• 2 years ago


00:00 it was said would never happen.
00:01 So we ask, was Tucker Carlson right
00:04 when he said there'll be a hot war
00:05 between the US and Russia within a year?
00:07 Hello there, you awakening wonders, wherever you may be.
00:12 Thank you for joining us.
00:13 Thank you for not being governed by fear.
00:15 Thank you for remaining discerning and awake and principled.
00:18 Thank you for elevating your consciousness
00:20 above the dirge and deluge of the legacy media
00:23 that wants you dumb and distracted
00:24 and to accept facts like that Russia and Russia alone
00:28 bears responsibility for the current conflict
00:30 between Russia and Ukraine.
00:32 Remember, we need you to follow us now more than ever.
00:35 Here's how you can do that.
00:36 And if it's within your means, support us.
00:38 It's more important that you support this movement
00:41 than ever before.
00:42 We need you, it's plain we need you.
00:44 The government demonetized us.
00:47 We need you.
00:47 Now let's get onto a much more important story.
00:49 In fact, the kind of stories that in any sensible world
00:52 the legacy media will be reporting responsibly.
00:55 Biden has said that Russia and Russia alone
00:57 are responsible for the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
00:59 That means, was there any US involvement in the 2014 coup?
01:03 Did NATO infringe on former Soviet territories?
01:06 What happened with the Nord Stream pipeline?
01:08 What's going on with all those bio labs across Ukraine?
01:11 What is Black Rock's role gonna be after the conflict ends?
01:14 There are a lot of questions.
01:15 Not in the legacy media though.
01:17 There are no questions at all.
01:19 Just propaganda.
01:20 Just the amplification of a state message
01:22 that wants you dumb, distracted,
01:24 and incapable for discerning for yourself.
01:26 Let's have a look at how the legacy media reports
01:28 on this story and introduces the significant amplification
01:32 of actual UK troops in Ukraine.
01:35 Remember, when we're reporting on this,
01:36 we're reporting in a nuanced way.
01:38 We're not saying that Ukraine oughtn't be saved and served.
01:41 We're not saying that the humanitarian issues
01:43 and the unnecessary loss of life are not as significant.
01:46 We're not saying that Ukraine don't have their right
01:48 to their own agenda and own historical sovereign trajectory.
01:51 We're simply asking,
01:53 are the legacy media telling you the truth?
01:55 How is this war going?
01:56 Whose benefits are being served?
01:57 Do you think that US involvement is for humanitarian reasons
02:00 or are there military industrial complex motivations
02:03 behind it?
02:04 These are the questions we're asking you.
02:05 Are you being told the truth?
02:06 Let's have a look at the man himself,
02:08 the president of the United States of America.
02:11 Get ready, 'cause here he is.
02:13 - Let me be clear.
02:14 - Well, we don't generally come to you for clarity, Joe.
02:17 Whimsical anecdotes, bizarre half-truths
02:20 about domestic fires, fudge facts, lies,
02:23 concealment of information, endless wars.
02:26 You're our man, clarity.
02:28 - Certain principles are in the national system
02:31 are sacrosanct, sovereignty, territorial integrity,
02:36 human rights.
02:38 These are the core tenets of the UN Charter,
02:41 the pillars for peaceful relations among nations.
02:44 - Also though, they are principles
02:46 that are regularly transgressed
02:48 as revealed by WikiLeaks by Julian Assange.
02:50 That's why he's in prison right now.
02:53 - You can't have him.
02:54 - There's not another reason,
02:55 like, "Oh, do you remember he did all that shoplifting?"
02:57 No, it was that he revealed a bunch of war crimes.
03:00 In fact, as you know, because we've told you,
03:02 the International Criminal Court cannot be utilized
03:05 to prosecute Russia for their criminal invasion.
03:08 It was a criminal invasion.
03:09 Because the US would have to tacitly acknowledge
03:12 that so many of their previous invasions
03:14 have also been criminal.
03:15 Wars like the Iraq War,
03:16 which Joe Biden lobbied for and supported.
03:20 Without which we cannot achieve any of our goals.
03:23 That has not changed.
03:27 And that must not change.
03:28 - You know, like in museums
03:30 where you see an animatronic model of a president?
03:32 (upbeat music)
03:34 - In four score years and 10.
03:37 - Like the one of that of Joe Biden will be better.
03:40 - Let's see if they wore underwear back then.
03:42 Yeah!
03:43 - Yet, for the second year in a row,
03:46 this gathering dedicated to peaceful resolution
03:50 of conflicts.
03:51 - That's what we're dedicated to.
03:52 The peaceful resolution of conflicts.
03:53 That's why the first thing I want to tell you is,
03:55 we're going to be looking for a diplomatic
03:57 and peaceful solution.
03:58 Plainly, Russia have their own agenda,
04:00 their own imperial agenda,
04:01 and their invasion was criminal.
04:03 But like I just said, we need peace.
04:05 That's the reason we exist.
04:06 So this is what we're going to do.
04:07 We're definitely not going to mess with a Minsk Accord.
04:09 We're definitely not going to send Boris Johnson
04:11 to Ukraine to shatter a peace deal that was on the table.
04:14 They did do all of that.
04:15 They don't exist for peace.
04:16 They require war.
04:17 You know that already.
04:18 - Is darkened by the shadow of war.
04:21 - The profitable shadow of war.
04:23 - An illegal war of conquest,
04:25 brought without provocation by Russia
04:27 against its neighbor, Ukraine.
04:29 - I'm just saying stuff, it's mad.
04:30 In a way, this rehearsed, revised,
04:33 and presumably scripted speech
04:35 that he's, I imagine, reading from a teleprompter
04:37 is just as mad as the stuff he spontaneously says
04:40 to console victims of massive fires.
04:43 I was in my house, it burned down,
04:44 it was lightning, it struck the pod,
04:46 I got a Chevy, I backed my cat caught fire.
04:48 We got the insurance money though.
04:50 Honda is one of the best people I know.
04:52 Corn Pop was a bad dude.
04:53 Like even his spontaneous sort of fever dream,
04:57 Joyce-ian prose, makes as much sense
05:00 as his carefully prepared remarks at the UN
05:02 because none of it's true.
05:04 - Like every nation in the world,
05:05 the United States wants this war to end.
05:07 - Whoa, whoa, hold on then.
05:09 Couldn't you dedicate your time,
05:11 attention, and significant resources
05:13 to bringing that about?
05:14 Not all of you will love Donald Trump,
05:16 but all of you will have heard him say,
05:17 "I'd end this war in 24 hours."
05:19 - I will end that war in one day.
05:21 It'll take 24 hours.
05:22 - It'd be perfect phone call, perfect phone call.
05:24 And you know, listen,
05:25 I'm not claiming to be an expert in geopolitics.
05:28 What I'm claiming is it's visible, demonstrable,
05:31 verifiable, and evident that the United States
05:33 is prolonging this war for its actions.
05:35 - Like every nation in the world,
05:37 the United States wants this war to end.
05:39 - This guy just checking out his phone,
05:41 old bloke in front of Sierra Leone.
05:43 - Did Joe Biden really have a domestic fire?
05:46 What?
05:47 Hang on a minute, that laptop.
05:48 Did that, wait a minute.
05:49 Did he attend business?
05:51 Hey!
05:52 - No nation wants this war to end more than Ukraine.
05:55 And we strongly support Ukraine in its efforts
05:58 to bring about a diplomatic resolution
06:01 that delivers just and lasting peace.
06:03 - I don't know that the best way to get just
06:05 and lasting peace is through like, I don't know,
06:08 bombing Crimea.
06:09 I think there might at least be diplomatic solutions.
06:12 I recognize that sometimes when you're dealing
06:14 with a historic geopolitical conflict with deep roots,
06:18 like the conflict that is regionalized
06:20 between Ukraine and Russia,
06:21 and the historic conflict between the United States
06:23 and America and Russia,
06:24 there is a degree of complexity that's unlikely
06:27 to be perfectly disseminated, broken down,
06:29 and understood in an online video.
06:32 But what we can say with some certainty
06:34 is we're not being told the truth.
06:36 The media aren't investigating it correctly.
06:37 They are functioning as amplifying propagandists
06:41 for a state message,
06:42 that this is beneficial to certain state interests.
06:44 There is a unipolar agenda
06:46 that America have themselves explicitly spoken about.
06:48 Numerous times you've heard people say stuff like,
06:50 this is actually a cheap war.
06:51 For 3% of our budget,
06:52 we're able to reduce the capacity of Russia
06:55 to a significant extent.
06:56 We've just seen Chrystia Freeland and Hillary Clinton say,
06:59 we're sending a clear message to China.
07:01 You're next.
07:02 Democracy is fighting back.
07:04 But in advance of you fighting,
07:05 so fighting forward, I suppose.
07:07 All those things are relevant.
07:08 So this is not a discussion
07:10 about whether there's a conspiracy at play.
07:12 This is simply an invitation
07:13 to look at a variety of questions
07:15 that have to be ignored
07:16 in order for this narrative to be maintained.
07:18 You can't talk about 2014 coup.
07:20 What's their version of why that happened?
07:21 You can't talk about NATO infringement
07:23 on former Soviet territories.
07:24 You can't talk about Lockheed Martin, Rafian, et cetera,
07:27 and the military industrial complex's ongoing profits.
07:30 You can't talk about the location of those bio labs
07:32 and how they're funded.
07:33 But there are so many actual just questions.
07:35 It's not conspiracy theories.
07:36 They're legitimate questions.
07:37 And the reason those questions don't get asked
07:38 by the legacy media
07:39 is because they are propagandists
07:40 that normalize the agenda of the powerful
07:43 and shut down dissent in voices by any means necessary.
07:46 It's becoming clear to me.
07:47 Have you ever considered
07:48 that the United States of America
07:49 might not march you into Armageddon,
07:51 therefore you might need to live a little longer?
07:54 That is why I'm proud
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09:09 All right, let's get back to this global war
09:12 we're being marched into by lunatics.
09:14 - Russia alone bears responsibility for this war.
09:17 - That's just not how history works, is it?
09:22 Like even something like the Nazis,
09:24 like something plainly bad,
09:25 unless you're in Canada when it's rain, the Nazis.
09:28 Like you have to go, oh yeah, God,
09:30 I suppose, yeah, the First World War,
09:32 the Treaty of Versailles, yeah, God, it was complicated.
09:34 Maybe there could have been a better resolution
09:36 to the First World War and there are two imperialist forces
09:39 or numerous imperialist interests and all,
09:41 it's complicated.
09:42 And so this, plainly, with the stuff
09:44 that I've just listed a bunch of times,
09:45 just 'cause I've listened to Jeffrey Sachs
09:47 and a variety of other people,
09:48 journalists and academics worthy of the names,
09:50 rather than systems of amplification for propaganda
09:53 and academic institutions that are funded in ways
09:55 that simply mean they're gonna support imperialist notions
09:57 and mainstream narratives.
09:58 We know that to say that Russia and Russia alone,
10:01 it's not that, like didn't NATO, that Stoltenberg dude,
10:04 the other day goes, oh, well, what happened was,
10:06 Putin said, if you do this, we're gonna do that.
10:09 And we just did it.
10:10 - President Putin sent a draft treaty
10:14 that he wanted NATO to sign
10:15 to promise no more NATO enlargement.
10:18 That was a precondition for not invade Ukraine.
10:21 Of course, we didn't sign that.
10:23 The opposite happened.
10:24 - I mean, that in itself, that's a form of provocation.
10:27 Like, why are we not, in a democracy,
10:29 able to say, what's the role of NATO?
10:31 Do we need NATO?
10:32 What's the function of NATO?
10:33 Are NATO behaving responsibly?
10:34 Do we have a shared agenda?
10:36 This is the truth behind all this.
10:38 Your agenda and my agenda is not their agenda.
10:40 That's it, that's it, put simply.
10:41 The agenda of the government and the interests
10:44 that they serve are so opposing to yours
10:47 that the only way that this massive conflict
10:50 can't be exposed that would lead to revolution
10:52 is through a media that lies to you.
10:55 That's it.
10:55 If they went, your government's gone mental.
10:57 They're running a whole bunch of wars now
10:58 that are none of your business.
10:59 Do you want that?
11:00 Let's have a vote on it.
11:01 That's not possible, is it?
11:02 If you're not voting on it, if you're not discussing it,
11:04 it's because it's not in your interest.
11:06 That's why.
11:06 - Russia alone has the power to end this war immediately.
11:09 And it's Russia alone that stands in the way of peace.
11:13 - This is astonishing when you actually look at it.
11:15 This is propaganda live
11:17 and we just carry on with our lives.
11:18 I mean, I suppose because in some ways
11:20 it seems irrelevant and abstract,
11:21 and in a way it is abstract and irrelevant
11:23 'cause you can't really do anything about it,
11:24 except, as I say, participate in a massive campaign
11:27 of disobedience and join a movement
11:30 that opposes this kind of thing.
11:31 Red button.
11:32 That's not a nuclear button, Joe.
11:34 - Because the Russia's price for peace
11:37 is Ukraine's capitulation,
11:40 Ukraine's territory,
11:42 and Ukraine's children.
11:43 (laughing)
11:44 - I mean, they actually want the children.
11:46 That's actually, I'll tell you from personal experience,
11:48 it's actually very difficult to bring them up.
11:49 What I would say is that they want
11:51 the capitulation of Russia.
11:53 That's what they want.
11:54 So they've said that.
11:55 It's not me saying this.
11:56 They've said publicly the objective is to drain Russia.
11:58 Remember that thing,
11:59 Ukraine are getting casually adverse?
12:01 This is the problem.
12:02 This is why they want to censor these spaces
12:03 'cause this is just from memory.
12:04 You can just go, "Hold on, but they said that.
12:06 "They said that."
12:06 The fact is, is through independent media like this,
12:08 not exclusively us, but I'm proud to say it includes us,
12:11 and we are here because of you,
12:13 we can just say, "No, wait a minute.
12:15 "It's not just Russia's fault because of these 10 facts."
12:17 Boom.
12:18 And if you can't address those 10 facts,
12:20 what you've got yourself there is a conversation, a debate,
12:22 and they don't want to have a conversation and debate
12:23 because they're lying.
12:25 - Russia believes that the world will grow weary
12:28 and allow it to brutalize Ukraine without consequence.
12:32 (moans)
12:33 - Go on then, brutalize Ukraine without consequence.
12:36 Night, night.
12:37 Again, reductive simplification of a complex situation.
12:41 - But I ask you this.
12:43 - Old Sierra Leone still on his phone.
12:45 Does Hunter Biden have any qualifications
12:47 to work for Burisma?
12:49 - If we abandon the core principles of the United States
12:52 to appease an aggressor,
12:53 can any member state in this body
12:58 feel confident that they are protected?
13:01 If we allow Ukraine to be carved up,
13:04 is the independence of any nation secure?
13:07 I'd respectfully suggest the answer is no.
13:11 (laughs)
13:12 - Respectfully suggest.
13:13 There's a weird rhetoric involved in this stuff.
13:15 Of course, it's odd to hear the inversion of the facts.
13:20 Isn't it, if we can do this, if we can say that,
13:21 if they can do this, if they can do that.
13:23 In a sense, the very thing that Biden suggests
13:27 we ought be terrified of is already happening
13:29 and he is its figurehead.
13:31 - We have to stand up to this naked aggression today
13:34 and deter other would-be aggressors tomorrow.
13:36 - Ah, there's another war coming.
13:38 Semiconductors in Taiwan, get ready.
13:40 Oh, if you enjoyed "Star Wars,"
13:42 you're gonna need to love the return of the semiconductor.
13:44 - That's why the United States,
13:46 together with our allies and partners around the world,
13:48 will continue to stand with the brave people of Ukraine
13:51 as they defend their sovereignty
13:53 and territorial integrity and their freedom.
13:56 - Couldn't even get to the end of the phrase
13:57 territorial integrity because it was so lacking
14:00 in integrity.
14:01 (audience applauding)
14:04 Okay, so there's some propaganda that was eagerly lapped up
14:10 except for by old Baldy in front of Sierra Leone
14:13 who was fact-checking what was happening.
14:14 "Excuse me, no, that didn't happen."
14:16 Let's have a look at an alternative version of reality
14:18 that might not be so valuable to the elites.
14:21 The Biden administration used last week's meeting
14:23 of the United Nations General Assembly
14:25 as a platform to launch a full-throated tirade
14:28 against Russia of the kind made by countries
14:30 before they declare war.
14:31 Oh, so Tucker Carlson might be right
14:33 when he said there will be a hot war within a year.
14:36 Let us know.
14:36 In his speech to the UN Tuesday,
14:38 Biden declared the United States,
14:39 together with our allies and partners around the world,
14:41 will continue to stand with the brave people of Ukraine
14:43 as they defend their sovereignty
14:44 and territorial integrity and their freedom.
14:47 Of course, this is the kind of rhetoric
14:48 that when you say it, sounds good, sounds normal,
14:51 sounds like what should be happening,
14:53 but a lot of political speeches sound like
14:55 when you're sort of, yeah,
14:56 if that was actually what you're doing,
14:57 everything would be okay,
14:58 but simply lies and propaganda.
14:59 Biden asserted that Russia alone bears responsibility
15:02 for the war in Ukraine.
15:03 Russia alone has the power to end this war immediately,
15:05 and it is Russia alone that stands in the way of peace
15:07 because Russia's price for peace is Ukraine's capitulation,
15:10 Ukraine's territory, and Ukraine's children.
15:12 Extraordinary rhetoric.
15:13 I think when people say stuff like that,
15:14 you kind of know that they're lying.
15:16 Another indicator might be if, for example,
15:18 they lobbied all big tech platforms
15:20 to deny Russia Today the ability to broadcast.
15:24 So for example, YouTube won't broadcast Russia Today
15:26 because do you think that's because Russia Today's content
15:29 is so brilliant that if you saw it, you'd go,
15:30 "Oh my God, let's go and support Russia
15:32 and become Putin apologists."
15:34 No, it's just simply because it will provide
15:35 a different perspective.
15:36 And if you had a different perspective,
15:37 you wouldn't be so malleable.
15:40 And that's why you are members of this community.
15:42 That's why we exist in this community,
15:43 because we care more about truth
15:44 than this mad Gideon deception.
15:46 This was not just a speech.
15:47 It was an unrelenting attack on any notion
15:49 that the United States is open
15:50 to a negotiated settlement of this war.
15:52 Well, that's good to know,
15:53 so it's the opposite of all of the language around peace
15:56 and kindness and justice and standing together
15:58 and freedom and posing tyranny.
16:00 It's the opposite of that.
16:01 The White House is demanding
16:02 the unconditional surrender of Russia
16:04 accompanied by the overthrow of its government
16:05 and its territorial breakup.
16:07 That's mental.
16:08 So they want to do what they're saying Russia want to do.
16:11 Have you noticed that?
16:12 Have you noticed this inversion of values?
16:14 Have you noticed the vilification of anyone that dissents?
16:16 Have you noticed that they claim to be telling the truth
16:19 while lying, standing for peace, while going to war?
16:22 Literal Orwellian inversion of language.
16:24 Achieving this goal is impossible
16:26 without direct US involvement,
16:27 transforming a proxy war into a direct conflict
16:30 between the United States and Russia.
16:31 The conflict in Ukraine is already America's war
16:34 for which the US and NATO are providing logistics,
16:36 weapons and intelligence.
16:37 But the failure of Ukraine's counter offensive
16:39 has led the Biden administration to conclude
16:41 that achieving its objectives is impossible
16:43 without turning the current proxy war
16:45 into a full-scale conflict
16:46 involving the deployment of US and NATO troops.
16:49 Escalation.
16:50 Escalation that was pledged
16:51 that the commencement would not occur.
16:52 You can check that for yourself.
16:53 You can literally go and watch Joe Biden,
16:55 the man there saying, "It's all Russia's fault."
16:56 And then you can watch him saying,
16:57 "This will never lead to boots on the ground.
16:59 This will never lead to a war.
17:00 We're not at war.
17:00 We can't do that.
17:01 That would lead to World War III."
17:02 All you actually need is a memory.
17:03 That's all you need is a memory,
17:05 but they don't want you to have that.
17:06 That's why there's this state of fear.
17:08 That's why you're doing well staying with us.
17:09 We're going, "Hold on a minute.
17:10 I'm not gonna just respond to fear, hysteria,
17:13 propaganda and lies.
17:14 I'm gonna get deep.
17:15 I'm gonna stay true to myself.
17:17 I'm going to discern."
17:18 And then you'll be able to go, "Wait, hold on.
17:19 Didn't actually, who was that that said
17:21 that there could never be a war
17:22 because it would lead to Armageddon?
17:23 Oh, that was Joe Biden.
17:24 Wait a minute.
17:25 Didn't they say they spoke to Putin
17:26 and he said that that escalation would lead to further war?
17:28 Wait a minute.
17:29 Wasn't there a story last week where they said
17:30 that Elon Musk was talking to the Kremlin
17:32 and actually we found out that all he was doing
17:33 was not letting Ukraine use Starlink to bomb Crimea?
17:36 Hang on.
17:37 They're lying.
17:38 They're lying because they're liars.
17:40 And then you become free.
17:41 Being widely asserted in the American media
17:43 that Russian President Vladimir Putin
17:44 believes a change in the American government
17:46 would lead to a shift in policy.
17:47 This is a delusion.
17:48 Nevertheless, it is the aim of the Biden administration
17:50 to preempt such a policy shift by escalating the conflict
17:53 to a point where well before the 2024 election,
17:56 the war will have involved a commitment
17:57 of US prestige and resources, including manpower,
18:00 that makes a diplomatic and non-military solution impossible.
18:04 We're gonna stop there on this platform.
18:05 To see the video in its entirety, join us over on Rumble.
18:08 There's a link in the description.
18:10 If you can support us there, it's incredibly valuable,
18:12 but your attention is the most valuable thing
18:14 you can give us, and they know that,
18:15 and that's why they're trying to stop you giving it to us.
18:17 Stay free.