The CM Eknath Shind led Shiv Sena on Tuesday opted to withdraw its application submitted to the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) to hold the annual rally on Dussehra at Shivaji Park and decided to choose Azad Maidan or Cross Maidan for the same.
#Maharashtra #EknathShinde #ShivSena #BMC #Dussehra #MVA #BJP
#Maharashtra #EknathShinde #ShivSena #BMC #Dussehra #MVA #BJP
00:00 Dear viewers, this is Shashank and you are watching Maharashtra Headlines.
00:03 In this show, we update you with top news from the state of Maharashtra.
00:07 Let's start with the show but before that, if you are watching this on Facebook, do like our page
00:12 and if you are watching this on YouTube, do subscribe to HW News.
00:15 Declared drought in Marathwada demands Congress in Maharashtra.
00:20 With the prevailing situation and increase in number of suicides among farmers,
00:25 the Congress has asked the Eknath Shinde led BJP Shiv Sena NCP government to declare drought
00:31 in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra, reported Deccan Herald.
00:35 NCP under my leadership.
00:38 Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar who heads one of the factions of the Nationalist Congress Party
00:44 on Tuesday described himself as the party's national president
00:48 and defended his move of joining the Eknath Shinde led Mahayati,
00:52 saying several top politicians took a different stand in the political history of the state.
00:58 Shinde led Shiv Sena withdraws application to hold Dusshera rally at Shivaji Park this year.
01:05 The Chief Minister Eknath Shinde led Shiv Sena on Tuesday opted to withdraw
01:09 its application submitted to the Brahim Mumbai Municipal Corporation to hold the annual rally
01:15 on Dusshera at Shivaji Park and decided to choose Azad Maidan or Cross Maidan for the same.
01:22 Court denies bail to Shiv Sena UBT leader Anil Parab's aid.
01:26 A special court under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) on Tuesday rejected the
01:32 bail plea of Sadanand Kadam, a close associate of Shiv Sena UBT leader and former Cabinet Minister
01:38 Anil Parab in an alleged money laundering case linked to the construction of a resort in Dapoli
01:44 in Maharashtra's Ratnagiri district. Kadam was arrested by the Central Probe Agency Enforcement
01:50 Directorate in March 2023, reported India Today. Special trains from Mumbai to Ahmedabad for India
01:59 Pakistan cricket world cup match. The Western Railway is planning to run two special trains
02:05 including a Vande Bharat Express between Mumbai and Ahmedabad ahead of the India Pakistan cricket
02:11 world cup match in Ahmedabad on October 14, reported the Times of India.
02:16 That's it for this episode of Maharashtra Headlines. For more such news and updates,
02:22 subscribe to HW News English.
02:28 [Outro Music]
02:38 (dramatic music)