Typhoon Koinu Leaves 1 Dead, Hundreds Injured in Taiwan

  • last year
Typhoon Koinu made landfall in Taiwan this week, causing the death of one person in Taichung and injuring over 300 more.
00:00 toppled scooters and broken glass, fallen trees and downed power lines.
00:07 Taiwan is cleaning up after Typhoon Koi Nu, the second typhoon to make landfall this year.
00:13 It brought punishing winds, with record-breaking gusts of over 300 kilometers an hour in some places.
00:23 More than 300 people were hurt, and Koi Nu's strong winds killed one person, a woman in the central city of Taichung.
00:30 Crews worked into the evening to restore power to tens of thousands of homes across central Taiwan.
00:43 And in the country's rugged interior, workers have been trying to restore access to an area cut off
00:50 when a river burst its banks and washed out the road.
00:53 Locals had been evacuated before the storm, but now can't go home.
00:57 But that isn't guaranteed to last. Taiwan's mountainous areas are prone to severe landslides.
01:12 Storms that scraped past the country earlier this year have caused repeated damage to infrastructure,
01:17 meaning that while Koi Nu has passed Taiwan and is now heading toward China, officials can't let their guard down yet.
01:23 Joseph Wu and John Van Triest for Taiwan Plus.
