I Forum Kół Gospodyń Wiejskich Powiatu Rypińskiego

  • last year
00:00 [Polish]
00:02 The first forum of the village's farmers' club of the Rypiński town is taking place in the cultural house of the village in Ostrowita.
00:10 I have accepted the proposal of Mrs. Marzena Łukowska, the president of the Association of Development of the Dobrzyn Land,
00:17 without hesitation, for the purpose of cooperation over the organization of this event.
00:21 The village's farmers' club operates in our municipality as well as in other municipalities.
00:26 I can't imagine the activities of a municipality without the help of the village's farmers' club.
00:32 The municipalities' management without the help of the village's farmers' club
00:35 are not only economic and unique, as in the name of the organization, but they are also creative, active.
00:44 It is extremely important that such meetings take place.
00:47 On the one hand, it is integration, on the other hand, exchange of experiences, exchange of ideas,
00:52 the association of cooperation between the individual circles.
00:56 I am glad that the village's farmers' club was established in the Rypiński town,
01:01 because it also strengthens this cooperation, it makes it possible to take such joint initiatives,
01:06 also to organize larger events.
01:09 This forum is also an opportunity to discuss what the farmers' club circles still need,
01:15 what else is worth doing.
01:17 I think that this is the first forum organized on my initiative, and I think that it is not the last.
01:24 We meet for the first time at such a meeting,
01:27 where the organizer is Mrs. Marzena Łukowska, under patronage of Mrs. Anna Gemicka.
01:32 This is a very important meeting for us.
01:35 We can all meet, finally in so many circles, for the first time, but the response is huge.
01:43 35 circles met, expressed the desire to meet us, so it's something cool.