• 2 years ago
Never Buying Garlic or Getting SICK again


00:00 Oh yes! I feel like I'm floating on a cloud of garlicky heaven.
00:05 Mmmmm.
00:06 I'm going to show you how to never buy garlic again.
00:11 Now I've only been growing food for the last three years but growing garlic I feel is a
00:15 real hack to the system because it's so easy and you will never ever have to buy garlic
00:21 again once you've grown it once.
00:23 Did you know that one single clove of garlic when planted in the ground will turn into
00:28 a whole bulb of garlic?
00:31 Now considering there's almost or maybe even more than ten cloves of garlic in each bulb
00:37 that is ten times in the amount of garlic that you will have eventually.
00:42 So in today's video I'm going to show you how I grow garlic and how you can grow it
00:46 no matter what kind of garden setup you have.
00:49 You can do it pretty much anywhere.
00:52 Plus I haven't had a cold in so long since I started using garlic medicinally and I'm
00:57 going to show you the simple concoction that I make using garlic that has boosted my immunity.
01:03 Plus the most indulgent garlic recipe that you would have ever seen.
01:10 But this is not something that you want to eat before a first date.
01:15 First up I have to say do not get put off.
01:17 You don't need a fancy greenhouse, you don't need a big garden to grow garlic.
01:21 When I lived in London and just had a tiny balcony I wish I knew I could have grew garlic
01:25 then because all you need is a container, an old bucket, an old barrel.
01:30 I've seen people grow garlic in bathtubs just outside in their garden.
01:34 As long as you can get at least six to eight inches of soil within the container you can
01:39 grow garlic.
01:40 I'm going to officially launch the grow your own garlic movement.
01:43 I want to encourage as many people as I can to grow their own garlic because it's so simple
01:48 and I want you guys to tag me in photos and all that good stuff on social media once you've
01:53 grown your garlic.
01:54 Or in the process of growing it.
01:56 Right, you need to plant your garlic in autumn time really, just before, like six weeks before
02:02 the first frost and that will allow the garlic to produce some good strong roots.
02:07 To sow your garlic if you're using a container simply fill it up with compost or if you use
02:11 a raised bed like me spread a lovely rich layer of fertile compost across the top of
02:17 your bed about an inch thick.
02:19 Then create some divots in the soil two inches deep, spaced around six inches apart.
02:25 Then place a single clove of garlic in each hole making sure the tip is pointing up.
02:30 Then all you need to do is cover over the garlic with some soil and water really well.
02:35 The garlic does need to be located in a sunny area of your garden so make sure wherever
02:39 you're planting it gets a lot of sunlight but apart from that you just got to let it
02:43 do its thing.
02:44 The garlic will often mulch over which just means adding a layer of dried grass or straw
02:50 or wood chip over the top of the bed.
02:53 This will deter weeds and also keep the moisture locked within the soil.
02:57 So the garlic grows slowly but steadily all over winter and it will take about eight months
03:03 in total before you're ready to harvest.
03:05 Now we all know that garlic has super healing medicinal properties and I just want to draw
03:10 your attention to something that I've been using for over a year now actually and that's
03:13 AG1.
03:14 It's become part of my daily routine and so much so coupled with my whole foods plant
03:21 based diet.
03:22 I feel like I'm thriving and that is I'm so proud of that.
03:25 So I've been recommended AG1 to friends and family and I want to recommend it to you guys,
03:31 my lovely audience.
03:32 Now AG1 if you didn't know is a daily foundational nutritional supplement that supports whole
03:38 body health through a science-driven formulation of micronutrients, phytonutrients and essential
03:44 symbiotics.
03:46 All very sciencey I know.
03:47 So to give you some real life feedback on how actually I think AG1 helps me, I actually
03:52 feel less reliant on having coffees throughout the days which is important for me because
03:56 I need sustained energy and I feel like this gives me it.
03:59 I'm filming, I'm cooking, I'm creating recipes, I'm at my laptop, I'm gardening, I'm in the
04:05 gym, I work long days and I feel like this really helps me.
04:09 Plus a noticeable thing and my mum actually mentioned this to me, she thought my skin
04:13 is looking better these days.
04:15 It feels clearer and brighter too.
04:17 AG1 is made up of 75 high quality ingredients carefully curated to nourish all the body's
04:24 systems holistically and surprisingly it tastes delicious.
04:29 So if you want to get AG1 in your routine then head to drinkag1.com/gazokey and get
04:37 started on your first purchase and they're going to give you guys a free one year supply
04:42 of vitamin D3 plus K2 and five free travel packs of AG1 which is so convenient when you're
04:49 travelling.
04:50 AG1 I just want to say a big thank you on behalf of the team and the audience for supporting
04:55 us and sponsoring the video it means we can continue making the videos and I really really
05:01 appreciate it and thank you for making such a good product.
05:04 So a few important tips when it comes to sourcing your garlic to plant.
05:09 Now you can just go to the supermarket and I did this the first year ever growing garlic
05:14 and I picked up some organic bulbs and planted them in the ground and they did grow and I
05:19 harvested a load of garlic on my first year but they weren't big voluptuous juicy bulbs
05:24 of garlic and the reason for this is probably because they originated in a hot climate different
05:30 to my one so they just weren't used to the cold that I get here in Wales in the winter.
05:36 So what I did the next year is just go to my local garden centre and picked up a local
05:42 variety of garlic.
05:43 Now there's two main types of garlic that you will find at your garden centre.
05:48 There's one called hardneck and there's one called softneck.
05:51 Both are just traditional garlic that you would know and love when you go to the supermarket
05:56 more or less.
05:57 However hardneck actually produces a second use of garlic for me anyway.
06:05 It produces this flower stalk called a scape and these are the most delicious things to
06:11 cook up.
06:12 So just before it's time to harvest your garlic you'll be able to cut off these scapes and
06:16 just saute them they taste absolutely delicious but the other variety of garlic softneck doesn't
06:22 produce that scape but does produce garlic bulbs that last slightly longer.
06:28 So this year's garlic that I harvested actually was the softneck variety so I didn't get the
06:34 scapes unfortunately but I still produced some lovely garlic almost 80 bulbs.
06:41 So the leaves have started to go a little yellow which means we've got to harvest these
06:46 babies.
06:47 Let's have a look to see if we've got some decent sized bulbs of garlic.
06:51 That looks pretty decent in size.
06:53 Oh yes we have a garlic bulb.
06:57 So I'm now going to harvest the rest of this garlic and we're going to count how many bulbs
07:01 I've managed to grow.
07:02 Then we'll talk about the curing process and how we can make this garlic last for ages.
07:07 That is one juicy clove right there bursting.
07:11 That's a delight.
07:12 I'm going to rate them out of 10 each time I pick them.
07:14 That is a that's a five not the biggest one.
07:20 Oh look at that juicy one.
07:26 Beautiful.
07:27 10 that's a 10.
07:30 Beautiful bulb of garlic.
07:46 We are nearly there.
07:47 We've had some tiddlers I must admit some baby ones but we've had overall a really decent
07:53 harvest of garlic which I'm very proud about.
07:56 Look how small this bed is really and we've got a ton of garlic which should last me for
08:01 at least a year.
08:02 We'll see anyway.
08:04 So the next job now is to lay this out on a table.
08:06 I'm going to first up count how much garlic I have.
08:09 I'm hoping for around 80 to 100 bulbs and then I'm going to let it dry or cure basically.
08:14 And I'm just grading them with size.
08:17 That's the ones we want and I've this is the 54th one and not all of them are that size.
08:23 Overall this is totally organic.
08:26 We're not using anything to accelerate their sort of growth other than really good quality
08:30 compost.
08:31 The ones you buy from the supermarket are probably ginormous because they're artificially
08:36 grown.
08:37 74 and guys 75 bulbs of garlic grown.
08:45 That is pretty impressive for such a small space and limited effort at all.
08:53 All you have to do is put the seed in the ground and they'll grow.
08:56 75 bulbs of garlic done.
08:59 I'm like a proud dad here with all my garlic.
09:03 Unbelievable.
09:04 Now remember at the start of the video I said that you will never have to buy garlic again.
09:09 The garlic that I harvested will be the same garlic that I sow to grow garlic for the following
09:15 year.
09:16 So it's a cycle that just continues and I'll reserve some of the big juicy bulbs so that
09:22 I constantly am choosing the best most voluptuous garlic to continue to grow bigger and better
09:30 year on year.
09:31 What I did after harvesting was lay it out on a rack just undercover in the shade and
09:38 it cures and it sort of hardens up and the skins get a little bit firmer and protect
09:43 the garlic with inside it.
09:45 And then I put my braiding skills to the test and to be honest with you my braiding skills
09:51 were terrible but I managed to group the garlic together nicely and once you've done that
09:58 you can hang it in the house or wherever you like and it does look really nice hanging
10:03 there.
10:04 It's like a countryside farmhouse French vibe for me anyway or Italian and there's definitely
10:10 going to be no vampires knocking at your door when you've got all that garlic that you just
10:15 harvested hanging around the house.
10:17 Now for some beautiful recipes.
10:21 Now obviously garlic is an incredible kitchen companion but also did you know that garlic
10:26 is being famed for his medicinal powers for centuries and centuries and centuries.
10:32 Now I'm going to use the small bulbs of garlic that I have to make a superhero tonic that
10:37 I will take daily.
10:39 It's packed with fiery flavours that will boost your immune system.
10:44 This is called fire cider.
10:46 Every sip of this fire cider is an adventure.
10:49 It can be used in marinades and dressings and sauces as well as for its healing powers.
10:55 All you need to do is chop up your fiery ingredients and get them into a big jar.
11:00 I'm throwing in my onions, of course a load of garlic which I'm just going to chop in
11:05 half, my homegrown herbs sage and rosemary plus we'll add some fiery chilies, some fresh
11:13 turmeric, ginger, chunks of lemon and then some beautiful spices.
11:18 I'm adding some cinnamon sticks, some star anise and some cloves.
11:26 Now that looks absolutely beautiful.
11:30 One thing I just thought I could put in actually is a couple of flowers.
11:33 My calendula and yarrow, super medicinal, super healing plants.
11:37 Just get a few flowers in there before getting the raw apple cider vinegar in.
11:55 This now needs to sit at room temperature for around four weeks and during that time
11:59 the vinegar will pull all of the medicinal healing benefits out of each ingredient.
12:07 I feel like a proud dad.
12:09 My fire cider is ready to strain and use every day.
12:13 This is my next batch.
12:15 I've just run out so I'm happy I've got this.
12:18 It just looks so beautiful now.
12:19 I can see the homegrown garlic within there now.
12:22 It looks absolutely beautiful and that apple cider vinegar acts as a carrier.
12:27 It extracts all of the goodness and medicinal properties in all of the ingredients.
12:32 So all I'm going to do now is simply strain it and bottle it up and I'll keep that in
12:36 my fridge for weeks and weeks.
12:38 Oh, that smells pungent.
12:41 It smells delicious actually.
12:43 The stuff that I strain out actually will just go on my compost heap.
12:47 There's no waste here on my kitchen garden.
12:50 Everything goes to the compost heap.
12:53 These look like little medicine bottles anyway or whiskey bottles.
12:58 Let's get this in.
13:05 You think that you've got everything out, just press everything, squeeze all the liquid
13:10 out because that's where some goodness is locked for sure.
13:14 Now how do I take this fire cider?
13:16 All I do is get a tablespoon each morning, just fill it up and shot it down.
13:21 At first it will be really harsh and you may not like it, but after a while you've become
13:25 accustomed to it.
13:26 It's so warming.
13:27 I remember having fire cider after like ice baths.
13:31 It's the best feeling in the world.
13:33 And obviously the flavor is so intense.
13:36 It's very savory.
13:37 Obviously it's got that acidicness too.
13:39 So it makes it the perfect salad dressing just with all the medicinal benefits that
13:43 it has too.
13:51 Feel alive.
13:52 It's like breathing fire.
13:53 Woo.
13:54 But that is delicious.
13:55 You get the taste of the onion, the garlic, everything after.
14:03 So warming.
14:04 Wow.
14:05 My chest feels alive.
14:06 I'm going to get this in the fridge now.
14:08 It will last for months and I'm already going to make my next batch for when this runs out
14:13 because obviously you have to work ahead with fire cider because it takes a long time to
14:17 make.
14:18 Now this is the recipe you've all been waiting for.
14:22 Clouds of light, fluffy caramelized bread locked with inside it, garlic butter.
14:30 Lashings of it.
14:32 Absolutely mind blowing.
14:33 So first up, get some really good quality, strong white bread flour.
14:37 Then into it I'm going to add a really generous pinch of sea salt, some dried basil, and also
14:42 some dried garlic granules to the mixture too.
14:45 Now the all important yeast.
14:46 I'm using fast active dried yeast, but you can use fresh yeast in this recipe too.
14:50 Give that a good mix up.
14:52 Make a well in the middle, then get our liquids in.
14:55 I'm adding some olive oil plus some water.
14:58 Once you form the mix into a dough, then give it a really good knead.
15:01 Then get it into a lightly oiled bowl and cover over with a damp cloth and let it rise
15:06 for around an hour and a half.
15:08 It needs a double in size.
15:11 Let's make that garlicky butter.
15:13 So what I'm going to do is get some butter into a bowl and grate in a load of garlic
15:17 plus some fresh herbs from my garden, but any soft herbs that you have, basil, oregano,
15:23 parsley, even things like sage and rosemary would work amazing in this.
15:27 I'm just going to grab a bunch and run it through this butter along with the garlic
15:31 plus a little salt too.
15:33 So that is the garlic butter done, which is going to be spread all of the dough that I'm
15:38 about to roll out.
15:39 And just to let you know, if you have any leftover of this, just wrap it up and it will
15:43 solidify and you can use that on, you know, anything really.
15:47 Roast potatoes.
15:48 Oh, garlic butter is one of life's great pleasures, right?
15:53 So what I'm doing is rolling it out into a rough rectangle shape, and then I'm going
15:57 to just spread lashings of that butter on top, roll it up and then cut it into some
16:02 nice chunks.
16:03 I'm then going to get it into my greased roasting dish and roast it over a fire.
16:08 So I'm not going to bake this conventionally, but at home you would just put this into a
16:11 hot oven around 180 degrees, but I'm actually going to do it on an open fire.
16:15 I can smell the garlic just wafting up.
16:18 So what I'm going to do now is get my lid on this, but if you're just using a conventional
16:21 tin, just get a damp cloth over the top because we need to let these rise for about an hour
16:26 and a half.
16:27 Again, until they've doubled in size, really, that's how you're going to get a really fluffy,
16:31 light, beautiful roll here.
16:34 So I'm going to get my lid on, set it aside, and then I'll start my fire and get these
16:39 cooking.
16:41 Oh my word.
16:45 It's almost trebled in size.
16:47 Fluffy, bundles of fun, garlicky fun.
16:51 I'm going to get this on the fire now and load coals on top of the pan and all around
16:56 it and bake this until golden, crisp and delicious.
17:00 Guys, it's time.
17:03 We've been baking here now for about an hour.
17:05 Let's see if this has managed to even cook it.
17:09 I'm pretty nervous for this.
17:13 Here it goes, guys.
17:15 Fluffy, garlic, hopefully caramelized, delectable garlic rolls.
17:20 All the smoke's in my eyes, but here we go.
17:23 Oh yes.
17:26 Look at them.
17:28 Oh my word, that is beautiful.
17:31 It's so soft.
17:36 I feel like I'm floating on a cloud of garlicky heaven.
17:41 This is just pillows of garlicky fun.
17:45 So much garlic and pillowy, fluffy and going through my head right now.
17:50 It's just...
17:51 If I turned into this, I'd be a happy man.
18:00 Comment below if you love garlic as much as me.
18:07 Now I hope you enjoyed this video.
18:09 I hope you learned.
18:10 I hope you get involved in the campaign of Grow Your Own Garlic with me.
18:16 All the written recipes are on my website as well as signed copies of my cookbooks and
18:20 we can send them to you wherever you are in the world.
18:22 Use Gaz10 Plants in the Kitchen for 10% off everything in the store.
18:28 I'm just picking out some of my best cloves to re-sow to grow even more garlic.
18:32 I want to grow 200 bulbs of garlic next year.
18:35 All right, guys, I'll see you soon.
18:37 Please subscribe, please like it, and if you enjoyed the video, share it to your friends.
18:41 See you soon.
18:44 She got thick, but she want to be thin again.
18:45 Drinking apple cider vinegar.
18:48 Wearing skim because you want to be Kim and Em.
