NCAA Men's Basketball EAC vs. Mapua (Third Quarter) | NCAA Season 99

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Watch the third quarter of EAC vs. JRU, NCAA Men's Basketball held last October 08, 2023. Catch #NCAASeason99 live on GTV every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday to Saturday.
00:00 We want them, they want them, him to really take this game by its own.
00:07 Clint needs to control the game here.
00:09 And, Paul or Hernandez, are they looking for a chance?
00:12 I think that's the interesting thing about these two squads.
00:16 Because we know that if it goes down to the clutch, Hernandez is going to be the guy for Mapu.
00:22 I'm curious who's going to be the closer for EAC than all the others.
00:25 And also, Bonny, he didn't get a minute in the first half.
00:28 Warren Bonifacio, I want to hear your report about it.
00:31 Because Warren Bonifacio is still looking for something.
00:34 Ready, go!
00:35 Direkso starting things off for Mapua.
00:39 Once again, Mapua is currently one of the top teams in our standings.
00:46 They have three wins already to their name.
00:49 Meanwhile, EAC is looking to bounce back after they lost to JRU.
00:54 This is Warren Bonifacio.
01:01 I believe that Alianna has a report or has an update for us.
01:05 Maybe we can get an update from Alianna on Bonifacio's status.
01:09 Obviously, looking forward to a big game from him.
01:11 But thus far, he's only played for four minutes in the first half.
01:14 And we're used to four minutes.
01:16 Four minutes of rest.
01:18 Warren Bonifacio is back now.
01:20 Free from the top of the gate for Escamiz Snowgoat.
01:26 Here comes the General's extra pass.
01:28 Oh, but a block!
01:31 A monster block there.
01:33 But there's no help on the rebound after that block from Recto.
01:37 I thought it was an Arnis.
01:39 It's like a high jump.
01:40 A mix of support.
01:43 Recto again.
01:45 More support.
01:46 Like Jokic and Soriano.
01:48 You love to see big to big passing, Humber.
01:50 And guard to big ball screen action.
01:56 Alright, after the dugout, we will look at the EAC Generals as Fatima Reyes has his report.
02:02 Chuck and Coach Humber, the three things Coach Gerson and Cavalte said in the dugout.
02:08 First, is initiative.
02:10 Second, don't force anything.
02:12 And third, be wise in decision making.
02:14 But Coach Gerson brought back the word "initiative"
02:17 because they said don't push if you can.
02:21 With their good first half run,
02:23 Coach Gerson requested to put more pressure while playing.
02:26 Let's see if initiative will show to sustain their good run.
02:29 Chuck and Coach Humber?
02:30 We're talking about initiative.
02:32 They probably need a little bit more of that
02:35 because Mapua has been the aggressors to start this third quarter.
02:39 Yup, 6-2 run to start off the quarter.
02:42 For here in Mapua.
02:45 Here, we will try everything Coach Gerson said.
02:50 Coach Gerson on the EAC and how they respond to adversity.
02:55 Although this is a different lineup to start off this third quarter.
03:01 Yes, he was the one who was coaching instead of Fatima.
03:03 So the backcourt looking a little bit different.
03:06 Again, we're talking about the readiness of all players.
03:10 And Coach Gerson, if he can deliver, we will know.
03:14 Tigers on speed.
03:16 To Sager.
03:19 Robin.
03:20 Look, it's not just JP Magollano.
03:23 Would you rather take the shot or pass?
03:25 I would rather take him a shot.
03:26 I would give him that shot.
03:28 Off the curl.
03:29 Because from the Iverson cut to the Staggers' speed for the shooter,
03:34 it's a little bit of an elevator because JP Magollano was delayed on that speed.
03:40 But these are things that, it's early in the season.
03:44 Oh, nice block by Magollano.
03:46 Over Soriano.
03:48 You like that they're already starting to run these actions
03:51 so that at least when the second half comes,
03:53 they will really be able to take the action.
03:57 Soriano took a shot.
04:05 3-point run away will not fall.
04:07 But look at what JC Recto found.
04:10 Third garbage in the gold.
04:12 Recto's really full of energy.
04:16 Oh.
04:17 Magollano.
04:19 Leave the top of the key.
04:24 And a rare 3-pointer.
04:26 Jack Lucejo finding the bottom of the rim for 3.
04:29 All right, for more on the Mabuhu Cardinals,
04:34 let's turn it over to Aliana Faustino.
04:36 Chuck and Coach Hammer, a quick update on Warren Bonifacio last night.
04:40 He actually had a fever and while he has recovered enough to play in this game,
04:45 he still feels a bit heavy.
04:47 That is why he is somehow struggling in this game.
04:50 Meanwhile, in the dugout, Coach Randy Alcantara said,
04:54 "Rebound, fast break at one-on-one.
04:56 That's where you'll have a hard time.
04:57 You're letting the opponent dribble and you're just watching."
05:02 Coach Randy reminded us that if we catch the ball,
05:05 we'll run and if not, box out and rebound.
05:08 Because as Assistant Coach Yong Garcia put it,
05:11 offensive rebounds are all about desire.
05:14 That's all for now.
05:15 On the side of Mabuhu, back to you, Chuck and Coach Hammer.
05:18 Thank you so much, Aliana.
05:19 There's an update on Warren Bonifacio.
05:22 He's got a fever.
05:23 He's got a fever.
05:24 He's getting fat.
05:25 You see, he's just about to go in.
05:26 He's getting red.
05:27 You know, when you're a player, Chuck,
05:29 when you're wearing a uniform, you forget everything.
05:32 You're wearing a warm-up, you're already a judge.
05:34 It's just a matter of time.
05:35 And you see the need for a new player.
05:37 Yes, exactly.
05:38 And then, here's another one.
05:40 Joe Pizzoriano is making an exit in the game.
05:42 Joe Pizzoriano got hit in the eye.
05:44 It looks like it popped.
05:45 So, they brought him to the dugout.
05:47 It's like every game, right, Jeno?
05:49 It's part of the game.
05:51 It's part of the game.
05:52 We're like that in the NCAA.
05:54 Yes, yes.
05:55 No gloves, it's like a ball.
05:56 Next man up.
05:58 Jeno's going for it.
06:01 Looking for back-to-back shots.
06:03 Bonifacio.
06:04 Yes.
06:08 Quenco and Recto.
06:10 It's a big thing that they get 50-50 balls.
06:14 Mark Quenco getting that shot to fall.
06:17 And it's a tied ball game, 5-41, remaining in the third.
06:21 [MUSIC]
06:25 [MUSIC]
06:29 [MUSIC]
06:55 The fun continues here at the Philoil Echo All Center.
06:58 As we see here, the fan cam of the loyal fans of the EAC Generals and the Mabua Cardinals.
07:07 And once again, if you're going to go, if you're watching,
07:10 stay ready because you might get a chance to feature in our fan cam
07:15 just some of the innovations that we are doing this season
07:18 to make you even happier and experience the NCAA Season '99 Heroes of the Game.
07:25 And you've got to tip your hat to the schools because the student body is here, even on a Sunday.
07:31 If I see it like this, I'll get extra credit.
07:33 Extra credit.
07:34 It's romantic.
07:36 And lunch out.
07:37 Yes, it's romantic.
07:38 Of course, you'll fight.
07:39 It's even better when the students go.
07:42 The parents are there.
07:44 Correct.
07:45 Yes, they're there.
07:46 Let's go.
07:47 All right, here we go.
07:50 Third quarter.
07:52 Mabua has responded.
07:55 But Cosejo with a beautiful response as well.
07:58 And that earned him already 17 points to his name here in this ballgame.
08:04 17 points, four boards, but three or four from the perimeter is on Cosejo.
08:11 Bonifacio, one leg in.
08:14 No.
08:15 No.
08:16 We just need to see if Soreano can get back into this game because he's been playing such beautiful basketball thus far.
08:25 Beautiful shot once again.
08:28 And Cosejo has been unconscious in the third.
08:32 He's got 19.
08:33 Full screen action.
08:34 Pass to Cosejo.
08:36 Shot fake.
08:37 Euro dribble.
08:38 Attack in base nine.
08:39 A little floater.
08:42 To the foul given up by Erlan Umpad.
08:45 Here, we can see that this is the three-point shot of Naps Cosejo.
08:51 Seconds for the quarter for Naps Cosejo, but it's not a good play.
08:55 The pump fake, euro dribble, take two, one-two step, hit that floater.
09:01 The voice of Cosejo to attack that close out and still finish.
09:07 FIBA has a big effect on us.
09:09 It's a big help because most of our players in the collegiate team, in any age,
09:15 we can see that it's all about passing, outside shooting, and attacking the close out.
09:21 Because our players are not even on par.
09:25 You see, more and more, there are still ways to work without the height or without the athleticism.
09:33 Our national team is good.
09:35 They're good.
09:36 It's a miss on that shot by Hernandez.
09:41 It's a ball who's stable.
09:42 It's 10 seconds remaining on the shot clock for Cosejo.
09:46 It is coming to the two-man game.
09:48 Warren for three.
09:50 No.
09:51 Three pump fakes.
09:55 And it's not wasted.
09:57 The assumption as he gets that bucket to fall.
10:01 We have an update from Jopet Soriano as Aliano Faustino is standing by.
10:05 [MUSIC]
10:08 Cosejo, Chopet Soriano, and he suffered a cut in his left eyelid.
10:13 The medic has already placed a band-aid above the cut so that he will still be seeing action
10:19 throughout the rest of the game.
10:21 That's all for now.
10:22 On the side of Mapuha, back to you, Chuck and Coach Ham.
10:25 I have an alternate title.
10:27 Boxer style.
10:28 Title for NCA Season 99.
10:29 No pain.
10:30 No pain.
10:31 What is Balboa saying?
10:32 No pain.
10:33 No pain.
10:34 NCA Season 99, no pain.
10:35 But I don't want you to experience that.
10:37 Boxer style cut because the eye is pointed in our middle.
10:39 If you touch it on your eyebrows.
10:41 So, the little scratches, the bruises on the eyebrows, that's usually caused by the cut.
10:48 And there's blood there.
10:49 There's a lot of blood vessels.
10:51 No pain, no gain for Soriano.
10:53 He hopes to be able to get back into this ballgame.
10:56 Nice find inside as Cuenco can't get the shot to fall.
11:00 And the Generals are able to secure the board.
11:04 They've got numbers if they want it.
11:06 Valentino for three.
11:08 He's dying for that shot.
11:11 Still a three-point lead for the Generals.
11:19 Three and 30 remaining.
11:22 Fully basketball.
11:24 However, Erlan who fouled another foul and he has been a foul magnet thus far.
11:31 8 minutes.
11:32 That's just going to be his third personal foul.
11:35 So, here's the action.
11:38 He's calling that play number two.
11:41 He loved the energy of Valentino.
11:47 Always felt like he got the clean block, but he got a PP2.
11:50 He's just using his arms.
11:54 Erlan's improved a lot.
11:56 What's his middle?
11:57 It's big, 6'8".
12:00 But his shorts are 5'3".
12:02 Where's that?
12:03 That's what's cool about him now.
12:05 They say that fashion is just a cycle.
12:08 See?
12:09 You can see cycling shorts.
12:12 You know, if your shorts are like that, you'll always be squatting 360, 405.
12:16 You need to be a bit...
12:17 You need to be a bit more...
12:20 It's good that his shorts are not too big.
12:23 He also squats a lot.
12:28 My shorts are not like that.
12:31 But we're the current wethers.
12:34 You're the goal.
12:36 We're Action Jackson.
12:40 Wethers on a free throw for our followers.
12:45 He has been the missing link so far.
12:48 Where's...
12:49 Here's Jopet Suriaco.
12:51 Van Adam and Loco Plus.
12:52 It hurts when you remove Loco Plus.
12:56 It's so sticky.
12:57 Even if you sweat.
12:59 Who gave the idea of Loco Plus to stick it on?
13:02 It's so up.
13:04 I felt it when I saw it.
13:06 No pain.
13:07 No pain.
13:08 Seasonal driving.
13:09 I used to be like that.
13:11 I removed half of my eyebrows.
13:15 You can't get drunk because you have a cut.
13:18 Angeles.
13:23 Again.
13:24 But it's still on him.
13:26 Good pad.
13:27 Good hook shot.
13:28 Had to smooth that because there's no time on the shot clock.
13:31 It's coming.
13:35 Check out.
13:37 Good block.
13:39 Beautiful block there.
13:40 That was clean.
13:41 And on the other side.
13:42 Cicely Puna.
13:44 But it's still on him.
13:46 Brian Angeles.
13:47 Brian Angeles is on the layup.
13:49 Once again, a response by Macpua.
13:52 2 and 15 remaining.
13:53 They remain on top.
13:54 Contra the Cardinals here in the third period.
13:57 [music]
14:01 [music]
14:05 [music]
14:32 You can see that EAC is very faithful.
14:35 They are our Tropa Cam.
14:38 You can see that they are bringing the energy.
14:41 Not surprised if this is one of the reasons why EAC Generals are always full.
14:46 They bring their fans.
14:48 They're giving them a reason to cheer.
14:50 And of course, Tropa Cam.
14:52 We have a lot of people here.
14:53 Our team members from the international team from California.
14:57 Mike Cruz.
14:59 James Adencial.
15:00 Happy birthday, Tito Jerry De La Rosa.
15:04 Team medic, team nurse, team dad of Sunbed, the Red Lions.
15:08 Very good friend of mine, Daddy Jerry.
15:11 Happy birthday.
15:12 Long live to you, Ate Ethel and Kuya Maki.
15:15 Thanks for watching.
15:16 I'm totally in the recovery.
15:19 I'm shouting out my friend Kenneth.
15:20 He's not mixed.
15:21 Hey, Ken.
15:22 He's a living one.
15:23 He's watching.
15:24 I think I even reached that.
15:25 Kenneth is a rookie.
15:26 Yes.
15:27 Ken is still a rookie.
15:28 I don't know if we're going to age range or I'm a little bit older.
15:33 Maybe just a little bit.
15:35 Just a little bit.
15:36 You know, in the NCAA, players take time to get seasoned in the team.
15:42 I grew up in college.
15:43 I was 20 years old.
15:45 I played early.
15:47 So in other words, you're already seasoned.
15:50 There it is.
15:51 Umpad Subalbal.
15:55 One day, Umpad is going to finish that with force.
15:57 But for their system, you want to see Umpad as a rim protector.
16:02 Raising his hand, deflecting shots.
16:04 Yes, Umpad is the bonus.
16:05 A lot of people are scoring.
16:06 That's all you need to do.
16:08 But it's still good.
16:09 It's a good pass.
16:10 But it's also fun to play against Umpad Subalbal.
16:17 Because you can use it against him.
16:18 It's like Arrozcaldo, the Almusal Parati.
16:21 You just have to jump and jump.
16:23 [Indiscernible]
16:28 Valentino with that nice pull-up midi at the free-throw line.
16:31 Three-point lead for EAC.
16:33 Just two minutes remaining.
16:35 Soriano already testing the defense of Erland Umpad.
16:42 Hernandez, excellent defense on that play by Brian Angeles.
16:48 Midi.
16:50 That's four points for Captain Warren Bonifacio.
17:02 Valentino.
17:06 Doors to go.
17:07 Angeles is free.
17:08 Extra pass.
17:09 Maguliano will take it all the way.
17:13 Maguliano's underhand doesn't lay up.
17:16 He's off the glass.
17:17 He's free.
17:20 Very love the ball movement of the EAC on that possession.
17:26 43 seconds remaining.
17:27 They get the ball.
17:30 Off a curl.
17:31 [Indiscernible]
17:33 Hernandez.
17:34 [Indiscernible]
17:40 Defense holding strong for the EAC.
17:43 25 seconds remaining.
17:45 They will look for possession.
17:47 For a basket on this possession could be their final third.
17:55 Maguliano.
17:57 Bonifacio.
17:59 This time they were ready for that drive by Maguliano.
18:02 Crucial to baseline inbound.
18:04 One second on the shot clock.
18:10 Extra pass.
18:12 Bonifacio.
18:13 [Indiscernible]
18:16 Pick and pop.
18:19 Pop on the short corner.
18:21 Basket.
18:24 That was the only available shot.
18:28 Possession will continue.
18:29 Six seconds remaining.
18:32 Do they know it?
18:34 Out of bounds.
18:35 [Indiscernible]
18:42 EAC will have a chance for the final possession.
18:44 [Indiscernible]
19:01 Five seconds remaining.
19:05 Good pass.
19:07 [Indiscernible]
19:09 So close.
19:12 [Indiscernible]
19:17 But no goal.
19:18 But still.
19:19 We take a look.
19:20 [Indiscernible]
19:22 He was able to still get that shot off.
19:24 But there were a lot of yellow shirts to try to stop him.
19:27 And the team will enter the fourth period with a three-point lead.
19:31 58-55.
19:33 We head into the final frame.
19:34 ♪ We'll march for the season ♪
