Tax share dividends to raise revenue

  • last year
Bringing back GST would provide only marginal gains, but a tax on the rich through share dividends would provide much more revenue, says Barjoyai Bardai.

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#FMTNews #GST #SST #CGT #Tax
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 No one enjoys paying taxes,
00:03 but they are vital to fund essential services
00:06 and development.
00:07 Of late, people have been talking about one tax
00:09 in particular, the Goods and Services Tax, or GST.
00:13 First introduced in 2015, the GST was replaced
00:16 with the Sales and Services Tax, or SST,
00:19 just three years later.
00:20 Now there are calls for the GST's return
00:23 to boost the government's ability
00:24 to fund initiatives for the Rakyat.
00:26 But there are concerns that it's simply not the right time
00:29 to reintroduce the consumption tax.
00:31 Even Prime Minister Anwar has signaled
00:33 that subsidies must be better targeted first
00:36 before the GST's return can be considered.
00:39 So with the GST effectively ruled out for now,
00:42 what can the government do to increase its revenue?
00:45 Economist Barjoya Bardai believes Malaysia's
00:47 existing single tax system for corporations
00:50 needs to be reformed.
00:51 - Under single tax basis, we tax the profit of the company
00:56 and then when the company distribute the profit
00:59 to the shareholders, it is not taxed anymore.
01:03 - In other words, it's time to tax share dividends
01:06 just like they do in the United States and Europe.
01:09 - But in US, for example, there's double taxation.
01:12 In Europe, there's double taxation
01:13 where when the shareholder get their dividend,
01:17 they will again be taxed because it is an income.
01:21 - For the record, the government has introduced
01:24 a capital gains tax on unlisted shares.
01:27 This will take effect in 2024
01:29 and could offer an additional boost to revenue.
01:32 Regardless of new taxes or revenue streams,
01:34 economist Ye Kim Leng says they must go hand in hand
01:37 with good governance.
01:38 - The major revenue increase will likely come
01:43 from enhancing the administrative efficiency
01:49 of the tax collection efforts.
01:54 So that will help for 2023 revenue enhancement measures
01:59 will have to be accompanied by efforts
02:05 to increase spending efficiency
02:07 and also in terms of appropriate allocation
02:12 to various spending needs that have a greater
02:15 multiplied effect.
02:16 - As Malaysia navigates its fiscal journey,
02:18 striking the right balance between revenue generation
02:21 and expenditure will be key.
02:23 Danish Rajareza, FMT News.
02:26 (upbeat music)
