• last year


00:06 ♪ I'm all right today ♪
00:08 ♪ You're gonna find a way to cause me no pain ♪
00:10 Bank's open, John.
00:12 Thanks.
00:15 So, happy divorce day.
00:18 That's not a thing.
00:19 Should be. When mine went through,
00:20 I took the boys to Disneyland.
00:21 I'm not really feeling the matter, Orn.
00:23 Try and look at this as an opportunity.
00:25 Right now, I'm just trying to remember to wear pants.
00:28 I thought I'd be relieved.
00:30 Sarah and I agreed to stay together
00:31 until Henry went to college.
00:32 I knew this was coming for two years.
00:34 So, what you always wanted to do?
00:37 Uh, Chippendales. Or the NFL.
00:39 I'm not picky.
00:40 I'm trying to help you, John.
00:43 I bought a self-help book, but I had that cashier
00:45 put it in a brown paper bag.
00:46 Can't bring myself to open it.
00:48 Who am I?
00:49 I think the healthier question is who you want to be.
00:54 But I figured I'd let you know.
00:59 [ Sighs ]
01:01 ♪♪
01:09 ♪♪
01:16 [ Door opens ]
01:18 ♪♪
01:22 [ Screaming ]
01:24 Get down! Get down!
01:27 Who's the bank manager?
01:30 Come on! Get a move on, lady! Come on!
01:33 Don't. Now!
01:35 I --
01:36 Whoa, whoa, whoa!
01:37 No, no, no!
01:38 Tracy, you okay?
01:39 You want to die?
01:41 No.
01:43 No.
01:45 Just keep your mouth shut.
01:48 ♪♪
01:50 But, honestly, have I even really lived?
01:55 I mean, life is always something that's happened to me.
01:58 You know, I met a girl I fell in love with,
02:00 stick turned blue, so I dropped out of college,
02:01 and I got a job.
02:02 I never really thought about what could have been,
02:05 never pushed myself to be anything.
02:06 This bank robbery is the most sad thing
02:08 that's happened to me in a lot of years.
02:10 Is that sad? 'Cause that sounds sad.
02:14 [ Grunts ]
02:15 Ow!
02:17 If you get up again, I will kill you.
02:21 You got that?
02:23 ♪♪
02:25 Hey, listen.
02:26 Not that you're in any position to judge.
02:30 I mean -- I mean, your life hasn't really
02:33 turned out the way you want it, has it?
02:35 Unless you wanted to be bank robbers,
02:37 in which case you're living the dream.
02:39 I'm -- I'm just saying...
02:43 what's my dream?
02:46 [ Gunshot ]
02:47 -Oh, my God! -Drop that weapon!
02:48 On the floor!
02:49 [ Indistinct shouting ]
02:51 ♪♪
02:55 You're --
02:57 It's not really. I just --
02:59 You stupid?
03:00 Brave.
03:01 ♪♪
03:06 [ Indistinct shouting ]
03:08 ♪♪
03:14 ♪♪
03:20 ♪♪
03:26 ♪♪
03:32 ♪♪
03:36 Hey, Mama.
03:38 -That's a nice ride. -Yeah.
03:39 I think I'm gonna have to take it off your hands.
03:43 You're gonna steal my car?
03:45 The one that broke down two blocks ago?
03:47 Yeah.
03:48 Maybe take you for a spin, too.
03:50 ♪♪
03:55 Officer Chen, reporting for duty.
03:57 I love Rookie Day.
04:01 It's Christmas in the Purge in one.
04:04 There's my first present.
04:05 Morning, Boot.
04:06 Morning.
04:07 Did I say you could talk?
04:08 You better pray I'm not your training officer, Boot,
04:10 'cause I'll make your life a living hell.
04:12 Sir, I'd be thrilled to have you as a T.O.
04:14 My father raised me to push myself
04:16 to the edge of my abilities.
04:17 He'd be deeply disappointed if I failed to do so
04:19 now that I've joined him in service.
04:21 ♪♪
04:23 Your father is --
04:24 Commander West of Internal Affairs.
04:26 Yes, sir.
04:28 Roll call.
04:29 Tell.
04:30 You really gonna do me like that?
04:32 Hey, the detective position's not yours yet,
04:34 and youngest T.O. to youngest detective
04:36 will move me up the ladder nicely.
04:37 But if you can't stand a little competition --
04:39 Please. I grew up with four brothers
04:41 in a two-bedroom.
04:42 I'll be standing at the finish line
04:43 before you even realize the competition started.
04:46 Where you going, Boot?
04:47 Uh, locker room, then local.
04:49 Oh, no, you need to present yourself
04:50 to the captain first.
04:51 It's tradition.
04:52 Down the hall, off the stairs.
04:53 Uh, yeah, thank you.
04:54 ♪♪
05:01 Can I help you?
05:02 Officer John Nolan, reporting for due date.
05:04 ♪♪
05:07 Did you get punked, Officer Nolan?
05:08 No, ma'am.
05:09 I just --
05:10 Mm-hmm.
05:11 Your file confuses me, Officer Nolan.
05:13 Penn State, pre-law,
05:15 but then 20 years in construction.
05:16 Now you got solid marks at the academy.
05:18 Certainly have a work ethic.
05:20 Cholesterol level I've never seen in a rookie.
05:23 I'm something of a pioneer.
05:24 Do you think this is a joke?
05:28 No, ma'am.
05:29 I'm here to work, and I won't let you down.
05:32 We'll see.
05:34 Roll call is in five minutes,
05:36 and the watch commander is a stickler.
05:39 Officer Nolan, I'd run.
05:43 ♪♪
05:48 It's all right, all right.
05:51 Settle down.
05:53 Settle down.
05:55 It's okay.
05:56 We got some new blood this morning.
05:58 And some pushing the expiration date.
06:01 [ Laughter ]
06:02 Get up.
06:04 After six months together in the academy,
06:06 you've earned the right to be here,
06:08 but you'll have to prove yourself to stay.
06:10 The way we do things matters.
06:13 Protocol and tradition are the metal
06:15 from which every cop in this city is forged, understand?
06:18 Yes, sir.
06:19 Sit down.
06:21 It's time to play the training officer match game.
06:24 Our contestants are Lucy Chin,
06:27 hotshot who made her first arrest
06:29 before clocking in for work,
06:30 legacy Jackson West,
06:32 who broke all his dad's records at the academy,
06:34 and John Nolan, who was born before disco died.
06:37 [ Laughter ]
06:38 The winners are Officer Bradford.
06:41 You get our hotshot, Officer Lopez.
06:44 You get our legacy, leaving Officer Bishop
06:47 to ride with a 40-year-old rookie.
06:50 Now, hear me.
06:51 Today is your first day. Don't let it be your last.
06:54 Forget the academy and listen to your T.O.s.
06:57 They'll teach you the way it should be done.
06:59 That's it.
07:01 All right, be safe out there.
07:03 Officer Bishop, I need a word with your rook.
07:05 Yes, sir.
07:06 Yes, sir.
07:07 Enjoying your little adventure so far?
07:13 Oh, yes, sir.
07:14 I don't care.
07:15 I don't like you, Officer Nolan.
07:17 It's not personal.
07:18 I hate what you represent --
07:20 a walking midlife crisis.
07:22 You see, the LAPD isn't a place for you to find yourself.
07:26 And I believe if you succeed,
07:28 my house will be flooded with middle-aged losers
07:30 looking for some kind of eat, pray, love path to reinvention.
07:34 And that will get my people killed.
07:37 Sergeant, we just --
07:38 You're dismissed.
07:40 What'd the watch commander want?
07:44 To wish me luck.
07:45 Boot, this relationship is gonna get off to a bad start
07:47 if you lie to me.
07:48 Sergeant Gray does not appear to be a fan
07:50 of my presence in this department.
07:51 Because you're old as hell?
07:52 Look, I don't give a damn about your age, Officer Nolan.
07:55 I want to know if you're gonna be a speed bump
07:57 on my path to chief of police.
07:58 No, ma'am.
07:59 Six months ago, I packed everything I owned
08:00 into a U-Haul and moved here to become a cop.
08:02 I got to work twice as fast, three times as hard.
08:05 So I'm gonna make you look good.
08:07 Bit of an overshare, huh?
08:08 I'm told partners are supposed to have a special bond.
08:11 We're not partners.
08:12 This is your shop.
08:13 Do not call it a car. It is where you work.
08:15 First, you check the exterior for damage.
08:16 Any mixed, scrapes, or dents, log 'em in.
08:18 Has a suspect left anything?
08:19 Money, drugs, a dookie.
08:20 Why aren't you taking notes, Officer Chen?
08:21 You think I'm impressed because you picked
08:22 some low-hanging fruit on your way to work?
08:24 On to the shotgun safety check.
08:25 Verify it's empty. Clear it.
08:26 Close the action.
08:27 You have police tape, road flares, spike strips.
08:29 Making my job easy, Officer West.
08:31 Body cam test.
08:32 Officer Lucy Chen.
08:33 Officer Roman Ibikaye.
08:34 What are you doing?
08:35 Just checking the test, General.
08:36 Now we're inside the car.
08:37 Log into the computer.
08:38 Put in our serial numbers.
08:39 Test lights and sirens.
08:40 Finally, check yourself.
08:42 You're about to hit the street with a loaded handgun
08:44 and no idea what happens next.
08:45 7-Adam-15, Family District, 1401 West Sycamore.
08:49 Address has history of domestic violence.
08:51 7-Adam-15, roger.
08:52 So how do you want to do this?
08:55 Show me what you got.
08:58 Police! Open up!
09:01 Sir, we got a call about a disturbance.
09:04 You all right, man?
09:06 She's fine.
09:07 So you're sure to leave?
09:09 Trying to make weight?
09:12 Huh?
09:13 I used to wrestle a little bit in college.
09:15 You see the plastic sticking out of your sweat suit?
09:17 My girlfriend hated more when I was trying to make fighting weight.
09:20 Like my misery was contagious, you know what I mean?
09:22 Yeah.
09:23 Yeah, I could give you a few tips if you like.
09:26 Probably better though if the wife doesn't hear, right?
09:29 Right.
09:30 Police!
09:34 Ma'am, we got a call about a possible burglary in process.
09:40 I didn't call anyone.
09:41 Watch her.
09:44 Copy.
09:45 Hi! LAPD--
09:53 So why do you want to be a cop?
09:57 Is this a trick question?
09:59 You want me to train you, I need to know why you're in this car.
10:03 Okay.
10:05 My parents are both therapists, so I spent my childhood talking about my feelings.
10:10 I've been shot!
10:11 Where are you, boo?
10:12 What?
10:13 I'm bleeding to death. You have to call for help.
10:14 Where are you?
10:15 Where are you?
10:16 Now I'm dead.
10:21 It's your fault.
10:22 Get out.
10:24 What?
10:25 Get out and walk.
10:26 You can get back in when you know where you are.
10:28 Look, I've had this conversation more times than I can count,
10:31 and the result is always the same.
10:33 When he hits you, press charges.
10:35 If you don't, eventually he'll kill you.
10:37 You got it wrong.
10:38 My husband just looks at a girl.
10:40 Most of the time he's a block of wood, emotionally speaking.
10:43 I push his buttons just to rally him up.
10:45 You can't take things out on her no matter how much she pushes her buttons.
10:49 She's the one who throws down.
10:50 That girl's got a crazy temper.
10:54 Meaning, whether she hits you?
10:56 No, she knows better than that.
10:59 You good out here?
11:01 Yeah.
11:04 Is that Madam 15 called for?
11:07 Show us clear?
11:08 What do you think?
11:10 Then we'll be back.
11:11 Let me get this straight.
11:12 You sneak in the houses to have sex, not the robbery.
11:15 Yeah, if I thought of.
11:17 Right.
11:22 Chin, we can only charge them with misdemeanor trespass.
11:25 There's evidence of a burglary.
11:26 They didn't take anything.
11:27 Took a shower.
11:28 We could charge them $4.59 just for stealing the water.
11:30 That's a novel approach.
11:32 Thank you, ma'am.
11:33 Not to say I'm the best prepared worker in the history of the area.
11:35 Are they having sex in our shop?
11:39 Damn it! Hey!
11:40 Knock it off! Don't do that!
11:42 You know where you are yet, Officer Chin?
11:44 No?
11:45 Then finish your story.
11:47 Why you became a cop.
11:48 Here, I'll do it for you.
11:50 You wanted to piss off your parents for making you an emotional science experiment.
11:53 Gentlemen.
12:01 I have an honest question for you.
12:04 Were you grown in a petri dish of stupid?
12:06 Don't pull that crap with me.
12:08 Aren't you fancy?
12:13 Tell him that it's immigrants like them that make Americans like you look bad.
12:17 If it was up to me, we'd send them all back by catapult.
12:20 He said you should not ring the police's bell when your truck is in violation of most state vehicle codes.
12:30 Officer Chin, a word?
12:36 Do I strike you as a man who means what he says?
12:41 Yes, sir.
12:42 Do I seem laid back to you?
12:43 Wishy-washy in any way?
12:45 No, sir.
12:46 Entonces, ¿por qué cambiarías las palabras que salen de mi boca?
12:51 Everything is a test, Officer Chin, and you just got another F.
12:55 I know what you're thinking.
12:56 Was that casual racism a test too, or just the Spanish?
12:59 Unfortunately for you, there's no way to know.
13:01 You're lying!
13:06 You think you're so smart?
13:08 You think I don't know what you're doing?
13:09 I was the harbor gil!
13:11 The Vatican!
13:12 Sir, you need to put down the baton.
13:13 You can't hide from me!
13:14 I will go into the wardrobe through the looking glass!
13:17 So what do we do?
13:18 The F-line is in its way.
13:19 Sir, how about you tell me what the problem is?
13:23 The unicorn!
13:24 He's laughing at me!
13:25 Okay, great.
13:26 We can help you with that.
13:27 We just need you to get down off the car.
13:28 You're trying to trick me.
13:29 You don't want me to find him.
13:31 Sir, I can handle unicorns, all right?
13:33 This is what we train for.
13:34 I just need you to get off the car and give me a description so we can find him.
13:38 Exactly.
13:42 Yeah, jump down, put the bat down right there.
13:44 Excellent.
13:45 Perfect.
13:46 What's your name?
13:47 What's your name?
13:49 Go get him, boo!
13:52 Too slow!
14:06 Hey!
14:07 Hey!
14:09 Oh!
14:37 Let me go, please!
14:38 You have to let me go!
14:39 You don't know what you're doing!
14:40 You don't know what you're doing!
14:41 You're cheating!
14:42 I have to find him!
14:43 You're arguing!
14:44 I have to find him!
14:45 Welcome to the arrest.
14:46 I have to find him!
14:47 I have to find him!
14:48 He needs me!
14:49 Who needs you?
14:50 Lucas!
14:51 I can't find him.
14:52 Please, let go of me!
14:53 Hi, this is Officer Bishop.
14:54 Yes, ma'am, I'm with your husband now.
14:55 Slow down.
14:56 Who's Lucas?
14:57 Sir, where is your boy?
14:58 I only left him with my wife.
14:59 I don't know where he is.
15:00 I don't know where he is.
15:01 I don't know where he is.
15:02 I don't know where he is.
15:03 Who's Lucas?
15:04 Sir, where is your boy?
15:05 I only left him in the car for a minute.
15:06 The unicorn has him.
15:07 That car's gonna be in oven.
15:08 We gotta find that unicorn.
15:09 We got an airship and six cars working a good pattern.
15:10 There's no fancy tricks in patrol.
15:11 Are we sure the kid's still in the car?
15:12 I hope not, it's almost 90.
15:13 We've gotta find this kid.
15:14 Pray we don't.
15:15 I'm not gonna let you do this.
15:16 I'm not gonna let you do this.
15:17 I'm not gonna let you do this.
15:18 I'm not gonna let you do this.
15:19 I'm not gonna let you do this.
15:20 I'm not gonna let you do this.
15:21 I'm not gonna let you do this.
15:22 I'm not gonna let you do this.
15:23 I'm not gonna let you do this.
15:24 I'm not gonna let you do this.
15:45 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:12 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:40 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:42 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:43 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:44 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:45 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:46 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:47 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:48 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:49 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:50 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:51 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:52 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:53 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:54 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:55 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:56 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:57 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:58 I'm not gonna let you do this.
16:59 I'm not gonna let you do this.
17:00 I'm not gonna let you do this.
17:02 You got work to do.
17:03 Understood.
17:04 You tired, Officer Nolan?
17:07 No, ma'am.
17:08 Good, 'cause we got eight hours left on our shift.
17:10 First day you buy, boo.
17:15 Okay, what do you want?
17:16 Surprise me, and you will be judged on your choice.
17:18 So, how was everyone's morning?
17:21 Having fun yet?
17:22 I think someone can use a hug.
17:23 Don't you dare.
17:25 Well, what's wrong?
17:26 Uh, her T.O. is utilizing time-tested practices to intimidate her.
17:30 Oh, well, that's their job, right?
17:31 They gotta get inside our heads, push our buttons, see how we react.
17:34 It's not personal.
17:35 Just turn it around and figure out what makes your training officer tick.
17:38 You make it sound easy.
17:40 Piece of cake.
17:41 Really?
17:42 Then I guess you already know what your T.O. wants for lunch.
17:44 How's your day going, Angela?
17:47 'Cause I saved a kid.
17:49 Probably gonna make the paper tomorrow.
17:50 You're so cute trying to get under my skin.
17:53 Try?
17:54 She's already under.
17:55 Just like you're under hers.
17:56 What the hell are you talking about?
17:58 You've wanted to be a detective since you were a kid.
18:00 Talia just wants it 'cause it's the stepping stone to the top.
18:02 And that pisses you off.
18:03 Meanwhile, she knows your ability to be a mercenary gives you a leg up
18:06 'cause she's got an overdeveloped sense of morality, which gets in her way.
18:08 Shut up.
18:09 I don't know why the hell you two are so determined to get out of patrol.
18:12 This is where all the fun is.
18:14 You didn't forget the hot sauce, did you, boot?
18:16 Is there a meat move?
18:19 Uh, no.
18:21 7-M-15, return to 1401 West.
18:24 The Gamora situation has escalated.
18:26 Told you we'd be back.
18:28 [tires screeching]
18:29 Open up! Police!
18:33 Noah, look out!
18:55 [grunting]
18:56 -Drop that glove! -No!
19:04 -Carlo! -Stay with me, all right?
19:06 7-M-15, requesting an R.E. unit.
19:08 -Just stay calm. -1401 West, Sycamore.
19:09 -We're a male, suffering multiple stab wounds. -Just stay calm.
19:11 Just stay calm. You're gonna be all right.
19:13 Stay with me. Stay with me!
19:15 [siren wailing]
19:16 [soft music]
19:22 [woman screaming]
19:33 You all right?
19:34 Officer Nolan.
19:36 You all right?
19:38 [car horn honking]
19:40 Yeah. Um...
19:44 The husband hinted that the wife was abusive,
19:46 and I...
19:47 I didn't push it.
19:49 Worst thing you can do is think, not act.
19:51 You gotta trust your instincts,
19:53 even if I ultimately tell you that you're wrong.
19:55 You all right, Officer Nolan?
20:01 -I heard it got real in there. -Yes, sir. I'm fine.
20:03 Good. Why don't you go start the paperwork
20:05 -while I talk to your T.O.? -Yes, sir.
20:07 [siren wailing]
20:12 -What's your ID do? -He dove right in,
20:14 even though there was a knife.
20:16 Good for him.
20:17 But maybe not so good for us.
20:20 You know our rookies are best trained young officers of Bishop?
20:24 Because kids don't know anything.
20:26 Forty-year-olds.
20:27 They think they know everything.
20:29 Training them is like turning a oil tanker.
20:31 Odds are, it ain't gonna happen before tragedy strikes.
20:35 [suspenseful music]
20:39 [suspenseful music]
20:40 [tires screeching]
20:44 -To the first day. -Mm, first day.
20:56 -You wanna talk about it? -No.
21:03 [suspenseful music]
21:04 I felt him die.
21:11 That guy I was just talking to.
21:13 I thought I was ready, but I don't think anything can prepare you for that.
21:17 I saw my first body when I was ten.
21:19 Dad took me to the morgue, pulled her drawer,
21:22 and there was this kid, maybe 18, OD'd on Oxy.
21:26 That's some questionable parenting right there.
21:29 Sorry, didn't your folks put you in therapy at the same age?
21:31 Yeah, they were trying to teach me coping skills.
21:33 So was my dad.
21:34 This job is a magnifying glass.
21:36 It reveals everything, especially the parts you try and hide.
21:39 -Okay, here you go. -Thank you.
21:42 Can I get you anything else?
21:44 Not right now. Thanks.
21:47 Wow, I've never seen a real badge bunny before.
21:55 Well, she's just been a friend.
21:57 You really are struggling, 'cause she practically handed you her panties.
22:00 I'm fine.
22:01 Hey, listen to me.
22:06 What happened wasn't your fault.
22:08 That guy was never going to admit a woman was kicking his ass.
22:11 It wouldn't have mattered if you'd said anything to Bishop, and if...
22:14 If she said anything different, then she was just flat-out wrong.
22:18 Thank you.
22:23 You're welcome.
22:25 Karaoke hour. First up, Jackson and Lucy.
22:28 Here we go.
22:30 ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
22:33 ♪ Cheers to the freakin' weekend ♪
22:36 ♪ I'll drink to that, yeah, yeah ♪
22:39 ♪ Don't let that change my sunshine ♪
22:41 ♪ Can I drink to that, yeah, yeah ♪
22:44 ♪ Don't let the bars girls get down ♪
22:47 ♪ And turn around when I dove around ♪
22:50 ♪ There's a party at the bar ♪
22:52 ♪ Everybody put your glasses up ♪
22:54 ♪ And I'll drink to that ♪
22:56 ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
22:59 ♪ I'm drinking to that, yeah, yeah ♪
23:02 ♪ I'm drinking to that, yeah, yeah ♪
23:05 Tell me again why we can't go out for breakfast.
23:11 Because someone from the station might see us,
23:14 and two months of quality sneaking around would go out the window.
23:17 Oh.
23:18 Yeah.
23:28 Wish we didn't have to be so secretive.
23:31 It's sweet. You want to go steady.
23:33 But, uh, I'm only dating you for this view.
23:35 Oh.
23:36 Good to know our relationship is dependent on me
23:38 renting my college roommate's fancy guest house.
23:41 It's not entirely dependent.
23:42 I mean, you are kind of hot,
23:44 and the "against the rules" part is a turn-on.
23:46 Um, it actually won't be if Sergeant Gray finds out.
23:48 I'm not gonna tell him, are you?
23:50 I'm being serious. That guy is a gully for me.
23:52 Look, this kind of obstacle's new to you,
23:55 but it's status quo for me.
23:57 You're a novelty item right now,
23:58 but in 13 months, you'll be a P-2,
24:00 and the cops will treat you like one of the guys.
24:02 But I'll -- I'll have to prove myself to every cop I work with.
24:05 Fair enough. We'll keep it under the radar.
24:08 I just don't want to screw it up.
24:11 I know that.
24:15 So, all right, all right, settle down.
24:18 I just got a disturbing video.
24:20 Never seen anything so horrific.
24:22 So prepare yourselves.
24:25 [ Suspenseful music plays ]
24:27 [ Grunting ]
24:29 [ Grunting ]
24:31 [ Glass shatters ]
24:33 [ Grunting ]
24:35 Such grace and athleticism
24:37 has never before been seen in the LAPD.
24:40 Is that a gazelle wearing a wound?
24:42 Or a dinosaur from a long-forgotten age?
24:46 Now you will see Officer Chin
24:49 execute a perfect flying tackle.
24:51 [ Applause ]
24:53 [ Laughter ]
24:55 [ Applause continues ]
24:57 All right, fun's over.
24:59 This is a bolo for Mr. Lance Selby,
25:02 who violated his parole yesterday.
25:04 Scaled from 1 to 10, this guy's a 12.
25:06 Did a nickel for attempting murder with a claw hammer.
25:09 So, whoever gets him off the street,
25:11 will get a sincere handshake and Super Bowl Sunday off.
25:16 That's it. Be safe out there.
25:19 What are you doing?
25:21 I'm just looking into the bolo that Gray handed out.
25:23 Found a known associate in our patrol zone, Darius Nguyen.
25:26 We're not detectives, Officer Nguyen.
25:28 No, but I do believe detective is a necessary stop
25:31 on the way to chief.
25:33 I've decided on your punishment.
25:36 Are you gonna tell me what it is?
25:39 More of a show-you kind of guy.
25:42 [ Door opens ]
25:44 Ghost head.
25:47 No, no, hold up a minute.
25:49 Yo, this is harassment.
25:52 What? No, it's just good customer service.
25:54 Kind of like a frequent flyer program
25:56 for dirtbag drug dealers.
25:58 Search him, boot.
26:00 [ Chuckles ]
26:02 Turn around. Grab the wall.
26:05 Make me, boot.
26:08 [ Grunts ]
26:12 [ Grunts ]
26:14 [ Grunts ]
26:16 Keep your hands up, Chen. Don't let him get on top of you.
26:19 [ Grunts ]
26:21 [ Grunts ]
26:23 You're under arrest.
26:27 That was my punishment?
26:29 Yep. Plus, I got to see if you could handle yourself,
26:31 so it's really a twofer.
26:33 ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
26:35 ♪ Holler at the new wave, new wave ♪
26:37 ♪ Push, push, push, push, push, push ♪
26:40 ♪ Holler at the new wave, new wave, new wave ♪
26:42 Is there a problem, Officer?
26:44 Is this your gym? Yeah.
26:46 You see this guy around? Detectives came by yesterday.
26:48 Told him I haven't seen Selby since before he went away.
26:50 You know, I've built everything,
26:53 from mansions to an honest-to-God outhouse.
26:56 But I've never seen a circuit breaker
26:58 installed next to a water pipe.
27:01 ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
27:03 You sure you don't know where Selby's at?
27:05 ♪ Push, push, push, push, push, push ♪
27:07 ♪ I can hear 'em speaking, all they talking 'bout is push ♪
27:10 When you're telling the story in lockup,
27:12 you might want to leave out the part
27:14 where you got your ass kicked by a girl.
27:16 Hey! Hey! Hey, let him go!
27:19 Come on.
27:21 You all right here?
27:23 Thrill!
27:25 Isabel. Leave him alone.
27:27 Isabel?
27:29 It's me.
27:31 It's Tim.
27:33 It's okay.
27:37 I've been trying to find you.
27:39 Just make sure you're okay.
27:41 Are you okay?
27:43 I'm fine. I'm fine! Get off me!
27:45 I just want to help.
27:47 Just want to help.
27:49 You want to help me? Yeah.
27:51 Give me all your cash.
27:54 What?
27:56 Give me your money. God, I'll get you rehab.
27:58 I don't need rehab.
28:00 Come on.
28:02 Please.
28:06 [ Breathing heavily ]
28:09 Can you...
28:11 Go up?
28:13 You don't know.
28:20 Hey!
28:22 What -- What do you want me to do with this guy?
28:25 Just let him go.
28:27 Let him go.
28:29 Let's go.
28:33 [ Door closes ]
28:43 What the hell just happened?
28:46 That was my wife.
28:49 I haven't seen her in almost a year.
28:55 I won't tell anyone.
28:59 You're damn right you won't.
29:01 [ Radio chatter ]
29:03 7-Adam-19 requesting additional unit
29:05 to meet us at 1350 Bellevue Street.
29:07 Possible location of our Bolo suspect.
29:09 We are en route.
29:13 7-Adam-19, show us responding.
29:21 7-Adam-19, be advised,
29:23 we are approximately five minutes away.
29:25 That's the address for Selby.
29:28 We'll set up in the alley behind.
29:30 We'll meet Selby Rapids when Bishop and Nolan come calling.
29:40 [ Cellphone ringing ]
29:46 That's our guy, Selby.
29:48 Call it in. Back up an airship.
29:51 7-Adam-19, show us code 6 on Bolo suspect.
29:54 Need backup in airship.
29:56 They got him.
29:58 No, no, no. You stay here till we clear them from that car.
30:01 LAPD, gentlemen,
30:03 step away from the car and show me your hands.
30:06 Is that a problem, officer?
30:08 There will be if you don't show me those hands.
30:11 Now!
30:25 [ Beep ]
30:27 7-Adam-19, officer down.
30:29 Shots fired. In the alley at Bellevue and Clinton.
30:32 I repeat, officer down.
30:34 Please send in a search unit.
30:36 [ Gunshots ]
30:45 [ Gunshots ]
30:49 [ Grunts ]
30:51 Don't worry about me. Shoot back.
31:00 [ Siren wailing ]
31:10 [ Gunshots ]
31:13 You good?
31:15 Yeah. Cover me. I'll cover.
31:17 Nolan, wait!
31:20 [ Gunshots ]
31:29 [ Grunting ]
31:39 [ Grunts ]
31:41 [ Grunts ]
31:50 [ Gunshots ]
31:55 [ Grunting ]
31:57 [ Grunting ]
32:06 [ Breathing heavily ]
32:08 You okay? No! I got shot!
32:10 Oh.
32:12 You go get him, Boo!
32:14 Boo!
32:16 When this is over, we're gonna have a conversation about you running off.
32:18 Where's Selby? He went through the alley.
32:21 Suspect heading northbound towards residence on Clinton Street.
32:24 7-Adam-07 arriving on scene.
32:26 [ Siren wailing ]
32:34 Officer Webb, get out your gun and cover me!
32:36 [ Gunshots ]
32:41 Danny, get your ass up and engage the suspect!
32:44 Get off!
32:49 [ Gunshots ]
32:57 [ Panting ]
33:01 Hey! Hey!
33:03 [ Screaming ]
33:05 Help!
33:07 I'll kill him!
33:09 Drop the knife! Drop the knife! Shut up!
33:11 You don't have to do this. You shot a cop, but it seems you only managed to piss him off.
33:14 You're not a murderer yet. Get back!
33:16 I can't do that! Get back! I can't do that!
33:18 [ Screams ]
33:20 Look, Selby, we are in this moment together, all right?
33:23 What happens next is gonna change both of our lives.
33:26 Look, I became a cop to help people, not kill 'em.
33:29 And if you hurt her, I will pull this trigger, and you will die.
33:33 I'll see your face every time I close my eyes,
33:35 but you'll never see anything ever again.
33:37 [ Laughs ]
33:38 Here's what we're gonna do.
33:40 I'm gonna lower my gun, and you're gonna let her go, okay?
33:42 Nice and easy.
33:44 Lower that knife. Nice and easy.
33:47 You're gonna let her go.
33:49 I'm lowering my --
33:51 [ Gunshot ]
33:52 Face down! Face down!
33:54 Put your hands behind your back!
33:56 [ Grunting ]
33:58 Call it in, Officer Nelson.
34:00 [ Panting ]
34:02 ♪♪
34:05 Suspect in custody. Code 4.
34:07 ♪♪
34:09 [ Siren wailing ]
34:11 ♪♪
34:15 ♪♪
34:19 Hey. What's the word on Tim?
34:21 He's out of surgery.
34:23 Officer Nolan!
34:25 I heard you left your partner.
34:27 Almost got her killed.
34:29 See, I knew your midlife crisis would put my people in harm's way.
34:33 You're done, Officer Nolan.
34:35 Sergeant Gray, I --
34:37 I said go home!
34:39 ♪♪
34:45 ♪♪
34:48 ♪♪
34:51 ♪♪
34:55 [ Knock on door ]
34:56 You wanted to see me?
34:58 Nolan was trying to save two fellow officers.
35:00 It doesn't matter. He left his partner.
35:02 You tell a guy that he's not wanted on the first day,
35:04 he's gonna throw caution to the wind to prove himself.
35:06 Are you saying this is my fault?
35:08 I'm saying he deserves a chance.
35:10 Why? Because you have him assigned here?
35:12 Yeah, I heard.
35:13 The boot no one wanted except you.
35:15 That's right.
35:16 I think there's value in having a rookie with his perspective.
35:18 Lives were saved today because of it.
35:21 You're dismissed.
35:23 ♪♪
35:27 ♪♪
35:30 ♪♪
35:33 ♪♪
35:37 You were right.
35:39 I did come here looking for reinvention.
35:42 I didn't understand what it meant to be a cop.
35:46 You take sacrifice.
35:50 ♪♪
35:52 ♪♪
35:55 I know about you and Nolan.
35:57 You're right to keep it secret,
35:59 but you're wrong to keep it going.
36:01 It'll brand you.
36:03 No matter how good you are or how hard you work.
36:07 Break things off before it's too late.
36:09 ♪♪
36:13 Men's strength when you feel you're weakest?
36:16 ♪♪
36:18 If you don't have what it takes on the streets,
36:20 then you're not a cop.
36:21 Freeze up again, and you're done.
36:23 I'll call up your dad and tell him myself.
36:26 ♪♪
36:29 I thought I had to become someone else to do this job.
36:32 Like who I was before wasn't good enough.
36:36 I was wrong.
36:38 I earned my place here.
36:40 And I'm not leaving.
36:42 ♪♪
36:44 You know why I do this job, Officer Nolan?
36:48 Because you're a people person?
36:50 [Chuckles]
36:52 No.
36:54 This job is my calling.
36:57 And I have a responsibility to protect it
36:59 from those who are unworthy.
37:01 I understand. Good.
37:02 Then understand I will haze, harass,
37:04 and humiliate you every chance I get
37:06 in the hope that you choose to abandon this misguided quest.
37:10 ♪♪
37:12 And if this job actually is my calling?
37:15 ♪♪
37:17 Then nothing I do to you will matter.
37:20 ♪♪
37:32 I'm sorry.
37:33 You gonna leave me again?
37:35 No.
37:36 Well, good.
37:38 ♪♪
37:40 Okay, let's get to it.
37:42 Officer Bradford should be getting out of intensive care today.
37:45 If you have some time after your shift,
37:48 I'm sure he won't appreciate it.
37:50 [Laughter]
37:52 ♪♪
37:58 Today.
37:59 See, every day we start fresh,
38:01 because we can't affect the past,
38:02 but we damn sure can make a difference today.
38:06 All right.
38:07 There was a carjacking last night on Westerland Wilshire.
38:10 Description matches the crew we've been hunting,
38:12 so we need to hunt smart.
38:14 ♪♪
