• 2 years ago
The Gilded Age Season 2 Trailer HD - The Gilded Age Season 2 premieres October 29th on HBO. The Gilded Age was a period of immense economic change, of huge fortunes made and lost, and of fierce rivalry between old money and new. Nowhere is that rivalry more apparent than on East 61st Street, where Marian Brook and her thoroughly old money aunts, Agnes van Rhijn and Ada Brook, live opposite the stupendously rich George and Bertha Russell. The Russells are both fiercely ambitious, he financially, she socially, and they are determined to reach the highest echelons of New York. Meanwhile in Brooklyn, Marian’s friend and confidant Peggy Scott forges her own path in the world of the Black elite. In this glittering world on the brink of the modern age, will the established rules of society prevail, or will the game change entirely?


00:03 [GROANING]
00:04 New York is where society puts itself on display.
00:10 The leaders meet each other, and their children
00:13 court each other.
00:14 The old guard think they can keep out
00:15 the new people with impunity.
00:17 But nothing stays the same forever.
00:19 Change came from the American Revolution,
00:22 but it was difficult to live through all the same.
00:26 I intend to bring the great city of New York,
00:28 the opera house it deserves.
00:30 The old members of the Academy are very determined.
00:34 It should not succeed.
00:35 You'll need to pick a team.
00:37 That's it.
00:38 Head to head, and one will be the winner.
00:40 Mrs. Russell is even more of a fighter than I had realized.
00:45 Is there any chance I could come back to 61st Street?
00:49 Agnes would welcome you back with open arms.
00:51 I never dreamt that I might still fall in love.
00:54 But I wonder what Agnes will think.
00:57 Cousin Dashiell?
00:58 He's taken a real interest in Mariam.
01:00 But I don't just want a husband, Aunt Ada.
01:03 He is rich.
01:04 He's even handsome.
01:05 What more could a girl ask for?
01:07 We're covering the opening of a new school in Tuskegee.
01:10 You have never been South.
01:11 I need to show the world they're
01:13 uncolored people making something of their lives.
01:15 [CHANTING]
01:16 Things are worse than I thought.
01:18 Your workers are paid barely enough to put food on the table.
01:21 Why must I be the villain in every story?
01:23 I have lifted whole towns out of poverty.
01:25 You're making a terrible mistake.
01:27 Stop being so selfish.
01:28 I won't be put in a cage.
01:30 Have you forgotten that you live here at my pleasure?
01:34 I'm afraid we have a serious problem.
01:37 I cover all your backs, but who's covering mine?
01:41 There are no guarantees in war.
01:44 And that's what this is.
01:47 You seem to have won the first battle.
01:49 I intend to win the war.
01:52 [GASPS]
01:55 Please.
01:57 (dramatic music)
02:00 (dramatic music)