• last year
00:00:00 [Music]
00:00:02 [Music]
00:00:04 [Music]
00:00:06 (upbeat music)
00:00:33 - [Announcer] The flight board and number of flights
00:00:35 have been canceled at this time.
00:00:37 - I don't think anyone's getting out of here
00:00:41 for a while with this weather.
00:00:42 - We circled for a while too, it was really annoying.
00:00:46 (upbeat music)
00:00:49 (upbeat music)
00:00:51 - Excuse me, but are you Richard?
00:01:05 - Tiffany?
00:01:10 - This is so strange, I mean, what are the odds?
00:01:13 - It's me.
00:01:16 - What the hell?
00:01:17 Headed home for the holidays?
00:01:22 - Yeah, yeah, I hate there's never a direct flight,
00:01:25 I always have a layover.
00:01:26 - Yeah, I know.
00:01:27 I know.
00:01:29 - So you headed home too?
00:01:33 - Nope.
00:01:35 California.
00:01:36 - Oh, that's where I'm coming from.
00:01:37 - I know!
00:01:38 - You knew I was living in California?
00:01:42 - Nothing else to gossip about in Grand Falls.
00:01:45 (laughs)
00:01:47 - Do you know that I lost 50 pounds?
00:01:51 - 50 pounds?
00:01:53 Where would you put it?
00:01:56 - Believe me, everywhere.
00:02:00 - Well, I can't even picture it.
00:02:04 - I got really big after I had my son,
00:02:11 and then stress, it just--
00:02:13 - So you're married then?
00:02:14 - Not anymore.
00:02:15 - Oh, I'm sorry.
00:02:18 I didn't mean to--
00:02:19 - No, I mean, you didn't know.
00:02:21 - Divorce can be rough.
00:02:24 - Yeah, yeah.
00:02:25 - So you said you're going to California.
00:02:32 Vacation, or?
00:02:34 - No, to live.
00:02:36 I'm moving there.
00:02:37 - No kidding?
00:02:38 - Do you think I'll fit in?
00:02:43 - Sure, yeah, you'll do great there.
00:02:45 - You know, you were my inspiration all these years.
00:02:55 - Oh, come on, we barely knew each other.
00:02:59 - Seriously, I always admired you,
00:03:03 and like, wow, Richard!
00:03:06 You know, just packed up and moved to California,
00:03:11 never looking back.
00:03:13 - I know, I know.
00:03:15 - Hey, so who'd Jenna marry, someone from the old gang?
00:03:18 - Whitey.
00:03:21 I married Whitey.
00:03:22 - Jim the total jock.
00:03:24 Jim White, Whitey, mm-hmm.
00:03:26 - That's him.
00:03:27 - He was a good-looking guy, as I recall.
00:03:30 - Yeah, not for long.
00:03:32 He got old and he got that receding hairline thing.
00:03:36 - That's too bad.
00:03:39 - And bossy.
00:03:42 - Well, he drinks a little too much sometimes.
00:03:45 Him and the guys from the football team,
00:03:48 they're all still around.
00:03:49 - The popular kids.
00:03:52 - I guess.
00:03:54 - You were popular, as I recall.
00:03:55 - So were you.
00:03:57 You had a lot of friends, didn't you?
00:04:00 - Not really.
00:04:04 I mean, in the theater crowd, maybe.
00:04:06 - Oh, yeah, that was your thing, I'd forgotten.
00:04:10 - I saw you once in--
00:04:12 - Guys and Dolls?
00:04:14 - No, that improv thing.
00:04:20 - Oh, yeah.
00:04:21 I never saw you.
00:04:23 - Well, I only went to that one show.
00:04:27 You know, I gotta use the little girls' room.
00:04:34 - Oh, sure.
00:04:34 - You can watch my stuff.
00:04:38 (soft music)
00:04:41 (soft music)
00:04:43 (soft music)
00:04:46 (soft music)
00:04:48 (water running)
00:04:55 (door opening)
00:04:59 (soft music)
00:05:04 (soft music)
00:05:06 - Do you wanna go take a little walk?
00:05:20 - You remember me?
00:05:24 Really?
00:05:25 - Who could forget you?
00:05:27 Cute cheerleader, Tiffany.
00:05:32 I always knew you'd get married, do the family thing.
00:05:36 Figured you'd take that route.
00:05:38 - You thought about that in high school?
00:05:40 - Of course.
00:05:41 - You were always one of the sensitive ones.
00:05:46 Think Jimmy was only with me to get laid.
00:05:48 - I see it all the time with my friends in relationships.
00:05:55 Always a dominant person,
00:05:56 you just hope you're friends with that person.
00:05:59 - Yeah, well I knew it was gonna be bad from the start.
00:06:02 As soon as we were married.
00:06:04 - At the wedding?
00:06:06 - No, no.
00:06:08 The wedding itself was great, the reception and all.
00:06:12 I guess I did have the fairy tale wedding.
00:06:16 - How soon in did you realize?
00:06:20 - Three months.
00:06:20 I just got this feeling like maybe it was a mistake.
00:06:25 - Yeah, but you can't judge by that.
00:06:28 All newlyweds feel buyer's remorse.
00:06:31 - You get married and it's supposed to be the happy time,
00:06:34 right, like now you're settled.
00:06:36 - So they say.
00:06:38 - But it's the opposite.
00:06:39 I felt like now my life is over.
00:06:42 You know, you get through the hurdle of the wedding
00:06:44 and then you're like, now what?
00:06:45 - It's funny, 'cause one of the main reasons
00:06:47 people get married is for that security.
00:06:50 - Well then you're in it and you realize,
00:06:56 wait a minute, this is my real life.
00:06:58 And you realize it's permanent.
00:07:00 And you feel trapped.
00:07:03 - Oh, that's the one thing that the human animal
00:07:07 can't stand, that feeling, being trapped.
00:07:09 - You are so right.
00:07:12 - So you reassert yourself.
00:07:14 Your freedom as an individual sometimes
00:07:20 comes out in ways that are unhealthy, harmful even.
00:07:25 (birds chirping)
00:07:27 - You are explaining exactly the way that I felt.
00:07:32 - It's how it always is.
00:07:33 I mean, we can't be blamed for it.
00:07:36 You know, it's human nature.
00:07:38 - So you're saying it's inevitable even if you find
00:07:44 the right partner that you still feel trapped alone?
00:07:48 - I mean, people don't talk about it.
00:07:51 But it's universal, it's just who we are.
00:07:54 (gentle music)
00:07:58 - It's not supposed to be like that.
00:08:10 - What?
00:08:13 - Relationships.
00:08:14 - Who says?
00:08:18 - Look, we're supposed to be one man and one woman
00:08:22 together forever, aren't we?
00:08:25 I mean, look at society and the Bible.
00:08:30 It's the way it's always been.
00:08:32 - The divorce rate's pretty high.
00:08:36 - Yeah, but.
00:08:38 - I mean, when it comes down to it, we're all animals.
00:08:42 How else can it turn out?
00:08:47 - Well then why do people even bother getting married?
00:08:50 - For children, family.
00:08:55 Why else?
00:08:57 - I don't know.
00:09:00 The fairy tale, the happy ending.
00:09:09 Right?
00:09:13 - Yeah, we all want the fairy tale.
00:09:16 Girls do anyway.
00:09:18 - My fairy tale didn't come true either.
00:09:29 - You had a fairy tale?
00:09:32 - Of course.
00:09:34 - Well, you got out, so that's something.
00:09:40 - I left town, yeah.
00:09:45 Problem is, wherever you go, you're still there.
00:09:48 - What does that mean?
00:09:51 - Means I've learned that you can't run away from yourself.
00:09:56 - Who says I'm running?
00:09:59 - I'm speaking for myself.
00:10:01 I'm running.
00:10:04 I ran then, hell, I'm still running.
00:10:06 - Well, good.
00:10:09 Then I'm running too.
00:10:11 Running as far away from this town as I can get.
00:10:15 - To LA.
00:10:17 - To anywhere, really.
00:10:18 I just chose LA 'cause I heard you done well there.
00:10:20 - It was fun while it lasted.
00:10:23 - And I want the sunshine.
00:10:25 - That part is good.
00:10:28 - The problem is, is I don't know what I'm gonna do
00:10:33 when I get there.
00:10:34 Just...
00:10:35 Sometimes you just need to stop and reset, you know?
00:10:42 You realize your life's off track
00:10:45 and you have this overwhelming desire to change something.
00:10:50 - Right.
00:10:52 - So you think I can either change my job
00:10:56 or my relationship or where I live.
00:11:01 - Maybe all three.
00:11:03 - Maybe all three.
00:11:05 And four, really, if you include changing your look,
00:11:08 which I've done.
00:11:12 - Yeah, that's just a makeover.
00:11:14 Makeovers never really solve anything.
00:11:17 - True.
00:11:18 So I did all that and I knew I was changing my relationship
00:11:21 but it wasn't a big enough change.
00:11:24 I mean, it wasn't a big enough change
00:11:26 to make me become a different person.
00:11:28 So then I decided I need to leave town, start over.
00:11:35 - To new beginnings.
00:11:40 - To new beginnings.
00:11:41 - To new beginnings.
00:11:44 Feels like I should at least have some Baileys
00:11:48 in this or something.
00:11:49 - Well, I'm sure there's a bar somewhere.
00:11:53 - Maybe we should check our flight status first.
00:11:57 We don't wanna get stuck in the middle.
00:11:58 - True.
00:11:59 - For those of you waiting at the airport,
00:12:07 there's still a chance we can make it
00:12:08 to a few more flights that evening.
00:12:10 Please check back at your individual gate
00:12:12 for periodic updates and thank you for your--
00:12:15 (airplane engine roaring)
00:12:19 - If I could only add up all the time
00:12:25 I've spent in airport bars.
00:12:27 - You've traveled a lot?
00:12:29 - Yeah, you could say that.
00:12:31 - What kind of work do you do in LA?
00:12:33 - I got involved in art.
00:12:36 - You have to be very particular.
00:12:39 - Well, I am a perfectionist.
00:12:41 - I see that you have a real thing about you.
00:12:45 - A thing, what's that mean?
00:12:47 - Oh yeah, I noticed right away.
00:12:52 Really nicely dressed, hair's real specific.
00:12:56 Not like Whitey at all.
00:12:58 - Well, Whitey's, I would imagine Whitey's
00:13:01 not the kind of guy who would be--
00:13:03 - You moisturize your face, don't you?
00:13:06 And actually, you've done that Botox thing, haven't you?
00:13:11 I've seen it before and in magazines,
00:13:15 the before and after pictures, the forehead thing,
00:13:19 it doesn't move when you smile.
00:13:22 - Okay, who am I trying to fool?
00:13:23 It's just you.
00:13:23 - Yes, so you did do it.
00:13:26 - Well, it's actually good.
00:13:27 I was wondering why I had so many more wrinkles
00:13:29 than you and we're both the same age.
00:13:31 - Oh, you don't have wrinkles.
00:13:33 - Oh, you need glasses then, yeah.
00:13:37 - Is it noticeable?
00:13:38 - Oh no, it looks great.
00:13:42 Very natural.
00:13:44 - But you noticed.
00:13:46 - Well, I noticed the overall package.
00:13:49 You know, I couldn't tell you were a perfectionist.
00:13:53 - I am.
00:13:54 But over time, I realized I'm a mediocre perfectionist,
00:13:58 which can become problematic.
00:14:02 - So how come you never got married?
00:14:04 - What makes you think I wasn't married?
00:14:07 - Oh, I've had my eye out for the signs, no ring and--
00:14:11 - Well, I didn't wanna make it about me.
00:14:12 I mean, you wanted to talk about Whitey and all.
00:14:14 - So you were married.
00:14:17 - Yeah.
00:14:19 - Well, where is she now?
00:14:21 - Oh, so we're getting personal now.
00:14:22 - Oh, weren't we?
00:14:24 - Okay, if you must know, we both kinda left each other.
00:14:32 I mean, we went back and forth.
00:14:33 In the end, I guess I'm the one who finally left.
00:14:37 - Relationships are like that, phases.
00:14:41 You know, one moment, one person loves the one person more
00:14:45 and then it flips.
00:14:47 - They only prolong the inevitable breakup.
00:14:50 - Maybe, I know there were times
00:14:51 that I was determined to leave,
00:14:54 but then you just get drawn back in.
00:14:57 - Until the bad times outweigh the good times.
00:15:01 - You're really down on the love
00:15:02 and fairy tale anything, aren't you?
00:15:05 - Yeah.
00:15:06 - Hey, two seats opened up at the bar.
00:15:13 - Hey, can we get a couple more of these?
00:15:24 When you get a chance.
00:15:26 Just add it to my card.
00:15:27 - You have your credit card at the bar?
00:15:31 - Yeah, I figured we'd be here for a little while.
00:15:33 - Well, let me.
00:15:35 - No, don't worry about it, I got it.
00:15:37 - No, no, that's okay, I got it.
00:15:40 - Hey, let a loser in love buy some drinks
00:15:44 for another loser in love.
00:15:45 One I haven't seen in, what, 15 years?
00:15:49 - I know, it's like fate or something,
00:15:54 our paths crossing like this.
00:15:56 - Yeah, it's funny, isn't it?
00:16:00 (people chattering)
00:16:02 - Hey, not so fast.
00:16:03 Two losers in love.
00:16:06 - Don't you have to lose something
00:16:20 in order to find yourself?
00:16:22 I mean, people tell me that's when true character emerges.
00:16:26 - Interesting.
00:16:27 - I mean, think about it.
00:16:29 If you had the fairy tale, where would you be?
00:16:32 You'd be shallow and happy.
00:16:35 - And deep and angst-ridden is better?
00:16:39 - Sure.
00:16:41 - I don't know if I agree.
00:16:43 I wanna be happy.
00:16:44 - I wouldn't be here right now
00:16:49 if it weren't for the ups and downs that I've experienced.
00:16:53 - But don't you think it'd be easier
00:16:54 to just go back to the beginning?
00:16:58 Like high school, when you didn't really know
00:17:00 that much about yourself or about life.
00:17:03 It's just basically starting over with a clean slate.
00:17:07 - Yeah, I think you're wrong.
00:17:09 I think the older that you get,
00:17:11 there's too much you know about life and people,
00:17:15 and you know too much for it ever to be simple again.
00:17:17 - Yeah, maybe it'd just be easier
00:17:18 to have less self-awareness,
00:17:21 less of that self-analysis bullshit.
00:17:24 Just get back to the basics of life.
00:17:26 - So you'd rather be ignorant and happy
00:17:29 is what you're saying?
00:17:30 - Sometimes I think so.
00:17:33 - You don't mean that.
00:17:34 - It'd be a lot easier.
00:17:36 - I've been ignorant and happy,
00:17:39 and I thank God I was so naive.
00:17:43 - But it was good while it lasted?
00:17:45 - Not really.
00:17:48 - No?
00:17:49 - Well, I thought so at the time.
00:17:54 I briefly thought my life was great and perfect.
00:17:59 - But you realized--
00:18:02 - But then I realized that I wasn't happy.
00:18:06 I was just doing what I thought I should.
00:18:09 - Like getting married?
00:18:10 - Well, yeah.
00:18:13 I was the cheerleader, he was the jock.
00:18:17 We were meant to be together, the happy, perfect couple.
00:18:21 - You were.
00:18:23 - On the surface.
00:18:24 For the show, for our families.
00:18:30 - Why'd you go through with it then?
00:18:32 Honestly, if you thought it was about the show,
00:18:34 why would you marry the guy?
00:18:36 - That's what I thought I wanted.
00:18:39 I just later realized that I,
00:18:45 I didn't know myself.
00:18:49 - You had a great personality in school.
00:18:51 - It's perky personality.
00:18:53 Cheerleader, right?
00:18:54 That was the show.
00:18:56 - I don't follow you.
00:18:59 - It's like a character.
00:19:02 You know, they want you to be a certain way,
00:19:05 so you're that way.
00:19:08 - I know what you're saying.
00:19:13 - You, you understand?
00:19:18 - Oh yeah, more than you realize.
00:19:20 I've had to put on a charade in my life.
00:19:24 Pretend to be something that I'm not.
00:19:27 - You have.
00:19:29 - Absolutely.
00:19:31 - See, I never saw that.
00:19:35 You always, you were just always real.
00:19:39 You never cared what anyone thought in high school,
00:19:42 and I admired that.
00:19:44 - I never cared.
00:19:45 - You never cared.
00:19:46 - I never cared.
00:19:47 - You cared that.
00:19:49 - Oh, I cared.
00:19:50 I cared too much what everyone thought.
00:19:53 - You did?
00:19:55 And now you don't?
00:19:58 - Now I don't.
00:20:02 - What was your charade?
00:20:05 - Well, first being a guy.
00:20:10 - You are a guy.
00:20:12 - Yeah.
00:20:16 But I'm not guy's guy, you know?
00:20:19 I had to pretend.
00:20:21 - Well, that's just peer pressure.
00:20:24 Everybody feels that way in high school.
00:20:28 - You didn't.
00:20:28 - I was popular.
00:20:31 I had a group.
00:20:33 That was the show.
00:20:36 - I was gay.
00:20:41 - Very funny, Richard.
00:20:47 - I was gay.
00:20:47 - That's not a joke.
00:20:50 - Oh my God.
00:20:54 Is that why you left town?
00:20:56 - Partially, sure.
00:21:00 - So when you said you were married
00:21:10 before you
00:21:15 gave lover to a man?
00:21:19 - Boyfriend, just call him that.
00:21:20 - Boyfriend.
00:21:21 And you were married in the gay sense?
00:21:28 - I don't know what that means.
00:21:30 - Like, could it legally be married?
00:21:33 - We lived together.
00:21:36 We were committed.
00:21:36 Or so I thought.
00:21:38 - He cheated on you?
00:21:43 - We had an open relationship.
00:21:45 - You just never seemed gay to me in high school at all.
00:21:53 - Can you please just forget I said anything?
00:21:58 Just erase it from your memory?
00:22:00 - Why?
00:22:00 I'm fine with it.
00:22:02 - Because I don't want it going around that I'm gay.
00:22:05 At least not in Grand Falls, anyway.
00:22:09 - You're still in the closet.
00:22:11 - No.
00:22:13 No, I mean, I was openly gay.
00:22:16 - See?
00:22:19 I admire that.
00:22:23 You got out.
00:22:25 Now I admire you even more.
00:22:28 Gay guys are like a thing.
00:22:31 Very popular these days.
00:22:33 - Oh, so now I'm cool?
00:22:34 And popular.
00:22:35 - It's almost like high school has reversed.
00:22:38 I was popular, but I didn't know who I was.
00:22:43 But now I'm searching.
00:22:44 And you, you weren't popular.
00:22:47 But you had self-awareness and angst.
00:22:50 - Everything has come full circle.
00:22:52 - No wonder you thought Whitey was cute.
00:22:55 Now it's all adding up.
00:22:57 - It's complicated.
00:22:58 I'm not gonna be gay anymore.
00:23:04 That's why I don't want you to say anything, all right?
00:23:08 - You're moving back to Grand Falls
00:23:10 and you're not gonna be gay anymore.
00:23:13 - That's right.
00:23:14 - That's crazy.
00:23:16 - Oh, what?
00:23:18 Your plan to escape LA is rational?
00:23:20 But my idea to go back to Grand Falls is ridiculous?
00:23:23 - Richard, you've lived this amazing life.
00:23:27 Why in the hell would you go back to our small town?
00:23:32 - I never had your life.
00:23:38 - The small town, the community of people
00:23:40 who know me and care?
00:23:42 - You're lucky.
00:23:43 - It's what I want.
00:23:45 That's what, it's exactly what's been missing
00:23:48 from my superficial life.
00:23:49 - You think you're superficial.
00:23:51 - I have been, sure.
00:23:53 - Maybe it's your job.
00:23:56 - No, it's my life.
00:24:00 You know, you think you're being deep and real
00:24:04 with people and relationships, but you're not.
00:24:08 You realize at the end of the day that you're all alone.
00:24:12 I want a home where people know me,
00:24:17 not just who they think I am.
00:24:22 - Home isn't a place.
00:24:25 - It can be.
00:24:28 I think you can be a different person in a different place.
00:24:33 - So you plan on being a different person?
00:24:36 - Yeah.
00:24:37 I mean, not 100% different,
00:24:40 but different version of me, more authentic.
00:24:47 - You plan on reinventing yourself.
00:24:49 - It's like you were saying about the show.
00:24:53 LA was my show.
00:24:56 I'm done with that kind of life.
00:24:58 - So how you planning to change?
00:25:05 (crowd chattering)
00:25:08 - Well, one thing I know is I am not really gay.
00:25:13 - Richard, you're not really gay.
00:25:19 You just got done telling me you were gay.
00:25:23 - I thought I was.
00:25:26 - And now you don't think you are.
00:25:28 - I don't know.
00:25:32 I know I thought I was.
00:25:36 - Okay, so you sleep with men.
00:25:38 - Yeah.
00:25:41 - So what does that mean?
00:25:46 - I don't know.
00:25:49 I was part of something, a community, I guess.
00:25:53 - Okay, a community, community,
00:25:57 which is what you said you wanted to be part of.
00:26:01 - True, sort of.
00:26:03 - Sort of.
00:26:04 I don't know.
00:26:07 I mean, maybe it's just what I needed then.
00:26:11 - Okay, I don't understand.
00:26:14 I don't get what you mean.
00:26:17 - I never had the popularity that you had in high school.
00:26:26 I wasn't a jock like Whitey.
00:26:29 You know, a girl like you.
00:26:31 - Girl like me what?
00:26:32 - You would have never slept with somebody like me.
00:26:36 - Of course not.
00:26:37 We were in high school.
00:26:38 - Because I wasn't cool 'cause I was in theater, right?
00:26:42 - Yeah, exactly.
00:26:43 You know how it works.
00:26:44 - But you slept with Whitey.
00:26:47 - Because he was on the football team.
00:26:49 - He didn't respect you?
00:26:54 - Yeah, he was on the football team and I was a cheerleader.
00:27:00 You know, I thought we got all this.
00:27:02 - Yeah, you're helping me make my point.
00:27:04 - What's your point exactly?
00:27:06 - You seem to think that you knew,
00:27:11 that I knew who I was in high school, but I didn't.
00:27:16 No, maybe I wanted to sleep with women.
00:27:20 You know, and maybe I was just attracted to
00:27:22 or just curious, you know, about--
00:27:27 - Guys like Whitey.
00:27:28 - Guys like Whitey, exactly.
00:27:32 - And since you were a little sensitive and effeminate,
00:27:37 you--
00:27:38 - You think I'm effeminate?
00:27:40 - Well, you were.
00:27:41 - Really, you thought I was effeminate in high school?
00:27:45 Okay, I guess I was.
00:27:50 And then I moved and I got attention for the first time.
00:28:02 - Attention from the gay community.
00:28:04 - Lots of attention.
00:28:07 - Well, it's nice to have attention.
00:28:15 (gentle music)
00:28:20 (people chattering)
00:28:23 (gentle music)
00:28:25 (people chattering)
00:28:54 - I hope you washed your hands.
00:28:56 (laughs)
00:28:58 - Did they let you take these out of the bar?
00:29:00 - Yeah, they know we're stuck here for a while.
00:29:02 They don't care.
00:29:03 - Oh, hey, did you check on the flights?
00:29:07 - Oh yeah, they said to check back in an hour.
00:29:10 - Oh, right.
00:29:11 (people chattering)
00:29:18 - I was a little bit of a slut too.
00:29:24 (laughs)
00:29:26 I remember.
00:29:27 - Richard, be nice.
00:29:31 - Hey, I didn't wanna say anything before,
00:29:32 but you had a reputation.
00:29:35 - Wait a second.
00:29:38 First you say that maybe you wanted to sleep with me
00:29:43 in high school, but couldn't.
00:29:46 And now I'm a slut.
00:29:49 So.
00:29:52 - Look, you slept with others, but not me.
00:29:56 That makes you a slut in my book.
00:29:57 - Well, two sluts.
00:30:04 - I'm sure you're no sluttier than anyone else.
00:30:09 - Hey, don't take that away from me.
00:30:11 Maybe I happen to like sex.
00:30:15 - Oh, I thought it was all the show.
00:30:18 - Being with a guy like Whitey was,
00:30:21 was the show, but woulda maybe slept with him for myself.
00:30:26 - You knew you liked sex at 16?
00:30:33 - Yeah, didn't you?
00:30:34 - Yeah.
00:30:38 - I mean, is that so weird?
00:30:40 Why, because I'm a woman admitting it?
00:30:43 - Maybe double standard.
00:30:46 - Well, you knew you liked it then, didn't you?
00:30:50 Who doesn't like sex that's like not liking pizza?
00:30:53 - Oh, I know plenty of women who are like over it.
00:30:58 - Giving up on sex?
00:31:00 - Yep, all over Grand Falls.
00:31:03 - That's just sad.
00:31:05 - I know, sex is just, it's important.
00:31:09 - Maybe that's who we are inside.
00:31:13 Just deep in our core, we're sexual beings.
00:31:20 - Animals?
00:31:21 - And I knew that by the time I was 16, didn't you?
00:31:30 - I suppose.
00:31:34 I just actually hadn't had it yet.
00:31:37 - Now that, I can believe.
00:31:41 (laughing)
00:31:43 But a real kiss is the best.
00:31:54 - You think so?
00:31:55 - Yeah.
00:31:58 There's something about that moment
00:32:05 when you kiss someone
00:32:07 and there's something breathtaking about it.
00:32:11 - I did a lot of things I regretted
00:32:22 in search of that feeling.
00:32:23 - You did?
00:32:25 - It was all good at the time.
00:32:28 I mean, just giving in to those primal cravings.
00:32:33 - Right.
00:32:37 It's what you do when you're in your 20s
00:32:39 and you're stupid.
00:32:40 You think you're invincible.
00:32:41 - You got hurt?
00:32:44 - No, but I hurt someone else.
00:32:49 - Your boyfriend?
00:32:52 - Yeah.
00:32:55 - You're the one that cheated?
00:33:02 - We both cheated, physically.
00:33:04 We were just being fair and realistic to ourselves
00:33:07 and our sexual needs.
00:33:08 - Okay.
00:33:12 - But one day I realized I'm not in it like him.
00:33:16 I mean, he's committed to me, this lifestyle,
00:33:20 and I'm just here for the--
00:33:22 - Fun.
00:33:23 - Attention.
00:33:25 It was superficial.
00:33:26 - We're all superficial, I guess, at times.
00:33:31 - But you get to a point where you're like,
00:33:34 what the fuck am I doing?
00:33:35 This isn't a joke, this is my life happening here.
00:33:39 - And you wake up one day and you're in your 30s
00:33:43 and you're like, what the fuck?
00:33:45 - What the fuck, exactly.
00:33:47 - What was your wake up call?
00:33:53 - I think you get to a point where you realize
00:33:57 you're not so young and stupid.
00:33:59 You lose that as an excuse.
00:34:02 - You realize you're not invincible?
00:34:04 - You realize you can get hurt.
00:34:08 - People can do terrible things to you.
00:34:12 - So you decide to move back home?
00:34:20 You just drop your life?
00:34:23 - Back to the roots.
00:34:24 Start over.
00:34:25 - Can you really do that, though?
00:34:27 Do you think it's realistic to think
00:34:29 you can just drop your past?
00:34:32 - I still want the fairy tale.
00:34:34 - What's that look like for you?
00:34:39 I know mine, fairy tale, but what's yours?
00:34:42 - Tradition.
00:34:45 Same as you.
00:34:46 - Okay.
00:34:49 - I want all the things you're supposed to.
00:34:51 I wanna get married, have children.
00:34:53 - With a lover?
00:34:56 - No, with a wife.
00:34:58 I wanna find a good woman
00:35:00 and have a simple life in a small town.
00:35:03 Like you were saying, like society and the Bible
00:35:07 wants you to, tells you to.
00:35:10 - So you can just flip the switch back like that.
00:35:14 One day you're gay and the next day you marry a woman.
00:35:18 - It's not a switch.
00:35:19 I've been thinking about it for a long time.
00:35:21 Yeah, well, I'm glad it's so funny to you.
00:35:27 I'm glad you find my life so hilarious.
00:35:30 Look, I didn't think about going home before,
00:35:33 but then everything happened with Kyle
00:35:36 and I just, I got in this reflective phase, you know?
00:35:41 - Okay.
00:35:44 I know a couple things about sexuality
00:35:49 and psychology and it just doesn't work that way.
00:35:54 - Look, I told you I was in it.
00:35:57 - Yes, but in the end.
00:35:59 - Well, you can't go year after year being one person
00:36:04 and all of a sudden realizing you're some other person.
00:36:08 - Why not?
00:36:10 - People don't do that.
00:36:12 - You did it?
00:36:13 - Did not.
00:36:14 - In high school with Whitey?
00:36:16 - Oh, come on.
00:36:18 I wasn't a whole other person.
00:36:22 - You were living a lie, you said it.
00:36:24 - I was living what was expected of me.
00:36:27 It wasn't a lie, it was still me.
00:36:29 - What's the difference?
00:36:30 - I, maybe I didn't like it all the time,
00:36:33 but I accepted it was my life.
00:36:36 All the mistakes that I made were my own.
00:36:40 - But eventually you get older
00:36:41 and you realize you can't keep up the charade
00:36:44 and your whole fucking life's a charade.
00:36:54 - My life has been a charade, you're right, in many ways.
00:36:59 - We've just been going over what a great life you have,
00:37:01 being popular and marrying Whitey.
00:37:04 - Yes, I accept this is my life.
00:37:09 Unlike you, you're talking like there's some other person
00:37:14 you can pin responsibility on.
00:37:17 That's a cop-out.
00:37:19 - A cop-out?
00:37:20 What about you?
00:37:22 - You are right, I am running from more than you even know.
00:37:27 I am getting far, far away.
00:37:30 - You've never been anywhere.
00:37:31 You'll be back within six months.
00:37:34 - You're kind of pathetic, you know?
00:37:39 - Oh, I'm pathetic?
00:37:40 - You act like your life has been so heavy and intense
00:37:46 because you were gay and cheated on a lover,
00:37:50 but now you wanna throw it all away
00:37:52 and start fresh anew.
00:37:55 You act like there was somebody else.
00:37:57 Well, if there was somebody else, Richard, who was it?
00:38:00 - You know what, I'm just saying,
00:38:02 I'm just saying that your problems seem pretty normal.
00:38:06 Small town girl, popular, marries the jock
00:38:10 and it doesn't work out.
00:38:11 You're a cliche, Tiffany.
00:38:15 - I'm never coming back.
00:38:19 - Oh, sure, you'll explore.
00:38:21 You'll search for that freedom that you missed out on
00:38:25 when you got married in your 20s
00:38:27 and you'll look for that elusive, real kiss,
00:38:32 but it doesn't exist.
00:38:34 Not in the long run.
00:38:36 And you know what?
00:38:40 Eventually you'll want what I want, the husband, the kids.
00:38:44 - Oh, you think just because that's what you want,
00:38:47 everybody does?
00:38:49 - I've been around a lot of people
00:38:50 and I know what I'm talking about.
00:38:52 - You don't know shit about me or my problems.
00:38:57 - You're the typical small town divorcee.
00:39:00 Okay, you've never experienced life outside of our town.
00:39:04 Once you get a taste of it, trust me, you'll be back,
00:39:08 just like me.
00:39:09 - You're wrong.
00:39:11 - It didn't work out perfect.
00:39:13 That's everyone's story.
00:39:18 - You don't know what you're talking about.
00:39:20 - So Whitey drank?
00:39:21 What a shock.
00:39:23 The high school jock who's now a drunk?
00:39:25 Never heard of that one.
00:39:26 - There's more to it than that.
00:39:28 - Oh, don't tell me.
00:39:29 Let me guess.
00:39:30 He hit you.
00:39:32 Oh, more cliches, I love it.
00:39:34 - He didn't hit me.
00:39:36 We had a kid.
00:39:47 - You had a kid?
00:39:48 Wait, wait, you're a mom?
00:39:51 - I told you I gained weight after being pregnant.
00:39:55 I guess you weren't listening.
00:39:57 - What, when we first started talking?
00:40:00 That doesn't count.
00:40:01 I didn't know I was gonna talk to you seriously like this.
00:40:05 - Superficial, just like you said you were.
00:40:08 - Oh, now that's bullshit.
00:40:11 So what, you're gonna run off to the West Coast
00:40:12 and leave your kid at home for what,
00:40:15 your mom to take care of or something?
00:40:17 - No.
00:40:19 - Oh, you get divorced, lose weight,
00:40:22 dye your hair, get some fake nails,
00:40:24 and you abandon your kid, what,
00:40:25 'cause you think you deserve a better life?
00:40:28 What's next, some fake tits?
00:40:29 Maybe that'll make you a better person.
00:40:30 Why don't you go for it?
00:40:32 - He's dead.
00:40:36 - What?
00:40:40 - He died a year ago.
00:40:43 - What?
00:40:44 - What, Whitey's dead?
00:40:47 - My son, you asshole.
00:40:50 (soft music)
00:40:53 ♪ A place where life stands still ♪
00:41:05 ♪ A moment we could steal ♪
00:41:09 ♪ Don't remember how to feel ♪
00:41:14 ♪ Can't take these ups and downs ♪
00:41:24 ♪ Snow lands on the ground ♪
00:41:29 ♪ Let's swim until we drown ♪
00:41:37 ♪ I don't know where to call home ♪
00:41:42 ♪ And I can't stand on my own ♪
00:41:51 ♪ Don't rain on my parade ♪
00:42:04 ♪ Don't look through my charade ♪
00:42:09 ♪ Don't let that picture fade ♪
00:42:13 ♪ I thought we'd kill some time ♪
00:42:24 ♪ Escape the cold outside ♪
00:42:29 ♪ With regrets in your eyes ♪
00:42:33 - Doesn't look good.
00:42:41 - They made an announcement about getting us out of here
00:42:45 before the next storm comes, so maybe.
00:42:49 - Hey, I'm sorry.
00:42:53 - It's fine.
00:42:55 - I'm a little drunk.
00:42:58 - Me too.
00:42:59 - I shouldn't have been so insensitive.
00:43:01 - You said it's fine.
00:43:04 You didn't know, whatever.
00:43:07 - You said I was one of the sensitive ones, but I'm not.
00:43:11 Sometimes I get defensive and I push people.
00:43:16 I see that now.
00:43:19 - I was all over you about your sexual lifestyle choices.
00:43:25 It's all fair game, right?
00:43:28 - It's too intimate.
00:43:29 I mean, we don't even know each other.
00:43:32 We went to high school 15 years ago, for Christ's sake.
00:43:36 And here I am, judging you,
00:43:40 still making assumptions about your life and who you are.
00:43:44 - We're from the same town, so that's something.
00:43:50 We're all entitled to our own opinions.
00:43:52 - Yeah, you know where someone's from,
00:43:55 talk a little, makes us think we know who they are,
00:43:59 but we don't.
00:43:59 - Well, folks, we're hoping to get a few of you out,
00:44:05 but the temperature is a bit too low today.
00:44:08 The wind's right now, so the planes
00:44:09 are going to have to stay grounded for now.
00:44:11 - Looks like we're stuck here a little while longer.
00:44:14 - Wanna take a walk?
00:44:17 - Do you dare?
00:44:21 - I'm not afraid.
00:44:24 - Do you dare?
00:44:25 - I'm not gonna go off on you again.
00:44:27 I said I was sorry.
00:44:28 - I don't know.
00:44:32 - I realized I was yelling at you,
00:44:38 but only because I resent it.
00:44:41 - Resent what?
00:44:47 - I'm telling you that you're this small town cliche,
00:44:51 and yet that's the one thing I wish I could be.
00:44:55 - So you're a hypocrite?
00:44:59 - Maybe.
00:45:02 Or just that love-hate thing.
00:45:04 You know how sometimes you're drawn to things?
00:45:08 You get in your head how great something's gonna be?
00:45:12 - Or you just desperately want
00:45:22 that one thing you deep down know is so bad for you?
00:45:26 - So what happened with your son?
00:45:49 - I mean, if you wanna talk about it.
00:45:51 - Might as well now.
00:45:55 - Not if you don't want to.
00:45:59 I don't need to know, I just thought maybe--
00:46:03 - It was Whitey.
00:46:04 - What?
00:46:08 What happened?
00:46:15 (indistinct chatter)
00:46:19 - He's drinking as usual.
00:46:34 You picked him up after a game at school.
00:46:40 (phone ringing)
00:46:43 - What was his name?
00:46:46 - Jimmy Jr.
00:46:51 - Right.
00:46:55 - And no one else called him that, only me.
00:47:03 His friends at school called him Whitey,
00:47:08 just like his dad.
00:47:11 (phone ringing)
00:47:13 - So they were a lot alike?
00:47:15 - Like clones.
00:47:17 He also played football,
00:47:23 just like his dad.
00:47:26 - So Whitey picks him up from school?
00:47:33 - It wasn't just the drinking.
00:47:40 I knew Whitey was also messing with crystal meth.
00:47:45 - So you were around that too?
00:47:52 - Not me.
00:47:54 I never tried the stuff.
00:47:59 - I did.
00:48:04 - You did?
00:48:08 - You did.
00:48:09 - So Whitey was caught up in all that?
00:48:26 - Yeah.
00:48:34 Most people are real sweet in Grand Falls.
00:48:39 You know, every town has their bad elements.
00:48:43 His boys, you know.
00:48:45 - And he went to pick up your son after partying?
00:48:48 - I was supposed to pick him up,
00:48:52 but I...
00:48:55 - What?
00:49:00 (rain falling)
00:49:02 - I was seeing someone I shouldn't have.
00:49:10 I knew Whitey was at the bar,
00:49:16 watching games with his buddies all night.
00:49:22 - And no one was at your son's game?
00:49:29 - It was just a practice game.
00:49:30 - I see.
00:49:34 - Yeah, well, Whitey was driving drunk as usual,
00:49:43 and he picked up Jimmy Jr. from school,
00:49:52 and he wrapped the car around a tree.
00:49:54 (crying)
00:49:56 And the police called.
00:50:05 And I'm in a hotel room with Whitey's business partner.
00:50:12 - Oh no.
00:50:23 - You know how you were calling me a cliche?
00:50:25 Well, maybe you're right.
00:50:32 It's what I am.
00:50:36 One big fucking white trash cliche.
00:50:46 - Don't say that.
00:50:49 - It's true.
00:50:52 Maybe I got so upset with you before
00:50:56 because I knew you were hitting a nerve.
00:50:58 - I was just being an asshole.
00:51:05 - Truth is,
00:51:06 maybe you do see me clearly.
00:51:10 - This isn't your fault.
00:51:15 - Yeah, that's what people say.
00:51:20 It's my fault.
00:51:21 In some ways it is.
00:51:27 - People have fairs.
00:51:28 You couldn't have known.
00:51:32 - I was selfish.
00:51:38 And now I have nothing.
00:51:48 - I'm sorry.
00:51:49 - I'm sorry.
00:51:51 - I'm sorry.
00:51:52 - I'm sorry.
00:51:54 - They both died?
00:51:56 - No.
00:52:00 Whitey survived.
00:52:03 His airbag went off.
00:52:05 A little Jimmy Jr.
00:52:15 His chest got smashed.
00:52:23 (sad music)
00:52:25 - So sad.
00:52:34 - That's not even the sad part.
00:52:43 The sad part is that I'm not alone.
00:52:51 (sad music)
00:52:54 - You called me while I was fucking Darren.
00:52:59 And it's like, do I answer the phone
00:53:05 and have a question or a bath?
00:53:09 And when we finish and we go again in the shower
00:53:18 and I can hear the phone ringing.
00:53:23 So finally I'm like, what the fuck?
00:53:26 - And you listened to the message.
00:53:32 - Hours later, a lot of time had passed.
00:53:39 Then I go to the bathroom.
00:53:49 (sad music)
00:53:52 Go to the hospital.
00:53:54 It was too late.
00:53:58 - He was gone.
00:54:04 (sad music)
00:54:07 (sniffling)
00:54:10 (sad music)
00:54:12 - How old was he?
00:54:40 - He was 12.
00:54:41 I can't even believe that.
00:54:43 Me with a 12 year old, almost a teenager.
00:54:46 He was making me feel old.
00:54:49 - It's understandable.
00:54:51 - How?
00:54:54 What about this is understandable?
00:54:57 - The affair.
00:54:59 You were feeling older.
00:55:01 It sounds like Whitey had abandoned you emotionally.
00:55:04 Definitely sexually.
00:55:06 - It's no excuse.
00:55:08 I should have been there for Jimmy Jr.
00:55:12 The sad thing is, is I resented him.
00:55:16 - Your own son?
00:55:19 - He was just like Whitey.
00:55:21 The older he got, the more he got into sports.
00:55:26 It's the same thing.
00:55:28 Like me being back in high school.
00:55:30 - He was like going through it with Whitey all over again.
00:55:34 Just like him.
00:55:36 Talking like him, acting like him.
00:55:39 I loved Jimmy Jr.
00:55:42 But sometimes it was like there was no escape.
00:55:48 Like I was doomed to keep living the same life
00:55:52 with the same man over and over.
00:55:55 - But he wasn't Whitey.
00:55:58 I'm sure he loved you.
00:55:59 I'm sure you were a great mom.
00:56:01 - I tried.
00:56:04 But the older he got, the older I felt.
00:56:09 Because it reminded me of how I used to be.
00:56:13 How me and Whitey used to be.
00:56:16 - It's normal to feel that way.
00:56:19 I'm sure.
00:56:32 - Stuck in an airport.
00:56:34 On a Saturday night, no less.
00:56:36 It's kind of depressing.
00:56:39 - I'm not depressed.
00:56:41 Not anymore.
00:56:43 - You were?
00:56:45 - I was.
00:56:46 I was for a long time.
00:56:49 But after a lot of thinking.
00:56:52 - Did you talk to a therapist?
00:56:55 - No, of course not.
00:56:56 We don't do things like that in Grand Falls.
00:56:59 - Meds?
00:57:01 - No.
00:57:02 - How did you ever get through all of that
00:57:05 without therapists or meds?
00:57:08 - I wrote in a journal.
00:57:11 And cried.
00:57:13 I cried a lot.
00:57:15 About where my life ended up and how sad it was.
00:57:21 - You felt sorry for yourself?
00:57:25 - Hey.
00:57:26 Maybe I'm not some rich art dealer
00:57:29 who can afford years and years of therapy
00:57:32 just to find out I'm selfish and need attention.
00:57:37 - So that's what Whitey's partner was about?
00:57:42 Was it a long-term thing or just one indiscretion?
00:57:47 - He was on the books for a long time
00:57:50 before we did anything about it.
00:57:53 - On the books?
00:57:55 - No.
00:57:57 On the books.
00:57:59 Someone who you know you're gonna sleep with
00:58:01 when you first meet.
00:58:03 But for whatever reason or circumstance.
00:58:07 You just...
00:58:09 don't.
00:58:11 - So you were into him?
00:58:15 - Caught up in him is more like it.
00:58:18 He was attractive.
00:58:22 Also married.
00:58:25 So it seemed okay.
00:58:27 - That logic is called justification.
00:58:30 - Life's all justification.
00:58:33 I mean, how else can you live with some of the things that you do?
00:58:38 Coming up with an angle that you can live with.
00:58:45 Convincing yourself that your bad decision is okay.
00:58:49 We all do it.
00:58:51 - We all do.
00:58:54 Maybe that's what life is all about.
00:58:57 Looking for excitement and attention.
00:59:01 We're all just selfish at the core.
00:59:06 - Yes, but under the caveat that being selfish is just how things are.
00:59:10 You can't control or change it.
00:59:13 - No, I'm optimistic.
00:59:16 Maybe I'll find a better life in a new location.
00:59:21 - I mean...
00:59:24 it's gotta be better.
00:59:27 Can't stay where all this happened, right?
00:59:31 - Sometimes you can be a different person in a different place.
00:59:37 - Right.
00:59:39 And you have your philosophy that no matter where you go, there you'll be.
00:59:44 - I believe that, sure.
00:59:52 - You are a hypocrite.
00:59:55 You know, I had you on this pedestal
01:00:00 because you lived in California and you were successful
01:00:05 and I thought you were smarter than me and knew more.
01:00:09 But now that I know you,
01:00:13 you just keep spouting out all these life philosophies
01:00:18 and they all contradict.
01:00:20 - Because I'm a hypocrite.
01:00:22 Didn't you just call me that?
01:00:25 - I think it's all a cover.
01:00:29 - What do you mean?
01:00:33 - You say all these things and they make you sound smart
01:00:37 and make you sound like you understand yourself and your life,
01:00:41 but you don't.
01:00:47 Why don't you tell me the truth, Richard?
01:00:50 Do you even know what the truth is?
01:00:54 - Going back to the beginning was the only plan that made sense to me.
01:01:01 Start over. Then maybe you can get it right the second time.
01:01:04 - You say you were selfish in L.A.
01:01:07 and now you selfishly want to come back home and start over
01:01:12 and bring an innocent woman and child into your selfishness.
01:01:17 - It's not like that.
01:01:19 - This is all a lie.
01:01:22 - Look, just because my dream isn't the same as yours
01:01:24 doesn't make it less valid.
01:01:26 - You can comment on my life,
01:01:29 but when the mirror is turned around,
01:01:32 you can't take it on yourself.
01:01:35 - Sure I can.
01:01:37 - Breaking out of a bad relationship is one thing,
01:01:40 but so bad you decide you want to be with women?
01:01:43 - Come on.
01:01:44 - What was bad enough for you to become this desperate?
01:01:49 - February 18th.
01:01:56 - Right. You said you cheated on Kyle,
01:02:00 but that was the lifestyle, right?
01:02:02 - I suppose technically I cheated on him and he cheated on me,
01:02:07 but none of that meant anything.
01:02:09 I mean, we knew we'd come home to each other
01:02:11 at the end of the day.
01:02:12 - You had the mutual understanding.
01:02:17 - He trusted me.
01:02:20 - And?
01:02:24 - And?
01:02:28 - Richard, what did you do?
01:02:32 Hey, I told you everything about me.
01:02:36 Things no one knows.
01:02:41 - I know.
01:02:44 - So just tell me whatever it is.
01:02:51 - Picked up this guy at a bathhouse.
01:03:02 - They still have bathhouses?
01:03:07 - Yeah.
01:03:09 - I'm sorry.
01:03:11 - I get it. It's funny.
01:03:14 It's just how it works.
01:03:16 - So wait.
01:03:18 You must have spent Valentine's Day with Kyle,
01:03:23 so then a couple days later,
01:03:26 you were with this stranger you met at a bathhouse.
01:03:32 - Yeah.
01:03:35 See? I sound like this heartless human being.
01:03:39 - Tell me.
01:03:42 - We had sex. Bareback.
01:03:55 Like...
01:03:59 anal?
01:04:00 - What do you think? - Okay.
01:04:04 - He was HIV positive.
01:04:14 - Wow.
01:04:22 - Oh, no.
01:04:26 - Hundreds of times.
01:04:30 I'll make that thousands.
01:04:34 I don't even know how many times I had sex before that night.
01:04:39 - You were with a lot of different men?
01:04:44 - It was just all fun and games at the time, you know?
01:04:49 - But you always practiced safe sex.
01:04:54 - Of course.
01:04:56 Except with Kyle, of course. I mean, we were...
01:05:00 married.
01:05:03 - Oh. Now I get what you're saying.
01:05:07 - And he just let it happen.
01:05:10 I mean, I was faced the other way, you know?
01:05:12 I knew he had rubbers, but I was kind of fucked up,
01:05:15 and he was kind of fucked up.
01:05:18 - Richard, that's like...
01:05:21 rape. - I know.
01:05:23 - And assault. - I know.
01:05:27 - Did you want to kill him?
01:05:33 - Well, I didn't...
01:05:37 I didn't realize until later.
01:05:41 - So you...
01:05:45 went back to him? - No.
01:05:49 I didn't even know his name.
01:05:52 In fact, he was...
01:05:54 visiting from Montreal or something.
01:05:58 - It is so selfish of him.
01:06:02 - Selfish, right?
01:06:04 Proving yet again...
01:06:07 - That people are unbelievable.
01:06:13 - Well, I don't...
01:06:16 I don't know if it was deliberate or...
01:06:18 an accident or what happened.
01:06:21 I'd like to believe it was an accident.
01:06:25 - So you're dying.
01:06:31 - The cocktail's taken with me. I'm fine.
01:06:35 - Fine?
01:06:41 - It was my fault.
01:06:44 Completely.
01:06:48 I was a selfish one. I wouldn't have been there with that guy
01:06:53 if I wasn't being selfish.
01:06:56 - You had an open relationship.
01:07:01 - I know, but... and it was Kyle's idea.
01:07:05 But I think he thought he had to.
01:07:07 I mean, he knew I wasn't ready to settle down.
01:07:10 He just did it for me.
01:07:13 - It was a mistake.
01:07:16 - Yes, it was a mistake, but I know it was...
01:07:20 my fault.
01:07:23 I keep blaming him, but...
01:07:27 I was the one who was reckless.
01:07:31 - Kyle loved me.
01:07:34 - He trusted me.
01:07:36 And he loved me.
01:07:39 And I totally blew it.
01:07:43 And now I'm all alone.
01:07:47 I have nothing.
01:07:50 - So maybe it isn't...
01:07:58 the tension or selfishness that drives us.
01:08:04 - What then?
01:08:07 - It all comes down to wanting to be loved.
01:08:12 That's what the fairy tale really means, doesn't it?
01:08:16 That we find love in the end.
01:08:20 - I don't know.
01:08:23 I mean, maybe it is all biological.
01:08:34 With everything we know about DNA...
01:08:39 I mean, think about it.
01:08:44 Everyone you've ever been with,
01:08:47 ever kissed, ever been intimate with,
01:08:52 your DNA is left with them forever.
01:08:57 - We leave traces of ourselves.
01:09:02 - Maybe there's something to that.
01:09:06 The way...
01:09:08 DNA evidence is left on a victim forever.
01:09:14 Even if their body's dug up later, it's still there.
01:09:21 Literally.
01:09:23 We leave pieces of ourselves with each person.
01:09:28 And them with us.
01:09:32 The people we're close to become part of us.
01:09:39 Forever.
01:09:43 So...
01:09:53 Kyle...
01:09:55 broke up with you after all this?
01:10:00 - No, I left him.
01:10:03 - Wait.
01:10:06 He was willing to stay with you after all this, and you left?
01:10:12 Richard.
01:10:15 - That's what I was saying.
01:10:19 That was my moment.
01:10:23 When I suddenly realized I'd gone to the edge.
01:10:29 Forget that.
01:10:31 I fell over the edge.
01:10:33 Crashed and burned.
01:10:36 - Suddenly life's not all fun and games anymore.
01:10:44 Like my moment at the hospital.
01:10:49 You see the bigger picture.
01:10:53 - Maybe it's out of our control.
01:10:57 - You mean like fate or something?
01:11:00 - That could just be more bullshit we're convincing ourselves of.
01:11:04 - I've become pretty good at believing my own justifications.
01:11:11 - Do you think you could ever get back with Whitey?
01:11:18 - Oh, come on.
01:11:23 Everybody makes mistakes.
01:11:27 I mean, I know that was a pretty big mistake, but...
01:11:33 he has to be hurting too. It was his son.
01:11:38 - Yeah.
01:11:42 He wants to get back together.
01:11:49 - Would you?
01:11:53 Could you ever get past something traumatic like that?
01:11:59 Maybe things could work out.
01:12:04 - Sometimes there's just too much history.
01:12:13 Too much hurt.
01:12:18 You know.
01:12:22 - Sometimes it's easier to move forward than to go back.
01:12:28 You've messed up too much to ever make it right.
01:12:34 - Yeah.
01:12:37 Sometimes a fresh start is what you have to do.
01:12:47 - You have no choice.
01:12:52 - Looks like maybe we're gonna get out of here after all.
01:13:14 - Looks like it.
01:13:39 - I know this move is the right thing for me.
01:13:45 - Me too.
01:13:50 - I'm trapped inside again.
01:13:55 This time I know it's with you.
01:14:02 And you'll take this piece of me.
01:14:10 And I'll take this piece of you.
01:14:16 And I'll take this piece of you.
01:14:22 Am I alone in this world?
01:14:30 'Cause I can't help feel this way.
01:14:40 That I need you to stay.
01:15:00 Well I'm moving forward then I'm headed back again.
01:15:14 I can't stop this feeling that I just can't seem to win.
01:15:30 Am I alone in this world?
01:15:37 'Cause I can't help feel this way.
01:15:45 Don't know how to say.
01:15:52 That I need you to stay.
01:16:02 [Instrumental]
01:16:08 [Instrumental]
01:16:14 [Instrumental]
01:16:20 [Instrumental]
01:16:26 [Instrumental]
01:16:32 [Instrumental]
01:16:38 [Instrumental]
01:16:44 Am I alone in this world?
01:16:50 'Cause I can't help feel this way.
01:16:58 Don't know how to say.
01:17:05 That I need you to stay.
01:17:14 [Instrumental]
01:17:32 [Instrumental]
01:17:38 Excuse me, but are you Richard?
01:17:41 Richard Mack from Grand Falls?
01:17:44 No, I'm Steve.
01:17:47 [Silence]
01:17:53 [Silence]
01:17:59 [Silence]
01:18:05 [Silence]
01:18:11 [Silence]
01:18:17 [Silence]
01:18:23 [Silence]
01:18:29 [Silence]
01:18:35 [Silence]
01:18:41 [Silence]
01:18:47 [Silence]
01:18:53 [Silence]
01:18:59 [BLANK_AUDIO]
