Trump Attacks Biden Border Record After Border Wall Construction Set To Resume

  • last year
In a video released to social media, former President Trump slammed President Biden after the recent decision to build more border wall.
00:00 When I was president, we built 561 miles of border wall.
00:04 And by the time I left, additional wall was going up
00:07 at the rate of one mile every 24 hours.
00:11 Joe Biden came in and he stopped construction on day one.
00:15 He left $500 million of steel beams,
00:18 all brand new, all just bought.
00:21 He left it sitting and rusting in the sand.
00:24 Other wall materials were rusting along with it.
00:27 The desert floor never saw anything like it,
00:30 and millions of illegal aliens
00:32 stampeded right into your communities.
00:34 They came right into our country, totally unchecked.
00:38 Now the fake news is trying to give Crooked Joe credit
00:41 for announcing they'll build just 20 miles of minimal wall
00:46 as a substandard -- like you wouldn't believe,
00:49 this is substandard wall that he wants to put up,
00:52 but he really would like to have a lot more.
00:54 But I guess he's afraid of his base.
00:56 He's afraid to do it.
00:57 Biden isn't trying to secure the border.
01:00 He's just trying to save himself from getting impeached,
01:03 and he's trying to save himself from being embarrassed
01:06 because what's happened to our country is a disgrace.
01:09 He's doing nothing but adding a short detour
01:11 to reroute the endless flow of illegal alien migrants.
01:16 He's involving everybody in his act.
01:19 We're talking about maybe 15 million people
01:23 coming in on his watch.
01:25 Nobody's ever seen anything like it.
01:28 They don't know where they come from.
01:30 They're people from mental institutions.
01:32 They're people from jails and prisons, and they're terrorists.
01:36 Many, many terrorists are coming into our country.
01:39 Under the Trump administration, we will seal the border,
01:42 and we will stop this invasion on day one.
01:46 If you want to come into our country, you can,
01:48 but you have to come into our country legally.
01:52 Thank you very much.
