• last year
Marie Claire's cover star Amanda Seyfried shows off her impressive secret talents, shares her curious snack habits, and drops some sage advice for women in the latest hilarious episode of Pop Quiz.
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:06 Hi, I'm Amanda Seyfried and I'm playing Quiz with Marie Claire.
00:09 [MUSIC]
00:11 What is the last text you sent?
00:14 It was a picture to my mom.
00:17 A selfie of me with the balloons behind me.
00:21 About a minute ago.
00:24 I wonder what she said back.
00:29 Okay.
00:30 [SOUND]
00:31 Oh, the last song you got stuck in your head.
00:33 Right now I have All I Want by Joni Mitchell stuck in my head.
00:39 [MUSIC]
00:44 The bigger they are, the louder they are when they pop.
00:47 I'm gonna try not to flinch, ready?
00:49 [SOUND]
00:50 I have to get my helmet out.
00:52 [LAUGH]
00:54 Chocolate or cheese?
00:55 Ooh, cheese.
00:56 That was a difficult one, that's a hard question.
00:59 [MUSIC]
01:03 [SOUND]
01:06 I didn't flinch.
01:07 How did you make your first dollar?
01:09 My earliest memory was reselling a mechanical pen,
01:16 you know, with all the colors around.
01:17 I think it was a Hello Kitty pen that my sister had given me.
01:20 And I would have these little stands out, like, at my doorway to my room, and
01:25 I'd sell things, essentially, back to people.
01:29 And I remember it being kind of an argument.
01:33 I don't think she bought it.
01:36 But I definitely made money.
01:39 [SOUND]
01:41 Okay, I'm just trying to.
01:43 Favorite dance move?
01:44 Show us.
01:46 I can do a version.
01:47 [MUSIC]
01:57 Favorite couch snack?
02:04 Cheese puffs.
02:07 Any brand, doesn't matter.
02:09 And Cadbury mini eggs.
02:11 And there's these almonds that are, they come in little cans, and
02:14 they have different flavors, like smoked and
02:19 spicy sriracha flavors, really good.
02:23 [SOUND]
02:27 A word your friends would use to describe you?
02:29 Generous word would be generous.
02:31 And like a not as generous word would be strange.
02:37 [MUSIC]
02:40 You know, I can take either way, on a good day or a bad day.
02:43 It's intimidating.
02:44 [SOUND]
02:47 Intimidating.
02:48 The last book you read?
02:49 I don't read books.
02:50 I listen to them on Audible.
02:52 And it was the Kyle Buchanan's, the chip journalist book, Fury and Chrome.
03:00 I forget the title, but it's about Mad Max, Fury Road.
03:05 And about how it was never gonna be made.
03:07 And it was really good.
03:08 I ate it up.
03:09 I just finished it.
03:10 [SOUND]
03:11 What is the best gift you've ever received?
03:13 I, I, I got a donkey from my husband a couple years ago.
03:17 My birthday's in December, and I got an ornament with a donkey on it.
03:21 And it said, happy birthday, love, Gus.
03:23 And I can't top it.
03:26 No one, he's an amazing addition to my life.
03:29 [SOUND]
03:34 Did something hit me?
03:36 Name a movie that makes you cry.
03:38 Star is Born.
03:38 The most recent one.
03:42 [SOUND]
03:46 What should every woman try at least once in her life?
03:49 Every woman should try to say no.
03:52 At least once in her life.
03:56 Even if it feels uncomfortable.
04:01 [SOUND]
04:03 What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
04:05 Oh my god, I was thinking of one of these the other day.
04:07 People are always surprised to learn that I
04:11 dip most things that I like in applesauce.
04:14 Disgusted and surprised.
04:16 I don't know why, but that for some reason that it's it's weird.
04:22 [SOUND]
04:25 Word that makes you cringe.
04:27 Oh.
04:27 Fart.
04:30 I just, I can't anymore.
04:34 My, my friend was like allergic to that word and she calls them beeps.
04:38 And I have two kids and so we call them beeps now.
04:40 [LAUGH]
04:42 And it makes me laugh saying the word.
04:44 I don't know why.
04:45 Didn't used to.
04:48 Okay.
04:49 [SOUND]
04:53 Do you have any secret talents?
04:55 Oh my god, I just showed it to you.
04:57 The robot.
04:57 Secret talents?
04:59 No, no.
05:01 I don't.
05:03 I feel like I do.
05:04 Oh, I can purr.
05:05 Yeah.
05:05 [SOUND]
05:08 [LAUGH]
05:09 [MUSIC]
05:13 Like a cat.
05:14 I'm just kidding.
05:15 [LAUGH]
05:16 I have no more.
05:18 That was Pop Quiz with Marie Claire.
05:20 Thank you for watching.
05:21 [MUSIC]
