Court métrageTranscription
00:00 - All right, ready?
00:01 280 for the pork, 350 for the buttered noodles,
00:03 150 for the roll, and 75 for butter.
00:07 It's like you have calorie ass burgers.
00:09 That's not breakfast.
00:12 Neither is coffee.
00:13 - You do a lot of sit-ups.
00:16 I'm not going to treat you
00:17 if you aren't interested in living.
00:19 - Good speech.
00:20 - I've got it under control.
00:25 - Isn't it funny?
00:26 - He's a cake.
00:27 ♪ Come and get it ♪
00:29 ♪ Come and get it ♪
00:30 - I've got it under control.
00:32 ♪ I know you want it ♪
00:34 ♪ So come and get it ♪
00:35 - I've got it under control.
00:37 ♪ Come and get it ♪
00:40 - You okay, honey?
00:43 - I just caught up too fast.
00:45 - So welcome to our new house member, Alan.
00:51 - Hi.
00:52 - Oh my God.
00:55 - How do you do it?
00:56 Eat, I mean.
00:57 - I'm not going to lie.
00:58 I'm really fucking hungry.
00:59 - You look like a ghost.
01:07 I feel kind of angry.
01:10 It's my life too.
01:11 I don't get to have a sister.
01:15 - What's going on with you?
01:18 - I just don't see the point.
01:20 People say they love you,
01:22 but what they mean is they love how loving you
01:26 makes them feel about themselves.
01:28 - I don't even know where to start with that.
01:30 There's all kinds of wrong.
01:31 - The way that you're going,
01:36 one day you won't wake up.
01:37 - I can't stop.
01:38 - Every time you hear that voice,
01:39 I want you to tell it to fuck off.
01:41 Fuck off, boys.
01:42 - Fuck off!
01:43 - Somebody tell me why we're here.
01:48 - Because we're alive.
01:50 - Very good.
01:52 ♪ All we're dying for ♪
01:55 ♪ Is to hold you dear ♪
01:57 - Some of them actually seem like they're doing okay.
01:59 Like they might get lives
02:01 and be semi-interesting people.
02:03 - Did you just say something optimistic?
02:07 - I did say semi.
02:08 (upbeat music)
02:10 (upbeat music)
02:13 (upbeat music)
02:16 (upbeat music)
02:18 Merci à tous !
02:20 Merci à tous !