• 2 years ago
Pet Sematary Episode 5
00:00 It was towards the end of the Second World War.
00:03 His name was Timmy Bateman.
00:06 He was killed on his way home from the Second World War.
00:10 His father, Bill Bateman, was grief-struck.
00:13 He was so grief-struck, he married his son up there
00:16 before he ever had a chance to get the bottom of the truth.
00:20 I'll bite, John.
00:24 What's the bottom of the truth?
00:29 Well, sometimes, death is better.
00:33 The person you put up there ain't the person that comes back.
00:37 It may look like that person, but it ain't that person.
00:42 'Cause whatever lives in the ground beyond the pet cemetery
00:48 ain't human at all.
00:50 It was four or five days after Timmy's funeral
00:57 when Margie Washburn seen Timmy walking up the road
01:00 towards Yorkie's livery.
01:03 So I went by.
01:05 Lots of folks saw Timmy walking back and forth.
01:09 But it was Margie who finally came to some of us menfolks
01:14 and said it had to be stopped.
01:17 She knew it was an abomination.
01:20 So us men sat down and talked it out.
01:26 Then we got in the mine car and we both made him in place.
01:29 Take care of it.
01:31 One way or the other.
01:33 Yeah, there's no other way.
01:35 He's got a burn.
01:37 Stop it! Timmy, stop it! Stop it!
01:41 The place is going up!
01:43 Go away!
01:44 Get on while you still can, Bill!
01:47 Bring down the cabs.
01:48 Wait a minute, fellas. Wait a minute.
01:50 He's a monster, Bill!
01:53 Leave us alone! He's mine, son!
01:56 Come, Timmy!
01:58 Mom, Dad, keep living!
02:02 Come on, Sam!
02:04 Timmy!
02:06 Mom, Dad, keep living!
02:09 Lewis, sometimes Dad is better.
02:13 [♪♪♪]