• 2 years ago
Tiffany 'New York' Pollard RECREATES Her Celebrity Big Brother Rant (Exclusive)


00:00 One thing villains have in common,
00:01 catchphrases and memorable lines.
00:03 - Beyonce, Beyonce, Beyonce.
00:06 You know who you really look like?
00:08 You (beep) look like Luna Van Dry.
00:11 (laughing)
00:12 - Tiffany, you're probably the most
00:13 memed person of this cast.
00:15 - Queen of the meme.
00:16 - How do you feel about all those quotes
00:17 coming back to, I guess, haunt you in some ways
00:20 and live on on TikTok?
00:21 We see all the clips over and over again.
00:23 - Well, it takes my breath away
00:25 as a 41-year-old gorgeous woman.
00:28 And I love the fact that a 19-year-old
00:30 can recognize me because of the memes.
00:32 The memes have been a godsend for me
00:36 because it keeps me relevant, it keeps me active.
00:38 And I love the fact that someone can have a conversation
00:41 with their parent or significant other just by sending me.
00:45 They send my black ass.
00:46 They don't even talk anymore.
00:48 They don't text.
00:48 They just send a picture of me
00:50 doing something extreme from back in the day.
00:53 I love 'em.
00:54 And yes, I am the queen of memes
00:56 and I'm gonna keep that going.
00:58 - Oh, (beep) you want your shoes back?
01:00 - Could you bless us with a dramatic reading
01:02 of my personal favorite,
01:03 the celebrity big brother, old maiden type shoes?
01:06 - When you think I need the card.
01:08 (laughing)
01:09 - I had it, okay.
01:09 (cheering)
01:11 Just in case, but the woman is prepared.
01:13 - Pretty much, I would let Gemma Collins know
01:16 that she's a fat (beep)
01:18 and those shoes that she gave me
01:21 were not something that I would particularly buy for myself.
01:25 They were definitely some old maiden type of shoes.
01:28 And she had nerve to make mention
01:30 that those shoes should be worn on a beautiful woman.
01:33 So if that's the case,
01:34 she should have put 'em back on the rack
01:36 because she didn't qualify to wear those shoes.
01:40 If that was the case, I think Gemma is just a disgrace.
01:43 Someone lied to her several times
01:46 and told her that she has the vernacular
01:49 that she thinks she possesses, but she doesn't.
01:53 She's nothing like that.
01:55 Gemma, you are nothing of the sort.
01:58 - Ladies and gentlemen, Tiffany New York Collins.
02:01 (cheering)
02:03 - I had to cut it short a little bit, y'all.
02:05 I mean, I probably missed the word.
02:06 - I want that autograph.
02:07 (laughing)
02:08 - I want an autograph before I leave this room.
02:10 - Let the games mother (beep) begin.
02:12 You going down before I do,
02:14 you amphibian reptile mother (beep)
02:17 - House of villains.
02:18 That word could be triggering for some,
02:21 maybe owned by others.
02:22 Where do you live with how you feel about that word?
02:24 Do you self identify as a villain?
02:27 - I do now.
02:28 (laughing)
02:29 And now I'm leaning into it.
02:30 I love it.
02:31 I think villains are hot.
02:33 We go after what we want.
02:34 We get what we want and we're confident about it.
02:36 - It's as sexy and as sleek as Corinne described it.
02:40 - I mean, excuse me, I'm sorry.
02:43 (laughing)
02:43 Okay.
02:45 When I say I needed that mint, y'all.
02:47 (laughing)
02:48 I needed that mint.
02:49 But it's just a term.
02:52 We can play with it.
02:53 Do what you will with it.
02:54 You can rub a dub dub it, make it more moist.
02:57 Or you can be hard and stand in it solidly.
03:00 But like Corinne said, she embraced it.
03:02 We all have to because these are the biggest villains
03:04 in America, if not the world.
03:06 - You've been there, done that.
03:07 Is there any moment that you look back on
03:09 that you feel like was your defining moment
03:11 or a moment you wish you could take back
03:13 or a moment that still irks you
03:15 about your time on reality TV?
03:17 - When I got spat on.
03:19 I'm still asked about the spit heard around the world
03:23 15 years, 18 years later.
03:25 Yeah, pumpkin I better not catch you in the supermarket
03:30 buying up all the blueberry ice cream
03:32 or blue bunny ice cream, you know,
03:34 because I did see a picture of you recently,
03:37 but I'll leave that alone.
03:38 I'll digress.
03:38 - Oh, shots fired.
03:40 - Yeah, I would say that's the moment for me.
03:42 It's still defining to this day.
03:44 - On behalf of everyone who watched Celeb Reality
03:46 back in the day, thank you for that moment.
03:48 ♪ Slap me bitch ♪
03:49 ♪ What ♪
03:50 (intense music)
03:53 ♪ You (beep) whore ♪
03:55 ♪ You put your (beep) hands on me ♪
03:58 ♪ Did you see that bitch ♪
03:59 - Usually it's one villain
04:01 in a cast of a bunch of non-villains.
04:03 This is 10 villains in a house together, see what happens.
04:06 When you saw everybody you were going to be living with,
04:08 playing with, were you scared of anybody?
04:11 Did anybody surprise you, good or bad?
04:13 Who did you get a read on right away
04:15 that you were like, oh.
04:16 - For me, it was let the games begin.
04:19 Okay, because these are the largest villains
04:22 that you're gonna get across the country.
04:24 And to see them in there, flailing their belts around
04:27 like Fair Play just did, you know.
04:30 He was the one that really stood out
04:32 because he'll let you know real quick,
04:33 oh, I invented this, I started this (beep).
04:36 So just to see those eagles fly up,
04:39 you love it because it's like, you're in great company.
04:42 So if you have to say some (beep)
04:44 you're with someone that's gonna be able to take it
04:46 and dig (beep) back.
04:47 So these are like, it's like a dream.
04:51 (laughing)
04:52 - So I guess on that note, did anybody disappoint you
04:54 that didn't step up to the plate?
04:57 - I wanted a little bit more from Miss Antheisa.
04:59 I mean, I felt like she had the body
05:01 and the hair to command more, but she kind of like sat back.
05:05 But I don't want to give too much away
05:06 because at the same time I was surprised
05:08 by her performance as the days went on.
05:12 - Silent Assassin.
05:13 - All right, get out of my face.
05:15 You (beep) fucking (beep) guzzling Republican (beep).
05:19 - This show is gonna be really good.
05:20 (laughing)
05:21 - You've done every show under the sun.
05:24 What do you hope people take away from this one?
05:26 - I hope that people can see
05:27 how much we have in common as villains.
05:31 Like one of the things that I really loved
05:33 just walking about the mansion,
05:35 seeing personal objects from the other villains,
05:38 be it a picture of a loved one
05:41 or hearing about dogs or things like that.
05:44 Like it's like Johnny Fairplay was saying,
05:47 we're not so bad, there's a heart there.
05:49 So, you know, the villain,
05:51 we can all bring that and dish it when it needs to be.
05:54 But at the same time, if you needed a hug,
05:56 you can go and get a hug from this one or that one.
05:59 Or, you know, somebody will pop some toast in
06:01 if you forgot to do that before you hit the shower.
06:04 So we kinda- - A little coffee.
06:05 - Girl, I would not have survived
06:07 without our morning cups of joe.
06:10 So like those things like that.
06:11 (upbeat music)
06:14 (upbeat music)
06:17 (upbeat music)
06:20 (upbeat music)
