Autumn Camping In The Woods Behind My House With Garden Vegetables With Huge Tank Rocket Stove

  • last year
Autumn Camping In The Woods Behind My House With Garden Vegetables With Huge Tank Rocket Stove


00:00:00 So it's getting a little late in the year, so we don't have many bugs, but I still want to try to give this stuff a try.
00:00:07 I bought this earlier in the year on the discount shelf at Walmart, and it's supposed to make a nice smell when you throw it into your campfire.
00:00:15 It may also be intended to burn just as itself.
00:00:19 I believe this was going for like $20 at Walmart, but they had a whole pallet of them for like $2 or $3, just trying to get rid of them.
00:00:28 So in here we got some camping stuff.
00:00:35 We're gonna grab a pillow. We're gonna grab our thick mattress here.
00:00:41 We don't need a sleeping bag, it's not cold enough out.
00:00:44 Let's find a... what's the smallest tarp I have?
00:00:48 Six... or is that 9x11?
00:00:51 Looks like I gotta buy more small tarps, 'cause that one's kinda big.
00:00:55 We don't have a smaller one at the moment.
00:00:58 Alright, we're gonna pull down this tent.
00:01:01 The thing about this tent is, it's a summer tent, but I've only used it in the winter twice, and it did not hold heat very well.
00:01:10 There we go. Here's a smaller tarp.
00:01:14 Go ahead, put this one away for a bigger winter camp.
00:01:19 Well everyone, we're gonna head off into the woods now. Today feels pretty hot, standing here in the sun.
00:01:27 'Cause for the past week or so, it's been like 60 degrees.
00:01:31 Yesterday was 58 degrees for the high, and today it's finally up to about 80 degrees.
00:01:37 And sunny again.
00:01:39 So let's head on off into the woods.
00:01:43 [footsteps]
00:01:45 Coming out here to our campsite, between all the log piles.
00:02:00 Look at the trees. We already got some fall colors.
00:02:04 This is about all you'll see on my property.
00:02:07 Although these trees will be turning, but most of mine are evergreen.
00:02:12 Already got the nice fall colors, and today is the 30th of September.
00:02:20 These also got some nice colors coming.
00:02:23 This one will be bright in a couple weeks.
00:02:26 So we continue down the trail, which is very lumpy and hard on the wagon.
00:02:34 Instead of going down here to the bridge, we'll take this fork to the tank campsite.
00:02:40 Right here on this bridge, I've been putting leftover food out here for quite a few weeks.
00:02:45 Haven't seen the bear in months, which is a good thing.
00:02:48 The only one we've been seeing on the trail camera is a moose and a raccoon that periodically comes by here.
00:02:55 Actually, pretty regularly.
00:02:58 Alright, the wagon is not coming in here any further.
00:03:03 Too lumpy.
00:03:06 And other tip-over obstacles.
00:03:10 So this is the campsite we'll be using today.
00:03:13 We got this old propane tank, which is going to be good for cooking food.
00:03:17 I'm going to remove the cap, and we'll put a grate on top of there.
00:03:22 And maybe we can cook up some things.
00:03:25 We got a lot of kindling and stuff to burn.
00:03:28 Look at all these piles here. You can just throw that in there.
00:03:31 It'll burn fast, but that's okay.
00:03:34 Just last week, back here, I went out with the chainsaw and made this nice flat spot for a tent, which was just covered in downed trees.
00:03:44 Now we're ready to go.
00:03:49 (crickets chirping)
00:03:52 (crickets chirping)
00:04:21 (chainsaw running)
00:04:24 (chainsaw running)
00:04:27 (chainsaw running)
00:04:34 (chainsaw running)
00:04:52 (chainsaw running)
00:04:55 (chainsaw running)
00:05:04 (chainsaw running)
00:05:14 (chainsaw running)
00:05:21 (chainsaw running)
00:05:24 All right, everyone.
00:05:47 What I just did right there made a huge difference.
00:05:50 That big pile is just about gone now.
00:05:54 With that big pile, seedlings can't grow. It's blocking all the sunlight.
00:05:57 It's going to be a dead area for a very long time.
00:06:01 But now doing that, next year, seedlings can start growing out of there.
00:06:06 And it's in tiny pieces now that can be collected and thrown in the wood stove.
00:06:11 This white pine tree was pretty dangerous and dead, so I knocked that thing over about two years ago.
00:06:17 Last year during a giant storm is when all these all over the woods just blew down.
00:06:22 And we finally got this trail back open there.
00:06:25 That goes down to the bridge I was just standing on over there.
00:06:29 Nice flat area, soft with all the moss.
00:06:33 I didn't pick this tree up because this tree is actually good to sit on in front of the fire.
00:06:38 And it's also kind of like a trampoline.
00:06:41 It did not lose its bounciness, even after a couple years of drying out.
00:06:48 So this is an old tank that came with the property.
00:06:52 And the company, Amerigas, did not want it back.
00:06:56 So we made it into this.
00:06:59 If you guys remember when we made it into this, it started off as being bright orange
00:07:03 because I painted it to be a pumpkin that I put in the front yard for Halloween.
00:07:08 Okay, today I'm going to be creating a wood stove for a campsite out of an old 100 gallon propane tank.
00:07:15 I don't encourage anybody to try the following for themselves,
00:07:19 as it could be dangerous if there's enough fumes inside for an explosion.
00:07:24 Now that we got that out of the way, let's get to the video.
00:07:27 Hey everyone, today we have this propane cylinder.
00:07:33 And I'm going to be turning it into a wood-burning stove.
00:07:37 You might be asking, "Why is it painted like that?"
00:07:40 That's because I used it as a Halloween decoration near the street last year.
00:07:46 I have since painted over the face. You might be able to see it right here.
00:07:50 The eyes, it was painted like a big pumpkin.
00:07:53 Big jack-o'-lantern, basically.
00:07:55 [Painting sounds]
00:08:05 It's like a million degrees out today. Why was I wearing a hoodie? I'm sweating.
00:08:09 But this thing feels so good being filled up with cold groundwater.
00:08:13 It's so amazing. The thing is sweating, it's so freezing.
00:08:17 [Painting sounds]
00:08:20 That feels so nice. It's so cold.
00:08:23 Look at it, look at it. It's about to be a geyser of suds when the water gets up here.
00:08:29 Water's almost up. It's spitting.
00:08:36 It's going to start firing.
00:08:39 Oh, oh. Here it comes.
00:08:43 [Painting sounds]
00:08:49 Look at that big snot going down the side of the tank.
00:08:57 See, it's not a powerful drill. Usually when I would use a bit like this, it wouldn't jam like that.
00:09:08 Almost big enough for the blade.
00:09:10 Alright, lesson learned. The blade with the teeth goes through it like butter.
00:09:17 The one here, which is meant for black iron, not great for this.
00:09:23 The water's acting like a lubricant. It's not cutting anything.
00:09:29 Oh yeah, look at that. Look at the suds that thing's making.
00:09:36 These hostas right here are going to love that drink.
00:09:42 Here we go. That came out so awesome.
00:09:46 Let's check out the inside before we do any more cutting.
00:09:52 Oh, it's going to make a whirlpool, yep.
00:09:57 Love the echo inside this tank.
00:09:59 Here we are at one of the campsites.
00:10:02 Debris all over the ground.
00:10:04 And it's all dead and dry. I can break it up, load that firebox, and light it up.
00:10:11 This is the perfect firenado generator.
00:10:15 Look at the flame going all the way up through the top.
00:10:18 So awesome. With the exposure all the way down.
00:10:24 Let's see if that looks any different from the top.
00:10:29 Burning real nice. This paint will be off in no time.
00:10:32 Look at those bubbles. Pretty cool, the pattern of how it's burning off.
00:10:37 Now that's pretty awesome. We've got bare steel underneath there.
00:10:42 Then we brought it out here and the paint all burned off it.
00:11:00 So inside, we don't really have to clean it.
00:11:03 You can even see the drain hole. There's not much ash in there.
00:11:07 Start it up. We've got the cap here we'll flick off.
00:11:11 And I have a nice grate we'll put on there.
00:11:13 Maybe we can cook some hot dogs. Maybe we can fry up some things from the garden.
00:11:18 We can go pick that.
00:11:20 Oh yeah, I grew potatoes. Let's see if any of them actually happened.
00:11:23 We'll get a hoe out, try getting them out of the ground.
00:11:27 Maybe wrap them in aluminum foil tonight, throw them in there with all the ash.
00:11:32 [Birds chirping]
00:11:36 Last year I didn't do any summer camping on my property because it was just so dry.
00:11:48 And all this kindling is just a forest fire waiting to happen.
00:11:51 This year's been nice and wet. It just rained all day yesterday.
00:11:55 So no worries about the sparks that might fly out of this.
00:11:59 Above us is a big white pine tree and I'm so happy because
00:12:03 I remember when I was a kid they used to produce so many pine cones
00:12:07 that I'd rake them up with my dad and we'd throw them into a fire.
00:12:12 But now I'm happy that they're making pine cones because that means
00:12:15 little baby ones will be everywhere, give it a couple years.
00:12:19 The reason I'm so happy about it is because the last three years of drought
00:12:23 the trees literally didn't grow pine cones.
00:12:27 Most of them haven't even fallen yet.
00:12:31 This is a far view above the campsite.
00:12:35 The rain this year has also really helped the moth.
00:12:39 Last year this campsite wasn't so mossy.
00:12:42 And us treading on it just for a night isn't really going to do anything.
00:12:46 If you look over here, it's so lush, green, and soft.
00:12:50 If we pan over here at this old, rotten wood pile,
00:12:54 look how vibrant and green that is. It's all just rotting it right away.
00:12:59 If you look in the background, see those two trees bent over?
00:13:02 That was our camp last year.
00:13:04 We camped underneath it like a little A-frame. That was pretty cool.
00:13:08 Now let's start setting up that tent.
00:13:12 [snow crunching]
00:13:16 [snow crunching]
00:13:21 [snow crunching]
00:13:25 [snow crunching]
00:13:29 [snow crunching]
00:13:33 [snow crunching]
00:13:39 [snow crunching]
00:13:44 [snow crunching]
00:13:49 [snow crunching]
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00:13:59 [snow crunching]
00:14:04 [snow crunching]
00:14:09 [snow crunching]
00:14:14 [snow crunching]
00:14:19 [snow crunching]
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00:14:28 [snow crunching]
00:14:33 [snow crunching]
00:14:38 [snow crunching]
00:14:43 [snow crunching]
00:14:48 [snow crunching]
00:14:54 [snow crunching]
00:14:58 [snow crunching]
00:15:03 [snow crunching]
00:15:08 [snow crunching]
00:15:13 [snow crunching]
00:15:18 [snow crunching]
00:15:22 Alright everyone, we got it all set up.
00:15:25 I'll put the bedding in there in a few hours.
00:15:28 It's not that late, we still got like, nearly five hours of daylight.
00:15:32 We gotta let that thing air out.
00:15:34 The last time we used that was in the winter in the snow,
00:15:37 and obviously, it didn't dry completely.
00:15:40 I can't believe it doesn't smell like mildew,
00:15:42 it doesn't smell like anything in there, but it's damp.
00:15:45 So, that should dry off in a few hours, then I'll put everything in there.
00:15:50 In the meantime, let's see if we can collect some firewood,
00:15:55 break it up and put it in the stove for later on.
00:15:58 Just stuff it in the firebox.
00:16:07 [fire crackling]
00:16:15 [fire crackling]
00:16:19 [fire crackling]
00:16:24 [fire crackling]
00:16:29 [fire crackling]
00:16:34 [fire crackling]
00:16:40 [fire crackling]
00:16:44 [fire crackling]
00:16:49 [fire crackling]
00:16:54 [fire crackling]
00:16:59 Alright everybody, I think that's enough for now.
00:17:03 We got it stuffed in there pretty well,
00:17:06 and we got so much material all over the ground.
00:17:10 We'll focus on getting rid of these piles, those will be gone fast,
00:17:13 if we keep with the fire for a few hours.
00:17:16 Back here's a bunch of dry stuff that can be picked up,
00:17:18 and to make it so much easier, here's what I did.
00:17:21 I collected all the debris, not that,
00:17:24 put this into a pile with the chainsaw, diced it,
00:17:27 then the other way, and it just picks up into little squares
00:17:31 you can throw right into the firebox door.
00:17:34 It's not going to be windy tonight, so I'm not going to stake the tent down.
00:17:38 Same thing with back here, this pile was huge before I diced it.
00:17:42 Now this can all be cleaned up.
00:17:44 The cool thing about this is, you saw how I was stuffing it way up inside it too?
00:17:51 So this firebox is loaded up to about here.
00:17:55 Once we start that, and it starts getting air in there,
00:17:58 it'll shoot flames for a little bit.
00:18:01 I think that the tent is far enough away.
00:18:05 Let's hope so.
00:18:07 It might get a couple spark holes,
00:18:10 so that's why we'll keep this top on for now,
00:18:13 so sparks can't shoot out.
00:18:15 Then when it dies down, we'll put a grate so we can cook.
00:18:18 Over here at some of our garden planters,
00:18:26 those are the hot peppers they just took off recently,
00:18:30 but unfortunately next week,
00:18:32 we've got some nights that are like 33 degrees.
00:18:35 We might have a frost that kills all this,
00:18:37 but I'll take you guys' advice.
00:18:39 A lot of people in the comments said if you notice frost on your plants,
00:18:42 water them immediately before the sun comes up,
00:18:44 and it could save them.
00:18:46 Over here, maybe we'll get lucky, the bell peppers.
00:18:49 There's a couple baby ones in there starting.
00:18:51 If they grow fast, then they'll be good this whole week.
00:18:54 Temperatures are close to 80 degrees before that big frost.
00:18:59 And look at this, there's a bumblebee right there pollinating.
00:19:02 That looks really pretty.
00:19:04 I don't think I've ever been stung by a bumblebee.
00:19:14 I've accidentally stepped on their nest,
00:19:16 but they're very gentle bees.
00:19:19 A good amount of them chased me, and they bit me,
00:19:21 but they didn't sting me.
00:19:23 That's the good thing about those guys.
00:19:27 The leaves on all the trees are changing.
00:19:29 Northern New England will be at peak probably in about two weeks,
00:19:33 especially with all the cold weather expected.
00:19:36 So anyone who's interested in leaf peeping, that's the time to do it.
00:19:40 Around the 15th, or a week earlier, a week after,
00:19:44 it'll be pretty good too, I imagine.
00:19:46 Rhubarb plant.
00:19:48 This tomato plant doesn't look like it's going to grow tomatoes in time.
00:19:52 So we got some nice rhubarb.
00:19:56 Go ahead and cut a piece out of there.
00:19:59 Cut it off into little pieces.
00:20:03 Good, but bitter. Needs some sugar.
00:20:09 Alright everyone, I got the hoe out.
00:20:15 This is where I planted my potatoes.
00:20:18 Those plants died over a month ago.
00:20:20 Let's see if there's any potatoes actually under here.
00:20:23 They didn't seem to do very well, but maybe.
00:20:26 Ah!
00:20:28 Look at that, we got a red potato!
00:20:32 Oh wow, we got a bunch of little potatoes in there.
00:20:40 Yeah!
00:20:43 Yeah!
00:20:44 So we at least got something out of here.
00:21:08 See this right here got hit by the hoe.
00:21:12 This one here looks like it was rotting before I even found it.
00:21:16 Yeah, that smells disgusting, that's rotting.
00:21:19 But, some of these look okay to eat.
00:21:23 We'll bring them in and wash them.
00:21:26 We even got these tiny little ones that didn't get time to develop.
00:21:30 I also planted some potatoes right here in the aisle.
00:21:34 Let's tear this up between that marigold and the strawberry plant.
00:21:38 I planted a row of them.
00:21:39 Also back there, let's try digging where I planted the onions, see if anything developed.
00:21:44 Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough with most of the broccoli.
00:21:47 You see, once it flowers, it's not the best thing to eat anymore.
00:21:52 It doesn't taste as good.
00:21:53 But back there, we still got a few good ones.
00:21:56 Maybe we can cut those off.
00:21:58 The pollinators sure love broccoli flowers.
00:22:03 Ha ha, just starting my trench.
00:22:06 We already found one, look.
00:22:08 Oh, that's perfect.
00:22:10 It's a purple potato.
00:22:12 Look at that.
00:22:14 It's okay, I can wash it.
00:22:15 I don't care.
00:22:16 It's just cut in half.
00:22:17 These ones look a lot more healthy.
00:22:20 This is where we're starting our trench.
00:22:22 Now I'm going to pull back so no more will get cut in half.
00:22:26 Maybe they do.
00:22:27 I don't know.
00:22:28 I'm going to dig.
00:22:29 I'm going to pull back so no more will get cut in half.
00:22:31 Maybe they just did way better because this was actually being watered every day by the sprinkler.
00:22:36 Still got a ton of tomatoes in here growing.
00:22:39 I just tore up the ground and the potatoes in here seem to fare a lot better.
00:22:45 Look at this.
00:22:46 Got a good amount of them.
00:22:48 I found two onions.
00:22:50 Tiny little things though.
00:22:52 They didn't get much time to develop.
00:22:54 Actually, three of them.
00:22:55 One of them is cut in half.
00:22:58 Potatoes did a bit better in here, yeah.
00:23:00 I gave up on looking for more of these.
00:23:03 Dug up the whole area.
00:23:04 That's all I could find.
00:23:05 And we still got, these are the big beef tomatoes.
00:23:12 Morrow Globe back there did really well.
00:23:15 [sounds of digging]
00:23:43 Ton of carrots.
00:23:45 Alright everyone, here's what we brought inside.
00:23:56 Let's just go ahead and clean these up a bit.
00:23:59 All the ones with broken parts from hitting it while getting them out of the ground.
00:24:09 We'll definitely eat these ones today.
00:24:12 And the rest of them.
00:24:13 Potatoes keep a pretty long time.
00:24:15 Before last year I didn't even know that a purple potato was a thing.
00:24:25 This one's like really hard.
00:24:27 It looks like scales.
00:24:28 So, I wonder how that one's going to go.
00:24:32 Actually, it might just be that type because all the white ones appear to be,
00:24:38 or maybe the white ones were the first plants to die and they're starting to shrivel up.
00:24:43 Maybe that's why they feel a little hard.
00:24:45 Got a tomato.
00:24:46 The first piece of corn that we broke off all year,
00:24:50 I don't think, it's obviously not as big as it would get,
00:24:53 but I brought it in because I'm very curious how the corn's doing.
00:24:57 Also, when I broke it off that was not a good sign.
00:25:00 Yeah, it's not done.
00:25:02 Look, it's not ready to eat.
00:25:04 Although, it still smells good.
00:25:07 I'll try to eat it.
00:25:09 Yeah, honestly, this might be fine.
00:25:12 I was having a debate a while ago in my comment section.
00:25:16 Is baby corn just normal corn that hasn't developed?
00:25:20 A lot of people said yes, some said no.
00:25:22 But this actually is like halfway in between.
00:25:24 It smells okay.
00:25:26 We'll put it in our frying pan tonight.
00:25:28 Yeah.
00:25:30 Right here we got our broccoli.
00:25:32 More broccoli.
00:25:34 More broccoli.
00:25:36 More broccoli.
00:25:37 We got our carrots.
00:25:39 See, look how weirdly shaped they are.
00:25:41 Because when they grow, if they hit a rock, it tries to go around it.
00:25:44 Did you know that most carrots in the United States get wasted because of this?
00:25:51 People won't buy them, so the farmers end up using them as animal feed
00:25:55 or grinding them up into fertilizer.
00:25:59 But ever since the baby carrot came out as a thing,
00:26:04 that really helped with waste because they just cut off all the undesirable parts
00:26:09 to make it into a baby carrot.
00:26:12 This one split. Maybe it grew too fast.
00:26:16 That's okay. This is one of the better shaped ones overall.
00:26:19 We'll just cut around that crack.
00:26:21 [sizzling]
00:26:45 Alright everyone, we actually grew a good amount of them.
00:26:49 Look at that.
00:26:51 Good amount of different colored potatoes.
00:26:54 Now, I only picked a couple of the tomatoes.
00:26:57 If I picked them all, it would fill half the sink with the ripe ones right now.
00:27:01 I had the big ones at least.
00:27:03 If I picked everything ripe, it would overflow the sink probably.
00:27:08 I took all the broccoli that looked appropriate to eat.
00:27:11 Got a good amount of carrots.
00:27:13 And obviously we're just going to eat a small fraction of this tonight.
00:27:16 But the good news is, things like carrots
00:27:18 and potatoes, they can...
00:27:20 Potatoes keep for a long time just in the room.
00:27:23 Carrots last a bit longer in the fridge it appears.
00:27:26 So, let's bring outside what we're going to plan on eating tonight.
00:27:31 So tonight I'm going to eat that.
00:27:33 We're going to take all the potatoes that I scored with the hoe.
00:27:39 Because those will start rotting immediately.
00:27:44 And any other ones with nicks or dents, got to eat them.
00:27:47 Before they go bad.
00:27:49 We'll eat a tomato tonight.
00:27:51 Got to eat that.
00:27:52 It'll be like baby corn.
00:27:54 We can fry up all the broccolis today.
00:27:58 Baby tomatoes, I can just munch them right down.
00:28:04 We'll eat a couple of the carrots.
00:28:06 If you guys saw my video of feeding a bunch of my garden to the tortoise,
00:28:11 we'll probably do that again.
00:28:13 He'll eat a good dent of it.
00:28:17 Alright, I think all the other potatoes are good.
00:28:21 And look down here inside the drain.
00:28:24 Look how small this potato is.
00:28:27 Didn't get time to develop.
00:28:29 Teeny thing.
00:28:30 And right here we've got some onion.
00:28:32 I cleaned it up nicely so we can throw that into the pan for some good flavoring.
00:28:36 And I think that's it for today.
00:28:40 I accidentally brought inside a rock.
00:28:45 I'm letting the sprinkler run for a little bit.
00:28:47 Just trying to extend the garden's life just a tiny bit.
00:28:50 I just checked the forecast.
00:28:52 We have a day next week.
00:28:54 It's going to get down to 31 at night.
00:28:56 So that might put an end to the garden.
00:28:58 Unfortunately.
00:29:00 I'm hoping we get at least a couple more weeks though.
00:29:03 I can certainly feel it.
00:29:06 The days are getting shorter fast.
00:29:08 It'll be dark in less than two hours.
00:29:11 Now it gets dark at about 630.
00:29:13 That's three hours less at night than it was back in the summer.
00:29:18 So I got some cardboard in here.
00:29:20 We're going to go ahead and fire the stove up.
00:29:22 And I brought out everything I think I would need for tonight.
00:29:27 Brought a cutting board.
00:29:28 Knives.
00:29:29 Forks.
00:29:30 A bunch of little pans.
00:29:32 Butter to put in the pan.
00:29:34 My pot holder.
00:29:36 And a drink.
00:29:37 Let's go fire this thing up.
00:29:39 I think I have a lighter out here already.
00:29:41 That's the grate we'll put on top of it once it's heated up.
00:29:44 Yep, there's two lighters in here from the last time I had a fire out here.
00:29:48 But this is the first time I've ever actually slept out here.
00:29:51 Alright everyone.
00:29:53 Time to try firing this up.
00:29:55 Hopefully the stuff in there is dry enough that a couple cardboard boxes will do the job.
00:30:03 If not, there's a sheet of birch bark in the woods I actually forgot about.
00:30:10 [Mosquitoes]
00:30:13 Oh no, there's actually mosquitoes out here.
00:30:16 I didn't think there was going to be a problem today.
00:30:18 Now that it's starting to get dim out, the mosquitoes are going after me.
00:30:23 We'll grab some citronella candles.
00:30:25 I have a whole bunch of them from our pallet camp.
00:30:28 Yeah, that's just not catching even the cardboard.
00:30:33 Let's go find some birch bark.
00:30:37 [Birch bark]
00:30:40 Birch bark works great for starting fires.
00:31:02 Yeah, see? It's covered in oil. It's very flammable birch bark.
00:31:06 Great for starting fires. Even when it's wet, it burns hot.
00:31:10 You want to try to...
00:31:14 Because this is many different layers. You want to have it as thin as possible.
00:31:18 This bark is kind of old.
00:31:20 The fresher it is, the better it burns.
00:31:23 [Fire crackling]
00:31:49 That should catch everything in there real nice.
00:31:53 I'm pretty sure that is more than enough to get this thing burning nice and hot.
00:32:10 We'll put this off to the side for next time.
00:32:13 [Fire crackling]
00:32:16 Time to sit back and relax. Watch the fire.
00:32:23 It's already burning really, really hot.
00:32:28 Burning pretty clean so far.
00:32:40 This is very thick metal. Can't even feel any heat yet.
00:32:44 Got flames coming all the way up top.
00:32:48 And the flames are only going to keep growing.
00:32:51 I don't think this is going to go out. I think we're good.
00:32:54 Is that going to fall out?
00:32:57 That might fall out, that piece.
00:32:59 We've got to go search for a good poker stick. Maybe right there on the ground.
00:33:05 [Fire crackling]
00:33:08 I love this stove. It acts like a turbo.
00:33:19 Just like earlier in the video I showed you the firenado we made in there,
00:33:24 the way it sucks air, like a tornado around in there, it's like a turbocharger.
00:33:29 It helps it burn cleaner with a lot less smoke than there typically would be without the tank.
00:33:35 [Fire crackling]
00:33:39 [Fire crackling]
00:33:42 [Fire crackling]
00:33:46 [Fire crackling]
00:33:49 [Fire crackling]
00:34:05 [Fire crackling]
00:34:08 Started off as a huge wick, but just gave it a few minutes.
00:34:25 They're starting to perk back up.
00:34:27 We've got three of these candles here, and it's nice and still out.
00:34:31 Hopefully that keeps the mosquitoes away.
00:34:34 Still burning really nice in here. It's been going almost 15 minutes.
00:34:38 Look at lots of big flames coming out the top.
00:34:41 Once this thing starts to cool down a little bit, we'll knock that off.
00:34:44 We'll put the grate up there, and we'll start cooking some food.
00:34:47 In the meantime, let's get out the cutting board and start cutting up some of these vegetables.
00:34:52 Pine trees and fir trees produce sap to protect themselves against bugs,
00:34:59 except when there's a drought.
00:35:01 This year, there's been a lot of rain, so the trees are healthy, dripping sap all over themselves,
00:35:06 down onto the stove, and as it's heating up, look at it melting and burning.
00:35:11 I also got my butt covered in it, and it's not from this tree.
00:35:14 It's from the big one above me dripping all over the campsite.
00:35:19 It's now been about 25 minutes.
00:35:22 The fire's not as big, but it's a lot hotter here because that thick metal tank is now completely heated up.
00:35:29 It's radiating all the way back here.
00:35:31 I'd say I got almost 6 feet from where I'm sitting.
00:35:34 My legs are hot. It's probably going to melt a lot of the wax in that candle, but that's actually a good thing.
00:35:41 You see, a lot of people will take a candle like this, and they'll blow it out.
00:35:45 Then they'll light it again, and it starts digging a hole.
00:35:48 You want the whole surface of it to become melted before you blow it out, and then it'll just outright last longer.
00:35:54 Yeah, look. The side towards the stove is starting to melt on the edge, if you can see that.
00:36:00 Only this side, because of all the heat.
00:36:04 I realize that over the years, it's very wasteful if you keep blowing a candle out, because it'll build up along the edges.
00:36:10 Then someday, those flames, when they're down in a hole and it's actually a hot day,
00:36:15 it could melt the sides and then just smother it and ruin the candle.
00:36:20 I don't know how, but I'm getting sap all over myself.
00:36:24 I think it's literally dripping on me right now.
00:36:28 [candle crackling]
00:36:33 [candle crackling]
00:36:37 [candle crackling]
00:36:41 [candle crackling]
00:36:45 [candle crackling]
00:36:49 [candle crackling]
00:37:18 The butter's actually melting from the fire.
00:37:22 This is like one of the juiciest potatoes I've ever eaten.
00:37:33 Look at how it's just leaking all over the place. It's because we just pulled it out of the ground.
00:37:39 Although it wasn't growing anymore, it's kind of like in hibernation, it's very juicy.
00:37:45 We're going to put that into one little pot right there.
00:37:50 I'm going to reach on in here and get some onion.
00:37:55 I want to mix some onion in there for some flavoring.
00:38:00 Just got to peel off the skin a little bit.
00:38:04 Peel off it.
00:38:07 Get a good amount of it off.
00:38:12 Drop that on the ground.
00:38:16 We don't have much onion, but maybe it'll be enough to just season it.
00:38:21 We've got this other one right here, which is absolutely tiny.
00:38:26 [crackling]
00:38:30 [crackling]
00:38:59 Alright everyone, that looks pretty tasty.
00:39:02 The rest of that I'll go back in the house and maybe get used another day.
00:39:06 Right there we've got the broccoli. I know you're supposed to boil it or steam it, but we'll just see how it cooks in a lot of butter.
00:39:13 Right there is butter in the bottom of that. That one there actually has a cover, so it'll kind of steam it.
00:39:19 Right here we have zucchini. We'll keep moving around with a bunch of butter in there.
00:39:23 Hopefully that comes out good.
00:39:26 I wonder if we'll attract any animal with all our food scraps.
00:39:30 Like I said, I haven't seen the bear in a while, so hopefully we don't run into a problem.
00:39:35 Plus, I don't know if the bear would come near me if he knew we were out here.
00:39:40 I'm sure the raccoon will maybe come by in the middle of the night. We've been seeing them.
00:39:44 Now this is extremely hot. There's not many coals now, so how we're doing up top...
00:39:49 Alright, I think that's perfect to cook. I can't put my hand over it.
00:39:52 Alright, we gotta get that off. That's extremely hot, and I don't want to touch it with the pot holder because it is very dirty.
00:40:06 Let's just flick it off. Nothing on the ground behind it.
00:40:10 Boom! That thing is burning hot.
00:40:13 Now let's get this up here so we can put our pans up there.
00:40:18 Nice. We don't need that thing anymore to protect against sparks because we're not loading it with any wood at the moment until we're done cooking this.
00:40:44 Now that's one thing we don't want to fall face first into.
00:40:48 And we'll check on that in a little bit.
00:40:56 Probably don't even want to leave the plastic step stool next to it.
00:41:02 Very hot.
00:41:04 Now, it's been many hours.
00:41:07 I'm sure the tent is done drying, so let's get our bedding in there for the night.
00:41:11 Already starting to sizzle, so it doesn't burn.
00:41:16 Let's quickly make up our bedroom.
00:41:19 Bed sheet, blanket.
00:41:23 Put this inside the porch.
00:41:29 When we're done cooking for the night, we'll try a citronella log and see how they do.
00:41:34 Get the pillow in there.
00:41:37 And the mattress.
00:41:40 Nice.
00:41:42 Maybe I'll make that up after dinner because I don't want to risk burning it.
00:41:46 Things are starting to sizzle.
00:41:48 Butter is starting to melt.
00:41:50 Put my hand over the top of this.
00:41:52 It's blasting so hard, the exhaust coming out of this thing.
00:41:56 And I think maybe we should go and throw a few more things in there.
00:42:01 Just a little bit.
00:42:05 Just a little bit.
00:42:07 [wind]
00:42:10 [wind]
00:42:13 Slug.
00:42:39 [wind]
00:42:42 There it goes. It's finally combusting.
00:43:06 We'll get a quick burst of heat and then I'll keep slowly feeding little twigs in there.
00:43:11 Because I don't want the fire to reach all the way up to the top and burn the food.
00:43:15 Although it might, just that little bit I put in there.
00:43:18 Alright.
00:43:24 Probably should have brought a fork to stir.
00:43:27 None of this is even close to being done. It's going to be a while.
00:43:34 I should stir it and move everything around.
00:43:37 Look, since I even got up here you can see it's starting to boil more.
00:43:41 Back with a fork.
00:43:46 Stir it.
00:43:50 There's so much exhaust coming out of here that it's actually hard to reach over the top of that.
00:43:57 The exhaust is so hot.
00:43:59 This broccoli, is that almost done?
00:44:02 I've never actually cooked fresh broccoli before.
00:44:05 How fast does that cook? I don't know.
00:44:09 Should have brought my potholder too.
00:44:14 Although it's not horrible yet.
00:44:16 I see I've got to stir because it looks like the corn and stuff on the edges is burning.
00:44:20 Despite the butter in there.
00:44:23 Just going to move that around. This one's probably going to take a while to cook.
00:44:26 That's why I put it in here.
00:44:28 The stuff I assumed would take the longest to cook, I wanted it with a cover so it could steam itself.
00:44:35 But sometimes a little bit of burnt on the edges actually tastes good.
00:44:40 Those are going to shrink.
00:44:42 The cover didn't fit at all before. Now it fits a lot better.
00:44:46 Let's go ahead and flip our zucchinis.
00:44:51 Wow, those are going to be done probably fast.
00:44:54 Seems like it.
00:44:57 Got to get underneath them and flip them.
00:45:00 I've got enough zucchini, I could probably do 2 or 3 more batches if I'm hungry enough.
00:45:07 I'll just put a piece of aluminum foil over the end of the zucchini.
00:45:14 Then I can do it another day in the house if I choose.
00:45:17 Let's get that back over the heat.
00:45:19 Time to go do a check. It's been another 5 minutes or so.
00:45:23 Climb back up, make sure the stool is not getting too hot.
00:45:27 That broccoli, I might be over cooking parts of it.
00:45:31 Think that broccoli might be done to eat?
00:45:35 No, still a little hard.
00:45:38 Especially the big part obviously.
00:45:41 Let's try sticking it.
00:45:43 Maybe give it 5 more minutes and I'll eat it even though it's becoming a little mushified.
00:45:49 This stuff here is not burning which is good.
00:45:55 It still needs some time and some flipping.
00:45:59 What I'm realizing now with this, I think we're cooking a little too slow.
00:46:04 This stuff is starting to slightly become a little mushy and becoming nice and cooked.
00:46:12 It's also shrinking a lot.
00:46:14 I think what we got to do is keep this thing firing a little bit hotter.
00:46:19 Then this will be the first thing I'm about to eat.
00:46:21 Waiting for it to combust again.
00:46:24 It's heating up.
00:46:26 It combusted. Look at that.
00:46:36 Boom. Big flames.
00:46:38 Instant heat and the smoke is already reducing from it.
00:46:44 One minute later. Boom. Look at all that heat.
00:46:48 Let's pull this thing back up and we're going to take the broccoli off it now.
00:46:52 That will be the first thing we eat.
00:46:54 The rest of it is still going to need quite a bunch of time.
00:46:57 Look at all that boiling of the butter going on.
00:47:00 Awesome.
00:47:02 Let's pull this thing off now.
00:47:04 While I'm waiting for the broccoli to cool down for just a couple minutes,
00:47:08 I'm going to go ahead and, wow that does smell good.
00:47:12 I'm going to go ahead and give the zucchini and other stuff one more stir.
00:47:18 We've got an inferno going right now.
00:47:20 Look down inside there.
00:47:22 Whoa. That was hot.
00:47:24 It's very hot putting my hand anywhere near the exhaust.
00:47:28 Very hot.
00:47:30 The zucchini looks like it's almost done too.
00:47:36 Oh, look at that. Nice crispiness.
00:47:38 Good thing I came up here to give it a good stir around.
00:47:41 That char right there actually adds a lot of flavor in my opinion.
00:47:45 I love that.
00:47:47 See it's becoming nice and soft.
00:47:49 Literally this is going to be done in like five minutes, less maybe.
00:47:54 It's already nice and tender.
00:47:56 Did you hear that awesome Jake break in the background?
00:47:58 Throw that guy back out there.
00:48:00 Oh, that's very hot.
00:48:02 Back out there for just a minute.
00:48:04 This right here.
00:48:08 Okay, right here it is.
00:48:10 The potatoes and carrots are starting to become soft enough to be able to poke,
00:48:14 but not even close.
00:48:16 That might need a lot more substantial time.
00:48:18 Put it back out there onto the heat.
00:48:20 We'll grab that one in literally like a minute.
00:48:22 Alright, those are nice and cool now.
00:48:24 Let's reach up.
00:48:26 Hot.
00:48:28 These are cooked now.
00:48:30 That other stuff will be done maybe a little bit longer, but that's good.
00:48:35 I don't like my stuff all done at once.
00:48:38 It'll get cold before I'm done eating everything.
00:48:41 Pull up my chair.
00:48:43 Sit down, eat in front of the nice fire.
00:48:47 Looks good.
00:48:54 Broccoli.
00:48:56 Mmm.
00:49:04 That's so good.
00:49:06 That big piece still had some crunch, but I liked it.
00:49:09 Now the other stuff.
00:49:11 That is so awesome cooking it in butter instead of frying it or steaming it.
00:49:31 I can't believe how delicious that tastes.
00:49:34 And it being a little bit burnt added good flavor.
00:49:38 Oh, that's also what it is.
00:49:40 It's smoke flavor too from the stove.
00:49:43 Great.
00:49:45 Oh.
00:49:49 That piece was literally crunchy and completely burnt.
00:50:00 All the way from the very edges.
00:50:03 That tastes so delicious, but I do not like the crunchy parts.
00:50:17 It tastes like, or it feels like I'm crunching grass that's been baking in the hot summer.
00:50:24 Now the zucchini, that looks like it's absolutely perfect though.
00:50:30 Really, really hot.
00:50:33 Really, really hot, but I've never had any of these things smoked before.
00:50:55 The flavor is incredible.
00:50:59 I gotta let that cool, it's still way too hot.
00:51:06 While waiting for it to cool, I just threw a whole bunch more wood in there.
00:51:24 The moss is so nice here.
00:51:28 Blueberry bushes.
00:51:30 This is where we camped back in the middle of the winter.
00:51:34 We made these two trees into a giant tent.
00:51:50 Alright, now that is just about cool enough to eat.
00:51:54 It's been another five or so minutes.
00:51:56 I went up here again to stir it, and I'm now noticing it's good to eat.
00:52:01 The potatoes are a little too soft, but the carrots are perfect, and the corn, I'm kinda unsure about it.
00:52:08 Now we'll let that cool down for maybe ten minutes or so, then we'll go ahead and eat that.
00:52:12 Now the fire, I threw a bunch in so it won't go out.
00:52:16 Then in a few minutes I'm gonna load it with a whole ton of stuff.
00:52:20 Big stuff. Maybe even a couple of those logs that are naturally split from the tree falling over.
00:52:26 Get this thing really hot, real good hot coals.
00:52:29 Then we're gonna wrap a few of the bigger potatoes in aluminum foil, throw them in the ash, wait like an hour, and it'll be yummy.
00:52:38 Time to eat.
00:52:40 [chewing]
00:52:51 Awesome.
00:52:53 Now I can finally eat it without going [chewing] because it's so hot.
00:52:58 But I love it. The flavor, the smoke and pepper, it's awesome.
00:53:02 [chewing]
00:53:06 This came out perfect on the stove.
00:53:10 [chewing]
00:53:16 Now this had a cover so it probably won't be as smoky. Let's give it a try.
00:53:21 So this is not baby corn, it's maybe medium corn. It's like half grown.
00:53:27 And we're gonna eat the whole cob. How's that gonna be? I can see it's steaming. It's really hot.
00:53:33 [chewing]
00:53:36 Awesome. I love it.
00:53:39 [chewing]
00:53:43 And what I like is on my corn patch, the ones that are away from the sun are less developed.
00:53:48 So I'm gonna go pick some baby corn. That'll be awesome for tomorrow.
00:53:51 Look at this, we got a homegrown carrot.
00:53:56 Actually the first one I'm personally eating.
00:54:00 I gave like dozens of them to my friend's tortoise but I didn't eat one yet.
00:54:05 [chewing]
00:54:11 Purple potato.
00:54:13 [chewing]
00:54:15 Awesome.
00:54:18 Get some onion in there.
00:54:20 [chewing]
00:54:22 This is a really good concoction we got. Now that's literally like baby corn.
00:54:27 The tip of it.
00:54:30 [chewing]
00:54:35 I gotta let that cool down maybe 10 more minutes. I struggled to eat those couple pieces. I'm burning my mouth.
00:54:41 [chewing]
00:54:51 [chewing]
00:55:01 [chewing]
00:55:11 [chewing]
00:55:32 Yeah we're gonna walk back here now and grab...
00:55:39 This is naturally split by the tree falling over. I want to grab all these big pieces.
00:55:45 Look at it all. Wow there's so much of it in here.
00:55:48 I'm gonna throw it all into the wood stove. All these split pieces.
00:55:52 It'll get some real good hot coals going.
00:55:55 And then we can try doing some potatoes. I can break that piece off.
00:56:01 Look at this. This ultra fine powder. It actually feels soft. Look at that.
00:56:07 Maybe that's the remains of what the carpenter ants did I'm thinking.
00:56:12 This stuff is dry as a sponge. This is gonna catch so fast all these pieces.
00:56:20 Throw in some big stuff. Get some good coals. That'll stay hot in there for hours.
00:56:26 Once all that stuff burns down give it like an hour.
00:56:30 Sometimes these rotten wood piles out here, if it had a good dry day,
00:56:36 you'll find one that feels kind of light.
00:56:40 I'm not gonna split it. Let's just try to jam it in there.
00:56:44 This thing will smolder in there all night.
00:56:49 Try to get it in that hole.
00:56:52 There we go. Right up on top.
00:56:56 It should be nice and cool now.
00:57:00 (fire crackling)
00:57:05 (fire crackling)
00:57:32 Look at this. There's a friend coming over. It smells our food.
00:57:37 Oh, running away. Running away. That guy smells our food.
00:57:47 It's been almost another hour since we had that food.
00:57:50 It's starting to get dark and now it's time for a second course of food.
00:57:54 So, what I got right here. I'm just gonna make one burger.
00:58:00 I don't have any burger buns. We'll just cut it in half and fit it into these.
00:58:06 They're nine days expired. No, ten days expired, but that's okay.
00:58:12 Now, this is fine. We're just gonna reuse this right here.
00:58:19 Actually, this one on the bottom right there, it's already nice and buttered up
00:58:23 so the patty won't stick to it.
00:58:26 So, just peel that off and we're gonna start up our burger up on the top.
00:58:35 There we go. Wow, there's a lot of heat coming off of there.
00:58:38 It's not insanely hot. I can keep my hand there for a few seconds
00:58:42 so it'll slow cook it, which is really awesome. It won't burn.
00:58:45 Don't really have to keep an eye on it.
00:58:47 We got some nice hot coals going in there now.
00:58:50 So, we're gonna go ahead and wrap up these potatoes in aluminum foil.
00:58:55 I'm gonna put a little piece of butter inside each one to try to lubricate it
00:58:58 so it doesn't burn as much.
00:59:01 Also, yeah, 'cause once this melts, it'll start bubbling up.
00:59:04 It should get all over it nice.
00:59:06 It'll also make it so the aluminum doesn't stick to it.
00:59:09 When you make a potato in a campfire, you expect it to come out burnt and crispy on the edges.
00:59:15 You cut it open and you eat it out with a spoon.
00:59:18 And we got one that's cut in half. That was literally cut in half with the hoe.
00:59:22 And this one got nicked by the hoe.
00:59:24 So, let's go ahead and wrap 'em up.
00:59:27 I'm gonna wrap 'em nice and tight, maybe double-layer 'em
00:59:30 so better chance of not burning, and we'll throw 'em in the fire.
00:59:34 These are fairly small ones, so we might not need a full hour.
00:59:37 Gonna wrap 'em up.
00:59:39 And we're gonna throw 'em all in different corners of the fire.
00:59:48 So if one of 'em's destroyed, maybe another one will have a better chance.
00:59:52 You know what I mean?
00:59:54 Forgot to put the butter in there.
01:00:03 Gotta open 'em back up.
01:00:05 Ah, mosquito.
01:00:14 [crunching]
01:00:17 Now, this is going at a pretty slow cook.
01:00:29 I can hear the hamburger up top sizzling nice, slow cooking nice.
01:00:34 So this'll be slow cooking for a while.
01:00:37 Let's throw our potatoes right into the hot areas that I can see.
01:00:43 And then when all this stuff is burned down,
01:00:45 we'll have to sift through it and get 'em out.
01:00:48 Oops.
01:00:55 Caught that one. Only one of those plates was dirty.
01:01:00 The sun is setting.
01:01:02 The sky is that weird color because there's so much wildfire smoke again today.
01:01:07 We had a few weeks where we didn't have any,
01:01:10 but the majority of the summer was smoggy out like this.
01:01:14 Looks like it's just about ready to flip.
01:01:18 That's cooking faster than expected, huh?
01:01:21 We gotta flip this guy over.
01:01:25 Awesome, not burned at all. Slow cooking. Nice.
01:01:28 And I bet that'll be so good in that veggie juice and butter.
01:01:33 The sun is going down.
01:01:37 Let's get our food off of here.
01:01:40 It's gotta be done by now.
01:01:43 It's been slow cooking for a while, so it's not burnt.
01:01:46 And that's gonna be tasty, I bet.
01:01:49 Alrighty.
01:01:54 [Fire crackling]
01:01:59 That plate just caught on fire after all this time.
01:02:04 Can you guys hear that? Listen.
01:02:19 Woodworm eating this tree.
01:02:22 Get a hot dog bun out.
01:02:32 It doesn't feel stale or anything, even though it's pretty old.
01:02:37 Go ahead and cut this in half.
01:02:40 Lots of butter.
01:02:44 Get that in there.
01:02:47 And we'll just have our burger like that.
01:02:50 Nothing wrong with that.
01:02:52 And these, because they're getting kind of old, I'll probably give these to that squirrel.
01:02:56 But I'm gonna go put them a bit away from the campsite, just in case of a bear.
01:03:02 Although, bears have a nose that's ten times better than a dog,
01:03:07 and I've literally seen it for myself.
01:03:11 So, I went a long time without a bear going in my garbage cans.
01:03:16 Then, I put a certain something out way out in the woods.
01:03:20 That one day, my garbage cans got thrown apart,
01:03:24 because the bear was able to track the smell all the way back to where I threw the wrapper out.
01:03:30 Yummy.
01:03:36 Alright, I bet most people would really like this,
01:03:39 but the weird, buttery, vegetable taste that's now permeated into the burger,
01:03:45 it's not the worst thing, but it's weird.
01:03:49 Ooh, a spider friend is trying to come over here and eat some of this.
01:03:57 That's a really, really tiny spider friend.
01:04:01 It's almost completely dark now.
01:04:13 How do we think those potatoes are doing?
01:04:17 Well, we're gonna test one of them in a moment.
01:04:21 And it's finally dark enough that we gotta start using lights.
01:04:26 So, this is what I got to get the potato out of the fire.
01:04:32 It was longer, but I wanted to make this cool noise, and I broke it by doing this.
01:04:40 Let's see if we can stick one of them.
01:04:44 See if it's soft. Any of them.
01:04:48 Oh, they're all gonna be cooked, I bet. Look at that.
01:04:54 We stuck right through it so easily.
01:04:57 So that means they're gonna be good.
01:05:01 Just piercing it, it smells really good, piercing it because of the butter inside it.
01:05:06 Let's see if we can get the rest out, see if they're all easy, too.
01:05:10 There's four of them, but I only see two more. Where did I throw one of them?
01:05:14 Oh, wow, it went right through it. Yeah, they're gonna be nice.
01:05:18 I bet they're not gonna be burnt much, either.
01:05:20 I've had ones in ultra-hot fires that it literally melted the aluminum off of.
01:05:27 Not today. Well, I spoke too soon.
01:05:32 This one, if you can see, it's partially melted.
01:05:36 But that's okay, we're not eating the edges. I expect it to be pretty burnt.
01:05:40 Now, where's the other one? Oh, I see it way back there. Ouch.
01:05:46 It might be that one I just pulled out. One of them I can smell burning.
01:05:52 Ah, it's really hot. I can't reach in there.
01:05:56 We may have just doomed it.
01:06:01 How are we gonna get it out?
01:06:04 It's buried. Number three's a goner, but it was also pretty melted.
01:06:10 It would have been messed up. It was small.
01:06:13 Let's see how they turned out.
01:06:26 They're very hot. Let's peel it open.
01:06:30 And it's not as tightly packed because they shrunk in there.
01:06:34 Yeah, it's leaking butter.
01:06:38 I can smell it.
01:06:41 Not that bad. I've seen way worse.
01:06:45 Look at that. Can't wait to cut it open and see what it looks like.
01:06:53 I think double wrapping them helped a good amount.
01:06:57 Ouch. Very hot. It's leaking butter.
01:07:01 Scalding hot butter's coming out of there.
01:07:04 That one right there is like really mushy. It's basically mashed potatoes.
01:07:11 Oh, look at this one falling apart. You see that?
01:07:14 Pieces of aluminum all over my hands. It's just really falling apart, this one.
01:07:19 This one is burnt to a crisp.
01:07:23 It's like a hard shell.
01:07:26 But you might still get a bite out of it. Let's go ahead and cut it open.
01:07:30 Yeah, look. You can stick a spoon in there. It's still nice.
01:07:36 There's just a hard shell like an egg.
01:07:39 It's still edible. This one is really tender. It didn't burn at all.
01:07:45 I can eat every part of this one.
01:07:49 This big one is also very similar. Only one side of it got really burnt.
01:07:54 So, yeah, I'm going to let that stuff cool down for like 10 minutes.
01:07:58 And then I can eat it out with the spoon.
01:08:00 Yeah, so that one was like flaking little pieces of aluminum off it.
01:08:04 So, now that they're sitting in some of that, I might just eat what's in it.
01:08:09 Even though the skin is technically okay.
01:08:11 That one got burnt to a crisp. It's all about where they are in the fire.
01:08:16 Clean up all the aluminum.
01:08:19 Put it into a nice tight ball that we can just throw in the recycling bin.
01:08:28 And the skewers. We're not going to eat anything like hot dogs.
01:08:33 We can throw them right on in there. It's broken anyways.
01:08:36 They're disposable.
01:08:39 All right, so check this out, everybody.
01:08:41 We're going to try using one of the citronella logs now.
01:08:45 We're going to try throwing it in there.
01:08:47 It says it will burn up to three hours.
01:08:49 You see, it says just loosen it.
01:08:51 That means if this has been sitting around, especially in a hot place,
01:08:54 it might be stuck to the wrapper, I guess it's saying.
01:08:56 But it looks like, yeah, you're not going to remove this piece of paper around there.
01:09:05 All right.
01:09:11 Yeah.
01:09:14 And it says to light here, but we obviously don't need to light the paper.
01:09:18 We're just going to throw it in the fire.
01:09:20 So up to three hours. And I also thought it was weird.
01:09:22 It says right here that air quality advisory, November through February.
01:09:26 Some places it's apparently illegal to burn this in the winter.
01:09:31 And I don't know why you'd want to use it in the winter.
01:09:33 It's for mosquitoes. But I guess it'll make the area smell really good.
01:09:36 So we'll throw one in there, and we'll save the rest for another day.
01:09:41 So it says to put it on an elevated platform, which we don't have.
01:09:45 But I guess that's kind of elevated.
01:09:49 Let's throw it in there like that.
01:09:53 This is not the way you're supposed to burn it, but I'm sure it'll make the area smell real good.
01:09:58 We'll check back on this guy in a little bit.
01:10:02 It's really flaring up.
01:10:04 It says it's made out of biomass, such as sawdust and tree nut shells.
01:10:08 Now it's time to try out these potatoes.
01:10:10 First, the very burnt one. Let's eat the insides of it.
01:10:15 You're only going to get like a bite.
01:10:20 Not bad. The butter permeated into it, which is good.
01:10:26 A little burnt.
01:10:28 Let's try the red one. Still pretty hot.
01:10:35 Perfect.
01:10:39 The white one could be cooked a little more, but not bad.
01:10:46 Oops.
01:10:49 Yeah, they all came out pretty good.
01:10:52 It wasn't a very high intensity fire. Just under an hour. Cooked them all pretty nice.
01:11:01 Less than five minutes in, it's really flaring up. It's producing a ton of heat.
01:11:06 This reminds me of back in the day.
01:11:10 These days, you have a road flare. You strike it like a match.
01:11:14 Then you put it in the road and it burns for 20-30 minutes.
01:11:18 In the road, a road flare.
01:11:20 Back in the day, I even did a video on it. I bought a road flare back from the 1940s.
01:11:26 Back then, it didn't run like a torch like it does today.
01:11:29 It was literally like this. A little chunk of oily mass that you just leave in the road.
01:11:36 We burned one on my other channel because I wanted to test out a 90-year-old road flare.
01:11:42 Look at the tent. The fluorescent parts look cool.
01:11:46 I can see it better with the naked eye than the camera can.
01:11:50 It's fluorescent, those cords.
01:11:53 I guess that's so when you're walking around at night with a flashlight, you don't trip over the wires in case it's windy.
01:11:58 Those are suspension wires.
01:12:00 Now up top here, let's just wave a little of that smoke in my face.
01:12:06 I want to know what it smells like.
01:12:09 I smell zero citronella coming out of there.
01:12:12 I'll be back in a few minutes and see what it's doing.
01:12:16 Got the cicada.
01:12:29 Or that acadie did.
01:12:36 Loud.
01:12:42 With a lot of pretty flowers.
01:12:44 These ones are past peak.
01:12:46 And who do we got there? An earwig.
01:12:49 I saw a lot of them in my corn earlier.
01:12:51 They supposedly don't cause damage though.
01:13:05 Alright, coming back after about 20 minutes.
01:13:09 How is that thing going to look?
01:13:11 It's creating huge flames.
01:13:13 I smell citronella, but I suspect it's just from the candles.
01:13:16 Because if I reach up here and...
01:13:19 Yeah, I don't smell anything but the wood.
01:13:21 Maybe if it was just that burning and no wood, then we'd have something.
01:13:26 You see how fast the smoke's coming out?
01:13:28 I love how this thing burns like a turbo.
01:13:32 Barely anything burned in the past 20 minutes, so that will probably go on for hours.
01:13:37 And it'll also help burn that giant log behind it.
01:13:40 I'm curious to see how long it'll take for it to burn.
01:13:43 We started it at like a minute or two after 7.
01:13:47 So, pretty easy to keep track of that time.
01:13:50 Very curious to see how long will this thing burn for.
01:13:55 We will find out.
01:14:01 On the highway, like 50 motorcycles just went by at once.
01:14:08 I was thinking to myself, "Why does traffic feel so loud today?"
01:14:12 Usually, traffic's not that bad at this hour for the highway near the house.
01:14:17 It's because it's a Saturday night and it's warm.
01:14:20 It's nice, so tons of tourists are up. That's what it is.
01:14:26 [The next morning]
01:14:30 Go ahead and take my shoes off.
01:14:33 I'm going to go inside the tent now.
01:14:36 Just want to get everything straightened out.
01:14:39 Figure out how I want to sleep in here tonight.
01:14:42 Make the bed a bit.
01:14:44 Yeah, everything dried out.
01:14:48 Now I can go ahead and shut the windows if I want.
01:14:51 Tonight it's supposed to get pretty chilly. It's supposed to be like 40.
01:14:55 Get down pretty good.
01:14:57 Now, outside, it's still pretty warm.
01:15:00 Leave it open for now.
01:15:03 Got my blanket.
01:15:07 I got my bed sheet here.
01:15:10 Get all this stuff on the bed.
01:15:14 This is a really small mattress from a hospital cot.
01:15:20 But a twin-size mattress fits around it pretty nice.
01:15:24 I use this thing because it's made out of plastic.
01:15:29 You can clean mud off it.
01:15:31 It doesn't get wet.
01:15:34 And it's pretty thick, so if there's any rocks or anything underneath,
01:15:40 if I didn't do a good job picking up before making the camp, then that's good.
01:15:45 But obviously, if we were to go on a backpacking trip or somewhere far,
01:15:50 I wouldn't bring this. But I've even brought this on my toboggan
01:15:53 miles and miles into the woods to camp before.
01:15:56 It's always worked out.
01:15:58 Yeah, let's shut them. We'll just leave this door wide open
01:16:06 and we'll just shut the screen in the porch.
01:16:09 Because, you see, this tent is cool because it's got a porch area.
01:16:13 You can leave your boots, leave things you don't want in there with you.
01:16:17 And then we'll just shut the screen now.
01:16:20 I actually left this thing open all day.
01:16:23 But if they were going to get in, the bugs probably just followed me
01:16:29 and went the light. But the good thing is, this time of year,
01:16:32 there's not many bugs. And when we do get down to that temperature tonight,
01:16:38 mosquitoes are uncomfortable. They won't even bite you.
01:16:41 Just give it a few hours. The temperature will drop enough,
01:16:44 the mosquitoes won't even be comfortable.
01:16:46 So the citronella candles won't even be needed anymore.
01:16:49 This year's been so cool that the mosquitoes,
01:16:52 I never really complained about them this year.
01:16:55 There hasn't been many warm nights.
01:16:58 Still going strong. Now that the edges appear to be crisping up,
01:17:03 the flames might not be as big, but it's still extremely hot in there.
01:17:08 I didn't touch it. It just shifted and it just flared up like crazy
01:17:14 from it knocking some of the ash off.
01:17:17 I guess the oils couldn't get out of it as much,
01:17:20 but now it kind of busted itself open.
01:17:23 The moon is very bright again.
01:17:26 It's not that high in the sky yet, but it will be.
01:17:30 It's not quite a full moon, but all week it's been very bright
01:17:34 where you can walk around without flashlights.
01:17:38 [sips]
01:17:40 The temperature is now dropping a good bit.
01:17:44 It's now about 55.
01:17:47 Earlier it was 80.
01:17:50 Still got the candles going.
01:17:53 Now, I told you guys it wasn't normal circumstances, this thing.
01:17:57 That thing was supposed to be in there burning by itself,
01:18:00 but it only lasted about maybe an hour or so.
01:18:05 Because what time is it now?
01:18:08 No, actually it lasted closer to 90 minutes,
01:18:11 but now it's completely gone, and all that's in there now smoldering
01:18:14 is that whole log.
01:18:17 So I think we'll maybe throw some more wood on, catch it up again,
01:18:21 because that'll combust. That's hot.
01:18:24 It'll probably smoke for a good while, but eventually it'll just go poof.
01:18:28 Or if I just let it sit and heat up for a while,
01:18:31 then I just give it a quick light, it'll go poof.
01:18:35 This thing is very hot. This tank is still very, very hot.
01:18:40 Usually around here we just have a problem with earwigs in the spring,
01:18:46 but there was just one on my tripod.
01:18:49 They climb up on everything. They get into everything.
01:18:52 I've even woken up to some of them crawling on me way back in the day
01:18:56 before I knew to spray the house for them.
01:18:58 Because in the spring there'd be times--
01:19:01 well, in the day they're not around, but as soon as it starts getting dark,
01:19:05 that's when they start walking around,
01:19:07 they would make their way into food containers.
01:19:09 Anything that wasn't sealed, they'd find it, and they'd eat it.
01:19:13 They'd steal peanut butter off of mouse traps.
01:19:16 They'll go after anything.
01:19:18 But just a baseboard perimeter spray kept them out of the building for years.
01:19:24 I've never noticed an uptick of them in the fall before,
01:19:27 but we have that right now.
01:19:29 Let's throw some more firewood in and see if it catches back up quickly.
01:19:33 [fire crackling]
01:19:36 [fire crackling]
01:19:39 [fire crackling]
01:19:42 [fire crackling]
01:19:46 [fire crackling]
01:19:50 [fire crackling]
01:19:54 [fire crackling]
01:19:59 [fire crackling]
01:20:03 [fire crackling]
01:20:08 [fire crackling]
01:20:11 [fire crackling]
01:20:15 [fire crackling]
01:20:19 [fire crackling]
01:20:23 [fire crackling]
01:20:27 [fire crackling]
01:20:31 [fire crackling]
01:20:36 [fire crackling]
01:20:39 We got that thing raging again in only eight minutes.
01:20:45 I loaded it back up, blew on it, and it ignited immediately.
01:20:50 You saw how much it was smoking just a minute ago?
01:20:54 It's just about stopped now,
01:20:56 because once this thing kicks in and starts pulling air,
01:21:00 I love how it circulates in there.
01:21:03 It just starts running like a jet.
01:21:06 Look at that, there's flames now coming out of it.
01:21:09 That's kind of cool.
01:21:12 [fire crackling]
01:21:15 [fire crackling]
01:21:20 Burning real hot.
01:21:25 It's like a big torch.
01:21:28 And because it's burning like that,
01:21:31 the smoke is now 100% gone.
01:21:34 Wow, nothing is coming out of there anymore.
01:21:37 It's just burning so clean now that it's sucking all that air.
01:21:41 [fire crackling]
01:21:45 This spot would be awesome for winter camping,
01:21:53 because this thing is, it just sends heat out so far,
01:21:58 and this thing doesn't spark much.
01:22:01 It's awesome, it's nice and contained.
01:22:04 It's like a massive rocket stove.
01:22:07 Everything we just put in there burned away in like 10 minutes,
01:22:11 down to basically nothing.
01:22:14 You need big logs to have coals that'll stay all night.
01:22:18 This whole thing will be cold to the touch if I leave it for like an hour or so.
01:22:22 Maybe not an hour, but quickly.
01:22:25 I'm going to take this walk over here away from the lights for a minute.
01:22:28 You can see the very big bright moon over there.
01:22:31 I wonder if this is that slug that I threw off the piece of wood earlier
01:22:39 before throwing it in the fire.
01:22:42 Those candles do propel a lot of light against the trees.
01:22:49 Looks kind of cool.
01:22:53 It's so quiet out now.
01:22:56 It's about 11 o'clock at night.
01:22:59 The moon has now moved over here instead of over here.
01:23:02 It's so quiet I maybe hear a car go by on the highway every 20 minutes now
01:23:09 instead of non-stop like earlier.
01:23:12 We come over here to the fire pit.
01:23:16 We look in there.
01:23:19 You can still see a little bit of glowing.
01:23:22 The log is still smoking a little bit.
01:23:25 If I stick the camera inside here, it's still a little bit warm.
01:23:28 But that thing's just about out.
01:23:33 We'll fire it back up in the morning because we're going to cook breakfast on it.
01:23:37 I like these candles.
01:23:40 Maybe it's just because it's cold out
01:23:43 or I guess the candle's wick ratio isn't set up right if you know what I mean.
01:23:48 Because these things, it's wasting a lot of wax.
01:23:51 See how it can't melt all the edges?
01:23:53 Like I said earlier, that wax around the edges will never melt.
01:23:56 Maybe it's because it's kind of chilly out.
01:23:59 But the thing that happens is if you try to start these up in the summer on a really hot day,
01:24:03 the sides that are way above the wick can melt in there and smother everything out.
01:24:08 And look at that mosquito.
01:24:10 That mosquito had a crash landing in there.
01:24:13 Blow them all out.
01:24:18 We're going to go for a little walk.
01:24:21 We'll cover them up when we get back.
01:24:24 Amazingly, there's no mosquito larva in here.
01:24:28 Nope.
01:24:30 Alright, we're going to go take a little walk out in the woods.
01:24:38 Got a bright moon up there.
01:24:46 Everyone knows that I don't get cold that easily.
01:24:50 And it's not that bad out.
01:24:52 But I am wearing a hoodie because I know that tonight it'll get down to about 40 degrees.
01:24:57 It'll get pretty chilly.
01:24:59 Right now it's maybe about 52 degrees outside.
01:25:02 Last time I checked.
01:25:12 When it's this quiet out in the woods, you can hear absolutely everything.
01:25:17 I don't know what the microphone is picking up, but all I can hear right now is my clock ticking.
01:25:24 I can hear far in the distance water trickling.
01:25:29 And there's something walking in the woods.
01:25:33 I'd say within 100 feet.
01:25:36 The thing about the woods is there's dry leaves and little twigs all over the ground.
01:25:42 So you can't really tell if it's something huge or just a mouse jumping through the leaves.
01:25:50 You can never really tell.
01:25:53 But who knows what we might run into as far as a friend out on the trail.
01:26:05 Haven't seen the bear in a while.
01:26:08 Although if that is the bear walking around out here with me, he's going to run away.
01:26:17 Oh, here comes a car. It's been a while.
01:26:34 [footsteps]
01:26:40 Is it too chilly for things like frogs?
01:26:44 Oh, I see water beetles and a whole ton of mosquito larvae in here.
01:26:52 Where are the frogs?
01:26:55 Where are the water skimmers?
01:27:00 Oh, they're the ones who eat the mosquitoes.
01:27:03 I saw some frogs tonight. They're not in hibernation yet.
01:27:06 And this time of year they'll bounce in and out until daytime temperatures are pretty cool.
01:27:11 I got this tree stump here that I hollowed it out with the chainsaw to make it into like a pot.
01:27:19 I planted some bulbs for ferns, but they didn't come up.
01:27:22 Now we got a raspberry plant starting in there and a little maple tree.
01:27:29 So they'll take over next year.
01:27:31 And there's a slug right there.
01:27:34 So it wasn't something walking out here.
01:27:39 It's so quiet that I was hearing leaves falling off the tree.
01:27:45 The moon is so bright.
01:27:49 [footsteps]
01:27:53 [footsteps]
01:27:55 Look at all the leaves here.
01:28:00 They're all getting ready to fall.
01:28:03 If we do get a frost next week, they'll be all over the ground.
01:28:07 Good amount of leaves building up right here at the little drain.
01:28:16 And there's a water skimmer.
01:28:18 These are the guys that will eat the mosquitoes if they try to land in here.
01:28:23 Good amount of leaves building up.
01:28:31 I love these days when you walk through the grass and you just leave footprints in the dew.
01:28:47 Look how pretty the leaves are on these raspberry bushes as they turn for the year.
01:28:52 We got a frog.
01:28:55 We got a second frog in the frog pond.
01:29:00 Yeah, they're not hiding around the edges today.
01:29:05 They're in the water.
01:29:06 The water I can see even steaming because it was pretty warm earlier.
01:29:11 Over to the big frog pond.
01:29:14 A lot of nights you'll walk down here and the frogs will just go hopping in the water.
01:29:19 But is it too cold for them to be out of the water?
01:29:22 It might be.
01:29:24 I don't see anyone hopping in.
01:29:28 Earlier today a whole bunch of them were.
01:29:30 I see some tadpoles in the water.
01:29:33 Do we see any frogs?
01:29:37 It might be cold enough that they're starting to bounce in and out of hibernation.
01:29:42 I do see a lot of tadpoles.
01:29:44 There's also some fish in here we accidentally moved when they were babies.
01:29:48 I don't see any of them but they're like now over four inches long.
01:29:53 Getting big.
01:29:54 We're back to camp now and it has dropped down to, it looks like 48 degrees.
01:30:03 It's getting late.
01:30:05 I should probably go to sleep soon.
01:30:07 Although I'm not really tired yet.
01:30:11 Hopefully I'm able to sleep late into the morning.
01:30:14 This thing is still smoking a little bit.
01:30:19 Take a look in there.
01:30:21 I haven't touched this thing in like four hours.
01:30:26 It's a perfect night.
01:30:30 Nice and cool, nice and quiet.
01:30:34 I don't know how this clock's going to work, where we can possibly put it.
01:30:39 I think one time we got it to fit on there.
01:30:41 Yeah, that'll work.
01:30:43 Looks good.
01:30:45 Alright everyone, gotta shut the door.
01:31:09 It's just about time for bed.
01:31:11 I do got some earplugs after all.
01:31:25 Gonna try to go to sleep now.
01:31:33 Can't wait to have breakfast in the morning.
01:31:37 Good night everyone.
01:31:39 [Birds chirping]
01:31:42 [Birds chirping]
01:31:45 [Birds chirping]
01:31:48 [Birds chirping]
01:31:50 [Birds chirping]
01:31:52 [Snoring]
01:32:19 [Snoring]
01:32:21 [Snoring]
01:32:23 [Snoring]
01:32:28 [Snoring]
01:32:35 [Snoring]
01:32:41 [Snoring]
01:32:50 [Snoring]
01:32:52 [Snoring]
01:33:11 [Snoring]
01:33:13 [Snoring]
01:33:24 [Snoring]
01:33:36 [Snoring]
01:33:38 [Snoring]
01:33:55 [Snoring]
01:33:57 [Snoring]
01:34:09 [Snoring]
01:34:21 [Snoring]
01:34:23 [Snoring]
01:34:34 [Snoring]
01:34:43 [Snoring]
01:34:45 Good morning everyone.
01:35:12 It's now about...
01:35:14 Almost 11 o'clock.
01:35:19 I've slept a pretty good amount in here.
01:35:21 It's nice and comfortable and
01:35:23 it still kinda looks like night time in here.
01:35:25 It's a blackout tent.
01:35:27 Blocks out the sun so well.
01:35:29 Unfortunately the camera died halfway through my sleep
01:35:35 because the power bank it was attached to
01:35:38 it appears it was trickle charging it.
01:35:41 It was barely...
01:35:43 When I plugged it back in it was going so slow.
01:35:46 I swapped it out with the power bank for the light
01:35:49 and then it started charging right away.
01:35:51 I don't know why.
01:35:53 It's that power bank.
01:35:55 Now this one has a problem.
01:35:57 Or it's the charger. I'm guessing it's the power bank.
01:35:59 It's charging it so slowly.
01:36:01 I knew as soon as I turned it on.
01:36:03 How is it still at 92%?
01:36:06 It was charging so slowly.
01:36:08 When I wake up usually half of it would be gone
01:36:11 running a whole night's sleep.
01:36:13 Here are those peeps.
01:36:21 There's at least two angry squirrels outside.
01:36:26 It's getting warm out fast.
01:36:31 All the way up to 66 degrees.
01:36:37 Alright everyone we're finally out of the tent.
01:36:40 In this direction
01:36:43 all I can hear is an angry squirrel
01:36:46 and I can hear a bunch of birds chirping
01:36:48 because in back of here is nothing but wilderness and logging.
01:36:52 If you can see those clearings back there maybe you can tell.
01:36:55 The other direction
01:36:57 we got the noisy highway a couple hundred feet away.
01:37:00 Last night it was so quiet.
01:37:03 But that highway is going to be non-stop noise because it's Sunday.
01:37:08 There's a lot of weekend traffic that's just not going to stop.
01:37:11 That's how it is. It gets kind of quiet on weekdays.
01:37:14 But that's about it.
01:37:16 We're going to go ahead and fire the stove back up
01:37:18 and we're going to cook brunch.
01:37:20 It's a little too early I guess for breakfast.
01:37:22 It's going to be after noon when the food's done.
01:37:26 Because this thing is going to take like a half an hour to get going nicely where we can cook.
01:37:30 I brought out a nice cast iron pot.
01:37:33 Today we're going to cook some bacon.
01:37:36 We're going to cook some eggs.
01:37:38 I actually haven't bought eggs in a while.
01:37:40 I was surprised that egg crisis seems to be over.
01:37:43 Eggs are back down.
01:37:45 This right here I got for $1.98 at Walmart.
01:37:48 Remember when eggs were like $6 plus a dozen?
01:37:51 Not anymore. That's nice.
01:37:53 Got some muffins which I might not eat if I fill up on the other stuff.
01:37:58 I'll save that for another day.
01:38:00 We got some eggnog.
01:38:02 I tried the pumpkin eggnog last week.
01:38:04 I actually like this one better.
01:38:07 Sometimes I like to have protein shakes when I wake up.
01:38:10 Because I'm the type of person who doesn't like to sit around and have breakfast.
01:38:14 So I just have a protein shake and I'm out the door.
01:38:18 And we got our frying pan.
01:38:20 We'll cook the bacon first and then when it's nice and greased up
01:38:23 we'll put the eggs in there afterwards.
01:38:26 This is a nice heavy duty pot.
01:38:28 And no, the thing's not brand new.
01:38:30 I just re-seasoned it.
01:38:32 I basically re-season it every time we use it.
01:38:34 Which means cover with oil and bake.
01:38:36 And it makes it black and it looks brand new again.
01:38:40 What do we think happened to this tree?
01:38:42 See that scar?
01:38:44 It spirals around it.
01:38:46 And then it opens up real big up top.
01:38:53 What causes it to spiral around like that.
01:38:56 And it goes all the way up inside it if you can see that.
01:38:59 That scar.
01:39:01 Alright everybody.
01:39:06 Let's go ahead and fire this thing up.
01:39:08 [fire crackling]
01:39:11 [fire crackling]
01:39:14 [fire crackling]
01:39:17 [fire crackling]
01:39:20 [fire crackling]
01:39:23 [fire crackling]
01:39:26 [fire crackling]
01:39:40 [fire crackling]
01:39:43 This thing is doing awesome.
01:39:58 I literally lit that fire three minutes ago.
01:40:02 And it's already burning clean.
01:40:05 Look at that.
01:40:07 It's already like a jet coming out of there.
01:40:09 Can you hear the noise it's making?
01:40:11 That pulsing noise?
01:40:13 [fire crackling]
01:40:15 Or like a rumbling noise of the flames?
01:40:17 [fire crackling]
01:40:19 It reminds me of the noise a diesel locomotive makes
01:40:21 when you're near the train tracks.
01:40:23 [fire crackling]
01:40:25 That rumbling sound.
01:40:27 Especially when it's under a lot of tension.
01:40:29 [fire crackling]
01:40:31 That's producing tons of heat.
01:40:35 I'm going to put in a few more sticks.
01:40:37 I'm going to break up and put in there.
01:40:39 Then we've got those bigger rounds I found on the ground.
01:40:41 And that should produce enough heat to make breakfast.
01:40:43 In the meantime, while we're waiting for this thing to get nice and hot,
01:40:47 I'm going to have a protein shake.
01:40:49 And then we're going to try to take the tent down.
01:40:52 It's already getting hot out.
01:40:54 Today it's supposed to be like 85 degrees.
01:40:57 Today's October 1st, I believe.
01:40:59 Nice warm day in the fall.
01:41:02 It's not nearly cold anymore.
01:41:05 I got a little chilly last night.
01:41:08 And now I kind of woke up a little sweating in there.
01:41:13 [fire crackling]
01:41:16 [fire crackling]
01:41:19 [fire crackling]
01:41:21 [fire crackling]
01:41:23 [fire crackling]
01:41:25 [fire crackling]
01:41:27 [fire crackling]
01:41:30 [fire crackling]
01:41:33 [fire crackling]
01:41:36 [fire crackling]
01:41:39 [fire crackling]
01:41:41 [fire crackling]
01:41:47 [fire crackling]
01:41:54 [fire crackling]
01:42:03 [fire crackling]
01:42:05 [fire crackling]
01:42:27 [fire crackling]
01:42:29 Look who I just found on the tent.
01:42:40 A woolly bear caterpillar.
01:42:42 It's so soft as it's crawling.
01:42:45 I also just found a beetle.
01:42:55 He was on my hand but now he's crawling.
01:42:59 Where'd he go?
01:43:01 Where'd he go?
01:43:03 Did you see him?
01:43:05 Did he fall off?
01:43:07 I think he's still on me.
01:43:11 Nope, there he is on the ground.
01:43:14 It's the woolly bear again.
01:43:22 Alright, let's get this bacon out into the pan.
01:43:27 [bear growl]
01:43:34 [bear growl]
01:43:36 Look at that. Look at all that good bacon.
01:44:01 Spread it around nice and evenly.
01:44:05 Get it up onto the fire.
01:44:08 Fire's nice and hot.
01:44:10 And I think this really thick pan will help it cook more uniformly.
01:44:16 Because every time the flame goes up just for a second,
01:44:19 it won't just burn right through it.
01:44:22 It takes a while for the temperature to rise and fall.
01:44:27 There's obviously a lot of it in here so I have to keep stirring it.
01:44:32 But it'll shrink.
01:44:35 See, it doesn't all fit on the bottom of the pan, but it will.
01:44:39 Just give it a couple minutes of cooking.
01:44:42 We're going to leave this unattended for a moment.
01:44:55 So hopefully a bear or a squirrel doesn't try to steal it.
01:44:59 I was gone less than five minutes and somebody's already stealing the bacon.
01:45:04 There's a fly over there.
01:45:06 Alright, let's get it up there onto the burner.
01:45:09 And I gotta get more wood.
01:45:11 It's not burning as hot as it once was.
01:45:15 [sizzling]
01:45:17 This area's cleaning up real fast.
01:45:28 If you remember yesterday, there was piles of debris everywhere.
01:45:31 Look how clean the campsite looks now that we're burning everything.
01:45:35 If we camped here a couple more times, we could get all this debris cleaned up.
01:45:40 Like you saw my flashback clip yesterday in the video.
01:45:45 This woods used to be completely clean before a big storm about a year ago.
01:45:50 Well, different debris. The forest floor was clean.
01:46:09 That is going real hot.
01:46:11 It's going to be hot even putting my hand over here to stir that, right?
01:46:17 Yeah, super duper hot.
01:46:19 We gotta pull this over to the edge.
01:46:21 Now we can stir it.
01:46:23 [sizzling]
01:46:25 Trying not to splatter it on myself, which I am a little bit.
01:46:43 Good, not too much of it is sticking.
01:46:46 But this fire, this thing is extremely hot right now.
01:46:52 [sizzling]
01:46:54 Push it back out into the center.
01:47:01 I'm sure in the top here there's some way I could create a dampening system to control it.
01:47:09 But the flames already cooled down a good bunch.
01:47:15 And that smoke you just saw literally a minute ago has stopped.
01:47:19 It's just because I just threw stuff in.
01:47:22 Time to get up and stir it again. It's not running as hot now.
01:47:27 But we're on our way.
01:47:30 Oh, just splash it on me.
01:47:32 It's still got a ways to go.
01:47:39 But it's looking good.
01:47:41 Another ten minutes later.
01:47:45 Let's get back up here.
01:47:48 Oh wow, it's starting to become nice and crispy now.
01:47:51 Almost done. I don't like it super crispy.
01:47:55 I still like it to be a little bit...
01:47:57 Well, we gotta pull it away.
01:47:59 Didn't even notice at first because it's not super charged anymore, this thing.
01:48:04 You gotta throw a little more wood on.
01:48:07 Yeah, I'd say within ten minutes that'll be good to eat.
01:48:17 Look how dirty the fire is actually burning.
01:48:20 Look at the smoke coming out the door.
01:48:22 But everything is burned coming out the top.
01:48:25 That's what I love about this stove.
01:48:27 Very hot, very hot.
01:48:30 Wow, can't even get near the top of this thing.
01:48:34 There's so much exhaust coming out of there.
01:48:36 Wow.
01:48:38 Okay, that bacon's done for me.
01:48:40 Let's get this off.
01:48:43 [sizzling]
01:48:45 It's working.
01:48:57 This smells so good, this crispy bacon.
01:49:03 Today there's a slight breeze, so lots of pine needles and debris are falling out of the trees.
01:49:10 Aw man, is that a slug on my plate?
01:49:13 That's literally a tiny slug.
01:49:17 Nice and crispy, look at that.
01:49:23 Let's crack an egg into that hot grease.
01:49:26 Is that gonna explode?
01:49:28 Since it's still very hot? I don't know.
01:49:31 [sizzling]
01:49:33 This cooked fast towards the end.
01:49:45 I should have took it off five minutes earlier, but that's okay.
01:49:48 Oh my gosh, look!
01:49:53 He's crawling away!
01:49:55 [sizzling]
01:49:57 Look at it cooking right there!
01:50:17 It's so hot, this pan.
01:50:19 Whoa!
01:50:23 Whoa, it's exploding!
01:50:25 Ah!
01:50:26 Hot oil!
01:50:28 What do you guys think? I bet that'll taste good.
01:50:36 I wonder if it's got enough heat to cook it here without even putting it back.
01:50:41 That should be enough for eggs.
01:50:45 [sizzling]
01:50:47 I think it's literally enough to cook it right here.
01:51:03 This thing is still that hot.
01:51:05 Yeah, it's basically already cooked.
01:51:13 Look at that.
01:51:15 Interesting.
01:51:20 I'll give it a try. If it comes out horrible, I'll pour out most of the grease and put some normal eggs back on there.
01:51:27 It's... yeah, this pan, it's too hot to touch still.
01:51:33 We literally just cooked it right here.
01:51:41 It's literally cooked already.
01:51:43 That's fantastic.
01:51:46 Bacon-flavored scrambled egg.
01:52:00 Look at that.
01:52:02 You know how unhealthy this is going to be to eat?
01:52:08 Well, it's cooked and it's still cooking.
01:52:11 I'll give that a try, but I have a feeling it's going to be overwhelming the bacon flavor or just outright too greasy for me.
01:52:19 So I might end up donating this to the local raccoon in the woods and making another one.
01:52:27 That's really good. It's crunchy.
01:52:35 Very dry, but not exactly burnt.
01:52:38 It's been five minutes, by the way.
01:52:40 The egg is still sizzling and it appears to be completely cooked.
01:52:45 Let's give that a try.
01:52:47 Hot.
01:52:52 It's like the greasiest egg I've ever had.
01:52:57 [sizzling]
01:53:00 Wow, that's hot.
01:53:16 [sizzling]
01:53:19 Not bad, but it's pretty gooey.
01:53:31 Not bad at all. I want to see if I can put it back on and crisp it up.
01:53:37 No.
01:53:39 I said no.
01:53:42 We're going to put it back-- ow!
01:53:44 We're going to put it back on for five minutes.
01:53:46 This has been up here for like ten minutes now.
01:53:52 It's just not crisping up like a normal egg, it being in so much grease.
01:53:58 So I just don't really like this.
01:54:01 The texture is gooey. It's not crisping up.
01:54:03 Wow. And I have this thing raging down there with so much heat.
01:54:08 We'll give it a few more minutes, but I think I'm going to give it to the raccoon.
01:54:12 We now got this thing burning so hot that it's actually dangerous to get near it.
01:54:17 Look at the grease splattering all over the place.
01:54:20 Wow, it just got me a little bit.
01:54:22 It's-- whoa! It's splattering like crazy.
01:54:26 It's-- ahhh!
01:54:27 It's dangerous to get near it. Look at that.
01:54:30 Imagine the whole tank just combust. It could.
01:54:33 The flames are up there.
01:54:35 I don't know if I even feel safe getting it off there.
01:54:38 It's just in the process of exploding.
01:54:41 Alright.
01:54:42 We're going in.
01:54:44 Ugh.
01:54:47 Come on, come on.
01:54:48 Gotta get a good grip on it.
01:54:51 It's not exploding as much as it was.
01:54:58 Whoa, look what it turned into!
01:55:03 Ew!
01:55:04 Yeah, that's-- ahhh!
01:55:08 Oh my gosh, look at that.
01:55:10 That's gross. Look at the suds.
01:55:13 Although it's kind of crispy now.
01:55:17 Let's give it like 10 minutes to cool down and I'll taste that.
01:55:21 Although it does not look appealing anymore.
01:55:24 You saw how much it was splashing all over the tank.
01:55:28 I think the suds are like suppressing it so it can't splash anymore.
01:55:31 Alright everyone, it's been 10 minutes now.
01:55:36 Alright everyone, it's been 10 minutes or so cooling down.
01:55:39 Now that the suds are gone, we are left behind with some crispy crunchies.
01:55:45 But how good are they going to be?
01:55:47 Let's find out.
01:55:49 It might be good because it smells really nice like bacon.
01:55:52 I wish this was maple bacon. It would probably be even better.
01:55:55 See how it's nice and crunchy there?
01:55:57 I wonder what that'll taste like.
01:55:59 It's honestly too hot to touch.
01:56:00 Give it a few more minutes.
01:56:01 [crunching]
01:56:17 [thud]
01:56:18 20 minutes now and it's still too hot to pick it up.
01:56:23 Wow.
01:56:24 I just cleaned up that tarp.
01:56:26 I let it sit in the sun a few hours because it was very covered in morning dew underneath it.
01:56:32 Now this is very crunchy.
01:56:34 It kind of reminds me now of the texture and everything of a...
01:56:38 What do you call it?
01:56:39 Hash brown.
01:56:40 Exact texture of a hash brown. Wow.
01:56:47 The way it's like burnt in little lines and put together.
01:56:52 [crunching]
01:56:57 That's actually quite good.
01:56:59 I'll eat most of that.
01:57:00 Wow.
01:57:02 That came out good.
01:57:04 Letting it really sizzle like that.
01:57:06 Oh.
01:57:08 The ground's been drying out around this really hot tank.
01:57:11 And the fire jumped out.
01:57:13 [sizzling]
01:57:29 We got a spider friend right here.
01:57:31 Oh.
01:57:33 Didn't even have to blow him off.
01:57:35 [crunching]
01:57:48 I could only eat like half of the egg over there.
01:57:50 I ate like half the bacon and I left the more burnt pieces.
01:57:54 We'll go put those over at the pallet shack where I have a trail camera.
01:57:59 We got raccoons there a couple times and a moose walked by last week.
01:58:04 The egg shells I'll leave out here.
01:58:06 They can biodegrade and animals will eat them for calcium.
01:58:10 Everything else will go back into the kitchen.
01:58:12 I'll probably sit out here a few more hours and just play with the fire.
01:58:18 And then we'll be done for the night.
01:58:22 [metal clanking]
01:58:33 [wind]
01:58:41 [fire crackling]
01:58:44 [wind]
01:58:54 Bacon scented exhaust!
01:58:56 [wind]
01:59:09 Well I just saw a monarch butterfly.
01:59:12 As most of you guys know, bacon grease solidifies when it cools down.
01:59:16 I probably should have given all the grease to the raccoons.
01:59:19 Any animal basically will eat it.
01:59:21 The squirrels, even birds will pick at it because they're all trying to fatten up for the winter.
01:59:27 I got a trail camera right there.
01:59:29 We'll see who comes.
01:59:32 Most likely it'll be the raccoon.
01:59:35 Although it's starting to get cold out.
01:59:37 In the summer coyotes never come near the house.
01:59:40 But in the winter, it's usually a coyote that comes to get food.
01:59:44 Beautiful red tree.
01:59:46 Y'all remember that tree I showed you last night?
01:59:52 Where we were listening to the worm in there chewing it away?
01:59:56 Look what it does underneath the bark.
01:59:59 It makes the bark separate.
02:00:02 Whoever's in there doing that, see this?
02:00:05 This bug, as it goes around the tree, it's kind of separating the bark.
02:00:10 Which makes it so nutrients can't come up in the tree anymore.
02:00:13 And slowly it's going to die.
02:00:15 It's inevitable.
02:00:16 The top of this tree looks actually pretty healthy, but it's inevitable.
02:00:19 It's going to die.
02:00:21 All the dead branches you're seeing are just because, if you didn't know,
02:00:24 trees reject branches that no longer get adequate sunlight.
02:00:29 It's not worth it to the tree keeping them alive, so they all die off.
02:00:33 And it's good for campers. You can just snap them off.
02:00:35 Doesn't hurt the tree.
02:00:36 Anyone ever been to a public campsite?
02:00:39 You can't find a single tree with dead branches.
02:00:41 It's so hard to actually collect things in a place where there's always someone camping.
02:00:46 There's like a tornado of smoke going on in there right now.
02:00:52 Wow.
02:00:54 [wind]
02:00:59 [wind]
02:01:03 [wind]
02:01:08 [wind]
02:01:13 [wind]
02:01:18 [wind]
02:01:23 [wind]
02:01:28 [wind]
02:01:33 [wind]
02:01:38 [wind]
02:01:43 [wind]
02:01:48 [wind]
02:01:53 [wind]
02:01:58 [wind]
02:02:03 [wind]
02:02:08 [wind]
02:02:13 [wind]
02:02:17 Just put the chimney cap back on.
02:02:19 Just about everything's put away, but I'm going to show you guys what's on the camera
02:02:23 from the last food I put out there at the little pellet shack in the woods.
02:02:29 Then we'll set it back up in the future.
02:02:32 If anything cool shows up, I'll show you what ate the bacon.
02:02:34 I always get tiny little flies that go in my eyes.
02:02:37 It's not a huge deal, but I just got a gigantic one that landed on my eyeball.
02:02:43 And it lingered there for a few seconds.
02:02:46 I was trying to get it out, and I could just feel its legs crawling around.
02:02:50 Ah.
02:02:52 [wind]
02:02:55 I'm pretty sure that's a bird tapping on the camera.
02:02:58 So here we got our curious raccoon.
02:03:01 This is the first guest of the pallet house.
02:03:05 First animal I've got on camera going in there.
02:03:07 First off, the raccoon is walking around the perimeter, checking it out, making sure it's safe.
02:03:12 I think he just made an entire lap around it,
02:03:15 checking it out because it's new to him, just exploring.
02:03:22 Look at those big glowing eyes.
02:03:25 Now it looks like he finally got the confidence to start venturing inside.
02:03:30 Nope, going to eat a little bit.
02:03:32 He's looking around. What does he hear?
02:03:35 He hears something.
02:03:39 Look how still he is.
02:03:41 Now he's back to chilling.
02:03:45 I believe on that night that was like, maybe macaroni and cheese or something.
02:03:52 There, he's finally going inside.
02:04:00 Now, the raccoon will learn that I'm the one feeding him, eventually.
02:04:06 Because I'm sure he can smell me all over that entire thing I built.
02:04:12 Still sniffing. He smells me all over that place.
02:04:15 We camped in that about maybe two months back or so.
02:04:20 Built completely out of pallets with a metal roof.
02:04:27 Did he already eat it all?
02:04:29 Because this can't... Oh my gosh, here comes a moose!
02:04:32 Moose walking by. Wish he was a little further away.
02:04:37 And here I come out, cleaning up the garbage from the raccoon.
02:04:41 Everything is completely gone.
02:04:43 And here I come out the next day, getting rid of some leftovers.
02:04:47 That was after our sloppy joe video.
02:04:49 If you guys saw that, ate what I could, then this kind of went bad.
02:04:53 It looked kind of gross the next day in the fridge, so I brought it outside.
02:04:56 And here comes a squirrel coming to eat some of the sloppy joe chunks.
02:05:10 Nope. Aw, he's got scared back up the tree.
02:05:15 And here I come today with today's bacon.
02:05:17 We will see what comes to eat that.
02:05:21 Although it's starting to get cold out. In the summer, coyotes never come near the house.
02:05:25 And here we are at the bridge camera.
02:05:27 We have some interesting friends.
02:05:29 Look all the way over to the right.
02:05:31 Those are moose antlers.
02:05:33 Here comes the moose.
02:05:35 Too bad he's not further away.
02:05:38 That's a big moose.
02:05:40 Sniffing around.
02:05:42 I wonder if this is the same moose that walked by the other camera.
02:05:45 I'm going to have to look at those dates.
02:05:49 Big moose.
02:05:51 Too bad he didn't walk across the bridge.
02:05:54 Although maybe he's too big. Maybe he would have broken the bridge.
02:05:58 But this camera has some really cool friends that I'm about to show you in the next five minutes.
02:06:06 This is me walking a dog around the loop in the woods.
02:06:22 This is me grass growing really good around the pond.
02:06:27 We have a bear friend.
02:06:30 I haven't checked this camera in like two months.
02:06:32 I didn't know the bear was still coming around.
02:06:34 And there's multiple bears. This is a little bear.
02:06:38 You're going to see a really big bear in just a minute.
02:06:43 A lot of animals come here.
02:06:45 That little pool of water attracts them.
02:06:48 Here we got a deer.
02:06:52 Coming to check out the water source.
02:07:01 I wonder if he smells I put some deer attractant corn spray.
02:07:07 And there's a bunch of leftover popcorn from our popcorn testing video.
02:07:13 We cooked up like a dozen different types of corn to see if they would taste any different.
02:07:18 They're all basically the same.
02:07:20 But they had slate off. Some of them were off.
02:07:23 Some of them were sweeter than others. Stuff like that.
02:07:27 And look who showed up to eat the popcorn in the middle of the night.
02:07:30 It's a giant bear.
02:07:36 Looks like he's getting a drink first.
02:07:42 He hasn't touched the corn yet. He's just sniffing the bridge.
02:07:45 And there he goes to eat the corn.
02:07:47 There he is chewing the corn and staring at the camera.
02:07:51 He noticed he's caught on camera so he's going to try to walk away now.
02:07:57 He's scratching.
02:08:03 And here we go in the morning.
02:08:08 A smaller bear.
02:08:10 The sun's about to come up. Infrared hasn't quite shut down yet.
02:08:15 Looks kind of cool. It's almost daybreak but it's still running in black and white.
02:08:22 The bear doesn't seem super interested in the corn.
02:08:24 That big fella should have been able to eat it all.
02:08:29 Now the infrared finally shut off.
02:08:32 Now we've got some color going on.
02:08:35 This bear looks really skinny compared to the big fat one that was there last night.
02:08:48 And here we've got a raccoon.
02:08:51 Just a single raccoon. Probably the same one that we saw over at the pallet house in the last camera's footage.
02:08:59 Even when there's no food put out at these locations, it's the water source.
02:09:04 I've seen raccoons over the years come here just to take drinks and wash their hands off in the water.
02:09:11 That little pool attracts a lot of things.
02:09:13 Sometimes there's frogs in there and I didn't put them there.
02:09:16 They just come naturally. Water beetles, water skimmers come there naturally.
02:09:21 Many different animals I've seen come by here just to take a drink.
02:09:24 And look who it is. Here comes the bear again.
02:09:30 The bear making his rounds.
02:09:33 But I think it's been at least a month since we've seen the bear on the cameras.
02:09:38 So that's why we didn't have a visitor from this guy last night camping, cooking all that delicious food.
02:09:45 Although it's a black bear, they're easy to scare away.
02:09:48 What's he doing? Eating the grass?
02:09:50 Yeah, he's literally eating the grass or something growing on that hill.
02:09:54 Just took some bites out of it.
02:09:58 I love how most of the animals use the bridge.
02:10:02 Most of the animals use my trail because the rest of the woods is just a mess.
02:10:06 It's easier to walk there.
02:10:08 And look at that. A little bobcat.
02:10:12 I don't think that was a lynx. I think it was a bobcat because of the short fur, right?
02:10:16 Yeah, they use my trails because it's the easiest place to walk.
02:10:19 Look at all the debris around the rest of the woods.
02:10:22 Same reason in the winter you'll have a lot more animals walking in the road.
02:10:25 It's easier than walking through that deep snow.
02:10:29 There we got a coyote going by.
02:10:32 The camera shifted a little bit. Maybe the wind or some animal brushing against it.
02:10:37 Maybe the moose did it.
02:10:39 I don't know. That's how a trail camera works.
02:10:42 You program it so it's on then off.
02:10:44 Because you don't want it running constantly. It'll burn the battery out or fill up the memory.
02:10:48 You want it to capture an animal, and then you want it to shut down for a little while and turn back on.
02:10:53 You don't want it constantly on. Some animals take hours setting it off repeatedly.
02:10:58 Right now we've got a storm going on. A bunch of things falling out of the trees.
02:11:02 We've got a good amount of wind going on.
02:11:04 That's what we're doing around the camera.
02:11:06 A windy, stormy night going on.
02:11:09 There we got the raccoon back again.
02:11:12 This was only six days ago.
02:11:16 We're going to go put this trail camera right back up in a few minutes.
02:11:20 It's still got half a charge. It's not going to charge the battery.
02:11:22 I just drained the memory card. We're going to stick the card right back in and turn it on.
02:11:26 I hope these videos of the animals were interesting.
02:11:29 Time to go put the memory cards back in. Let's go into those cameras.
02:11:33 This was a perfect flat spot for that tent.
02:11:38 I almost wanted to sleep out here a second night.
02:11:40 I got a very good night's sleep out here.
02:11:43 Very comfortable. Perfect temperature.
02:11:46 Also the sun was not able to wake me up.
02:11:49 Usually when you're camping, the sun daybreak is what wakes you up.
02:11:53 With that blackout tent, I had zero problems.
02:11:56 The times I've used it before were in the dead of winter and the cold literally woke me up.
02:12:00 Right here we got the camera.
02:12:03 We're just going to stick the card in there.
02:12:06 Like that.
02:12:09 Power on.
02:12:11 It allows you with the screen to look at what's on it. You don't have to pull it out.
02:12:14 Hit start.
02:12:16 Gives you 30 seconds to walk away before it starts turning on.
02:12:20 Make sure the aim is good towards that bridge.
02:12:23 And there we go.
02:12:26 And I have a lesser used trail here.
02:12:29 Which makes our way to the pallet house.
02:12:32 You can see the pallet house up there in the distance.
02:12:39 Anybody can get their property certified as an animal habitat.
02:12:44 You just have to provide food, shelter and water.
02:12:47 That can mean as little as a bird bath, a bird feeder and a bird house.
02:12:51 And we also got those big brown signs I was able to get from the state.
02:12:56 And the second camera is on and ready to go.
02:13:02 And we're done with the fire for today.
02:13:05 This will probably be hot a couple more hours. It'll completely burn down.
02:13:09 And then we'll come out with a shovel maybe next week and just spread that ash around.
02:13:15 [wind]
02:13:18 Last winter we lost over 50 trees in one night.
02:13:32 It was so wet out and raining. The ground was so soft.
02:13:36 Then a big wind came through and it just knocked over so many trees here.
02:13:41 But the area is recovering nice.
02:13:44 We cleared as much as we can because when there's debris all over the ground,
02:13:48 layers and layers of it, nothing can grow for a long time until it rots.
02:13:52 So we put it all into logs that over time will be hauled back to the house with that wagon.
02:13:57 That wagon, this might be its last year, I keep putting band-aid fixes on it.
02:14:01 But everything's worn out from moving such heavy things through the woods.
02:14:05 Now, this was all put into piles.
02:14:08 It was chopped up into little pieces like I was showing earlier.
02:14:11 You can just take handfuls of this and load it into a little stove.
02:14:14 This is not that far away from camp.
02:14:17 This could be used if we ever needed that much.
02:14:20 But we made a bunch of clear areas.
02:14:22 See, there's already trees which will really take off the next year.
02:14:26 Little seedlings, berry bushes.
02:14:29 Usually clearings in the wild like this, it'll turn into berries for a while
02:14:34 until the little trees shade them out and just kill them all off.
02:14:38 Back there was a blowdown maybe 5, 8 years ago.
02:14:43 And look at all the tiny little trees starting to grow in.
02:14:46 It's recovered perfectly and it looks beautiful.
02:14:49 In the wintertime, I always put corn out for the turkeys and deer.
02:14:54 And I put cameras out here.
02:14:56 I guess they missed some of it.
02:14:58 There's a couple pieces of corn.
02:15:01 Wow, it actually grew a tiny little cob and there's actual corn in there.
02:15:06 That's so cool.
02:15:08 Well, that's from feeding the wild turkeys.
02:15:10 I will go through a couple 50-pound bags of food every year.
02:15:15 I just walk all the trails sprinkling it, making trails,
02:15:19 and it leads them all back to the house.
02:15:21 It's cool to watch them.
02:15:23 See, this whole area is beautiful moss and trees.
02:15:26 It's recovering nicely.
02:15:28 This was a really wet year, and on wet years, the moss really takes off
02:15:31 and it's able to climb up all this debris and help break it and crush it down.
02:15:35 Wet years are so beneficial.
02:15:38 But this area here, with all these trees down, this area I haven't cleared yet,
02:15:42 it's like a dead spot.
02:15:44 Nothing is going to be able to grow up through that until we clear it
02:15:48 or at least break it down where little seedlings can pop up through.
02:15:52 It's also a giant fire hazard on a dry year.
02:15:55 All right, everyone, we're back in the house where I'm going to clean all this stuff off.
02:16:00 Now, a pan like this, you really only have to clean the inside.
02:16:03 See how it's greasy?
02:16:05 I can simply, with a paper towel, just wipe all that out.
02:16:09 The next time it heats up, the grease will just self-season it.
02:16:12 Bacon grease is great for self-seasoning it.
02:16:14 Because I put it on a fire, the entire backside is kind of destroyed from the extreme heat,
02:16:20 and this thing will start rusting.
02:16:23 But today it doesn't matter what we clean it with.
02:16:25 I'm just going to clean it all off with dish detergent,
02:16:28 which you usually don't want to use because it breaks down the oils and causes it to rust.
02:16:33 But we're going to completely re-season it.
02:16:35 What that means is wipe down all the grease, clean it as best as we can,
02:16:39 and then with a cloth, rub it down with basically any kind of cooking oil will work.
02:16:44 Some are better than others.
02:16:46 And then you bake it in the oven at about 350 degrees.
02:16:50 And about an hour later, you can put a second coat of seasoning on.
02:16:54 I only do one coat since I destroy it on fire so often.
02:16:58 And why don't I just let it rust on the outside?
02:17:00 Because I don't always use it on an open flame.
02:17:02 Sometimes I'll use it on an actual wood stove that I don't want to get all rusty
02:17:06 because I take care of my wood stoves and I don't want them to become super rusty.
02:17:10 So we're just going to quickly clean this up and make it look brand new once again.
02:17:13 So one of the first things I do is I wait until the water gets really hot.
02:17:19 Then I fill this sink up a couple inches of hot water.
02:17:22 Then I put this in there without getting water inside.
02:17:25 It will melt it all down so I can wipe it out.
02:17:27 I don't want all that grease in my pipes and septic tank.
02:17:32 It's starting to melt, so you can start trying to wipe it out of there.
02:17:40 See how it wipes off pretty easily now?
02:17:42 It's not completely melted, but it was melted enough to get it all off.
02:17:48 It's better not to have all that grease in your pipes.
02:17:50 Now the little bit of residue--oh well.
02:17:52 We can send that down.
02:17:55 This is actually my third time cleaning the back of this.
02:18:00 The first time I did it, my hand was completely black.
02:18:04 It was so dirty from soot.
02:18:07 But I accidentally didn't film it, but that's okay.
02:18:12 So now that we completely cleaned it up,
02:18:17 now we just go ahead and fill it up with hot water.
02:18:20 The entire pan is already hot.
02:18:22 We just simply take it out like this, wipe it out.
02:18:26 Wow, I did a good job cleaning it.
02:18:28 I thought I was actually going to ruin the towel by touching this.
02:18:31 Put it in hot water because let it sit here.
02:18:33 In a minute it will be completely dry.
02:18:36 Pour a good amount of oil in there.
02:18:40 Take an old cloth, a paper towel.
02:18:42 Even the high-quality paper towels seem to leave debris behind.
02:18:47 I just put a lot because I expect this piece of cloth to soak a lot up.
02:18:51 You see how we put it around?
02:18:53 See how it covered up all the imperfections we could see just a moment ago?
02:18:57 Looks pretty good.
02:19:00 Doesn't that look nice?
02:19:02 Now we go around back.
02:19:04 Yeah, this shirt soaked up a good amount of it.
02:19:07 As long as we can cover it once like this, it's really good.
02:19:11 If you put a very thick layer of oil, it can break and chip off pretty easily.
02:19:16 So it's better to do a couple thin layers, baking in between.
02:19:22 But if you're someone like me who destroys the season,
02:19:25 whether it's from cutting inside it or just overheating it like I do,
02:19:30 it's good to just do a couple layers like that.
02:19:38 After being in here almost an hour, the paint looks awesome again.
02:19:43 I built this little chair when we knocked down this dead tree.
02:19:51 It's like a slight reclining chair.
02:19:53 And I'm now realizing it's very moist when I'm sitting in.
02:19:57 And I hope today's video was interesting, everybody.
02:19:59 Thanks for watching and have a great day.
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