Dennis Allen Friday Press Conference - Week 5

  • last year
Dennis Allen talks about the Patriots and the things the Saints will have to do to beat them.
00:00 So look, I think we've had a good week of practice.
00:04 I think our guys are excited about going up to New England and playing.
00:06 Obviously, we understand what we're going up against in terms of a good football
00:12 team that's extremely well coached.
00:15 So it's probably a field where if they're not gonna give it to you,
00:19 you gotta go out there and earn it.
00:20 So I'm excited about the opportunity.
00:25 >> How much has it helped or changed the game plan at all to have Derek
00:29 be able to practice all week versus last week?
00:32 >> Well, I think there's probably a little bit more,
00:38 I don't know if certainty is the word, but
00:43 I think him getting those reps and getting that work.
00:46 I think there's still a new system and a new scheme.
00:52 And so being able to, and still now just in week five of the season,
00:56 him getting an opportunity to get a lot of those reps has been, I think,
01:00 beneficial for him and for us.
01:03 >> Assuming you've got Jordan Howard back this week,
01:06 what progress have you seen him make between his first start to his second start?
01:09 How that he's been available and got his- >> Yeah, look,
01:11 I think he's done a good job for us.
01:13 He's still a young player and so every day there's things that we've gotta
01:18 go over with him, but typically he doesn't make the same mistakes twice.
01:23 And so we feel confident about his ability to go in there and play.
01:27 And I think he's got good range on the back end.
01:29 I think he's a good tackler.
01:30 So he's been a good addition and played well for us.
01:36 >> Yeah, as a defensive coach, is there anything that Belichick has done or
01:39 you've watched that has had influence over you, just kinda your philosophies?
01:43 >> Yeah, look, I think as much as anything, when you watch them,
01:48 they're very fundamentally sound in everything that they do.
01:52 And they play a multitude of players in a lot of different positions.
01:57 So they make some things difficult on you in terms of identifying the defensive
02:02 personnel package that's out there.
02:04 And each week it's a new look.
02:08 And so it's kinda hard to go through and see what they do from week to week,
02:15 how they're gonna look at us and how they're gonna plan us.
02:20 I think there's a lot of times you can go and you can look at a scheme and
02:25 you can say, okay, this is what they're gonna do.
02:28 And this is what we really expect for them to do against us.
02:30 And yet, each and every week it kinda changes with them.
02:34 So that makes it tough.
02:37 I got a lot of respect for him in terms of his defensive mindset,
02:43 as well as his just overall knowledge of the game.
02:48 >> I don't know how much you guys will see Keon White,
02:50 since they've got an injury, to replace him.
02:54 But he felt like one of those things,
02:56 kind of measurements kind of guys heading into draft.
02:59 >> He was a guy we liked.
03:00 Yeah, he was a guy we liked.
03:02 I mean, he's big, he's got some good length.
03:05 He's extremely physical.
03:08 So I think he's a good player.
03:11 Certainly was a guy that we had our eye on.
03:14 >> [INAUDIBLE]
03:24 >> Yeah, well, look,
03:25 we'll see what their plan is going in the game.
03:27 I think that is one thing that they've always done a really good job of is,
03:32 they kinda identify who are the players they're really trying to take away.
03:37 And typically, they do a really good job of taking those guys away.
03:41 And so it presents some other opportunities for some other guys.
03:43 And we feel like we've got several weapons that we can get the ball to.
03:48 We'll see how they decide to defend this, but
03:51 gives an opportunity for some other guys to kind of step up and make some plays.
03:55 >> Dennis, how is Paulson and D'Evo looking this week?
03:56 And what does it mean for the defense?
03:58 >> Yeah, I think he's looking good.
03:59 Look, I think Ike's done a really good job stepping in for him.
04:03 I think he's played well.
04:05 And yet I think Paulson brings a lot to our football team.
04:08 So he's had a good week of practice.
04:12 We'll kind of see where he's at as we get through them all, but
04:16 feel good about it.
04:17 >> You mentioned how they have almost like a different game plan each week.
04:23 So is that put like a, is this on communicate and figure it out during the game?
04:29 >> Yeah, I think really in all phases, offense, defense, and in the kicking game.
04:36 I think you have to be able to adjust to what they're doing.
04:42 Typically, they have a way to kind of start the game out and
04:44 then somewhere along the way, they kind of make some changes and adjustments.
04:51 And so it's kind of a chess match and
04:53 being able to match their adjustments as the game goes on.
04:57 >> How much of a focus have you had between the game plan and
04:59 the offensive system this time?
05:01 >> Say that again?
05:03 >> How much have you focused on this clinic for
05:05 the physical things after your matchup?
05:07 >> Yeah, I think we're preparing for their offensive system and
05:12 their offensive scheme.
05:14 And I don't know that one quarterback changes that dramatically.
05:19 And so we basically kind of looked at what they've done throughout the season.
05:28 We've studied things that Bill O'Brien's done in different places and
05:34 different stops along the way.
05:35 So we'll see what their plan is.
05:38 And just like we were just talking about,
05:40 I mean, we'll have to be able to adjust depending on what they're doing.
05:43 >> Chris, I was saying yesterday that he kind of had to check himself and
05:46 adjust his attitude after that last game.
05:48 What's that conversation like for you guys with them?
05:50 When do you see some of that stuff kind of happening?
05:52 >> Yeah, look, I think it's still, forget he's still a young player.
05:58 And so you're still learning how to be a pro each and
06:04 every single week and that's complicated.
06:08 It's a hard thing to do to be able to bring that focus,
06:14 that intensity each and every week throughout a 17 game season.
06:19 So I think he's had a really good week of practice,
06:24 excited about going out and watching him play.
06:25 I think he's gonna play well.
06:30 Okay, guys, thanks.
