• 2 years ago
Dinesh D'Souza claims federal organizations like the FBI, CIA, and DOJ are corrupt and are unfairly and selectively targ | dG1fVnJiUDFySlE3REU
00:00 Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations
00:13 of our republic.
00:14 Chief Division Counsel and DOJ have approved a no-knock breach.
00:21 We want the subject to be on display doing the walk of shame, full visual impact.
00:28 Any questions?
00:30 Are we becoming a police state?
00:33 Government told American citizens they couldn't go to church on Sunday.
00:36 I've never seen anything like it.
00:37 It may be the Russia other people grew up in, but not my America.
00:40 FBI warrant!
00:41 Come to the door now!
00:42 There's a heavy banging at my door.
00:44 Open up!
00:45 It's 15 marked units on my property.
00:47 I got SWAT in the back of my house.
00:50 It took a battering ram to my door.
00:54 Six AM I hear boom, boom, boom.
00:56 I hear about six to eight military style soldiers.
01:01 With the tallest one of them pointing an automatic rifle at my head.
01:05 FBI, we have an arrest warrant!
01:06 Shock you out of sleep, drag you out of your house, have clothes, refuse to give you a
01:12 warrant, ransack your house.
01:13 Now I'm facing 15 years in federal prison.
01:17 For doing nothing other than exercising my right to free speech.
01:20 I had no reason to be attacked.
01:23 I hope that you remember Matt's name and the role you played in killing him.
01:29 How did we give the state this kind of power?
01:31 9/11 changed everything.
01:33 We're going to expand the bureau from law enforcement to domestic intelligence.
01:38 Legal shackles are now off.
01:40 It used to be Islamic terrorism.
01:43 That threat has kind of dissipated.
01:44 Our focus is shifting.
01:46 They're moving to domestic extremism.
01:48 Really paints anybody who's right of center.
01:51 What we need is a person to look at and then we go find out what crime you did.
01:56 If you're a pro-life, pro-family Catholic, they define you as radical.
02:00 The demand for domestic terrorism vastly outstrips the supply.
02:05 When candidate Trump came down the escalators, the government had a meltdown.
02:11 We are going to drain the swamp.
02:14 We'll see about that.
02:15 You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back
02:19 at you.
02:21 The Patriot Act and FISA were used against Donald Trump.
02:25 Google literally rewrote their news algorithm based upon what Trump was doing so they could
02:30 get this guy.
02:31 You just take out the word Russiagate and you put in COVID origins.
02:35 You take out COVID origins and you put in Hunter Biden's laptop.
02:38 You take that out and you put in January 6th.
02:41 It's the replicated play from the deep state and their partners in the media.
02:45 They're not just de-platforming you.
02:47 They are trying to throw people in prison.
02:49 They're coming for me.
02:50 They're coming for you.
02:51 Hands on your head!
02:52 These are anti-government.
02:53 We have freedom of religion and freedom of speech!
02:57 Violent extremists and they must be dealt with.
03:02 We can do anything we want.
03:06 Police State.
03:07 Exclusively in theaters October 23rd and 25th.
03:10 Tickets sold only on PoliceStateFilm.net.
03:12 (dramatic music)
