of Newman Media, constantly put pressure on Audra.
00:17 She warns Audra to stay away from Tucker because he is dangerous after all.
00:21 Even her being with Kyle was impossible, because she seems to be the one interfering in the married life between him and Summer.
00:28 These prohibitions will make Audra feel uncomfortable, but right now she needs this job and cannot reject the idea.
00:35 After all, many people who oppose Newman had a bad end, so it seems unlikely that Audra would do the same thing.
00:41 Currently, both Victor and Nikki feel that Audra is still beneficial and can make good use of her to serve the company, but we believe this will not last too long.
00:51 Victor was also surprised to meet Tucker shortly after he returned to Genoa City.
00:55 In the end, he always hopes to be able to reconcile the strained relationship with Devon and even cultivate a new married life, but everything can disappoint him.
01:05 Finally, Brayden always has special respect for Ashley, even though the two are no longer together.
01:11 The two have a daughter together, Abby, and they really care about her a lot.
01:15 Finally, Victor always had special respect for the late Neil and Catherine, so he is ready to support Devon or even Lily.
01:22 But it seems that recently this has changed a lot.
01:25 People may feel uneasy about Tucker and hope he leaves Genoa City.
01:29 Victor seems to be taking advantage of his and Ashley's marriage for his upcoming plan.
01:33 Nikki is trying to keep things under control in Newman Media because she is someone that Victor values.
01:39 Even Victoria hopes that she can change her father's mind.
01:42 But it seems like he will want to do it his way no matter how much Nikki tries to advise him.
01:47 She's also trying to deal with Audra's situation and thinks she's also the reason things got complicated.
01:52 Will Nikki do as well as Victor expects?
01:55 He had a lot of things to do and that made him leave everything to her.
01:59 As for the fans, what do you think about what's going on?
02:02 Please leave your comments below to let us know.
02:04 Audra feels uncomfortable about what's going on that Nikki brings up, even something related to Tucker recently.
02:10 What will she do to solve everything?
02:12 She also gave up on her relationship with Kyle early on because it was the only way she could keep her position at Newman.
02:19 Tucker will use Phyllis to find a way to sabotage Jabot, even hoping Audra can support him.
02:25 He is after all a dangerous man in Genoa City and needs to be eliminated,
02:29 but he should consider that neither Billy nor Jack will let him do what he wishes.
02:34 It's up to Nikki to find a way to get Audra on the right track or not,
02:37 because she's continuing to get back together with Tucker.
02:40 We believe that the upcoming plot will become more attractive than ever.
02:44 Please take the time to follow what we bring to you.
02:46 [music]
