• last year
Deep End Full Movies
00:00:00 I might die tonight.
00:00:16 I don't want to work away.
00:00:41 I don't want to work away.
00:01:09 I don't want to work away.
00:01:13 Doing just what they all say.
00:01:16 Work hard, boy, and you'll find
00:01:19 that one day you'll have a job like mine.
00:01:22 But I might die tonight.
00:01:28 Hello?
00:01:33 Oh, Susan, um, come to my office, please.
00:01:36 Right away.
00:01:38 As you know, the job pays reasonably well,
00:01:40 and if you work hard, who knows,
00:01:42 you may end up behind this desk one day.
00:01:47 [laughs]
00:01:51 Come in.
00:01:53 This is, um, Nick.
00:01:55 Michael.
00:01:56 Oh, I'm sorry, Michael.
00:01:57 He's new here.
00:01:58 Tell him about his duties, and, uh,
00:02:00 well, he's just started once.
00:02:02 Turn that off.
00:02:04 Now, uh, you get your wages every Saturday.
00:02:07 Good luck, son.
00:02:08 Thanks a lot, Gov.
00:02:09 Uh, none of your Gov in this establishment.
00:02:12 It's always Sir.
00:02:14 Don't forget.
00:02:15 Please, sir, thank you, sir.
00:02:17 All right.
00:02:24 There's a storeroom there where you can leave bits and pieces.
00:02:26 Cashier's desk.
00:02:28 Down this corridor is the main baths.
00:02:30 Men's on the left, women's on the right.
00:02:33 That's my boxroom down the end there with the door open.
00:02:35 You've got one on the left.
00:02:37 Your first job?
00:02:38 Yeah.
00:02:40 I thought it would be all right.
00:02:44 I only left school at Christmas.
00:02:46 You'll be all right here.
00:02:48 You can leave your coat there.
00:02:54 I'll show you the pool.
00:02:58 Come on.
00:03:00 Hey, will I be allowed to swim here?
00:03:02 Yeah, any time you want.
00:03:03 Hey, hey!
00:03:06 Come on, this way.
00:03:07 I'll show you what to do.
00:03:08 Keep going.
00:03:09 It won't be so cold.
00:03:10 I'll explain to you about the bath.
00:03:12 Oh, that's the toilets there.
00:03:13 Both those doors there.
00:03:15 As I said, your boxroom on the left.
00:03:18 And that's my section.
00:03:20 Come here, handsome.
00:03:21 You'll get yourself great tips, even better than mine.
00:03:24 What do you mean?
00:03:25 Uh, number four hasn't been done out.
00:03:27 I'll show you what to do in here.
00:03:29 Well, you know, old chap,
00:03:31 ladies of a certain age tend to favor polite and obliging young boys.
00:03:36 So do some gentlemen.
00:03:37 Yeah.
00:03:38 Well, first you--
00:03:39 I'm not to wait on ladies, am I?
00:03:42 We'll see.
00:03:44 First, you scrub it out.
00:03:46 I know some women would tip you ten bob for nothing, really.
00:03:50 Just for imagining things.
00:03:52 Yeah.
00:03:54 After some of them, this is quite a job.
00:03:58 You lay out a clean towel, soap, a dry brush, a mat, a bathrobe, and a sheet of--
00:04:06 Can I help you do it?
00:04:07 No, it's all right.
00:04:08 And wipe the masterpieces off the wall.
00:04:12 And don't believe everything you read, as the teacher said.
00:04:15 When they're in here, they're all supermen.
00:04:17 Right, can you remember all that?
00:04:18 Um, towel, no, wash it, towel, bath mat, bathrobe, um, sheet--
00:04:30 And?
00:04:31 And masterpieces.
00:04:32 Right.
00:04:33 That's a bit rough, but it'll do.
00:04:36 Right, we'll go and get you changed.
00:04:40 You've got shorts and a T-shirt, and a white coat like mine.
00:04:44 Here you are, your first customer.
00:04:46 Oh, sir, please come in.
00:04:50 Number five, I think, please, sir, just down there.
00:04:53 Hang on, I'll get a towel.
00:04:55 What did they say, number five?
00:04:58 Number five, what's number five, what's the number?
00:05:00 No, sir, no, please, sir, number five is down there.
00:05:04 Yeah, number five.
00:05:05 This is number two, please.
00:05:07 Sir, come, come, come.
00:05:10 Towel, sir, please.
00:05:11 Bathrobe.
00:05:12 Towel, soap, bath--
00:05:13 Bathrobe.
00:05:14 Soap.
00:05:15 Bathrobe.
00:05:16 Soap.
00:05:17 Bathrobe.
00:05:18 A bathrobe?
00:05:19 [PHONE RINGING]
00:05:21 Hello?
00:05:23 Hold on, I'll see if she's here.
00:05:25 Susan!
00:05:26 I can't find her.
00:05:31 Sorry.
00:05:32 Yes?
00:05:33 Oh, there you are.
00:05:36 There was a call for you.
00:05:38 Sorry.
00:05:40 Who?
00:05:41 A man, of course.
00:05:42 Of course.
00:05:49 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:55 Mike?
00:06:14 Yeah?
00:06:15 Uh, Mike, be a dear.
00:06:16 Look after my section for a bit, will you?
00:06:18 I've got to pop out for a couple of minutes.
00:06:20 The last of my know in the waiting room.
00:06:21 She's a decent sort.
00:06:23 Put her in, uh, cubicle three.
00:06:25 Yeah, but--
00:06:27 Oh, you're not worried, are you?
00:06:29 All right?
00:06:30 Yeah, all right, Susan.
00:06:35 And, uh, don't call her Gov.
00:06:38 [SIGHS]
00:06:41 Uh, the girl attendant isn't here, madam.
00:06:59 But I will show you to your cabin.
00:07:01 Lovely.
00:07:02 Uh, your cabin.
00:07:07 Cabin.
00:07:09 You're new here, aren't you?
00:07:11 Yes.
00:07:12 You keen on football?
00:07:13 Yes, madam.
00:07:16 Uh, would you get me a shampoo for, uh, medium dry hair?
00:07:20 You'll find it in the girls' box room.
00:07:24 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:28 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:31 [KNOCKING]
00:07:55 Come in.
00:07:56 Oh, it's you, boy.
00:07:59 Yes, uh, your shampoo, madam.
00:08:01 Would you help me with this?
00:08:03 Yes, ma'am.
00:08:04 I--
00:08:05 The buttons as well.
00:08:12 Um, yes, madam.
00:08:16 Careful, boy.
00:08:17 You're so rough.
00:08:18 Sorry, lady-- madam.
00:08:20 Um, will that be all?
00:08:21 Uh, no.
00:08:22 This is a bloody nuisance as well.
00:08:24 You might as well undo it while you're here.
00:08:26 Um, look, I-- no, I don't know how.
00:08:31 All right, and you're so useless.
00:08:33 Thank you, madam.
00:08:34 Wait a minute.
00:08:35 Here.
00:08:36 Take this and get out.
00:08:38 Oh, no, no, really, thank you.
00:08:40 It's OK.
00:08:41 Nothing, really.
00:08:42 It was nothing.
00:08:43 [DOOR SLAMS]
00:09:08 Who will be the first in?
00:09:18 Shoes off.
00:09:21 Everybody.
00:10:10 [WHISTLE BLOWS]
00:10:17 Come on.
00:10:23 Come, come, come, come, come, come, come.
00:10:25 [WHISTLE BLOWS]
00:10:34 [WHISTLE BLOWS]
00:10:37 Have you a good time?
00:10:44 [WHISTLE BLOWS]
00:10:52 [PHONE RINGING]
00:10:55 [GROANING]
00:11:01 [GASPS]
00:11:03 Help.
00:11:04 Help.
00:11:05 I'm infected.
00:11:06 I think the water was too hot.
00:11:08 I feel giddy.
00:11:09 Oh.
00:11:10 Oh, I just--
00:11:11 Come on.
00:11:12 I'd like to just rest.
00:11:13 [GASPS]
00:11:14 What's wrong?
00:11:15 [GASPS]
00:11:16 Look, I get sick--
00:11:17 Wait.
00:11:18 Wait.
00:11:19 I think something really happened.
00:11:21 I mean, it wouldn't look good, would it,
00:11:23 if you weren't here with me?
00:11:24 Just wait a little.
00:11:25 It'll soon pass off.
00:11:27 [GASPS]
00:11:28 [GASPS]
00:11:29 [GASPS]
00:11:31 Are you-- are you keen on football?
00:11:35 All the boys are, aren't they?
00:11:36 Yes, ma'am.
00:11:37 One way or another.
00:11:39 It's always tackle, dribble, dribble, shoot.
00:11:43 Yes, but--
00:11:44 Why can't you look into my eyes?
00:11:46 Look, boy.
00:11:48 Stop it.
00:11:49 Stop staring at my tits.
00:11:52 What position do you play in, boy?
00:11:53 Mm-hmm.
00:11:54 Well, where do you play?
00:11:55 Mm-hmm.
00:11:56 OK, ma'am.
00:11:57 It doesn't matter.
00:11:58 They're all the same now.
00:11:59 They're all playing all over the pit, pushing hard,
00:12:02 barking tight, screaming the ball, tackle, tackle,
00:12:07 dribble, dribble, shoot.
00:12:09 Keep your eyes off, boy.
00:12:11 It isn't decent.
00:12:13 Did you see Georgie Best score those six goals at Northampton?
00:12:17 [GASPS]
00:12:18 Six of them.
00:12:20 The second one, when he got his head to it, just a touch,
00:12:25 and it flew in.
00:12:27 Or that other one, when he dribbled across the field,
00:12:32 a dummy, close dribble, dribble, and shot.
00:12:38 No, no, he just pushed it in, just glided it in, slowly,
00:12:46 just inside the post.
00:12:49 Oh, no.
00:12:50 You can't keep Georgie out.
00:12:52 Oh, boy, boy, Georgie Best.
00:12:58 Get out.
00:13:04 I don't need you anymore.
00:13:07 Mike?
00:13:17 Mike?
00:13:20 Mike?
00:13:21 Mike?
00:13:26 What are you doing up there?
00:13:29 Well, is it OK to be up here?
00:13:31 Manager never comes up here.
00:13:34 What is it?
00:13:36 Oh, it's just some birds up here nesting.
00:13:38 Really?
00:13:39 Here, this is for you.
00:13:45 10 bob?
00:13:46 From that fat beauty.
00:13:48 How was it, all right?
00:13:49 I don't want the money.
00:13:50 Oh, come on, don't be so childish.
00:13:51 You keep it.
00:13:52 I don't want it.
00:13:53 You keep it.
00:13:54 So I don't want it.
00:13:55 Mike.
00:13:57 I helped out a bit here while you were busy with her.
00:14:01 Thanks.
00:14:03 Do you see what I mean?
00:14:05 You can pick up quite a bit, really.
00:14:07 You don't have to do anything for it.
00:14:10 Just go along with the gag, that's all they want.
00:14:16 Do you think we'd better go down?
00:14:19 I'll, um...
00:14:22 I'll pick him out and tell you when to swap.
00:14:26 Shop!
00:14:28 That sounds like my dad.
00:14:30 Shop, Michael!
00:14:31 That sounds like...
00:14:32 Hey, let's have some service here.
00:14:36 Could be my father.
00:14:41 Mum! Dad!
00:14:45 Hey, Mum, please, look, this is for gents only.
00:14:47 You'll have to go in the womens.
00:14:48 Nice, what can we get?
00:14:49 It's your mum's bath night, son.
00:14:51 Mummy's boy.
00:14:53 Better late than never, if you ask me, eh, son?
00:15:00 Look, please, Mum, go in the womens.
00:15:02 You'll get the full treatment, OK?
00:15:03 Have full treatment.
00:15:05 How goes it, son?
00:15:09 Oh, it goes all right.
00:15:13 Sue, Sue, you know that woman you've got in there?
00:15:17 It's me mum.
00:15:19 So what?
00:15:21 Well, be nice to her, give her the treatment.
00:15:23 It's too late.
00:15:25 What?
00:15:27 I had to put her in her place.
00:15:29 But why?
00:15:31 She deserves it.
00:15:33 Sue, what are you saying?
00:15:35 I told you, it's me mum.
00:15:37 Your mum is a cow.
00:15:41 Sue.
00:15:43 Sue.
00:15:45 Sue.
00:15:47 Don't say things like that.
00:15:49 It's not nice.
00:15:51 She's a cow.
00:15:53 Your mother's a silly old cow.
00:16:02 Yes.
00:16:03 She can't be, she's dead.
00:16:10 Sue.
00:16:12 Sue, I'm sorry.
00:16:28 Good night.
00:16:36 See you at home.
00:16:38 Good night.
00:16:40 [door opens]
00:16:42 [door closes]
00:16:45 [music]
00:17:05 [music]
00:17:08 [music]
00:17:11 [music]
00:17:14 [music]
00:17:16 Reading on duty?
00:17:42 [footsteps]
00:17:44 Mike, I'll see to things in your section.
00:17:50 There's a lady waiting, will you see to her?
00:17:52 Oh, my mum left this for me.
00:17:54 Did she?
00:18:01 Go on, go on.
00:18:11 I'm afraid the girl attendant isn't here, but I'll show you to your cabin, madam.
00:18:15 Are you new here?
00:18:17 Yes.
00:18:18 But I don't like football.
00:18:20 Can you fetch me a bottle of shampoo, please?
00:18:23 Yep.
00:18:24 Oh, that's no good.
00:18:27 I need a medicated one.
00:18:29 Well, if it's no good, it's no good. What can I do?
00:18:31 [footsteps]
00:18:33 [footsteps]
00:18:35 [door closes]
00:18:55 [footsteps]
00:18:57 Um, it's your medicated shampoo.
00:19:12 Thanks.
00:19:14 [door closes]
00:19:16 Sorry.
00:19:19 Sir!
00:19:21 Mike!
00:19:23 It's good to see you again. How are you?
00:19:25 I'm fine, sir.
00:19:26 You like working here? It's fun, huh?
00:19:28 Oh, it keeps me fit now I'm no longer in your class.
00:19:30 Does it?
00:19:32 [laughter]
00:19:36 Not bad.
00:19:38 I expect I'll be running into you now and again.
00:19:43 In winter I take a bath here occasionally.
00:19:46 See you around.
00:19:48 Come on, get your clothes on. What are we all hanging about for? Peen?
00:19:52 Mmm, thanks.
00:19:54 Where do you want it? Let's sit over here.
00:19:56 Um, cheese and pickle, is that alright? Yeah, great.
00:20:02 Here, look at this.
00:20:05 [doorbell rings]
00:20:07 I can't believe you're bleeding out open doors.
00:20:09 I used to be a swimming captain. Here, look at this lot.
00:20:11 I feel like an organ grinder. Look at this. Look.
00:20:14 Alright.
00:20:16 Look at the old one up on the board there.
00:20:18 [water splashes]
00:20:20 Bet you can't do that, mate.
00:20:22 I never tried.
00:20:24 It was always the first time.
00:20:27 Hey, that's her. That's the girl.
00:20:29 Huh, oh to be a sandwich now that spring is here.
00:20:32 Why don't you go and change in the men's room? You can't change out here.
00:20:35 It's alright, she's seen it all before, hasn't she?
00:20:37 Hey, you can't swim like that.
00:20:39 I mean, uh...
00:20:40 You're thunder.
00:20:41 Have you had her yet? I mean, have you been up there?
00:20:43 Got round there? Is she any good, is she?
00:20:45 Give us it back.
00:20:48 Oh, you...
00:20:50 Don't get it.
00:20:51 Get your bloody self.
00:20:53 Come on.
00:20:54 Push him, come on.
00:20:55 Push him.
00:20:56 In the water.
00:20:57 [screams]
00:20:58 [water splashes]
00:20:59 Get him.
00:21:00 Okay.
00:21:01 That's it.
00:21:02 Hold him down.
00:21:04 Get him down.
00:21:06 [chanting]
00:21:18 [chanting]
00:21:22 [water splashes]
00:21:24 Come on, let's get him.
00:21:29 Don't let him get away.
00:21:31 Here you are.
00:21:36 They're quite dry now.
00:21:37 [slam]
00:21:38 No good.
00:21:51 You see, it's the same every night in winter.
00:21:53 It never starts on its own.
00:21:55 One of these days, I'm really going to give her one.
00:22:05 What?
00:22:07 That girl, Susan.
00:22:09 Right, Mike, you jump in the driving seat, and I'll push.
00:22:13 Release the clutch very slowly.
00:22:17 Once we're going at a bit of a lick.
00:22:19 You know how many people have made help.
00:22:24 Yes, sir, can I help you?
00:22:27 It's all right, I've already talked to the manager.
00:22:29 Oh, great, it's these.
00:22:30 Did you read about these?
00:22:31 Can I have one to put in my room?
00:22:32 Yes, of course.
00:22:33 Oh, thanks, great.
00:22:34 Oh, fantastic.
00:22:35 Do you see it in the paper?
00:22:36 What does it say?
00:22:37 That thing from the Family Planning Association.
00:22:40 The pregnant man.
00:22:41 I think it's a good idea.
00:22:42 Stupid.
00:22:43 Gives you quite a shock, doesn't it?
00:22:44 It's completely stupid.
00:22:45 Cheerio.
00:22:46 Bye-bye.
00:22:47 Why is it stupid?
00:22:48 Because a man should never get pregnant.
00:22:49 That's hardly the point.
00:22:50 The point is, it's a shock.
00:22:52 It makes you look at it, and then you think about,
00:22:54 perhaps I ought to think about...
00:22:55 About what?
00:22:56 How could a man ever be like that?
00:22:58 You can tell, look, you can see a few of them.
00:23:00 Come here, come here.
00:23:01 Wait, you can see just a cushion.
00:23:03 Shut up.
00:23:04 Sit down.
00:23:05 Put your feet up here.
00:23:06 Here you go.
00:23:07 Put your feet up.
00:23:08 Lie down.
00:23:09 Just relax.
00:23:10 Just relax, just relax.
00:23:11 Just sit.
00:23:12 Lie down.
00:23:13 There.
00:23:14 Susan, it's perfectly close to her.
00:23:15 See?
00:23:16 Fantastic.
00:23:17 You can be carrying it around with you.
00:23:18 Susan, stop it.
00:23:19 Sit down.
00:23:20 Oh, wait, wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:23:21 I've got a better idea.
00:23:22 This is better.
00:23:23 I don't need custody of the baby.
00:23:24 Hey, you're not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:25 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:26 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:27 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:28 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:29 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:31 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:32 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:33 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:34 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:35 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:36 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:37 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:38 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:39 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:40 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:41 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:42 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:43 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:44 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:45 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:46 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:23:47 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:24:12 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:24:37 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:02 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:30 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:32 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:33 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:34 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:35 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:36 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:37 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:38 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:39 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:40 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:41 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:42 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:43 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:44 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:45 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:46 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:25:47 I'm not going to get custody of the baby.
00:26:15 You know what, Sue?
00:26:17 What?
00:26:18 I could see you home tonight if you want me to.
00:26:22 You know what?
00:26:23 My fiancé is picking me up tonight.
00:26:44 Nice weather for ducks, isn't it?
00:26:45 Oh, I don't want to see this.
00:26:46 Why not?
00:26:47 Oh, it's silly.
00:26:48 It's dirty.
00:26:49 You're not going to have one of your moodies again, are you?
00:26:50 Come on.
00:26:51 I'm not going to see this.
00:26:52 I'm not going to see this.
00:26:53 I'm not going to see this.
00:26:54 I'm not going to see this.
00:26:55 I'm not going to see this.
00:26:56 I'm not going to see this.
00:26:57 I'm not going to see this.
00:26:58 I'm not going to see this.
00:26:59 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:00 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:01 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:02 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:03 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:04 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:05 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:06 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:07 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:08 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:09 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:10 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:11 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:12 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:13 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:14 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:15 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:16 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:17 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:18 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:19 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:20 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:21 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:22 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:23 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:24 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:25 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:26 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:27 I'm not going to see this.
00:27:29 Thanks.
00:27:30 Thank you, sir.
00:27:31 Oh, there are surprises even in sexual life.
00:27:51 According to my latest findings,
00:27:53 a woman has 3,267 erogenic zones.
00:27:59 So...
00:28:00 Good evening.
00:28:11 There are many misleading theories about the subject of women
00:28:15 who are so-called frigid.
00:28:19 Books have been filled on the subject.
00:28:22 Many, many books.
00:28:24 But these are pseudo-scientific studies.
00:28:27 Therefore, I have come to the conclusion
00:28:29 that there are no frigid women.
00:28:32 Dear friend, it all depends on you
00:28:37 when properly manipulating, dear friend.
00:28:44 Scientifically speaking,
00:28:48 excited, fondled,
00:28:52 you can prepare your sexual partner
00:28:57 to the highest level of sexual satisfaction.
00:29:02 So...
00:29:03 What's up?
00:29:08 This bloody bastard's touching me up.
00:29:10 What?
00:29:11 I'll get the manager.
00:29:16 Yeah.
00:29:18 What's up?
00:29:19 This bloody bastard's touching me up.
00:29:21 What?
00:29:22 I'll get the manager.
00:29:27 Yeah.
00:29:28 Sue, Sue, you know it's me. It's only a joke.
00:29:46 (SIREN WAILING)
00:29:48 Sit down.
00:30:10 Yeah, that's him.
00:30:12 Sir, you should be ashamed of yourself at your age.
00:30:15 I'm not ashamed.
00:30:16 Shh.
00:30:17 Shall I get the police? Do you want to charge him?
00:30:19 Do you want to charge him? Of course I want to charge him.
00:30:21 Of course she wants to charge him. I'll get the police.
00:30:23 We'll get the police. Go on, then. Right, all right.
00:30:28 Shut up.
00:30:29 Move up. Shh.
00:30:34 (LAUGHTER)
00:30:36 You're making a bloody fuss, not me.
00:30:39 What's the matter with you? Shut up.
00:30:41 For Christ's sake, bloody move up.
00:30:44 Shut up, bloody dog.
00:30:46 That's him.
00:30:49 Come on, son.
00:30:52 Come on, son, get moving.
00:30:54 I hope everything's all right now.
00:31:00 Yes, thank you. Enjoy yourselves.
00:31:02 Go on.
00:31:03 (LAUGHTER)
00:31:11 (SIREN WAILING)
00:31:13 (SCREAMING)
00:31:18 What is the matter with you?
00:31:24 Christ.
00:31:27 So, you see, a little love goes a long, long way.
00:31:32 What exactly were you doing to her?
00:31:39 I love her.
00:31:40 You perverted little monster.
00:31:43 I'm not a perverted little monster.
00:31:45 Let's get that couple in.
00:31:47 We can't press charges without their evidence.
00:31:49 Get them in. All right.
00:31:51 How old are you, son?
00:31:55 15.
00:31:56 15? 15.
00:32:00 15.
00:32:02 Then you had no right to be here.
00:32:06 This is an ex-film.
00:32:09 They're not there. They've left.
00:32:11 Are you sure?
00:32:12 Yes, I'm sure.
00:32:13 Well, then there's no charge.
00:32:16 Wait a moment.
00:32:18 Maybe there is.
00:32:20 How old would you say this boy is?
00:32:25 Well, about 18.
00:32:28 15. How come you let him in?
00:32:30 15. 15?
00:32:31 Yes.
00:32:32 Performing manipulations of this kind at 15?
00:32:34 But I was...
00:32:35 He looks much older.
00:32:37 Well, I'll have to talk to the cashier.
00:32:40 She had no right to sell him the ticket.
00:32:43 We'll know you if it happens again.
00:32:46 We've got a note of your name and address and you won't get off so easily next time.
00:32:51 Go on. Buzz off.
00:32:53 Now, then.
00:33:00 Well, gentlemen.
00:33:03 Have a drink.
00:33:04 Gin and tonic.
00:33:07 I only mean that if you want me, you should understand others wanting me the same way.
00:33:15 They like me too.
00:33:16 How can you compare me to him?
00:33:18 He's just a kid. Scaring him is enough.
00:33:20 A kid? Pawning you from behind like that?
00:33:22 That's what you always try to do. Pawn me.
00:33:24 Look, why didn't you charge him in the cinema? You said you were going to charge him. We've got the manager.
00:33:27 Listen, when we're married, you can look after me. For the time being, just let me take care of things my own way, would you?
00:33:30 Sure.
00:33:31 I've always wanted to be someone.
00:33:50 Someone like me.
00:33:52 I've always wanted to be like this.
00:33:55 Yeah.
00:33:56 Oh, come on.
00:33:58 Come on.
00:33:59 Yeah.
00:34:01 This man's trying to molest me.
00:34:23 Oh, one of those again, eh?
00:34:24 What?
00:34:25 Just one moment, sir.
00:34:26 Look.
00:34:27 Did he speak to you?
00:34:28 Him again, this little bastard.
00:34:29 Did he make any indecent suggestions?
00:34:30 He's trying to touch me.
00:34:31 What are you...
00:34:32 Look, this little pucker was sitting behind us in the cinema.
00:34:34 All right for now, sir.
00:34:35 Are you charging him, boy, with impotuning?
00:34:39 Huh? Look, he doesn't even know what it means.
00:34:41 Yes, yes, I want to charge him.
00:34:42 All right.
00:34:43 Your name, sir, please.
00:34:44 Look, I can explain this situation to you.
00:34:46 Your name, sir, please.
00:34:47 Is that what... Look, he's gone. Look. Look.
00:34:50 I'd still like your name.
00:34:51 And what are you going to base the charge? What is it?
00:34:53 Impotuning, sir.
00:34:56 Why are you always doing that?
00:34:57 Well, I could use the extra bob.
00:34:59 Anyway, I'm bored.
00:35:01 Everything gets boring after a time.
00:35:03 Your fiancé seems a good sort of chap.
00:35:06 He's OK?
00:35:10 He phoned me first thing this morning.
00:35:17 Yeah?
00:35:18 He must have a few bob.
00:35:19 Bob?
00:35:20 When's the happy day?
00:35:29 Not just yet.
00:35:31 But I might decide tomorrow, as a matter of fact.
00:35:34 Tomorrow?
00:35:36 Why tomorrow?
00:35:37 We're going to buy the ring.
00:35:40 Do you think I should have a diamond or a ruby or maybe a sapphire?
00:35:48 I don't know.
00:35:49 Afterwards, we're going to go and have something to eat somewhere, I expect.
00:35:57 A little celebration.
00:35:59 Then we're going to go to Skoll.
00:36:02 Skoll?
00:36:04 What's Skoll?
00:36:05 Mike, what are you doing?
00:36:07 It's a nightclub.
00:36:09 Mike, stop it. Stop wasting my cotton.
00:36:11 Here, give it to me.
00:36:13 It's all dirty.
00:36:15 Look at you, Dan.
00:36:17 Mad...
00:36:18 Excuse me, could you please...
00:36:19 You're not allowed in here.
00:36:20 Could you go outside?
00:36:22 This is for the attendant only, you know.
00:36:24 Keep an eye on my section, would you, Mike?
00:36:33 Keep an eye on my section, would you, Mike?
00:36:34 Thank you, Mike.
00:36:35 [Music]
00:36:38 [Music]
00:36:41 [Music]
00:36:44 [Music]
00:36:46 (dramatic music)
00:36:48 (dramatic music)
00:36:51 (grunting)
00:36:53 (dramatic music)
00:36:56 (gun cocks)
00:36:59 (dramatic music)
00:37:02 (glass shatters)
00:37:06 (dramatic music)
00:37:09 (dramatic music)
00:37:12 (dramatic music)
00:37:14 (dramatic music)
00:37:17 (dramatic music)
00:37:20 (dramatic music)
00:37:23 (dramatic music)
00:37:26 (dramatic music)
00:37:28 (dramatic music)
00:37:31 (dramatic music)
00:37:34 (gun cocks)
00:37:37 (alarm rings)
00:37:41 (indistinct chatter)
00:38:00 - Oh my God, oh my God!
00:38:02 - What's the problem?
00:38:03 Who sounded the alarm?
00:38:05 Where is he?
00:38:07 Who sounded the alarm?
00:38:08 Just a moment.
00:38:10 Now, just a moment.
00:38:11 Who did it?
00:38:13 (dramatic music)
00:38:16 - Ladies, ladies, return to your section.
00:38:23 You're not allowed to mix with the men.
00:38:26 (indistinct chatter)
00:38:29 - There is no fire.
00:38:32 - I know, I know.
00:38:33 It was a false alarm.
00:38:35 I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
00:38:37 Return to your cubicles.
00:38:39 (indistinct chatter)
00:38:42 Now then, don't think I don't know what's going on here.
00:38:48 On punctuality, tea leaves thrown down the toilet.
00:38:55 Cigarette ends in the cubicles.
00:38:58 And there was a dirty towel
00:39:00 just lying in the main corridor on Tuesday afternoon.
00:39:04 Just see it doesn't happen again.
00:39:08 (indistinct chatter)
00:39:16 - She knows who has to clear this up.
00:39:24 - I'm not taking it with you.
00:39:25 - I'll just start the going anyway.
00:39:26 Keep in there, out the way.
00:39:28 (dramatic music)
00:39:31 - Good afternoon, son.
00:39:50 I'd like to know where your...
00:39:52 (indistinct chatter)
00:39:55 - Toilet is.
00:39:57 - Oh, toilet.
00:40:01 Toilet, yes.
00:40:02 It's, you see the one, two, three on the left.
00:40:06 - Thank you.
00:40:07 (footsteps tapping)
00:40:11 (dramatic music)
00:40:20 (car engine roaring)
00:40:23 - My.
00:40:36 (car horn honking)
00:40:38 Get out of my way.
00:40:39 (car horn honking)
00:40:41 My.
00:40:42 (car horn honking)
00:40:45 (car horn honking)
00:40:51 (car horn honking)
00:40:54 Stay out of my way, you're crazy.
00:41:05 Hey, Sue, pack it.
00:41:07 Sue, pack it up.
00:41:09 Sue, pack, Susan.
00:41:11 Don't stop my bike.
00:41:14 You've ruined my bike.
00:41:19 There's a crash with you in my section.
00:41:21 - No, I told you Sue, no more swapping.
00:41:24 - Oh, it's not.
00:41:25 She asked you by name.
00:41:25 She knows you.
00:41:27 Kathy, Kathleen something or other.
00:41:28 - Kathy?
00:41:30 - Your girlfriend.
00:41:31 - I haven't got one.
00:41:48 (footsteps tapping)
00:41:50 - Kathy, where are you?
00:41:52 - I'm here, Mike.
00:41:53 (knocking)
00:41:59 (water splashing)
00:42:01 Don't be so shy, Mike.
00:42:04 Come on in.
00:42:06 - What brings you here?
00:42:10 - The bath, of course.
00:42:11 Your service has become quite famous, you know.
00:42:17 - No, really, the boys told me you were here.
00:42:19 You had a fight over that girl, didn't you?
00:42:21 - Yep.
00:42:22 She's not my girl.
00:42:23 It's just that they were asking for it.
00:42:25 - I was just curious.
00:42:27 You never phone anymore.
00:42:29 What's the matter?
00:42:30 Do you still want to...
00:42:33 Look, Mike, it's all right now.
00:42:36 Since you've left, things have happened.
00:42:37 - Kathy.
00:42:38 - It's all right now, Mike.
00:42:40 It's all right now.
00:42:41 - Kathy, stop it.
00:42:42 I don't know how to explain.
00:42:45 It's not you.
00:42:47 You're all right.
00:42:48 It's just that, I don't know,
00:42:51 all that old scene seems so strange now.
00:42:54 As if it were someone else.
00:42:57 Not me at all.
00:42:58 I'm sorry, Kathy.
00:43:02 - Hey, don't forget your tip.
00:43:14 - Let me take it, madam.
00:43:16 (birds chirping)
00:43:18 (footsteps tapping)
00:43:21 (birds chirping)
00:43:25 (birds chirping)
00:43:28 (birds chirping)
00:43:30 (birds chirping)
00:43:33 (birds chirping)
00:43:36 (birds chirping)
00:43:39 (birds chirping)
00:43:41 (birds chirping)
00:43:44 (birds chirping)
00:43:47 (birds chirping)
00:43:50 (birds chirping)
00:43:52 (sighs)
00:44:08 (footsteps tapping)
00:44:11 (leaves rustling)
00:44:19 (footsteps tapping)
00:44:22 - You'd like some of this, wouldn't you?
00:44:25 - Susan, can't you see I'm busy?
00:44:27 - Of course, I'm very lucky not having a weight problem.
00:44:30 I can eat almost anything.
00:44:31 You're very quiet this morning.
00:44:44 What's wrong with you?
00:44:46 (footsteps tapping)
00:44:49 (leaves rustling)
00:44:55 (footsteps tapping)
00:45:00 (footsteps tapping)
00:45:11 (footsteps tapping)
00:45:14 - Just sign.
00:45:29 (leaves rustling)
00:45:36 (footsteps tapping)
00:45:39 (footsteps tapping)
00:45:53 (leaves rustling)
00:46:02 (footsteps tapping)
00:46:05 (upbeat music)
00:46:09 - Excuse me, excuse me a moment.
00:46:16 - Yes, I'll help you.
00:46:18 - Have you seen a couple come in?
00:46:21 The girl's a redhead, very good looking.
00:46:23 You couldn't miss her.
00:46:24 - Oh, one went in about 10 minutes ago
00:46:26 with a dark, balding gentleman.
00:46:28 - Oh no, the bloke's got a lot of hair,
00:46:30 sort of horse-faced.
00:46:31 - Oh, actually, there were two gentlemen.
00:46:34 Good evening, sir.
00:46:35 The other man may have been a bit horsey.
00:46:38 - I am.
00:46:39 - Oh, fine, thank you.
00:46:40 - It could be them.
00:46:41 Yeah, I'll take a single.
00:46:45 - Are you a member, sir?
00:46:46 - A member? No.
00:46:49 - In that case, I'm afraid you can't go in, sir.
00:46:51 Not unless you want to enroll and pay your membership fee.
00:46:54 - Well, how much is that?
00:46:55 - Three guineas, please, sir.
00:46:56 - Three guineas.
00:46:58 (upbeat music)
00:47:01 (audience applauding)
00:47:04 - Fill in this form, please.
00:47:07 And I'm afraid there's another 12 and six
00:47:15 for your first drink.
00:47:17 - Hello, darling. - Good evening.
00:47:19 - Here we are.
00:47:20 - Take this.
00:47:21 - All right.
00:47:22 Thank you.
00:47:23 - Thank you.
00:47:25 - Look, couldn't I go in without a drink, just this one?
00:47:30 - Oh, I'm afraid it's not possible under our rules.
00:47:33 Do you still wish to join?
00:47:34 - Can I use your loo? - Certainly, in there.
00:47:44 - Hello, Angie.
00:47:50 How's your love life? - Good evening, sir.
00:47:51 Hello, thank you.
00:47:52 - That's my fiance.
00:47:53 Not bad, eh?
00:47:54 Here you go, then.
00:47:59 I'll see you later.
00:48:00 (Angie laughing)
00:48:03 Thank you.
00:48:08 - I'm terribly sorry. - Good evening, madam.
00:48:18 - Sorry.
00:48:20 - Step this way, please.
00:48:21 - I'm sorry.
00:48:23 - Warmer inside, sir.
00:48:25 Pop it.
00:48:28 (upbeat music)
00:48:32 (gun firing)
00:48:34 ♪ I've seen bad men sleep to the right by the sky ♪
00:48:42 ♪ I've seen bad men sleep to the right by the sky ♪
00:48:48 ♪ I've seen bad men sleep to the right by the sky ♪
00:48:55 ♪ I've seen bad men sleep to the right by the sky ♪
00:49:00 - How much is a hot dog?
00:49:01 - One and nine, sir.
00:49:02 - Yes, yes, all right.
00:49:05 - With mustard?
00:49:05 One and nine, please, sir.
00:49:11 - Thank you very much.
00:49:13 - Thank you, sir.
00:49:13 - Thank you.
00:49:14 ♪ I've seen bad men sleep to the right by the sky ♪
00:49:21 ♪ I've seen bad men sleep to the right by the sky ♪
00:49:29 ♪ Tell me where's your friends sleepin' ♪
00:49:34 ♪ Tell me where's your friends sleepin' ♪
00:49:37 - Live show, sir, on now.
00:49:38 Only 10 bob, she takes everything off.
00:49:41 Film show too, sir.
00:49:42 You find it very educational.
00:49:44 - Hot dog, please.
00:49:49 - With mustard?
00:49:51 - Yes.
00:49:52 - One and nine, please.
00:49:54 Thank you, sir.
00:49:56 - Thank you.
00:49:59 - Live, continuous, strict thing.
00:50:01 Show's on now.
00:50:02 18 lovely girls, nothing on and nowhere to hide.
00:50:04 They're all beautiful, not a stitch on.
00:50:05 All comes off here, everything's on show.
00:50:07 They move, they dance, everything moves.
00:50:09 It's a beautiful show.
00:50:10 Good, clean show, lots of lovely virgins in here, sir.
00:50:13 Every one hand picked by myself.
00:50:14 Are you coming inside, sir?
00:50:16 Hey, coming inside, you're gonna see the show.
00:50:18 Worth every penny you got.
00:50:19 10 bob to get in, sir.
00:50:21 10 bob, three bob.
00:50:22 Hey, what are you doing with that, sir?
00:50:23 Put it down, say, don't know what you're doing.
00:50:25 - Hey, put her down.
00:50:26 - 18 lovely girls, as naked as the day
00:50:28 they were born, only bigger and juicier.
00:50:30 Nothing on and nowhere to hide.
00:50:32 Step inside, sir, the show's on now.
00:50:34 Continuous show.
00:50:35 Step right inside, sir, the show's on now.
00:50:37 The show's on now.
00:50:38 - Where did you get this poster?
00:50:40 - Angelica, continental, born in Manchester.
00:50:43 Why don't you ask her for yourself?
00:50:44 You're gonna fault her.
00:50:45 Very expensive girl.
00:50:46 Step right inside, sir, the show's on now.
00:50:48 18 beautiful girls, nothing on and nowhere to hide.
00:50:51 - Thank you, sir. - Thank you.
00:50:55 18 lovely girls, nothing on and nowhere to hide.
00:50:57 It's all on show in here, it all comes off in here.
00:50:59 Not a stitch on.
00:51:00 Continuous live strip tease.
00:51:02 10 bob to get in, sir.
00:51:03 Hey, say, sir, excuse me, sir.
00:51:04 I say, sir, you coming inside, sir?
00:51:06 Come on, sir, I want you to go inside, sir.
00:51:07 10 bob, going in, show's on now.
00:51:09 Right, go on, sir.
00:51:11 Live, you'll love it, sir.
00:51:12 Right, sir.
00:51:13 (upbeat music)
00:51:16 (tires screeching)
00:51:19 - Hold on.
00:51:27 - Sorry. - Who is it?
00:51:33 - Hey, where's Angelica?
00:51:34 Who's taken Angelica?
00:51:35 Hey, hey, where's Angelica?
00:51:36 You seen her? - A customer?
00:51:38 - Someone's taken Angelica. - A customer, yes.
00:51:39 - Can I come in?
00:51:40 - Yeah, of course you can.
00:51:41 - Well, I'm not sure I can.
00:51:44 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:46 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:47 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:48 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:49 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:50 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:51 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:52 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:53 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:54 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:55 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:56 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:57 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:58 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:51:59 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:52:00 - Well, I'm not sure I can either.
00:52:01 (knocking)
00:52:03 - You got a match?
00:52:11 - A match, yes.
00:52:16 - Oh.
00:52:25 Oh.
00:52:27 (knocking)
00:52:29 - Hmm.
00:52:36 You're all trembling.
00:52:37 Why?
00:52:38 - Well, I've been, I've been running a lot.
00:52:42 - Have a drink, won't you?
00:52:44 - Thanks.
00:52:45 Well, how much is it?
00:52:47 - Be my guest.
00:52:49 - Oh, thank you.
00:52:52 (footsteps)
00:52:54 - Why don't you take a glass?
00:53:01 - Um, why make it dirty?
00:53:03 Well, I...
00:53:05 - Hey, what do you do, boy?
00:53:07 Are you at school?
00:53:09 - Um, no, I work.
00:53:10 - Where?
00:53:12 - Come on, sir, where is she?
00:53:15 Where's Angelica?
00:53:16 - I'm a public baths attendant.
00:53:18 - Nice job, is it?
00:53:20 - Well, it could, yeah, it could be worse.
00:53:22 - Pays well?
00:53:24 - Yes, quite well.
00:53:25 I got my first 10 quid today.
00:53:26 - Oh, today.
00:53:28 Any tips?
00:53:30 - Um, yeah, 10 bob.
00:53:32 I got 10 bob once.
00:53:34 - 10 bob?
00:53:35 Well, you must have been a queer.
00:53:36 Must have fancied you.
00:53:37 - No, no. - Be careful, boy.
00:53:39 - No, really, it was nothing like that.
00:53:40 It was a lady.
00:53:41 - A lady?
00:53:42 What did you do for her?
00:53:43 - Nothing, really.
00:53:44 I think she was a bit soft in the head.
00:53:47 Kept on talking about football.
00:53:49 - Oh, we're probably in the same line.
00:53:51 Football, huh?
00:53:53 Are you a football fan?
00:53:56 - Yes, I am.
00:53:57 - Hang on, come here.
00:53:58 Let me show you something, come.
00:54:01 Look.
00:54:03 You know him?
00:54:06 - Oh, yeah, yeah, he's great.
00:54:07 He plays for West Bromwich.
00:54:09 Yes, well, uh...
00:54:12 Um...
00:54:15 I see you're not working, so I'll have to go.
00:54:17 - Well, what do you mean, not working?
00:54:19 I've never needed work more.
00:54:20 There's no insurance in this kind of business.
00:54:22 Do you know how much I'm worth?
00:54:24 - No.
00:54:25 - I used to take five quid for a short time.
00:54:28 It's two pounds ten now, of course.
00:54:35 Close the door.
00:54:38 Oh, it's Angelica.
00:54:40 Do you fancy her as well?
00:54:42 - Do you know-- do you know this girl?
00:54:43 Do you know her?
00:54:44 - Well, it depends what you mean by know her.
00:54:45 - Yeah, but you know her name.
00:54:47 - What do you do with all your money, boy?
00:54:50 - I keep three pounds and give the rest to my mother,
00:54:52 but do you know this girl?
00:54:53 - Seven pounds?
00:54:54 Seven quid?
00:54:55 You're mad.
00:54:56 What do they need it for?
00:54:57 They've no shame.
00:54:58 - Well, they feed me, now, but this girl--
00:54:59 - No, they should.
00:55:00 They brought you into this world, haven't they?
00:55:01 They've had their fun, they can pay now.
00:55:04 They all want to have it free.
00:55:06 So you've only got three quid left?
00:55:08 You can't imagine the things we can do for three quid.
00:55:11 - Yeah, yes, but you said two and a half.
00:55:14 - Yes, two and a half, of course.
00:55:16 Hey, let's not waste any more time.
00:55:18 Where do you need her?
00:55:20 There?
00:55:21 You just want to see her when you do it, is that it?
00:55:24 It's easier for you, eh?
00:55:26 - No, stop it, please.
00:55:28 Stop it.
00:55:29 Look, I have to go now.
00:55:30 - You think you can just go and leave a girl in this state?
00:55:34 - I don't have to pay, do I?
00:55:36 - What do you think?
00:55:37 You've had my time, my drink, my emotions.
00:55:39 You've made me nervous.
00:55:42 Look, come on, stop it, give it to me.
00:55:44 Give me the thing, give it.
00:55:46 - Hey, you.
00:55:52 Where's Angie?
00:55:53 What have you done with her?
00:55:54 Hey, come on, where is she?
00:55:56 Give her to us.
00:55:57 Come on, give her to us.
00:55:58 Where is she?
00:55:59 Get him, get him.
00:56:00 Come on, you pervert.
00:56:02 Where's Angie?
00:56:03 Come on, I want her back.
00:56:04 - You've got to bust it.
00:56:05 - Hey, come back.
00:56:06 Come back.
00:56:07 Come on, come back.
00:56:09 Hey, hey, come back, you two.
00:56:11 Hey, come on.
00:56:13 Get out, you dirty, foreign pervert.
00:56:15 Come back here.
00:56:16 - Can I help you, sir?
00:56:23 - Yes, did the young couple come out yet?
00:56:26 - No, I don't think so.
00:56:28 - But they were here.
00:56:29 - I think so.
00:56:31 - Excuse me, sir.
00:56:32 Would you please read this?
00:56:34 It tells you about Christ.
00:56:36 It tells you about Christ.
00:56:37 - We want to talk to you today about the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:56:40 - Yes, please.
00:56:41 - There are two things you can be certain of in this life.
00:56:43 - Thank you very much.
00:56:44 - One of them is the fact that the sun is going to rise
00:56:46 tomorrow morning.
00:56:47 - With my stockings?
00:56:48 - Yes.
00:56:49 - And the other thing is that the Lord Jesus Christ
00:56:51 is going to come to you.
00:56:52 - Yes, I'm going to be there.
00:56:53 - I'm going to be there.
00:56:54 - I'm going to be there.
00:56:55 - I'm going to be there.
00:56:56 - I'm going to be there.
00:56:57 - I'm going to be there.
00:56:58 - I'm going to be there.
00:56:59 - Yes.
00:57:00 - The other is the fact that one day there's
00:57:02 a coffin waiting for you.
00:57:04 The Bible tells us there's no way out.
00:57:06 - Where'd you get that?
00:57:07 - These men gave it to me.
00:57:09 - No, not that, the hot dog.
00:57:10 - Oh, hot dog.
00:57:11 Just here, look.
00:57:12 I'll show you.
00:57:13 - Yeah, I fancy a hot dog.
00:57:14 - Do you?
00:57:15 Have one.
00:57:16 They're nice.
00:57:17 They're very good.
00:57:18 - I'll go one, thanks.
00:57:19 - Here, look.
00:57:20 Hey, over here.
00:57:21 Look.
00:57:22 - Oh, they're lovely.
00:57:24 - Two more customers for you.
00:57:26 - Oh, I'm ever so hungry.
00:57:27 - I'm starving.
00:57:28 - Have one.
00:57:29 - What are they doing?
00:57:30 Do you know what they're going on about?
00:57:31 - Do you know they're giving out?
00:57:32 Do you know what they're going on about?
00:57:33 - No.
00:57:34 - Here, we can have a hot dog then.
00:57:35 - You are a sinner.
00:57:36 - It smells too.
00:57:37 - Hey, go on.
00:57:38 - Three hot dogs, please.
00:57:39 - With mustard?
00:57:40 - Yes.
00:57:41 - Oh, please.
00:57:42 - Yeah.
00:57:43 - You decided to follow Jesus.
00:57:44 - Don't laugh at them.
00:57:45 - Oh, thanks.
00:57:46 - Is?
00:57:47 - Oh, thanks very much.
00:57:48 - Five and three, please, sir.
00:57:49 - Oh, they're hot.
00:57:50 - Five and three, please, sir.
00:57:51 - Oh, they're hot.
00:57:52 - Five and three, please, sir.
00:57:54 - Oh, thanks very much.
00:57:56 - Five and three, please, sir.
00:57:57 - Oh, they're hot.
00:57:58 - Five and three.
00:57:59 - I don't have any jeans.
00:58:00 - No.
00:58:01 - You don't?
00:58:02 - Here.
00:58:04 - He's got a queen.
00:58:05 - Shall we sing?
00:58:07 - Thank you, sir.
00:58:08 - Thank you very much.
00:58:09 - Aren't you going to sing?
00:58:10 - Thank you.
00:58:13 - Which way did you say Piccadilly was?
00:58:14 - Piccadilly, yes.
00:58:15 It's just down there.
00:58:16 You can't miss it.
00:58:17 - Ready?
00:58:21 - Oh, come on.
00:58:22 - Ready?
00:58:23 - Um, no, sorry, because I've eaten too much.
00:58:33 - Yes, please, sir.
00:58:34 - Really, sorry, I mustn't.
00:58:36 My stomach's too...
00:58:37 - With my compliments, sir.
00:58:38 - Taxi!
00:58:40 - Yes, please, with pleasure, yes.
00:58:43 Thank you very much.
00:58:44 - 73 Cornwall Gardens.
00:58:48 - Leicester Square, two.
00:58:49 - 73 Cornwall Gardens.
00:58:50 - Leicester Square, two.
00:58:51 - Leicester Square, two.
00:58:52 - You know, we've only got the flat for tonight, haven't we?
00:58:57 Look, we're almost married.
00:58:59 - Leicester Square, two.
00:59:00 - 73 Cornwall Gardens.
00:59:02 - Wait for your seat.
00:59:03 - Sir?
00:59:05 - No, no, no, everything's happening.
00:59:06 Everything's coming through.
00:59:07 It's all on show.
00:59:08 18 fantastic girls.
00:59:09 Nothing on and nowhere to hide.
00:59:11 Want to see the show, madam?
00:59:12 It's a lovely show, madam.
00:59:13 Come and see the show, madam.
00:59:14 It's marvellous.
00:59:15 Show's on now.
00:59:16 18...
00:59:17 Hey, hey!
00:59:18 Hey, hey!
00:59:19 Come back!
00:59:20 Hey!
00:59:21 Hey!
00:59:23 Hey!
00:59:25 (car engine revving)
00:59:27 (car engine revving)
00:59:29 (car engine revving)
00:59:30 (phone ringing)
00:59:57 (car engine revving)
00:59:58 - Look, Sue, look at this.
01:00:14 - Mike!
01:00:15 Where'd you get that?
01:00:17 What is it?
01:00:18 - What is it?
01:00:19 That's exactly what I'd like to ask you.
01:00:20 What is it?
01:00:21 - What do you mean?
01:00:22 - I mean, it's you, isn't it?
01:00:24 - Oh, it does look like me, doesn't it?
01:00:26 - Well, it is you.
01:00:27 - All right.
01:00:28 - Is it you?
01:00:30 - What do you think?
01:00:32 - No, you're not like this, Sue.
01:00:33 - Like what?
01:00:34 - Like that.
01:00:35 Look at it, is it you?
01:00:36 - I'm much worse than that.
01:00:38 - It can't be you.
01:00:41 - Why?
01:00:42 - Because you're not like that.
01:00:43 - What am I supposed to be like?
01:00:44 - Oh, look, let me sit down.
01:00:47 It's you, isn't it?
01:00:50 - Well, you make up your own mind about that.
01:00:53 - If I were one of your...
01:00:54 - Yeah, what would you do?
01:00:55 What would you do?
01:00:56 Would you buy me a ring like that?
01:00:57 How much do you think that costs?
01:00:59 Look, look at it.
01:01:00 How much do you think that costs?
01:01:02 - Ten quid.
01:01:03 - Ten times that much.
01:01:04 - I'll buy it for you, Sue.
01:01:05 I'll buy it for you.
01:01:06 - Don't be silly, I've already got it.
01:01:07 - Give it to me.
01:01:08 Give me the ring.
01:01:09 - You're mad.
01:01:10 - Susan, sit down.
01:01:11 - Mike, you've got to let me go.
01:01:12 - You've got to tell me whether it's you or not.
01:01:13 Sit down, Susan.
01:01:14 - Mike, I've just about had enough.
01:01:15 Stop it.
01:01:16 - What do you think, you bloody stare, you?
01:01:21 - Sit down and behave yourself.
01:01:22 - God, look at it, look at it.
01:01:23 Stupid.
01:01:24 - Just sit down, for God's sake.
01:01:28 - Give me my coat.
01:01:35 I suppose you're going to see him now.
01:01:38 After you got engaged to the other one,
01:01:39 now you're going to see him.
01:01:40 - What if I am?
01:01:41 - Well, you can't because he sleeps with his wife.
01:01:42 It's no good, huh?
01:01:43 - Then I'll just have to see him some other time, then,
01:01:44 won't I?
01:01:45 - Has he seen the poster?
01:01:46 Has he seen it?
01:01:48 Has he seen it?
01:01:49 - He hasn't seen it because I'll show it to him
01:01:50 tomorrow at the races.
01:01:51 I'll show him this.
01:01:52 See what he thinks of you then.
01:01:54 - You're not going to the races, are you?
01:02:00 - Don't worry, I won't cause you any more trouble.
01:02:03 (water splashing)
01:02:04 (dramatic music)
01:02:26 (dramatic music)
01:02:27 (dramatic music)
01:02:32 (dramatic music)
01:02:33 (dramatic music)
01:02:34 (dramatic music)
01:02:35 (dramatic music)
01:02:36 (dramatic music)
01:02:37 (dramatic music)
01:02:38 (dramatic music)
01:02:39 (dramatic music)
01:02:40 (dramatic music)
01:02:41 (dramatic music)
01:02:42 (dramatic music)
01:02:43 (dramatic music)
01:02:44 (dramatic music)
01:02:45 (dramatic music)
01:02:46 (dramatic music)
01:02:47 (dramatic music)
01:02:48 (dramatic music)
01:02:49 (dramatic music)
01:02:50 (dramatic music)
01:02:51 (dramatic music)
01:02:52 (dramatic music)
01:02:53 (dramatic music)
01:02:54 (dramatic music)
01:02:55 (dramatic music)
01:02:56 (dramatic music)
01:02:57 (dramatic music)
01:02:58 (water splashing)
01:02:59 (water splashing)
01:03:00 (water splashing)
01:03:01 (water splashing)
01:03:02 (water splashing)
01:03:03 - Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, get in line.
01:03:07 Now steady.
01:03:08 Up, up, up, up, keep on moving left and right.
01:03:12 Up, up, up, up, up, come along, you'll soon be off.
01:03:16 Now get in line, boys, get in line.
01:03:19 Hey you, get back in line.
01:03:25 - I've got to fix my shoelace.
01:03:27 - On your marks.
01:03:30 Get set.
01:03:31 (gun firing)
01:03:33 (crowd cheering)
01:03:36 - Mike, hey, this is a school competition,
01:03:38 you can't beat it. - Will you try and stop me?
01:03:40 (crowd cheering)
01:03:43 - Hey you, get back in line.
01:03:59 Hey you, push off, go on.
01:04:01 (whistling)
01:04:06 - Come on.
01:04:07 Come on.
01:04:11 (whistling)
01:04:14 (dog barking)
01:04:17 (dog barking)
01:04:23 (dog barking)
01:04:28 (crowd cheering)
01:04:31 (fireworks exploding)
01:04:34 (crowd cheering)
01:04:37 (fireworks exploding)
01:04:40 (crowd cheering)
01:04:43 (fireworks exploding)
01:04:46 (crowd cheering)
01:04:49 (fireworks exploding)
01:04:52 (crowd cheering)
01:04:55 (crowd cheering)
01:04:58 - Get off the track, get off.
01:05:00 (crowd cheering)
01:05:02 - Only two more laps to go, come on.
01:05:05 (crowd cheering)
01:05:08 (fireworks exploding)
01:05:10 - Only two more laps, come on.
01:05:12 (crowd cheering)
01:05:14 (glass breaking)
01:05:17 (glass breaking)
01:05:20 (glass breaking)
01:05:23 (glass breaking)
01:05:26 (wind blowing)
01:05:29 (glass breaking)
01:05:32 (wind blowing)
01:05:35 (footsteps)
01:05:37 (footsteps)
01:05:40 (footsteps)
01:05:43 (footsteps)
01:05:46 (wind blowing)
01:05:49 (wind blowing)
01:05:52 (wind blowing)
01:05:55 (footsteps)
01:05:58 (footsteps)
01:06:01 (wind blowing)
01:06:04 (fireworks exploding)
01:06:07 (fireworks exploding)
01:06:10 (alarm beeping)
01:06:13 (alarm beeping)
01:06:16 (laughing)
01:06:19 - You little bastard, come here.
01:06:22 (fireworks exploding)
01:06:24 I'll get you fellas, you little bastard.
01:06:27 Who the hell do you think you are?
01:06:29 Come here, I've just about had enough of you.
01:06:32 (grunting)
01:06:35 (grunting)
01:06:38 - My tooth. - I'm sorry Mike.
01:06:41 I'm sorry, I was very angry.
01:06:44 - My tooth, you've knocked my tooth out.
01:06:47 - You shouldn't have done that to his car, you really should.
01:06:49 - But you've knocked my tooth out.
01:06:50 - I've said I'm sorry.
01:06:51 - Give me a mirror, give me a mirror.
01:06:53 - Oh my God.
01:06:56 Oh no.
01:06:58 Oh no.
01:07:00 Not your bloody tooth, look.
01:07:04 Oh shit.
01:07:06 - It's not my tooth.
01:07:09 - You didn't spit it out, didn't you?
01:07:12 You didn't swallow it? - No.
01:07:14 - Oh God, help me look for it.
01:07:17 - How big is it?
01:07:18 - How big is it? You saw it yesterday.
01:07:22 Do you know how much that costs? - Sue.
01:07:23 - Oh he's gonna be really pleased with this.
01:07:25 - Sue, it's no good. - It's just great.
01:07:27 - Sue, it's no good, stand up Sue. - It's stupid.
01:07:30 - Sue, you're only turning it into the snow. - Look, will you help me look for it Mike?
01:07:32 - Stand up. - Oh Christ, yeah.
01:07:35 - Stay where you are, don't move.
01:07:38 - God, this is impossible.
01:07:40 - Don't move.
01:07:42 - Oh it's so stupid. - Stay in the circle.
01:07:44 - Stay in the circle, Sue. - Anywhere.
01:07:49 - Now, don't move, I'll be back in a minute. - But Mike.
01:07:54 Oh God.
01:07:57 - Get out, piss off, piss off.
01:08:19 - Christ, what's that bloody dog doing there?
01:08:21 - I'm trying to...
01:08:23 - Go on.
01:08:25 - Oh, what are those for? Oh yes.
01:08:28 Well then what?
01:08:29 - Leave it to me, I know what I'm doing. - Sue, I just hope you do, I just hope you do for your sake.
01:08:33 - Don't move around, Sue. - I'm not.
01:08:36 I keep thinking I see it.
01:08:39 - Look, I'll make a path. - It could be anywhere.
01:08:43 - Oh God, it could even be on these. - Now walk in the path.
01:08:46 - Right, now come out.
01:09:07 - Last little bit.
01:09:12 - Right, good. I don't think we missed any. - I hope not.
01:09:16 - You didn't swallow it, did you? - No, I didn't swallow it. Here, take this cover.
01:09:19 - Can you manage? - Yeah, come on.
01:09:22 - Where are we taking it? - To the baths, of course. Go on.
01:09:33 - Right. - Yeah.
01:10:02 - It's empty. - Yeah, I know.
01:10:05 - I forgot they've emptied out for the weekend. - But it's okay, we can still use the bath.
01:10:09 - No, I think everything's locked up.
01:10:12 - Well, look, I'll have a look in the manager's office. That must be open.
01:10:41 - Hey Sue, look what I've found. Where are we going to plug it in?
01:10:48 - There's nowhere here, I don't think. - Hang on, I'll just try these lights.
01:10:51 - What are you going to do with it anyway?
01:10:54 - You'll see, watch.
01:11:12 - Now switch 'em off!
01:11:41 - Now switch 'em off!
01:11:48 - Now switch 'em off!
01:12:13 - Oh, shit.
01:12:19 - Right, this will be fixed. - God, please.
01:12:21 - Switch on the light.
01:12:32 - All right, now come and help me.
01:12:35 - Did you lose any on the way down here? - Yeah. I picked it up again.
01:12:42 - Right, now we can start bunging it in the kettle. Give us it. - All right.
01:12:47 - Right, put some in there. - Just one.
01:12:51 - Look, mind out, look, if you can't do it properly, I'll do it by myself.
01:12:57 - Oh, Mike, do you think we'll ever find it? It's going to take hours doing it like this.
01:12:59 - Don't worry, we'll find it sooner or later. - Will we?
01:13:07 - Oh, Christ, I'm hungry.
01:13:24 - Right.
01:13:28 - Look, we'll tie it down here, quick.
01:13:30 - What are you going to do?
01:13:32 - Pour it down here.
01:13:33 - Won't it go right down the grating?
01:13:35 - No, it should be all right. This will stop it. - You sure?
01:13:37 - Yeah. Right, now pour it here and it'll trickle out down there.
01:13:40 - If you see the diamond, don't touch it because it'll be hot.
01:13:42 - Wait a minute, I've got a much better idea. - What?
01:13:44 - This is a much better idea. - What?
01:13:46 - Hang on a minute.
01:13:49 - Mike, don't be silly. There's no time to get embarrassed.
01:13:53 - Look, strain it through these.
01:13:56 - Through that? - Yeah, come on.
01:13:57 - It'll ruin your tights.
01:13:59 - It doesn't matter, come on.
01:14:01 - That diamond's worth 1,200 pairs of tights. Come on, you pour it through.
01:14:05 - It's not that valuable. - It is, I told you.
01:14:07 - All right, ready? - Christ, what do you think all this is for?
01:14:09 - Well, OK, hold it then. - All right, get on with it, for God's sake.
01:14:12 - Don't let it dribble down. - I'm holding it, aren't I? OK.
01:14:16 - I'm only doing my best. - I know, I know. Come on.
01:14:20 - Don't burn me.
01:14:22 - Keep your fingers back. Keep...
01:14:24 - What's that? Wait a minute.
01:14:27 - No, it's not.
01:14:30 - Shh.
01:14:32 - Keep looking for it. - All right.
01:14:36 - Mike, keep looking for it. - Keep quiet.
01:14:40 - For God's sake.
01:14:42 - Go, run!
01:14:45 - Keep quiet. Keep quiet. It's all right, it'll go away.
01:14:48 - Shh!
01:14:50 - Ooh, ooh, all right, all right.
01:14:55 - All right, let's get on with it. - Shh.
01:14:57 - Take it up there and put some more snow.
01:15:00 - Sue, are you there?
01:15:05 - What the hell are you doing there?
01:15:13 - I was knocking at the door, didn't you hear me?
01:15:16 - Why didn't you answer me? Hmm?
01:15:19 - I'm sorry, I didn't hear you.
01:15:21 - What have you done to my car? You punctured two tyres.
01:15:24 I can't even remember when I punctured one.
01:15:27 Give me the key.
01:15:29 Give me my cap.
01:15:33 Give me the keys.
01:15:36 - I'm awfully sorry. - Give me the cap, come on.
01:15:38 - I'm awfully sorry, I don't know where they are. Have you got a spare set?
01:15:41 - But I gave them to you. - I've said I'm sorry.
01:15:43 I don't know what I've done with them, that's all.
01:15:46 - Come on, give me the cap.
01:15:48 - Oh, your bloody cap.
01:15:53 Right, now listen.
01:15:55 Get your coat and your bag and come here.
01:16:00 Serves me right, mixing with stupid kids.
01:16:09 Hurry up.
01:16:12 Hurry up!
01:16:16 Come on, come on, get a move on.
01:16:19 - No, I won't.
01:16:21 - Susan, what's wrong with you?
01:16:23 - Will you stop ordering me about, that's all.
01:16:26 - But I must have my keys.
01:16:28 - Have you got a spare set of keys or haven't you?
01:16:31 - Yes, I've got a set. - Where are they?
01:16:33 - They're at home. I can't go home and ask my wife for the keys.
01:16:36 Not this time, I can't go out again.
01:16:37 - Well, that's your problem, isn't it? If you've got a spare set of keys, you're all right, so you can piss off.
01:16:41 - Piss off?
01:16:43 After all that I've done for you?
01:16:45 Piss off?
01:16:47 - After what?
01:16:48 After what you've done for me?
01:16:50 After what? What?
01:16:52 I'll tell you what you've done for me.
01:16:54 You've spoiled everything. Everything.
01:16:56 Why the hell you had to be the first.
01:16:58 I'll tell you why.
01:16:59 Because you had to be the first with everyone, don't you?
01:17:01 You couldn't bear to be second, then they'd have something to compare you to.
01:17:04 Then they'd see how bloody hopeless you are.
01:17:07 That's why you're so pinky for schoolgirls.
01:17:10 They don't know any better, do they? Poor little things.
01:17:13 They think you're really quite good, don't they?
01:17:15 They think it's quite exciting, the way you grope and push.
01:17:18 They think you're so bloody hopeless.
01:17:20 You make me sick.
01:17:22 What do you think you've ever done for anyone?
01:17:24 You're pathetic. You're pathetic.
01:17:27 How you ever make it with your wife, I don't know.
01:17:30 If you ever do.
01:17:32 What about those children? You sure they're yours?
01:17:35 Piss off. Piss off!
01:17:38 Bastard.
01:17:47 Puff!
01:17:48 Susan, this is the end.
01:17:50 What you undoing that one for? We've got all this to do yet.
01:17:57 Well, I thought we could do this one.
01:17:58 Oh, come on. Let's do one at a time, for God's sake.
01:18:01 All right.
01:18:02 How annoying.
01:18:03 I'm sick of being ordered about.
01:18:06 This is...
01:18:07 Oh, God, I'm dropping bits now. All right, that's enough.
01:18:10 Come on, let's turn it on and get this melted.
01:18:13 Bring those down with you.
01:18:16 Hey, what if you have swallowed it?
01:18:17 I told you so. I haven't swallowed it.
01:18:19 You sure? Yeah. Come on.
01:18:21 God, I'm so hungry.
01:18:23 I'm not.
01:18:24 Come on.
01:18:26 This is going to take hours, isn't it?
01:18:33 I think I'll phone Chris, tell him I'm going to be late.
01:18:37 I think I'll phone Chris, tell him I'll be late.
01:18:42 (PHONE RINGS)
01:18:43 Chris?
01:18:55 Hello, darling, it's me.
01:18:56 I'm going to be a bit late. There's been an accident here at the baths.
01:18:59 Oh, it's nothing serious. It's a burst pipe.
01:19:02 Well, how do you expect me to feel? I'm furious.
01:19:05 Because I live near here and the manager's away.
01:19:10 I have to stay till they finish.
01:19:12 Don't you believe me?
01:19:14 Well, that's great. That's great. That's all I needed to hear.
01:19:19 I expected a bit of sympathy, but...
01:19:21 I'm ringing from the manager's office. You can ring me back and check if you don't believe me.
01:19:24 (PHONE RINGS)
01:19:25 5-2... Yeah, you know the number.
01:19:27 Right. Now, I'm not saying I'll definitely be late. I just might be.
01:19:31 There's four of them, hard at work. You can hear. Listen.
01:19:36 (PHONE RINGS)
01:19:37 Mike, what are you doing? I wasn't on the phone long.
01:19:44 Couldn't you work without me?
01:19:46 Mike? What is it? You ill?
01:19:49 Oh, Mike, come on, let's get on with it.
01:19:51 I know you're tired, but come on.
01:19:53 Mike, what's the matter?
01:19:56 What are you doing?
01:19:59 Did you find it?
01:20:04 Mike, did you find it?
01:20:05 Where is it?
01:20:07 Oh, Mike, come on, don't mess about. You've found it, haven't you?
01:20:10 Where is it?
01:20:11 Mike, where is it?
01:20:13 Give it to me.
01:20:19 Come on, give it to me.
01:20:23 Where is it?
01:20:32 Don't swallow it. Give it to me. Give it to me now, Mike. Come on.
01:20:34 Don't swallow...
01:20:36 (PHONE RINGS)
01:20:38 (SIGHS)
01:20:40 (SIGHS)
01:20:41 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:20:42 (THUD)
01:20:54 (THUD)
01:21:02 (SIGHS)
01:21:03 (THUD)
01:21:12 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:21:13 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:21:35 (THUD)
01:21:36 (SIGHS)
01:21:37 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:21:38 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:21:39 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:21:41 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:21:42 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:21:45 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:21:47 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:21:50 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:21:54 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:21:57 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:22:01 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:22:04 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:22:09 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:22:10 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:22:13 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:22:22 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:22:32 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:22:33 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:22:41 It's all right, mate.
01:22:51 It's all right.
01:22:53 (PHONE RINGS)
01:22:55 (PHONE RINGS)
01:22:57 (PHONE RINGS)
01:23:01 Oh, Mummy.
01:23:02 (PHONE RINGS)
01:23:05 (PHONE RINGS)
01:23:07 Chris?
01:23:09 Hello, darling.
01:23:11 Guess what, they're just finished.
01:23:13 Yes, I won't be late.
01:23:14 I've just got to get dressed now.
01:23:17 I've got to put my coat on.
01:23:20 Yeah.
01:23:22 Me too.
01:23:23 Very much.
01:23:29 (DOOR OPENS)
01:23:30 (ENGINE REVS)
01:23:36 Sue, please.
01:23:56 Please don't go, Sue.
01:23:58 Please, Sue, I...
01:23:59 It's all right.
01:24:00 Please, Sue, I just want to talk to you about it.
01:24:03 No, Mike, I've got to go, honestly.
01:24:05 Look, Sue, you can't just change like that after being like that
01:24:09 and then just go like that.
01:24:11 Mike, take it easy.
01:24:12 Sue, please, just stay and talk to me about it.
01:24:14 (ENGINE REVS)
01:24:15 (ENGINE STOPS)
01:24:26 (ENGINE STARTS)
01:24:27 Mike, just leave it. I'm going home.
01:24:30 Just stay a little while, Sue.
01:24:31 You can't stop going on about it, Mike.
01:24:33 Susan, I know what you did, but...
01:24:35 Mike, let go!
01:24:36 Sue, just stay for a bit.
01:24:38 Everything's going to get wet, Mike.
01:24:40 Come on, let's get to our travel talk.
01:24:42 You're bloody dying, Mike.
01:24:43 Yes, it is.
01:24:44 Come on, give me back my towel.
01:24:46 You're not having your time, Sue.
01:24:48 Stay here and explain to me.
01:24:50 Mike, don't go.
01:24:51 (MUMBLES)
01:24:52 Sue, just...
01:24:55 (MUMBLES)
01:24:56 You're mad.
01:24:58 Is it different with the teacher, Sue?
01:25:00 What about your princess, Sue?
01:25:03 Tell me, Sue.
01:25:04 Just tell me what you're doing.
01:25:06 Give it to me.
01:25:07 No, you can't, Sue.
01:25:09 (MUMBLES)
01:25:10 Mike!
01:25:11 Mike!
01:25:12 (MUMBLES)
01:25:13 Go, go, go, go, go!
01:25:15 Please!
01:25:18 Please!
01:25:22 (THUD)
01:25:24 (THUD)
01:25:25 (THUD)
01:25:33 (THUD)
01:26:17 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:20 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:22 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:24 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:26 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:28 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:31 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:33 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:35 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:38 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:41 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:44 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:47 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:50 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:53 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:26:56 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:27:00 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:27:04 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:27:07 (MUSIC PLAYING)
01:27:10 (MUSIC PLAYING)
