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00:00 All right, I'm trying to win part two today. I'm preaching play to win
00:04 I'm trying to get you to grow spiritually Lily from this. Come here big day. I
00:08 Mean, come on. I mean just there's levels to this. I'm trying to yeah, I don't have a bunch of security
00:13 I just got him. That's all I need. I'm trying to get you to get to the next level
00:17 What if you look like this spiritually and physically this it's gonna be crazy today
00:21 I'm teaching whatever you do in life as a believer
00:24 entrepreneur
00:26 family marriage
00:28 play to win
00:30 The message version of 1st Corinthians 9
00:38 Verse 24 says
00:42 You've all been to the stadium and seen athletes race
00:50 Everyone runs to win
00:57 Run to win
01:00 Let me try that again
01:03 run
01:04 to win
01:06 Do me a favor on the way to your seat push five people and tell them run to win run to win
01:11 Now look at your other neighbor and tell them I play to win
01:17 I'll play to win you may take your seats. I play to win look at me. So we start this teaching
01:27 last
01:28 Weekend and the place goes crazy. Not only here, but
01:32 Nationally, I'm getting phone calls about winning
01:36 Son, daughter pastors are calling saying dad. I'm preaching the same thing. Something is contagious this
01:43 talented singing
01:46 aggregation who so unreservedly avails themselves each weekend talks about check the score and
01:54 Then had the nerve to sing another song everything
01:57 connected to me
02:00 wins
02:02 Winning is all over the place and can I tell you something winning can be contagious
02:08 I'm sorry for the first time Bobby your neighbor say you sit next to the right person. Go ahead
02:14 Yeah, I'm a winner and winning is
02:19 Contagious
02:23 I know they're bringing in seats. So be patient with them
02:26 That's a good problem those sitting in overflow areas those watching all across the world those in this place
02:32 Winning is on this house winning is in my spirit and I was thinking about and
02:39 If they have it on guys kill that heat and cut on the air because people finna run in here praise God
02:45 Amen, so who's ever watching make it cold quick because I feel a running spirit. Amen
02:51 It started off cold, but it won't be cold too long in here. Amen
02:54 But I want you to catch this because winning can be contagious the tit maker from Tarsus again
03:01 Tenalates us with some tough theology
03:05 Regarding who he is in the kingdom
03:08 regarding evangelism and then finally
03:11 Regarding racing and or winning it's cold-blooded just to give you some quick context so you can respect the content first
03:19 Corinthians 9 Paul is in his bag if you don't do anything else
03:25 Just promise pastor like when you get a few minutes you read first Corinthians 9 from the top
03:30 He starts out in verse 1 saying am I not an apostle have I not seen Jesus that tripped me out Paul said
03:37 I'm not trying to brag but you know, I did see Jesus
03:40 Stoned stone on the outskirts of Lystra you read your Bible Paul got stoned on the outskirts of Lystra
03:47 Literally killed went up into the third heaven saw heaven and came back to earth
03:52 Paul said you talk about somebody who has a right to brag he says and no matter what haters are saying about me
03:58 I'm Vernon Ison. He said if don't nobody else know I'm the truth you do
04:02 Yeah, and then he says something that almost sounds arrogant, but it's in the Bible. He says you are my work
04:10 Wow, we know he gives all credit to Jesus
04:14 But he's saying under my leadership you got yourself together
04:18 Can your first lady and I say something after 20 years of standing on this stage?
04:23 I don't care what haters say you are my work
04:26 when I see
04:29 the changed lives in this place
04:32 Don't tell me God hasn't used the word church to help some of you get yourself together. Is there anybody watching?
04:40 That can witness I wouldn't be married
04:45 Lord knows she would have gotten rid of me pastor. I wouldn't be the single that I am. There'll be more people on my list
04:51 If it wasn't for this teaching I got more degree that I used to have I got more money more wisdom more health more emotional
05:00 Healing Paul said you and can I tell you I now measure my ministry
05:06 I promise you not by money of popularity, but by the changed lives in this place
05:12 By the changed lives watching me by the dozens of churches. They call my wife and I your apostle your bishop
05:19 I measure my life by your life being changed through whatever God has done through us. He talks about number one
05:26 If haters are talking you should know who I am
05:30 Yeah, no matter what they say on your job
05:33 No matter what family members say you can't go someplace 10 15 20 years hug somebody kiss somebody and not sense who they are
05:41 Eventually people gonna show who they really are
05:43 So, you know you hung around here this long
05:46 You kind of know who I am who she is what we trying to get done as a church
05:50 He argues that then he moves to something else cold. He says
05:53 To the Jews I became a Jew I'm going someplace to the Romans
05:58 I became a Roman to those who don't eat pork. I put down my whole sausage sandwich
06:03 To those who like pork I ate a bacon ham and pepperoni
06:07 Subway sandwich
06:11 He said to hood people I became hood to aristocratic
06:15 erudite people I raised my semantics
06:19 To Greeks I became Greek. In other words Paul is saying I do whatever I have to do
06:24 to get people saved
06:27 When I'm with my frat brothers, I ain't cussing nothing like that
06:31 They all call me pastor and honor me but in alpha there's no big a little a we just brus
06:36 I can't tell you how many now come to this church and won't Jesus because they see me act a certain way in
06:43 front of them
06:44 But not try to act like I'm bigger than them because there is no big a a little way in our fraternity
06:50 We just brus and most of us in love with Jesus and winning other brothers to come to Jesus
06:56 Everybody talking about Jesus freaks. I can't wait to have something next summer called Jesus Greeks
07:02 Y'all just missed that praise God to help some of y'all who don't understand sororities and frats how much we in love with Jesus and
07:09 Yet there's this brotherhood
07:10 I'm telling you all I'm trying to do is tell you they call me down the way one of the former councilman
07:15 Councilmember sheer Jones who's also my frat brother and councilmember sheer Jones ex-councilmember sheer Jones said come on huff pastor
07:23 He said of the streets love you when the streets love you you love he said come on huff
07:28 So I come on huff one Sunday night. There's this basketball court that he built through his leadership and
07:33 On Sunday nights all the ex-killers all the ex-gangsters all the bros
07:37 They got real power when the streets meet on huff at this place if you watch and shout out to you all the bros on
07:43 Huffway Park and they hoop and hang out and so I go over there take one brother with me go over there
07:48 We had a gun. We had a gun. God told me to take a gun. I trust God, but I just had one brother. I
07:55 Have ten guys. I have one guy with a gun. No, not that's all just one guy
07:59 Stop laughing I
08:04 Get over there man. They get to taking pictures with me and these bros was smoking so much weed
08:10 I know I got high and I wasn't even trying I was just standing there like whoa
08:15 This is different I'm just playing everybody I went high but it was enough weed to get high man
08:24 But I'm taking pictures and loving brothers and I ain't coming across like I'm all that
08:29 At the same time God has blessed me to shake hands with the president
08:34 So rather it's from the president to a brother on huff
08:38 Everybody needs Jesus
08:41 Everybody needs Jesus
08:44 And I see whites present. I see blacks president the purpose of this church
08:49 I want to teach you how to become what I call a Christian chameleon
08:53 You can just you know what a chameleon is, right?
08:55 They can just fit and change based on what space they in that's not double-mindedness. That's not two-facedness
09:02 I'm not smoking weed with you for you to go to heaven
09:05 No, watch this. I try to come down without compromising
09:11 Is that good everybody? I'll come down
09:14 But I'm not gonna cuss to get you to come to my church
09:17 I'm not gonna get high with you
09:20 But I will kick it with you and talk to you and come where you are
09:23 Whether you are a business entrepreneur, honestly, or an ex-felon
09:28 So boom, there's this whole piece on validation of his leadership and then boom
09:33 There's this how to evangelize anybody because you know how to flow you can be ghetto
09:39 You can be street, but you can use them two degrees you got to and raise your language when you talk in the people
09:45 You know how to code switch Christian style. Y'all know I'm preaching
09:49 Y'all know what y'all y'all y'all not feeling me y'all not feeling me
09:52 But then finally as we sneak to the circumference of our text and verse 24
09:57 It's on the screens look what Paul says Paul says don't you realize that in a race?
10:01 Everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize
10:06 So run to win
10:09 So run to win don't you realize so he moves now to athletics
10:15 he you he uses this illustration of
10:19 athletics and running as a
10:22 metaphor for life
10:24 If you're gonna run if you're in a stadium if you're in a stadium and you're watching the athletes my daughter-in-law back there
10:32 Anoge and carrying my beautiful grandson is a track star and ran her way through college
10:38 And I love her for that four-year scholarship and ran track to get her degree. No help
10:42 No, nothing just God and her running clap for my baby back there. Amen
10:46 So she can understand
10:49 This running and by the way, y'all stop rubbing her stomach so much
10:52 What a pregnant woman wants you to rub her stomach somebody gonna pray pray pray. Oh, yeah, I forgot all that all the ex-pregnant women said
10:58 Just say hi don't be run people stomach unless they tell you to rub this time it that's for free
11:04 All right. Come here. Look at me. So watch this everybody. Uh
11:07 There's this illustration on running and so that got me thinking how the Bible is so replete with
11:14 passages on running
11:16 Galatians 5 Galatians 5 I can prove it to you Galatians 5 is on the screens
11:20 I want you to see this because Paul talks about the purpose of running Paul says you were running the race
11:24 So well who has held you back from following the truth?
11:28 You were running the race. So well who bewitched you some of your King James
11:35 Players who tricked you into running from the truth and then Philippians 2 is on screen
11:39 I want you to see Philippians 2 as you hold out the word of life in order that I may boast on the day of Christ
11:44 That I did not run or labor for nothing that I did not run or labor for nothing. This is so good
11:51 But then Hebrews 12 is the one you all know Hebrews 12
11:55 Therefore since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith
12:00 Let us strip off every weight that slows us down especially the sin that so easily trips us and let us run
12:06 Let us run
12:08 With endurance the race that God has set before us. So Paul
12:12 loves this idea and analogy and metaphor those watching at home of running
12:20 Racing here's some Bible trivia. Here's some Christian trivia not Bible trivia Christian trivia to tell me a sports event
12:28 That is as old as the Bible
12:32 the Olympics
12:34 Nothing else the Olympics are as old as the Bible even in the time of Paul
12:39 There were the Olympics held in Greece and in that region of the world. This is why Hebrews 12 says let us strip off
12:46 Because they would run
12:49 Almost naked. I mean literally some people actually ran naked
12:55 Some of the sports were played with no clothes on the idea was to get light as possible
13:00 And the reason why someone you can't win because you carry in too many people
13:05 You you carry in too much baggage from your past
13:13 You you carry in too much mental fatigue
13:17 So you can't win because everybody around you losing
13:23 And you happy around loser he says let us lay aside every weight you'll love King James and the sin that so easily
13:31 Besets us great class. Let us lay aside every weight and the sin. No, he didn't do real
13:37 Let us lay aside every weight and the sin
13:40 Because everything that's the sin is not a weight
13:43 But everything that's a weight can be a sin y'all just missed that in other words watch this some things some people
13:50 It's not a sin to be around them, but it is a weight
13:54 You just missed that this it's not a sin to marry her but it's gonna be a weight
14:01 Yeah, you're gonna hate you did that
14:04 Cuz you have to carry her inconsistencies
14:07 You have to carry all the people she'd been to bed with and didn't rinse out of her
14:10 You have to carry all her mama's pain
14:12 You have to carry all her daddy stuff that she never worked on so it's not a sin to marry whoever you want
14:19 But it might be a weight
14:21 He says if you're trying to win lay aside
14:24 lay aside so
14:27 Galatians 5 and then 2nd Timothy 2 and then Hebrews 12 all these scriptures bespeak the idea of
14:33 running
14:36 Let me give you a few things. I want you to write down if you're gonna play to win if you're gonna win in life
14:42 Number one, you'll love this you need
14:46 Consistency and conditioning you need consistency and character that is you need consistency and character say consistency
14:54 You you can't be half in and half out
14:58 If you're gonna win in any area of your life, you got to be consistent
15:02 If you're trying to lose weight, you got to decide what you gonna eat and to all the deep people with metabolism problems
15:14 Past this my metabolism. No, it's not it's called McDonald's not metabolism
15:19 Praise God is
15:23 And I'm dead serious when I say it is the idea that
15:26 Suggests that if you want to get yourself in shape as two things you do y'all ready?
15:31 I'm gonna give it to you in Greek eat less and move more
15:33 Y'all didn't say nothing in your business in your marriage in raising children more than everything in
15:42 Chasing God
15:44 You got to be consistent and have character you can't quit when you find out the church is not heaven
15:51 You can't quit
15:54 When life's in the inevitable vicissitudes come your way. I told him at the nine o'clock service those watching me all across the world
16:01 Thank you. They're more watching virtually than sitting in the sanctuary. You're part of the word nation. Look right at me
16:07 You cannot quit, you know, there's a powerful passage Timothy to Timothy to
16:12 Blesses my life because it says Demas has abandoned me
16:16 He fell in love with this present world and went to the city of Thessalonica all the guys
16:22 I'm training these young brothers that I'm just like, I don't know y'all wait for me to bring them out bring them out bring them
16:26 Out bring them out they coming
16:28 That was corny, but I did my best. Amen. Now watch this
16:31 But they will tell you I taught them in one of the classes how many guys have started fast in this ministry
16:40 But the Bible says and all we know about Demas is that he was one of Paul's original
16:45 Gangsters killing the game helping them get people saved kicking it with him and boom Paul said Demas has forsaken me
16:53 Another version says Demas has abandoned me
16:57 Demas left and went back to Thessalonica cuz he missed the world
17:02 He was doing good, but he started thinking about the girls. He used to hit it was like no one woman not enough
17:08 He's not thinking about the weed he used to smoke start thinking about
17:10 how he used to kick it and get drunk and the enemy fooled him into believing that church was boring and that
17:16 Church wasn't working or somebody offended him at church or somebody
17:21 Removed him from being the president of the cooked chicken committee, whatever it was and he quit
17:28 He quit he forsook us in order to win
17:33 one must be
17:36 Persistent and one must have character which means the old folks said I started with Jesus
17:42 And I'm going through y'all miss that. Oh
17:45 That's old school. I started with Jesus and I'm going through life is gonna come at you
17:51 I said a few days ago and I meant it. Of course, I'm selfish
17:55 I want everybody that ever joined the word church to be at the word church, but I'm too mature for that
18:01 Yeah, sometime you outgrow a church. Sometimes you need some difference. Sometimes God calls you to something else
18:07 It don't bother me like you think that you don't go to the word. I just hate when you don't go nowhere. I
18:13 Hate when you let what she did make you leave him
18:19 He's been too good, let me say this and let's go ahead and shout get this party started
18:27 Can I make a promise publicly and nationally? I don't care who leave me
18:31 Divorce me die on me walk away from me. I ain't ever leaving Jesus. Can I get a witness?
18:37 Some of y'all some of y'all not feeling me I I may cry I may go through a bout of depression
18:44 I may lose a few pounds, but look at somebody and say I'm not leaving Jesus. Go ahead
18:49 He's the one that woke me up this morning, and he's the one that started me on my way
18:56 He's the reason why I live exists and have my being is there anybody here that made up in your mind?
19:02 You don't care what happens in your life. You are never walking away from the person who gave you another chance
19:10 there anybody I
19:12 Feel like preaching in my own church touch somebody say I'm sticking with Jesus go here
19:17 So you can leave if you want to God is my source. He's better to me than I've been to myself
19:24 He's better than any man any woman. He's better than my children my son daughter and first cousin God
19:30 It's all that I have I can't leave
19:34 Jesus
19:37 All of you that are finishing the word way
19:44 Thousands of new people virtually and in the sanctuary
19:50 Pandemic let me go ahead and promise you you stay here long enough. I'm gonna say something you don't like
19:54 One Sunday you gonna reach for a hug
19:58 I'm gonna be preoccupied and not give you the attention you want and the devil's gonna tell you he don't care nothing about me
20:04 Let me promise you you'll be in some meeting where somebody says something in the flesh
20:08 Or does not carry out what they say and to those of you
20:11 I tried to join the word church, but did nobody call me if you had hit the lottery would you find us?
20:17 You
20:19 Just missed that if you had to win a ticket and you had to call us to cash the ticket
20:26 I bet you bring your behind up here and do what you had to do to get that ticket cash
20:30 Treat God the same way fight to get in ministry fight to get in new members. Don't use excuses
20:37 Nobody reached out. So I just quit you wouldn't quit if I had a million dollars of your money. I
20:43 Bet you keep on calling up here
20:47 I
20:49 Winning requires look at me
20:56 Consistency and character
21:00 So you go you gonna bust a move on me, huh?
21:03 Okay, so I'm just gonna maybe walk away from you, but I'm not gonna bust a move on you back
21:09 Because now my kids got two nasty parents
21:14 Okay, y'all don't want to hear that and and and you think the kids gonna care who did it first
21:19 Where your daddy did it? So I did it. I'm still in therapy over both of you. I
21:25 Got too much character
21:28 For you to sleep with me because you bought me some shrimp
21:30 All the single ladies all the single ladies, uh-oh
21:38 And
21:40 As my new book is gonna talk about come here singles saints don't play date
21:51 Saints date on assignment from the time you pick me up the interview starts
21:57 The second I sense I don't want to sleep with you the rest of my life
22:03 Talk to you the rest of my life be around the rest of my life. Your breath stink you stink anything
22:09 I know it's not God
22:11 This our last time going out because if we keep going out because we human all we gonna do is sleep together
22:18 And then I have to untie that from my heart and recover another year from something. I start doing at 15 and
22:26 Now I'm 30 still doing it. I
22:29 Got too much character for that. I
22:33 Speak over your life that if you're gonna win in life, you need consistency
22:37 I pray in the same window every morning 99% of the time. I pray ritually. I pray with a routine
22:44 I pray with the rhythm. Here's the time I do business. Here's the time I deal with my children
22:49 Here's the time I go to that gym. I got to be consistent because I'm trying to win. It can't be willy-nilly
22:55 You can't wing it every day
22:58 people who are millionaires have schedules
23:02 I got it. You know what?
23:04 Not only do you need
23:08 consistency and
23:11 character, but secondly you need coaching and conditioning
23:15 You want some Bible the Bible says as iron sharpens iron
23:20 So one man
23:25 sharpens
23:27 Or wits of another sharpens the wits as iron who you went
23:32 I'm tired of playing. I'm tired of playing. I'm in my fifth decade of life
23:36 I try not to offend people when I preach I really do the gospel can be offensive
23:40 But I've learned saying some things in my 30s. I wish I could have back
23:44 We were just young and trying to kill it and I wish I could have some of those statements back
23:48 They can sound arrogant or narcissistic and just maturity teaches you you can get the job done without saying certain stuff that
23:54 It makes it you know, just you just just keep on living
23:58 I'll train all you young ministers just so what say what not to say, but I can't say this
24:01 I'm in a place in my life right now and I want you to catch this it do matter what church you go to
24:06 It do matter who you hear every week
24:11 It do matter who you listen to I know y'all tired of it
24:16 But Maxwell talks about the law of the lid if you in a four-feet room, you cannot stand up six feet
24:22 If the ceiling is four feet and some of you marry somebody four feet
24:27 Some of you dating a three feet man and you try to go up to six feet you you can't stand up
24:34 There's there's a lid over you
24:35 So if you're at the wrong place getting the wrong teaching you you you can't get but you you only can experience
24:42 What you get exposed to?
24:44 So I don't want you preaching me about money and you broke I
24:50 Don't want you preaching me about marriage and you and your wife don't make love
24:56 I just don't want that. I want you to talk about how much you love your girl. Tell me without
25:02 Bragging how to get me some money
25:04 Tell me how I can win
25:07 educationally and economically
25:09 Tell me pastor you use all them big words. Why don't you come down? Tell somebody say why don't you come up?
25:15 Go ahead praise God. I wished I had three people. I
25:18 Wish I had three people this time and Mary had a little lamb. Tell me about
25:25 Episodic tell me about theological construct tell me about systematic theology
25:30 Tell me about economic empowerment. Tell me about getting healthy in my body. I need to grow
25:36 I'm trying to win touch five people sound trying to win
25:39 You hype brother
25:51 I
25:53 Was coaching you ever come to where you at
25:57 Elder Coleman
25:59 He come to my house and I lay my hands on him shake head about she and I pray for Rachel and his two boys
26:07 We got a barter system. I
26:09 Coach him spiritually and then he coached me physically
26:14 And it's like a barter system. He won't let me pay him nothing
26:18 But I just pray for him and love on him and don't let the smell fool you he's mean
26:24 Wish it for me what all right now we're about to get it in now
26:33 Thousands watching and I preached twice so I ain't got much left. Don't don't start that won't be that. Okay, it won't be nothing
26:40 We just gonna do three sets of seven two sets three sets of three sets
26:45 What's that three for the Father the Son and Holy Spirit seven for complete?
26:48 All right, so we're gonna do some pull-ups pull up and get seven pull-ups, let's get it come on faster, let's go
26:58 Let's go. Let's go
27:01 one
27:04 Three four five six and seven
27:13 Alright
27:15 Alright
27:21 Put a little isometric in there. I see you I see you
27:24 All right, so now we're gonna have to do is we'll give me seven push-ups. Come on seven push-ups
27:29 I want them right chest to the ground chest to the ground all the way up. Come on
27:32 one two three four five six
27:38 Seven all right
27:41 All right. All right. Now we're gonna miss some iron. No, I gotta finish preaching. Okay, there's some iron
27:47 Come on, grab some iron. No, no, no, no. No, no, I said over here the big way
27:51 The big ones, all right, we got set each arm seven each arm, let's go
27:58 Let's go one. All right, let's go
28:02 Come on, two count one arm. Come on, come on
28:08 There you go. Come on, let's go. Come on five. There we go. Come on. Come on six, right six. Come on
28:16 All right, seven
28:19 Seven all right. All right. All right. All right
28:24 Yes
28:30 You are a workout major killer health matters to you. Talk to them about it about two three minutes talk to them
28:37 All right. Now I'm gonna let faster. No, I need more than two or three minutes. I need about two or three series
28:42 I need two or three Sundays. All right now, but listen
28:45 We have to understand that nutrition
28:49 Health and fitness have to be a part of our lives
28:52 That's how it's going to help us cognitively as well as spiritually. Okay, what are we made up of DNA?
29:00 the oxy
29:02 Ribonucleic acid that's what we're made up of
29:05 God is in that too because if you look at the first part of that word the oxy is
29:10 Come from the Latin root D us and what does that mean?
29:14 God
29:16 So I'm not gonna get deep into that but pass is gonna let me get back up here
29:19 I'm gonna talk to you about those things as well
29:21 Now I'm gonna talk about nutrition because nutrition was one of the first things God talked to you about
29:27 Right in Genesis the first chapter
29:30 So anybody talking about nutrition tell them go back to Genesis the first chapter go back to the first chapter starting at verse 29
29:37 He talks about what he talks about the seed bearing plant and the plants that produce seed
29:43 Those are good foods for us to eat
29:46 So let that food be that medicine and that medicine be thy food
29:56 The things that we put into our body have to be nutritious to our DNA so
30:03 Cupcakes
30:07 M&Ms
30:11 Doritos
30:15 That's not food
30:17 We have to put food into our bodies
30:20 cucumbers instead of cupcakes
30:23 Okay, apples instead of apple pie oranges instead of that orange pop
30:27 All right, and we have to keep ourselves moving and exercise
30:32 To produce what we want to look like on the outside. So both the inside and outside
30:37 fitness and
30:39 Nutrition, that's all I got for you guys today. God bless
30:51 So there's a all these passages in the Bible
30:56 On
31:00 exercise
31:01 Lady Vernon said tell them
31:04 average lifespan for a black man
31:07 barely 80
31:10 How many 90 year old black men, you know
31:17 How many 90 year old black men, you know, I know one that's the cabinet's
31:23 Here in Cleveland, Ohio been pastor about 60 years
31:26 Great Abyssinia y'all clap for him still alive
31:30 95 years old
31:33 We got a few mothers here made it to 90
31:38 We don't live long because the pastor doesn't preach about health. We say don't smoke weed don't get pregnant
31:46 But pork chops kill you quicker than we
31:48 Yeah, who you who you know died of weed it may be crazy hungry and broke but they ain't die
31:57 How many people you know data
32:02 high blood pressure
32:05 Cancer there's a lot we want to tell you
32:07 But we can't get into it today, but we said focus on family finance faith
32:13 But we also say fitness and I haven't done the right thing. I haven't preached a whole sermon on fitness
32:18 Watch this because it's not sexy on Sunday
32:21 And people fall asleep Bishop. Joey has more courage than me. That's why he's my papa. He did a sermon series title
32:28 What would Jesus eat?
32:30 And then one Wednesday and about 50 people left the church he preached what would Jesus eat for dessert
32:39 People say that's enough of this I'm joining another church who won't hear about doing some dessert on Wednesday night
32:44 But whatever God has has planned for you. You're gonna need your body
32:49 So what good is a million dollars in stage four or five cancer that you can't come back from
32:57 What good is a million dollars and high blood pressure
33:00 What good is a million dollars, but you can't get out to bed?
33:05 So I want to speak over all of your lives and you'll be hearing us partnering with Cleveland Clinic and others as we're doing
33:10 Because they're saying dr. Vernon you and lady Vernon's voice can maybe salvage lives
33:15 So thank God for your leading lady
33:18 One first lady came here sat in the back lady Vernon said check yourself
33:27 Ladies check yourself went home and checked herself. She had stage two breast cancer
33:34 She said I never would have checked my breasts if lady Vernon my breast if lady Vernon wouldn't have said it
33:39 Y'all ready for this. She's still alive right now. Come on everybody
33:42 So you you know you you you do
33:50 You need consistency and character you really do and you need
33:54 Coaching you do you you need coaching but thirdly if you're gonna win
33:59 We need winners need confidence
34:04 You gotta
34:05 You gotta believe you're gonna win
34:07 Yeah, and you can't hang with people who keep telling you that you can't win
34:12 No, look at somebody say I'm gonna win
34:15 If you don't believe I'm gonna win you can't be my friend
34:18 If you don't want me to win I
34:22 Told you this last week. You didn't shout you don't have to be winning to be with me, but you gotta want to
34:28 Well, I wish I had five people
34:33 Pastor there's a fine line between confidence and arrogance. No, it's not that line real thick
34:41 Every believer should have confidence. We have this confidence
34:45 I'm in the Bible. No pastor. There's a thin line between arrogance and confidence. No, it's not no it's not
34:51 That's a real big line. No Saints can be confident in Christ
34:54 We know he said oh you want some Bible gonna be kind of funny. I can do all things
35:01 Philippians 413 through Christ who strengthens me I can have that business. I can marry somebody handsome and holy I
35:08 can live I
35:11 Can raise my children better? I can be a better wife. I can blow my business off the water
35:18 To young people I can be a professional athlete. I can be a professional dancer girl
35:23 Ain't nobody in this family ever had nothing. Sorry for y'all praise God
35:27 I come to break the generational curse off my family
35:33 I'm sorry hit three people say get your swag back. Go ahead
35:37 That's why
35:42 They can't handle Deion Sanders
35:44 Telling black young men
35:47 You can get your grades and you can have some money and go to the NFL and man
35:53 Cuz he got on dark glasses
35:55 But he can see more with dark glasses on then they can see with no glasses on because he has vision
36:01 Can I get a witness here?
36:02 And I come to be your spiritual Dion and tell you we go win cuz winning is in our DNA
36:08 Young followers gonna win and talk to me somebody all of you are gonna win
36:13 You're gonna win shot when I get to you spiritually you getting closer to God
36:18 Physically, I speak ten pounds off of you before December 31st fine. Naturally you'll have more money
36:25 Emotionally, you shall be well, and if you don't do nothing else, please shout for your kids
36:32 Your kids will do better than you've ever
36:35 Slap three people say I win I win I win I play to win. I'll play to win. I'll play to win
36:47 I'll play to win
36:49 Let me oh y'all tired of me only got seven minutes
37:00 Pray for pastor. I like the Bible. I just go from one verse to another when I preach that's called expository preaching
37:08 But I'll do it with a narrative flair
37:11 So it sounds like I'm telling a story, but I'm preaching expository
37:15 I like verse by verse and can I tell you what verse 25 says the first Corinthians 9 for people who like the Bible
37:20 Some people run in but they do it to win a prize that will fade away
37:25 But we do it for the turnip right let all the other things
37:31 Praise him without your mic just sing it for me
37:40 Okay, wait, wait let all the other names sing it one more time with harmony let all the other names fade away
37:47 Jesus
37:49 Jesus take your
37:51 Everything has an expiration period except Jesus
38:07 Jesus
38:09 Pastor not me and my wife you ready that's because we in Christ
38:15 Well, even that starts to expire and keep living hear me every spouse present
38:21 One of y'all leave
38:24 That's a that's not a maybe
38:26 That's a fact if Jesus don't come back the old folks said if the rapture Terry and the creek don't rise
38:35 Everybody you love gonna die live to be 90 you have very few people left that you grew up with
38:41 No brothers and sisters let all the other names fade away. He says they run for a
38:49 perishable price
38:52 That fades away now they get three kinds of medals and Olympics come on name it for me the bronze
39:00 the silver the gold great class
39:04 Not so in Bible Day. They got a wreath on their head
39:09 It was made of plants and branches and you know buy your wife some pretty flowers in a few weeks. They were what fade away
39:17 Right. He says they do it for a prize
39:20 So I got on my little art gallery kick for about two months
39:25 My wife knows my kids know and our house had all these walls and nothing on them like baby
39:30 We need some art so I became an art gallery y'all sit down
39:32 I'm just talking or stand up or run whatever you want to do praise God
39:35 but but but they
39:39 They they gave me all these different pictures
39:41 I went to all the places and I was so I'm walking around looking at these pictures and everybody comes in you see my heart
39:46 See this one. You see this one you see this one
39:48 About six weeks in I
39:51 Forgot them pictures was there. I
39:53 Was all hype anything that's in your house long enough. You stop paying attention to
39:59 See, you don't believe me. What what what other people come is that is so nice. Oh
40:02 Solomon put it this way then I'm finished Solomon said vanities of vanities
40:11 If you know how good that was
40:13 What vanities of vanities means is it's all nothing the stuff you killing yourself to get won't even matter
40:19 The idea is if it's not built on Christ if it's not built on Jesus
40:26 Your marriage will start to play. I'm I'm telling her while the outward man Paris the inward man is being renewed not fake preaching
40:34 I need my wife to look cute longer. She can I'm still a heterosexual brother and physical matters
40:38 But because I'm so in love with her spiritually and then she do her part keep the physical part tight
40:44 It's like it's getting better not worse
40:46 Making more love in our 50s laughing more in our 50s than we did in our 30s
40:51 I promise why more money more spirituality more communication more emotional health. We better than we were
40:58 26 years ago
41:01 Because if you put Christ as the foundation
41:04 everything else plays and fades
41:08 And so I'm finished I want to be done by 1230 the next verse says verse 26 so I run with purpose in
41:17 every step
41:19 I'm not
41:21 Just shadow box, you know, I ain't just shadow boxing, you know, I ain't just shot, you know, nothing wrong boxes do that
41:27 You know shadow just shadow box. He's I ain't just shadow boxing. He says no
41:31 I'm trying to hit something
41:34 I'm not just playing around in the mirror. I'm too old for that
41:39 I say this every year and everybody over 30 look at your neighbor say I'm getting too old to say oops
41:45 Go ahead praise God when you
41:47 Yeah in your 20s, you can have a couple oops
41:49 Come on in college you change your major three times
41:53 Right trying to figure out who you are
41:57 I'll give you in your 20s and by the way
41:59 Parenthetically teenagers Kobe Bryant said the faster you figure out who you are and what you call to the less time and money you waste
42:05 Yeah
42:08 But I say that to say he says I'm not just shadow boxing. I'm
42:12 Intentional I'm intentional. I'm trying to hit something this year. Boom. I'm hitting I'm hitting 25 pounds off my body
42:19 I'm hitting that
42:21 How much debt we gonna clear reasonably reasonably?
42:24 10,000 this year baby. Okay, so that means no this no that let's hit that boom. Boom. We gonna win in that boom
42:31 Yeah, how much you trying to get your body better for me? I'm trying to get what you want me to make more money
42:35 Okay, I'm gonna do this. We don't hit that boom. Boom. There's a goal. There's a goal
42:41 We you listen we're just gonna do what they told me don't start
42:44 No 11 o'clock service because you're gonna pull everybody out at 9 9 half full 11 jam
42:50 Thousands watching all over the country sometime the reason why God can't bless nothing because you don't start nothing
42:57 God says give me something to bless
43:02 Come up with something. What's the big idea?
43:05 What's you and your wife trying to get done this year?
43:08 Give me something to help you do don't say what can't be done cuz nobody else did it you a winner
43:14 Winners can do anything I can do all things
43:18 He's laying just shadowboxing
43:25 Word church gonna hit something. Let me prophesy the first weekend of November time falls back
43:32 You know that you get an extra hour sleep. We're gonna be jam-packed. We call it a word week
43:38 we're gonna start the Sunday the last Sunday of October and the Holy Ghost told me we're gonna fast watch this and
43:44 Rochelle Rochelle Montgomery
43:47 El Torino's wife text me one of the prophets in my life and said God said fast pastor. I received it and
43:53 We're gonna fast 48 straight hours past. We normally do a week. That's not what God said
43:58 We're gonna take Monday and Tuesday and we're gonna do nothing but water
44:03 I'm not gonna do seven some of y'all can't handle seven
44:06 So we're gonna do 48 all together and when we get to church that Wednesday night
44:10 I'm trying to get I won't even say his name
44:12 I wanted to pray and his brothers in this country to join me Wednesday night. I'm gonna talk to him tonight and we just go
44:18 Just tear this place up for Jesus after a 48-hour
44:23 Consecration and then we're gonna have a give-a-thon and more money gonna come in in one week
44:28 I'm prophesying y'all just missed that and then on the first weekend of November
44:33 We're gonna be laid out before God entrepreneurs going give I'm gonna give you gonna give we're gonna break the back of poverty
44:39 So we can do real work if you think the Vernon Foundation what black family can give out
44:44 $8,000 in scholarships on this stage. I'm gonna give God business scholarships
44:50 But wait till you see what the word church is gonna do pastor how you know it cuz I declare it and speak it
44:56 I'm finished you can sit there and look at me strange, but can I speak over your life?
45:01 Watch this there's something good is about to happen because you're gonna focus look at the next verse. I'm finished I
45:07 Discipline my body
45:11 like an athlete I
45:14 Discipline my body like an athlete
45:18 Training it to do what it should I don't care how I feel
45:23 Okay, I feel
45:27 Pastor you do this intermediate intermediate fast and so you eat when I eat after 12 o'clock every day
45:32 12 noon when you stop six or seven I'm done for the day
45:36 Pastor don't you get hungry so what?
45:39 Say I need to start saying so what yeah, don't you be hungry so what I made a decision
45:47 You can't win going back on what you decided
45:53 Pastor but you don't know I try that but I get so hungry around 8 o'clock them cookies be calling me so what I
45:59 Made a decision
46:02 Told my church fitness this year
46:04 So I'm gonna stand in front of my church. They don't see my body change my mind change nothing, but I'm talking all this mess I
46:11 Won't even go to but you do know in verse 27. He says I discipline myself
46:15 Lest I help everybody else and I'll be disqualified
46:21 Y'all just missed that I
46:23 Think got everybody to heaven and I go to hell
46:26 Then preach to thousands
46:29 lives changed
46:31 And because I wasn't the truth. I'm in hell
46:33 Responsible for millions going to heaven thousands, and I'm disqualified
46:37 Paul said I ain't trying to do that. I discipline myself
46:41 But wait a minute pastor it get hard see you got lady Verna you got hips and lips
46:50 I'm single and you don't know what it is sometime
46:53 Sometime I just get lonely. So what?
46:56 I'm not being insensitive. You should feel sexual. That's not the devil God made you sexual not the devil
47:03 But until God sends the right person
47:06 I'm just not doing that
47:08 Y'all just missed that
47:10 the pastor
47:12 I'm gonna die. No, you're not
47:14 All you got to have is Jesus food water and oxygen
47:19 oxygen
47:21 God is bigger
47:28 Let me ask you a question. He's 1233. I'm finished got one question. I'm done
47:32 If I were to tell you and answer out loud, what's the opposite of the devil?
47:39 Say again
47:42 What's the opposite of the devil?
47:44 No, it's not
47:47 The opposite of God would be Michael the Archangel
47:50 Pastor what do you mean? How you gonna put God in the same category with the devil?
47:58 God
48:01 Made the devil Lucifer
48:03 He fell from heaven Isaiah
48:06 He made Michael the Archangel. You don't even put God in the same category with the devil
48:13 Dave run up here. Hurry up run Dave putting
48:16 Putting God in the same category with the devil is like putting my body in the same category with Dave's
48:23 Y'all miss that
48:25 He's just bigger and better. God is big. The devil has no authority over you
48:32 You don't even put his name in the same sentence. The devil can't keep you from winning. Thank you
48:38 Dave first Corinthians 10 says there is no temptation coming to man that God will not make an escape
48:45 But what every temptation will provide a way so Satan has no authority
48:48 Satan can't keep you from winning you win because you with Jesus stop letting the devil tell you you
48:56 Can't win give God some praise in here. Come on
49:00 I
49:02 Am trying to win I'm pastoring this church like we don't have any members and like I can't pay my bills
49:20 I'm trying to win. I'm trying to win spiritually in my marriage
49:24 This is the teaching for individuals who are not satisfied with mediocrity, but rather you want to climb the hill of excellence
49:31 I need you to share this. I need you to tell everybody and if it's blessing you so something say keep teaching that good word
49:37 Dr. Vernon don't miss this series
49:39 I'm trying to win
49:42 (upbeat music)
49:44 (laughing)
