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Tokyo Cowboy Movie Clip - Hideki and Peg

Plot synopsis: Brash businessman Hideki arrives in Montana having convinced his Tokyo bosses he can turn a profitless US cattle ranch into a premiere-performing asset. Yet when his Hardee’s-burger-loving Japanese Wagyu-beef expert fails him, Hideki is poised to misfire magnificently unless he identifies a missing element that’s key to the transformation… himself.
00:00 Uh, these are your projections, huh?
00:05 Projections, yes.
00:07 One of those glass half-full types, aren't you?
00:11 I got a word for you.
00:13 Consolidation.
00:15 Know it?
00:16 Consolidation, yes.
00:18 Of course you've got to do it.
00:19 That's not a here and a there.
00:20 What it means for us is,
00:22 there used to be maybe 10, 15 suppliers to buy my animals.
00:26 Now there's maybe two.
00:28 So they hold all the marbles.
00:32 They pay what they want to pay.
00:35 Yes, but Wagyu is the future.
00:40 Change now, and...
00:43 pshew!
00:46 What is that?
00:48 Rocket ship.
00:50 It means we go up.
00:53 You're not...
00:55 You could spend a fortune raising the finest Wagyu,
00:59 but if the money man only wants to pay longhorn prices...
01:04 We should sell directly to the stores.
01:13 These are not new ideas, my friend.
01:15 We did all that,
01:17 wining and dining grocery stores.
01:20 Well, we need to plant non-GMO corn.
01:25 Um...
01:27 There's an old joke.
01:29 How does a rancher make a million bucks?
01:32 How?
01:33 Starts with 10 million.
01:37 Bad joke.
01:38 I think it's a great joke.
01:39 Losing money, not funny.
01:43 Maybe it's not enough for you, Headachey,
01:45 but I have never lost money.
01:48 But if you force me to sink a fortune into construction
01:51 and I gotta hire on new guys,
01:53 learn a whole new breed,
01:55 and grow non-GMO corn on my ranch...
02:00 No guarantees.
02:02 Our ranch.
02:04 Our ranch.
02:06 Right.
02:08 Let me show you something.