• last year


00:03 Shouldn't we be pulling them over for being on their phones?
00:08 All of them?
00:08 We'll be writing 23-120 tickets till judgment day.
00:11 23-123.
00:13 Try to slip that past me.
00:14 23-123 is the hands-free vehicle code.
00:18 Congratulations.
00:19 So what's 23-120?
00:22 Driving while lost in.
00:25 No driver should operate a motor vehicle
00:27 while wearing glasses, having a temple
00:28 of 1/2 inch or more if any part of said temple
00:31 extends below the horizontal center of the lens
00:34 so as to interfere with lateral vision.
00:37 That's actually what I meant.
00:38 Where's your workbook?
00:39 In my locker.
00:41 It weighs four pounds.
00:42 I was told I'd be fired if I lost it.
00:43 You don't keep your gun in your locker, do you?
00:46 You need to know the information in that book
00:47 backwards and forwards.
00:48 You should be studying it every chance you get.
00:50 I do, every night.
00:52 You don't believe me.
00:53 New job, new city, newly single.
00:55 Color me doubtful you're living a monastic life.
00:57 7-9-15, armed robbery in progress.
00:59 3577, Olvera.
01:00 Here we go.
01:01 [SIREN]
01:05 Get down! Get down!
01:15 Fly all around!
01:16 Face down!
01:17 I got him, Blue.
01:18 Get him.
01:22 Out of the way!
01:26 Hold it!
01:27 Show me your hands.
01:30 Take off that mask nice and slow.
01:34 Hands behind your head.
01:35 Interlace your fingers.
01:37 Do not move.
01:37 What's in the box, big fella?
01:46 It's a urine sample for a drug test.
01:48 If he got to the lab, then Bo would have violated his parole
01:50 and gone back to prison for two years.
01:51 So we boosted it.
01:53 Well, now he's going away for longer.
01:55 You steal that, too?
01:57 It was my dad's.
01:58 I'm trying to work up the courage to propose,
02:00 but what if he says no?
02:02 The guy's all I can think about.
02:04 He's a drug addict and an ex-con.
02:07 I don't care.
02:08 I love him.
02:12 I love you, Bo Zogolowski.
02:15 And I have since the moment that you hit on me at the zoo.
02:18 And I want to spend the rest of my life with you,
02:20 starting in two to five years.
02:24 Will you marry me?
02:26 Hell yeah.
02:26 That's awesome.
02:37 Yeah, I'm going to do that.
02:50 That marriage is going to last forever,
02:53 or claim that in five minutes.
02:54 Either way, best proposal story ever.
02:58 OK, that's wonderful.
03:00 But the question I asked was, in what circumstance
03:03 can a firearm be discharged at a moving vehicle?
03:07 Only if the person in the vehicle
03:08 is immediately threatening an officer or another person
03:10 with deadly force using something
03:12 other than vehicle.
03:14 I don't really have one.
03:15 A good proposal story.
03:17 Yeah, well, there's always next time.
03:20 Not-- not with me.
03:22 I just meant that--
03:23 And I wasn't fishing.
03:23 I was just oversharing.
03:25 Who knows if I'm even going to get married again.
03:27 I mean, this whole cop thing is a legendary relationship
03:31 killer.
03:32 Though we seem to be navigating it fairly well, don't we?
03:36 Yeah.
03:41 Yeah.
03:43 OK.
03:44 List all descriptors needed for a firearm in a crime report.
03:49 Officer Nolan. - Yes.
03:50 Can you focus?
03:51 We need to study.
03:53 What are the descriptors of a firearm?
03:56 Well, serial number, maker's name, model, caliber or gauge,
04:00 color of metal, length of barrel.
04:06 Yeah.
04:06 Oh, yeah.
04:09 Everyone have a seat.
04:10 Today is a special day for our rookies,
04:16 because today we switch things up.
04:20 That's right.
04:21 Everybody gets a new training officer.
04:24 Nolan, you'll be riding with Officer Lopez.
04:26 Wes, you'll be riding with Officer Bradford.
04:30 And Chen, you'll be with Bishop.
04:33 But learning how to navigate a new TO
04:34 is not your only challenge.
04:37 By the end of next shift, I expect every rookie
04:41 to uncover something personal about their training officer.
04:45 Something they don't want you to know.
04:49 This will be a test of your investigative instincts
04:53 and your fortitude.
04:55 Best insight will win the day off.
04:58 Worst one, handle Saturday night cavity searches.
05:03 That's it.
05:04 Good luck.
05:05 So what's Lopez like to ride with?
05:10 Yeah, I'm going to give you a head start.
05:13 Tim's going to get me alive, isn't he?
05:15 You?
05:16 No, you're a rock star.
05:17 Legacy who excelled at the academy.
05:20 If Tim could create a cop in a test tube, it would be you.
05:23 Unless he's going to set out to dominate you
05:25 and prove that you aren't all that.
05:27 Is it too late to change my answer?
05:28 Because, uh, that.
05:30 Oh, hey, what about Talia?
05:31 Any tips on how to get on her good side?
05:32 Oh, sorry, Jackson's right.
05:34 No head starts.
05:35 Is Tim really a rock star?
05:39 Jackson?
05:41 Yeah, he's better prepared than any rookie I've ever had.
05:44 Screw Trap, how's he out on the street?
05:47 So far, so good.
05:49 What about Nolan?
05:51 He's a talker.
05:53 Oh, usually Officer Bishop has me drive.
05:56 She feels it's a better way to evaluate how I--
05:58 This is my shop, I drive.
06:00 Copy that.
06:02 So.
06:03 I was raised by a single mom.
06:05 Everything I own was a hand-me-down from my four
06:06 brothers, so I care about what I wear and how I look.
06:09 Now you have to spend the next two days hunting for insight.
06:12 I don't think there's a Sergeant Gray one of you
06:13 to gain insight.
06:15 Are you a teacher's pet, boo?
06:16 Because I thought I was going to get a change of pace with you.
06:19 No, ma'am, just looking to get the most out of the experience.
06:21 Good.
06:22 Because if I win you Gray's day off,
06:23 you're going to fix my garage door.
06:25 I heard you were a contractor.
06:27 Yeah, no, happy to help.
06:28 Probably going to need a little more than she likes nice clothes
06:30 to win this thing, though.
06:32 So where are we off to?
06:32 Court.
06:33 I'm just going to plan a trial.
06:34 It should take a few hours.
06:35 Quiet time, starting now.
06:40 This is going to be a great day.
06:42 I was glad when Sergeant Gray paired us up.
06:45 You are?
06:46 Yeah.
06:47 Being a police officer is in your DNA.
06:49 It's going to be my privilege to--
06:50 I've been shot!
06:51 Where are you, boot?
06:52 I'm bleeding to death.
06:53 You have to call for help.
06:54 Where are you?
06:56 North Mansfield, Cross Streets, Beverly Boulevard.
06:58 There's a medical center on Third Street,
06:59 but I would say that you were taken to Cedars.
07:01 Better trauma center.
07:03 And the best coffee in LA is two blocks down.
07:10 So all the stuff--
07:11 The only thing that's going to make me happy
07:12 is breaking your spirit.
07:13 Look, uh--
07:23 Save it.
07:24 But--
07:25 I said save it.
07:26 You're going to risk your reputation
07:28 and get it on with Nolan, that's your call.
07:30 I only care if it impacts your performance.
07:34 It won't.
07:35 Good, then there's nothing left to talk about.
07:37 And don't even think of looking for insight into me.
07:38 Registration has expired on that tag.
07:46 Call it in.
07:48 7 Adam 15, show us at a vehicle stop at Loma Linda
07:51 and Fountain, Blue Outback.
07:53 2 Sam Adam Mary 564.
07:55 7 Adam 15, that vehicle is suspected in a hit and run.
07:59 7 Adam 15, four occupants just bailed hitting North Mansfield.
08:02 Get the driver, boot!
08:03 I'll cut him off!
08:04 [SIREN]
08:07 LAPD, get up!
08:21 Hands behind your head.
08:22 Turn around.
08:24 Don't move.
08:24 [SIREN]
08:28 What are you doing?
08:35 I told you to get the driver.
08:37 This guy was right here.
08:38 Am I in trouble for catching a criminal?
08:39 What was his crime?
08:40 Who were your friends in the car?
08:42 I never met him before.
08:43 They just saw me walking and gave me a red.
08:44 Then why did you run?
08:46 Because everyone else did.
08:47 Did you find anything on him when you searched him?
08:49 Driver's the only one we can legally tie to the vehicle.
08:51 You should know that.
08:52 Page 117 of your Rook book.
08:54 Cut him loose.
08:55 Never been to the courthouse before.
09:00 This is exciting.
09:02 That bail will pass.
09:03 I got this break and enter 10 months ago.
09:05 Since then, it's been two preliminary hearings,
09:07 two motions to suppress.
09:07 It's endless.
09:08 It will pass.
09:10 Looking good.
09:11 Thanks.
09:11 How's your wife?
09:14 This is the only place in LA where
09:16 you can find all the law enforcement agencies together.
09:18 LAPD, Highway Patrol, Sheriff's Department.
09:21 Everyone acting like they're the top of the food chain.
09:25 See that guy with the comb over?
09:27 They call him Hot Stuff.
09:29 Know why?
09:30 Nothing comes to mind.
09:31 Because he somehow managed to get
09:32 sriracha in his eyes while he was driving.
09:34 Ended up in Echo Park Lake.
09:37 Oh, and that's Officer Davis.
09:39 She collects American Girl dolls and uses them to recreate
09:42 scenes from "50 Shades."
09:43 She's single, if you're wondering.
09:45 Thank you.
09:45 How do you know all this?
09:46 Ah, well, if you want to keep secrets,
09:48 don't work in law enforcement.
09:49 Had us attached to a raid.
09:58 Figured you didn't get around off the day I got shot,
10:00 so you'd be itching to throw some bullets around.
10:02 Detective Sink.
10:06 Bradford, when are you going to make
10:08 the jump out of patrol, huh?
10:09 Never.
10:10 I work for a little.
10:11 Yeah.
10:12 Miss Westcott?
10:15 Yes, sir.
10:16 Jackson West.
10:17 You ready to mix it up, son?
10:19 Yes, sir.
10:19 Good.
10:21 We got a known gunman two blocks up.
10:22 We can pin at least three murder weapons on him.
10:24 We're going to put eyeballs on his place,
10:26 make sure he's home, and we go in hot.
10:30 I'm going with the big boys now, boo.
10:31 Bless you.
10:47 Thank you.
10:58 [GUNSHOTS]
11:16 Officer in check!
11:20 Prisoner on the loose!
11:22 [GUNSHOTS]
11:26 [GUNSHOTS]
11:37 Sorry, I tried to catch the guy.
11:55 Well, now we got to find him.
11:56 If you do, his name is Nestor Garcia.
11:58 He's a mid-level drug dealer looking at 10 to 20
12:00 if he's convicted.
12:00 Residence is in Boyle Heights.
12:02 I volunteered us to check it out.
12:03 Leave that in the locker next time.
12:08 Officer Bishop suggested--
12:09 Do I look like Officer Bishop?
12:10 No.
12:11 Grace switched it up so you guys
12:12 get a different perspective.
12:13 Mine is, you do your homework at home.
12:18 Heard you caught a bullet.
12:19 Went right through me.
12:20 Barely worth mentioning to you.
12:22 This thing's been stabbed six times.
12:23 Nine.
12:25 He's a busy summer.
12:26 I'd say.
12:28 So have you known Officer Bradford long?
12:30 Don't answer that.
12:31 Watch commander's got him looking for insight into his TO.
12:34 Copy that.
12:35 My silence won't be cheap.
12:36 You're not getting my Dodger tickets.
12:38 One game.
12:42 That's it.
12:43 The gun runners are home.
12:55 We're in business.
12:56 Let's go and gear up.
12:59 Do you, uh, date cops?
13:01 I'm not asking for--
13:02 I mean, just trying to get some insight.
13:04 You know, that, um, CHP officer at the courthouse
13:06 was hitting on you.
13:07 It's not worth it.
13:08 That guy can run around racking up trophies,
13:10 but I date one cop and I get a rep.
13:11 So I fish in other pools.
13:14 Nestor Garcia, police.
13:15 Come out.
13:16 What if we were to talk to the local merchants?
13:23 All right.
13:29 Hey, how much?
13:30 $1.
13:32 A little steep, but all right.
13:34 Thank you.
13:35 Didn't expect it to be so, uh, thick.
13:42 You know the family next door?
13:44 Sure.
13:45 The guy's a drug dealer.
13:47 My mom gets really talky when she has chardonnay.
13:50 You seen him around today?
13:51 No, he's probably at the thing.
13:53 What thing?
13:55 Buy some more lemonade and I'll tell you.
13:56 Are you trying to extort a law enforcement officer?
13:59 No, it's basic supply and demand.
14:01 I have something you need, so I can set the price.
14:04 He's just getting a quality education.
14:06 Too bad he won't get the same one in juvenile detention.
14:08 You got a permit for this lemonade stand?
14:10 There he is.
14:15 What's the party for again?
14:16 His daughter's quinceanera.
14:18 15th birthday.
14:19 Oh, sorry.
14:20 We don't get a lot of those in rural Pennsylvania.
14:22 Stop.
14:23 Woo!
14:25 Oh, he escaped custody to share a dance with his daughter.
14:29 That's kind of sweet.
14:31 It's selfish.
14:32 Because now our memory of this is
14:33 going to be us arresting him in front of her entire family.
14:36 Did it for himself, not her.
14:37 That never occurred to me.
14:39 That's because you had a dad who was around.
14:42 Let me guess.
14:43 Your dad was MIA, show up when it's convenient,
14:46 bring a toy, act like a savior?
14:49 It was a stuffed animal.
14:51 Last one he brought, I fed to the garbage disposal.
14:53 And then he got cancer.
14:54 So do we let him finish the dance?
15:05 Of course.
15:06 Not a monster.
15:22 You told me to go after the driver,
15:23 and I deviated from your instruction.
15:26 It won't happen again.
15:28 Don't believe me.
15:30 I believe you do what you want and rationalize it after.
15:32 I don't take your advice and then you punish me?
15:35 How is that right?
15:36 But you have a fundamental misunderstanding
15:38 of what's happening here.
15:39 So enlighten me.
15:41 Learning how to be a cop is the hardest thing you'll ever do.
15:43 And instead of focusing everything
15:45 you have on the task at hand, you split your focus
15:47 to be with Nolan.
15:48 And you risk losing it completely
15:49 if you're ever found out.
15:50 You think you're the first rookie to date a cop?
15:53 This city is littered with the failed potential
15:54 of rookies like you.
15:57 With all due respect, ma'am, there
15:58 are no other rookies like me.
15:59 Don't fool yourself, boot.
16:00 They're all like you.
16:02 And the only ones who make it through
16:03 are the ones who take their job so serious that they
16:06 put everything else aside.
16:07 On your toes, boot.
16:18 These guys are armed for war.
16:23 Early warning system.
16:29 You just happen to have that on you?
16:39 Of course not.
16:40 My dad taught me to carry dog biscuits.
16:42 Thought it was pulling my leg, but that
16:43 just worked like gangbusting.
16:49 Police!
16:50 What's wrong?
16:59 Are you hit?
17:02 Clear!
17:03 Clear!
17:04 Clear!
17:05 Two down inside.
17:06 You guys OK?
17:07 Yeah.
17:16 So, uh, did you have a quinceanera?
17:25 Of course.
17:26 And I look good.
17:27 Who did you dance with?
17:28 Because you said single mom.
17:29 My abuelo.
17:30 Her dad.
17:31 Oh.
17:32 He made me laugh the whole time.
17:33 My mom was pissed.
17:34 Lopez!
17:39 Give us a minute.
17:40 Why? What's going on?
17:41 Just do it.
17:46 What the hell were you thinking,
17:48 letting me hit the streets with a broken rookie?
17:49 He's not broken.
17:50 He froze when the bullets started flying.
17:52 You're going to tell me the same thing didn't happen
17:54 with you the day I got shot?
17:56 I'm glad I helped him get past it.
17:57 Well, you didn't.
17:58 Now he's my problem.
18:00 Not for long.
18:01 Any idea what that's about?
18:04 Me.
18:06 What happened?
18:07 I think I'm done.
18:09 What?
18:10 Yeah.
18:11 I froze up.
18:12 When the shooting started.
18:14 Same thing happened at the selfie shootout.
18:17 But Lopez covered for me.
18:19 Look, I don't know how to fix it.
18:23 I have to fix it.
18:24 I lied to Anderson to cover for the kid.
18:26 If you out him, my career's over too.
18:29 Well, that was stupid.
18:29 Look, I know just the neighborhood to take him to.
18:39 He'll self-destruct by the end of the day.
18:40 I'll catch him on my body cam.
18:41 He'll be done.
18:42 No one will know about you.
18:43 His father's a commander at Internal Affairs.
18:45 I don't care.
18:46 Boots a menace.
18:46 This is exactly why I didn't tell you.
18:48 You think Jackson's father won't blame
18:49 you for the kid's failure?
18:51 This is political whether you like it or not.
18:52 What do we do? Leave him on the streets?
18:54 Hope he doesn't get you killed?
18:55 No.
18:56 I don't know.
19:00 He could be a good cop.
19:01 He's smart.
19:02 He has instincts he can't teach.
19:03 There's potential.
19:04 Screw potential.
19:05 Tim, what are you going to do?
19:09 I don't know.
19:11 Listen, you're going to make it through this, OK?
19:13 Lucy and I are going to help you.
19:15 Come.
19:17 Walk away, Boot.
19:18 Officer Bradford-- - I gave you an order.
19:19 Listen to me.
19:21 He's worth fighting for.
19:22 You know best, Boat.
19:23 Go on.
19:23 7 Adam 15, female juvenile reports
19:30 being held against her will.
19:31 Owens and Arlington, code 3.
19:33 [SIREN]
19:38 What's going on?
19:38 We got a call.
19:39 Young girl says she was being held
19:40 captive at this location.
19:41 Are you kidding me?
19:42 Sarah's holding us hostage.
19:44 We're bleeding money every minute she
19:45 won't come out of the trailer.
19:46 We need to see her.
19:46 LAPD, open up.
19:54 Am I in trouble?
20:00 Are you being held hostage?
20:02 No.
20:03 Then yeah, filing a false police report is kind of a crime.
20:07 I'm sorry.
20:08 I didn't know what else to do.
20:09 I don't want to be here anymore.
20:11 I hate it.
20:12 Someone making you?
20:14 My foster mom.
20:15 She's an agent.
20:16 She's been putting me up for things ever
20:17 since I was placed with her.
20:19 I just want to be back with my real mom.
20:21 But Alice won't even let me talk to her.
20:24 Sari, are you OK?
20:26 What happened?
20:27 Let's talk over here.
20:28 I don't understand.
20:33 Is something wrong?
20:33 She says you're making her do this.
20:35 That's ridiculous.
20:36 She agreed to try it.
20:38 I'm just trying to teach her a sense of responsibility
20:40 and a work ethic.
20:41 I do that for all the kids I foster.
20:43 Sarah also said you're keeping her from her birth mother.
20:45 Her birth mother is an alcoholic
20:47 who just got out of prison.
20:49 She's in no position to care for that girl.
20:51 All right, give your information to Officer Chen.
20:53 We'll follow up with the state.
20:54 Hey.
20:59 Here's my card.
21:00 If you have a real problem, give me a call.
21:03 Thanks.
21:05 In the room.
21:07 I guess you were right about cops and secrets.
21:11 Yeah, I should have taken my own advice.
21:12 For what it's worth, you covering for Jackson
21:14 was a stand-up thing to do.
21:16 It was selfish, not noble.
21:17 I did it to protect myself.
21:18 [BUZZER]
21:19 [DOOR OPENS]
21:23 Sir, I am more committed to this job
21:25 than anyone you've ever trained.
21:27 I'm going to get past this.
21:28 We ain't playing dress up here, boo.
21:31 So what's the plan?
21:33 Out me to Anderson?
21:34 Drop me off in gang territory?
21:36 What, public execution?
21:39 All I'm asking is that you try and fix me.
21:41 Instead of just throwing me away, I don't do lost causes.
21:51 Now, if I were you, I'd prepare for tomorrow
21:53 to be your last day on the job.
21:57 Hey, Jackson.
22:03 It's me again.
22:06 Just calling to see if you're all right, buddy.
22:08 Just call me back, all right?
22:10 Bye.
22:12 Did you get him?
22:13 No, I left another message.
22:15 Tim won't throw Jackson under the bus.
22:20 How can you even say that?
22:21 All the guy does is torture you.
22:23 He's calculating, not cruel.
22:26 Plus, he's got a massive ego.
22:29 He'll probably take it as a challenge
22:30 to his abilities as a TO.
22:32 I hope you're right.
22:35 Um, I have something to tell you.
22:38 Talia knows about us.
22:45 She told me on day two, said it would be
22:47 a mistake to keep dating you.
22:49 OK, um, OK, first off, what business is that of hers?
23:01 And second, why would you wait so long to tell me?
23:03 I didn't want to screw this up.
23:06 And I didn't want you to confront her and get fired.
23:11 Oh.
23:12 Look, Talia won't tell anyone.
23:15 And we'll just make sure nobody else finds out, OK?
23:21 OK.
23:22 [KISS]
23:27 So are you going to tell me my fate,
23:28 or are you just going to torture me all morning?
23:31 You really in a hurry to find out?
23:34 No.
23:37 Who is it?
23:38 Officer Bradford.
23:41 I see.
23:42 You're looking after the people, Wallace.
23:46 Just open up.
23:48 [COCKS GUN]
23:53 Who's he?
23:54 Who are you?
23:55 My new boo.
23:56 Have you been out of the apartment recently?
23:58 The downstairs buzzer is broken.
23:59 Can you fix it for me?
24:01 Fix it yourself.
24:04 I'll be in the car.
24:05 What-- what am I supposed to do?
24:08 Talk to Wallace.
24:13 Can I come in?
24:17 No.
24:19 OK, look, I--
24:20 [DOOR SLAMS]
24:23 I-- I told Nolan.
24:26 Told him what?
24:28 Not what you want me to tell him, but that you know.
24:32 Misha, got a little girl looking for you.
24:36 Says she's following up on the 911 call you took yesterday.
24:38 Is that the foster kid?
24:40 Sarah, yeah.
24:41 Wait, Misha.
24:46 Come on.
24:47 [KNOCKING]
24:48 Sir, Wallace.
24:51 Dude, my T.O. says talk to you.
24:53 OK, so I got to talk to you.
24:56 [KNOCKING]
24:58 Look, I'm not going away, so just let me in.
25:01 Please.
25:06 So how do you know Officer Bradford?
25:22 We used to date.
25:24 [LAUGHS]
25:26 You should see the look on your face.
25:29 No, a few years ago, I was hate-crimbed.
25:32 Tim went with me to the hospital,
25:33 and I haven't been able to get rid of him since.
25:39 You're a big traveler.
25:43 I used to be.
25:44 You don't go out much anymore?
25:45 Being outside is overrated.
25:51 Talked to my mom last night.
25:53 She said she wanted me back.
25:56 But Alice is blocking her.
25:58 It's not her call, Sarah.
25:59 I spoke with social services this morning.
26:02 Your mom just did six months for a hit and run.
26:04 She's clean now.
26:05 She told me.
26:06 I hope so.
26:08 But she's going to have to sustain it a while before they
26:09 put you back with her.
26:11 Just like the rest of them.
26:13 Sit down.
26:17 I grew up in the system.
26:21 Four foster families by the time I was your age, each of them
26:24 worse than where you are now.
26:26 At first, I was angry all the time.
26:29 It was unfair, you know?
26:30 Every other kid got to have a happy childhood.
26:33 But you got to get past that.
26:35 You've been placed in a good home
26:36 with a foster mom who's trying to help you be independent,
26:39 teach you a skill so you don't have to rely on anyone.
26:42 The sooner you stop feeling sorry for yourself
26:44 and do what has to be done, the better off you'll be.
26:51 I haven't left this apartment in 15 months.
26:54 I tried it first when I got home from the hospital.
26:58 I even made it downstairs a few times.
27:01 That was over a year ago.
27:02 What happens when you try to leave?
27:04 Have you ever been on fire and underwater at the same time?
27:07 Yeah, yesterday.
27:11 Turns out I have a thing about being shot at.
27:14 And if I don't get past it, I'm done.
27:17 Look, I'm hardly the person to give advice.
27:20 But if you're going to conquer this, you've got to do it now.
27:23 If I'd only forced myself to go outside on the first day,
27:27 I wouldn't be trapped in here.
27:29 Lopez, Nolan.
27:33 You wanted to see us?
27:34 The quinceañera felon you picked up yesterday,
27:36 Nestor Garcia, he's requested to speak with you both.
27:39 Why?
27:40 ADA thinks it's connected to a plea deal he's trying to cut.
27:42 She's bringing him in from the courthouse now.
27:45 You let me know how it goes.
27:47 Yes, ma'am.
27:49 I want to thank you for yesterday.
27:51 That dance meant a lot to my daughter.
27:53 And the fact that you let me finish, that means a lot to me.
27:57 So to reward you, I have a gift.
28:01 A drug deal is going down this afternoon.
28:03 Large shipment.
28:04 Kind of bust that'll get you noticed.
28:06 And you're just giving us this because we were nice to you.
28:09 No, I'm doing this to reduce my sentence.
28:11 But I'm giving it to you because you were nice to me.
28:14 So you better hurry up.
28:16 Call the DA to make a deal because the exchange is going
28:18 down in two hours.
28:20 So according to Garcia, the exchange
28:30 is going down at Stoneston Home Supply on Sunset.
28:32 Well, they're going to make a drug deal in the parking
28:34 lot in broad daylight?
28:36 Lock stores is a perfect cover.
28:37 Busy parking lots, multiple exits.
28:39 They hide the chaos.
28:41 So at 1,500 hours, a car loaded with 80 kills of cocaine
28:44 driven up from Mexico will land in the parking lot.
28:47 The driver will walk away.
28:48 A runner for the buyer will climb behind the wheel
28:51 and drive off.
28:52 The whole thing takes 90 seconds.
28:53 According to Nestor, the shipment is in a red Civic
28:55 with Nevada plates.
28:56 Now, the parking lot only has two access points,
29:00 here and here.
29:02 Officer Bradford, you'll be parked out of sight over there.
29:05 Officer Bishop, you'll have all eyes on this exit here.
29:07 What about us, Sergeant?
29:08 What's our position?
29:09 We need to know exactly when the car lands.
29:11 So we need eyes on the whole parking lot.
29:14 You will be with me here.
29:16 [SIREN]
29:19 License and registration?
29:25 This ain't dinner, David.
29:27 Relax.
29:27 I think I see our welcoming party.
29:38 The Ram.
29:39 Three Hispanics inside, head on his level.
29:45 No sign of our red Civic yet.
29:47 Stand by.
29:49 Copy that.
29:50 Thanks for not outing me to Gray.
29:56 Had a good talk with Wallace.
30:02 Great.
30:04 Can you promise me you're cured?
30:07 Of course not.
30:08 Then if things go sideways on this bust,
30:10 you do not get out of this shop.
30:11 You understand?
30:12 Sir--
30:13 Look, the only answer here is yes.
30:15 I cannot rely on you to have my back,
30:16 and I will not have your death on my head.
30:18 Got it?
30:19 Yes, sir.
30:23 I-- I really like him.
30:33 I've never been serious about anyone before,
30:38 and I'm playing it casual.
30:39 But the thought of ending it, I--
30:42 I don't want to.
30:44 But then I heard you tell Sarah to stop
30:47 feeling sorry for herself and to just, you know,
30:50 make peace with her situation.
30:51 And I realized I can't just run from a hard decision.
30:54 I have to face it head on.
30:56 I'm sorry.
30:56 How exactly did you hear that?
30:58 I might have wandered into observation
31:03 while you were talking to her.
31:04 I-- sorry.
31:08 Look, I appreciate you being honest with me, Yvonne, though.
31:11 More importantly, I think you're finally
31:12 being honest with yourself.
31:15 That's all I was looking to provoke, an informed choice.
31:20 Here we go.
31:21 Red Civic, Nevada plates, entering parking lot.
31:31 Go, go, go!
31:54 [SIREN]
31:58 7-9-15, going after the Red Civic.
32:20 [GUNSHOTS]
32:27 Stay down!
32:30 Stay in the car.
32:31 I'm moving up!
32:38 Let's go, I got you!
32:39 [GUNSHOTS]
32:42 [GUNSHOTS]
32:45 I got you.
32:57 [GUNSHOTS]
33:01 [GUNSHOTS]
33:05 [GUNSHOTS]
33:33 You make it, I can get in there.
33:35 - Burrito! - Got you.
33:36 [GUNSHOTS]
33:38 Ready?
33:39 Yeah, got you.
33:40 [GUNSHOTS]
33:43 [GUNSHOTS]
33:59 [GUNSHOTS]
34:02 One suspect in custody.
34:10 7-9-15, a pursuit of Red Civic heading east on Chapman.
34:19 [GUNSHOTS]
34:28 That is a lot of coke.
34:32 Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, you call an Uber?
34:34 I'll understand if you don't give me a five star.
34:41 The moment of truth is upon us.
34:44 In the shift, time to come clean.
34:48 What did you learn about your TOs, Officer West?
34:55 Sorry, sir, I was unable to gain any insight
34:58 into Officer Bradford.
35:01 That's disappointing.
35:03 Officer Chin.
35:05 I do fail in my assignment, Sergeant.
35:08 All right.
35:10 All right, that leaves you, Officer Nolan.
35:13 You can literally say anything and win the contest.
35:16 Sorry, sir, just a stump to see others.
35:18 OK, fine.
35:23 So no one wants extra credit.
35:25 I guess we'll start at the basics.
35:28 Tomorrow morning, you will have a quiz on your rook books.
35:32 Study hard, because 80% is considered a fail in my house.
35:38 Dismissed.
35:39 Looks like I fixed your rookie for you.
35:46 Thanks, and I didn't get you anything.
35:48 The only thing I need is for you not to lie to me again.
35:54 In the future, I'd appreciate it if you stayed
35:59 away from my personal life.
36:00 Luke, this wasn't about you.
36:01 Hell, it wasn't.
36:02 My relationship with Lucy is not a game.
36:04 I care about her.
36:05 Really?
36:07 Because when this gets out, and it will get out,
36:09 it'll brand her for the rest of her career.
36:12 So if you care about her like you say you do,
36:14 you wouldn't even put her in this position.
36:19 (SINGING) When I get blue, just try not to think of you.
36:25 Hey.
36:32 Hey.
36:33 I need to--
36:34 can I go first?
36:40 Yeah, sure.
36:46 When I first met you, I had just turned my life upside down,
36:49 and I was--
36:52 I was lost.
36:53 I was alone.
36:54 Everything was alien to me.
36:56 But then you turned me right side up again.
36:59 And you gave me the confidence not just
37:00 to endure the challenges, but to actually enjoy them.
37:02 And I'm so grateful for that.
37:05 But now that we're here, I just don't think--
37:09 Are you breaking up with me?
37:10 Yeah, Lucy, I am.
37:14 Because I was going to break up with you.
37:18 Then why are you mad?
37:19 I have been struggling with this decision for weeks,
37:22 because I really like you.
37:25 And you just ripped off the band-aid
37:27 like it was no big deal.
37:28 Of course it's a big deal.
37:29 I don't want to do this, but I can't be the reason you fail.
37:32 Oh, so you're protecting yourself.
37:34 No, I'm trying to put myself in your shoes.
37:36 You'll never be in my shoes.
37:38 And you'll never know how unfair that is.
37:43 You're right.
37:47 Oh, you're right.
37:48 And I'm sorry.
37:52 I joined the Academy on a whim.
37:57 I knew that my parents would hate it.
37:58 But I had no idea how much I would love it.
38:03 Being a cop is the first thing I've ever been serious about.
38:06 And you-- you were the second.
38:10 Lucy--
38:11 Don't, don't.
38:14 Yeah, it's better this way.
38:16 So I will see you at work.
38:23 Missing you all my life.
38:26 Bye!
38:27 (gentle music)
38:29 you
