• 2 years ago
Donald Trump GIVES UP and SURRENDERS to Michael Cohen like a COWARD


00:00 They have a process.
00:02 What was the process?
00:04 The goal was to use each of the assets and increase its value in order to get to the
00:15 end result number.
00:17 It was basically backing in numbers to each of the asset classes in order to attain the
00:28 number that Mr. Trump wanted.
00:32 That was Michael Cohen at his deposition in connection with the New York Attorney General's
00:40 civil fraud case against Donald Trump, which is now in day five of trial.
00:47 Michael Cohen showed up to his deposition, but Donald Trump is too cowardly to show up
00:55 to the deposition, noticed by Michael Cohen in the $500 million lawsuit that Donald Trump
01:02 filed against Cohen.
01:05 You heard that right, folks.
01:06 Donald Trump has surrendered.
01:09 Donald Trump has dismissed the federal lawsuit he filed against Michael Cohen because Donald
01:16 Trump was too cowardly to do what you just saw Michael Cohen do, which is Donald Trump
01:23 was too cowardly to be deposed.
01:26 I'm Ben Mycelis from the Midas Touch Network.
01:30 Folks, this is big.
01:32 I couldn't be prouder of my co-host from the Political Beatdown podcast, Michael Cohen.
01:39 If you follow the Political Beatdown podcast here at the Midas Touch Network, subscribe,
01:44 by the way, or Political Beatdown wherever audio podcasts are available.
01:48 I've been saying there is no way that Donald Trump is going to show up for that deposition
01:55 that was noticed by Michael Cohen.
01:57 You'll recall Donald Trump was the one who filed the lawsuit against Michael Cohen back
02:05 in April.
02:06 Trump used it for fundraising.
02:09 Donald Trump sued Michael Cohen for $500 million, and Michael Cohen did what you expect a litigant
02:16 to do who is sued for any amount of money, especially $500 million.
02:23 Michael Cohen fought back.
02:25 Michael Cohen filed a motion to dismiss and then immediately propounded, sent discovery
02:32 to Donald Trump.
02:33 Trump's the plaintiff in this case.
02:35 If you bring a case, you better be ready to litigate that case.
02:41 We know that Donald Trump just abuses the judicial process like he abuses everything
02:49 in his world.
02:52 Michael Cohen said, "Okay, bet.
02:54 I'm going to send a deposition notice.
02:56 I'm going to propound discovery requests and interrogatories and respond.
03:01 I'll see you for deposition."
03:03 Trump blew the first deposition date several months ago.
03:07 We've been covering each one of these steps here at the Midas Touch Network.
03:10 Trump's lawyer actually argued this.
03:14 Trump's lawyer argued that it would be embarrassing and harm Donald Trump's reputation if he had
03:20 to be deposed before the November 2024 election.
03:25 The federal judge in the Southern District of Florida where Donald Trump brought the
03:29 case rejected that argument and said, "No, you got to pick a deposition date."
03:36 Deposition dates were chosen.
03:38 Every time we got to that deposition date, there was one back in early September, Donald
03:43 Trump would come up with another excuse.
03:45 Like early September, he said that he had a new lawyer, one of his criminal defense
03:50 lawyers who needed to be there so Donald Trump could invoke his Fifth Amendment right against
03:55 self-incrimination in a case that Donald Trump filed against Michael Cohen.
04:02 The court's like, "Fine.
04:03 I'll give you one more try, but things are getting serious right now based on your repeated
04:10 pattern of abusing the judicial process here."
04:14 The federal judge in the Southern District of Florida said, "October 3rd."
04:19 As we got to the October 3rd deadline of the deposition of Donald Trump, Donald Trump came
04:25 up with another excuse.
04:27 Remember his excuse?
04:28 He then said that he was going to attend each and every day of the first week of the New
04:35 York Attorney General's civil fraud case.
04:37 Donald Trump said that he was indispensable and had to be there at the civil fraud trial.
04:44 Well, Donald Trump lasted two and a half days.
04:50 Two and a half days before he whined, "I'm stuck here.
04:53 I'm stuck here," is what he said.
04:56 You don't believe me here.
04:57 Play this clip of Donald Trump whining and saying that he's stuck here.
05:01 Play the clip.
05:02 >> But I'm here, stuck here, and I can't come back.
05:03 I'd rather be right now in Iowa.
05:04 I'd rather be in New Hampshire, South Carolina, or Ohio, or a lot of other places, but I'm
05:05 stuck here, because I have a corrupt attorney general that communicates with the DOJ in
05:06 Washington to keep me nice and busy, because I'm leading Biden in the polls by a lot.
05:07 I'm stuck here.
05:08 I can't come back.
05:09 I'd rather be right now in Iowa.
05:10 I'd rather be in New Hampshire, South Carolina, or Ohio, or a lot of other places, but I'm
05:11 stuck here, because I have a corrupt attorney general that communicates with the DOJ in
05:12 Washington to keep me nice and busy, because I'm leading Biden in the polls by a lot.
05:13 That's all this is.
05:34 >> And other than that, you had Donald Trump just attacking the judge, attacking the prosecutor.
06:03 Play this clip.
06:04 >> This is a judge that should be disbarred.
06:05 This is a judge that should be out of office.
06:06 This is a judge that some people say could be charged criminally for what he's doing.
06:07 He's interfering with an election, and it's a disgrace.
06:08 Thank you very much.
06:09 >> Mr. Trump, why do you wanna be here?
06:23 >> But here's the thing, why I wanted to show you those clips, and to me, the importance
06:29 of what Michael Cohen did.
06:30 Michael Cohen did not back down as Donald Trump relentlessly tried to wear him out.
06:38 Donald Trump did not attend the trial for the full week.
06:42 Michael Cohen was gonna call Trump out again, and then Trump voluntarily dismissed the case
06:50 against Michael Cohen.
06:51 Here it is, Donald Trump is trying to dismiss it without prejudice, which I'll explain to
06:56 you in a minute what that means.
06:58 And it says plaintiff, and he calls himself the president in these filings, which is just
07:02 absurd.
07:03 We do a motion to strike.
07:05 Plaintiff Donald Trump, by and through undersigned counsel, hereby gives notice that pursuant
07:10 to rule 41-1A1, sub one, is voluntarily dismissing the action without prejudice.
07:19 And then Donald Trump's thing is, well, if it's with prejudice, then I can't file the
07:23 lawsuit again.
07:24 So without prejudice, I wanna refile this lawsuit in the future.
07:28 So Donald Trump comes up with an excuse after dismissing the case because he was too cowardly
07:35 to show up for the deposition.
07:37 Let's be clear what went down.
07:39 Donald Trump surrendered.
07:41 And now Michael Cohen is going to have the opportunity to seek massive sanctions against
07:48 Donald Trump.
07:49 I wanna see Cohen sue Donald Trump now.
07:52 I wanna see Cohen seek massive sanctions against Donald Trump.
07:56 And for all Donald Trump has put Cohen through, I want Cohen to go on the offense.
08:01 I'll speak with Michael Cohen, by the way, later today, and I'll get his feedback about
08:05 what he thinks.
08:06 He's my co-host, of course, again, on the audio podcast, Political Beatdown.
08:10 Make sure you subscribe there as well.
08:12 But what was Donald Trump's statement?
08:14 Oh, his spokesperson put out an excuse saying that because of Columbus Day and that Donald
08:20 Trump will be in New Hampshire, that Donald Trump can't attend the deposition, so he's
08:25 going to dismiss it without prejudice.
08:28 And then he mocked Michael Cohen and called Michael Cohen a proud felon in the statement.
08:34 Well, you are such a coward.
08:37 You are such a traitorous, treasonous, you know what, Donald Trump.
08:44 And I want this to be a lesson for anybody, anybody who has to deal with Donald Trump.
08:50 And we say it time and time again here at the Midas Touch Network, stand up to him.
08:56 Stand up, 'cause he is as weak as you can be.
09:00 He is weak.
09:02 All of the frantic ranting and raving and throwing his hands and the hissy fits are
09:08 the temper tantrums of a petulant child.
09:13 Call it out the way Michael Cohen did and Trump surrenders.
09:16 Trump gives up each and every time like the coward, traitor he is.
09:23 He is a loser and the biggest loser in world history.
09:28 And he just surrendered to Michael Cohen.
09:31 Great work, Michael Cohen.
09:32 Donald Trump dismissed his case against Michael Cohen for $500 million.
09:37 Michael Cohen's now going to seek sanctions.
09:39 And I hope Michael Cohen sues Donald Trump.
09:42 We'll keep you posted as we learn more here at the Midas Touch Network.
09:46 Everyone, give a thanks to Michael Cohen.
09:49 I'm Ben Myselis from the Midas Touch Network and you can support the growth of this network.
09:54 You know what, support the Political Beatdown podcast by going to patreon.com/politicalbeatdown.
10:02 Patreon.com/politicalbeatdown.
10:04 Have a great day.
10:05 Hey, Midas Mighty.
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10:14 [Music]
