Victorian state politics: Youth bail reform temporarily 'paused' over perceptions of a youth crime c

  • 9 months ago
#Victorianstate #politics #Youthbail
Following the perceptions of a "youth crime crisis" in Victoria, reforms that will facilitate the guarantee of young criminals were temporarily "paused". Chief Public Prosecutor Jaclyn Symes confirmed that he would take action for 'guarantee assumption for children' from the bail change invoice today. Attorney General Jaclyn Symes confirmed that the changes will be paused until next year. "Children's bail reform is still on the agenda."Said. The practical effects of it are minimal. "I do not want a discussion about the crime crime that does not exist, and if continue these reforms on this invoice without making a broader speech on how we respond to the youth crime, will risk community perception. "This responds to the reality of a responsibility and crime I take seriously." Former Prime Minister Daniel Andrews had planned to apply the assumption of bail for children who were previously accused of any crime or . Today, however, Premier Jacinta Allan said it is more logical to bring together the Youth Justice Bill and reforms. "We must make balance correctly in order to correct right issues of past, and at same time secure Victoria."Said. The pause comes only weeks after the injuries that changed life after allegedly kidnapped a school child. A 14 -year -old child was accused of a series of crimes that endangered life, intentionally causing serious injuries and theft. During the incident, he stayed on bail. Victoria Greaks, a spokesman for justice, said Katherine Copsey, decision to change bill was "an incredibly weak decision", but party's bill will support passage, he said. "We know that young people who have contacted the criminal justice system have terrible consequences," he said. Shadow Chief Prosecutor Michael O'Brien welcomed the movement. "This did not make sense, we must have bail laws in accordance with the purpose," he. "We must have guarantee laws that follow the crime." While youth bail reform is put on back burner, upper home passed legislation on adult criminals, which means less -level criminals behind bars.
