Ghc115bn goes into education since 2017, SHSs take Ghc12.96bn - President | AM Newspaper

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00:00 Well here we are back on air. Thank you for accepting us into your homes and on
00:04 your gadgets. We don't take it for granted. This is the news review segment
00:09 and I'll be joined shortly by Maxwell Lukator. He is candidate-elect, Member of
00:13 Parliament-elect, well I should say candidate-elect for South Toll. I always
00:18 get that in a fuzz. He joins the conversation but before I get to him, you
00:23 see him there in the background. He's raring to go. This segment always brought
00:27 to us by Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic. They're offering free prostate screening,
00:30 free female fertility screening. Now here's where you can locate them.
00:33 Wherever you are, just make your way to their branches. Here in Accra, they are at
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00:44 Angel Educational Complex, there's Tatrade Anaje State. There's Temaa Community 22,
00:49 Teichiman Hanzwa and Siamanzima. Their call lines 0244 867 068 or 0274 234 321.
00:59 Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic. The end to chronic disease but not right now. We
01:06 have Maxwell Lukator, MP candidate-elect for South Toll. He joins the
01:13 conversation. Maxwell, this title of yours, it gives me a lot of... but you have to
01:18 go all MP candidate-elect. Just become... okay so when you become MP, I think it
01:23 will be simpler for me. I'll just take it from there. Max, good morning.
01:29 You would have to unmute, Maxwell. Yeah, good morning. Yeah. So I see...
01:40 Parliamentary candidate-elect, not MP-elect. No, I said MP candidate-elect. I
01:47 corrected it and said MP candidate-elect for the MDC. So you are the candidate for
01:53 the MDC, right? Parliamentary candidate-elect. So I think moving forward, we'll just make it
02:00 simple. Candidate for the MDC in that constituency and then case closed.
02:07 Edo biso. Edo biso, biso. Good morning and good...
02:13 Uh-oh, it appears we're having some challenges with Maxwell but in the
02:21 interim, why don't we try to get Maxwell back, the connectivity? I know he may be
02:25 in his constituency and sometimes it gets a bit patchy but I'd like to find out from
02:32 those of you watching, you know, the latest developments in Israel and Palestine. I mean,
02:41 I don't know whether some of you have, I know definitely some of you have, but whether the
02:45 most of you watching this morning have followed that, it gives me a lot of trouble. For some of
02:50 us in our studies, we've followed these conflicts for a long time. Intractable conflicts as they
02:56 are known in international circles. I want to know what is your take about what has happened,
03:04 the reprisal, the death toll and everything in between. If you have a thought, let me know. You
03:10 could also share your thoughts with me on the latest developments. The FBI collaborating with
03:15 the OSP, the Office of the Special Prosecutor, to delve into the financial activities of Cecilia
03:23 Abnada in the United States. The paper trail, basically. Let me know what your thoughts are
03:29 on these two matters. But Maxwell, welcome back. What is your take on these two matters, briefly?
03:35 Did you hear what I brought up? Yes. Good morning. Right. Can you hear me? I can hear you.
03:40 Yeah. So before I go on to what's happening between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip,
03:47 may I say my sympathies once again to my constituents who have been ravaged by the
03:52 spillage from the Kosovo Dam. And it's a terrible situation facing my people down there.
03:58 The North Tone, Central Tone and the South Tone. And unfortunately, you see, South Tone is the
04:03 closest to the sea. And the discharge from the Kosovo Dam ends in the sea. And so when the
04:09 waters cannot go directly to the sea and it comes back, the first place it spreads to is the South
04:14 Tone, Swaziland. And so my people in the Agbebe, Amutinu, Agome, and all areas along the Volta
04:22 Lake, the other side of it also. I told you the other time that people who have cages within the
04:29 water body got most of their fishes in the cages lost. And a lot of people have their farms now
04:35 destroyed by the spillage of the water. And it's crazy. Yesterday, I wrote to the constituency,
04:43 the speed, the volume, and the intensity with which the water is flowing. You know the
04:50 Sugakobe Bridge? Yeah. You know the Sugakobe Bridge? Yeah. When you're diving over the
04:55 Volta River crossing as you go to Sugakobe, when you see the level of the water, how far it has
05:01 risen up, and you see the aquatic waste in the water that has been cut off from the upstream
05:07 coming down to downstream and is coagulating around the bridge. It's terrible. But the bridge
05:13 itself was not compromised, right? The bridge itself was not compromised. I'm only asking that
05:20 because of what recently happened to the Doli Bridge. No, the bridge hasn't been compromised
05:25 by the level of water and how it's rising. And my point is that aquatic waste that are getting
05:30 coagulating around the bridge itself. I don't know what it brings, whether it can make the
05:37 level of the water rise further and further is what I am getting scared about. And so VRA,
05:41 the earlier they come back to help see what they can do to solve the problem, the better. Sincerely,
05:47 they should have done better than they are doing and we are seeing now. The level of education to
05:51 our people has not gone down at all. Because if they had educated the people much, because this
05:56 village has been down over the years. And if they knew that the level they were going to release
06:03 this year is far, far higher than they've been doing. Our expectation is that at least they
06:07 should call the community leaders, the MPs, the assembly members, the DCs, so that we can educate
06:12 the people downstream. Some of us are technical. We can see some levels that are so low. I would
06:17 advise people to move upstream before this volume of water comes. And it's unfortunate that it's
06:23 so close to the days before they release a new item for us to see. And it's so unfortunate we
06:27 couldn't find time to go right and inform our people to get prepared. So they may have to come
06:32 down. And another challenge is that you see, when you go to Azizania, the sea brings out sand and
06:38 it gathers around where the river enters the sea. And so the responsibility lies on VRA to
06:47 continually dredge this area so that there can be a free flow of water into the sea. That's also one
06:54 of the problems. So the flowing of the water from this village into the sea is also another challenge.
07:01 And so we want VRA to come down and solve their problem. And it's unfortunate that the amount of
07:09 volume of water can't tell our people. My question would be, that means that there is so much volume
07:14 of water to be spilled again. And sometimes the impunity with which they do this thing leaves a
07:19 lot to be desired. Of course, I am amenable to the fact that if they do spill, the dam may also be
07:26 destroyed. But my problem is that they should get people informed. Once you know the volume of water
07:31 to spill, you can calculate how wide this water will go to the inland. And so you inform people
07:38 to dust their steel so that they can get prepared for it. It's so unfortunate that I can't do anything
07:43 but to sympathize with my people this morning. All right. You spent quite a lot of time on that
07:47 all-important matter, yes. So maybe let's get into the papers and then later we can get into the Hamas
07:54 and IDF or Israel as they slug it out in that region. But the Daily Graphic this morning,
08:00 National Service Scheme ready for autonomy. We've heard Mr. President talk about the fact that
08:05 it's ready to become an authority. 115 billion Ghana seeds goes into education or has gone into
08:11 education since 2017. SHS's take 12.96 billion. That's according to President Akufo-Addo as well.
08:19 OSPFBI investigates Sicilia Dapa and give us mandate to purchase food for students.
08:24 CHAS demands from government. On the back page, new shoe factory opens at Akosumbu. It reminds me
08:32 of the jute, the leather, the tannery and all of those things and Dankroma. But sometimes it's,
08:38 you know, I was watching this bit on YouTube recently. It goes all the way back to post
08:45 independence, right after independence and Ghana and what was said. There was this foreign show,
08:52 I think, from the UK or the US and they were talking about Ghana. Ghana was the focus. And
08:58 it was so interesting, even the words. And they came down here, had interviews with people. There
09:04 was this lady who was in charge of one of the newly formed governmental agencies. And here she
09:10 was. Even the English they spoke at the time, way back when you compare it to our people today and
09:19 you ask yourself, where did everything go? Well, someday, hopefully we catch up and do better.
09:29 Robbers mistake bread for cash and return to kill pregnant woman. That is a really bad story. I
09:35 think I'll start from there. Two robbers who mistook a loaf of bread wrapped in a handbag for
09:39 a bundle of cash returned to kill the wife of their victim when they realized their booty was a
09:45 mere breakfast staple. The robbers had attacked 42 year old Raymond Suglu, a businessman and his
09:52 wife had done in the Nadoli Kalio district in the upper West region around 930 am last 930 pm last
09:59 Monday. Mr. Suglu was returning from his shop when the robbers arrived on a motorbike wielding a gun
10:04 and a machete. The couple managed to step into the confines of the room. But before they could
10:09 lock up, the robbers engaged them in a battle to force the door open while their children were in
10:13 the bedroom. During the process, the robbers shot through the door, injuring Mr. Suglu.
10:19 The couple released their hold on the door. The robbers entered, demanded that the couple
10:24 surrender their pricey possessions, including Mr. Suglu's sales from the shop. Then they took
10:31 this item wrapped in the bag in the safe compartment of Mr. Suglu's motorbike, took it and
10:37 bolted. They thought it was money. And when they realized it wasn't, they actually returned. And
10:44 so just to get to that point, the robbers appear to have only realized belatedly that the handbag
10:51 they carried from their robbery expedition contained only a loaf of bread that Mr. Suglu
10:55 had brought home for his family. They returned. This is where, you know, it gets me. They returned
11:02 to the residence of Mr. Suglu, but could not meet him. In their frustration and anger,
11:07 they shot and killed his pregnant wife, Mrs. Dorothy Suglu, and fled.
11:13 My brother, it's a terrible situation to behold. It's so unfortunate. The story would have been
11:26 a comic one if it ended at where they went to find out that instead of money, it was bread.
11:32 But the tragedy aspect is when they had to come back. The level of impunity,
11:38 it's crazy. You come back to somebody you stole. It wasn't like he made you a promise that I'm
11:47 going to give you money. Maybe a ransom he was paying to you. Instead of money, he brought you
11:51 bread. For which reason you think you are emboldened enough to go back to him and kill
11:55 him for deceit? He was holding his bag in his compartment. You decide to take it. He didn't
12:01 tell you it was money. You took it away. Found out it was bread. And you had the guts to come back.
12:07 This is the level of impunity we are seeing in the country today. Actually, yes,
12:13 Krumah Eshi, things are hot. People need cash. People need to move about.
12:17 No, but Krumah Eshi, I mean, we all understand that town is extremely hot,
12:22 but there's no justification for something like this.
12:25 Yes, my point is I used to get to this thing.
12:31 Where we begin to cut ourselves to maybe try and eat. No, we shouldn't get to that stage.
12:37 So even though Krumah Eshi, things are so hot and terrible. This level of impunity and
12:42 it's just bad. I don't even know how to describe it. It's so bad. I can't think about it.
12:49 It's so terrible to hear this morning that a pregnant woman will be shot because we're looking
12:54 for money from somebody you stole from, but you couldn't find and you had to go back and kill him
13:00 because you didn't get him. It's so bad.
13:02 The police say, and I don't know whether initially when this happened, they had called the police,
13:08 because then I would have said between the time when they made their getaway and then came back,
13:15 I mean, if some report had been lodged, what was the timely intervention? Maybe that could have
13:21 prevented something of this sort. But the police, a police source says the regional command has
13:28 mounted an intensive search for the robbers and urges the public to report anyone with a peculiar
13:36 wound on the face. I think one of them actually got wounded too. Mr. Sublo and the family,
13:44 our condolences. No one should go through something like this.
13:46 There's also the government has invested more than 114.5 billion Ghana cities in the educational
13:54 sector since 2017. President Okufuwa has disclosed out of the amount he said 12.96 billion had been
14:00 spent on senior high schools. Quote, at the senior high school alone, of which there are 925 schools,
14:06 we have initiated a total of 1,105 projects, including accommodation, teaching and learning
14:12 related projects from 2017 to date. In an almost 40 minute speech at the 61st annual conference
14:19 of the heads of assisted secondary schools at the Atchamata school in Accra yesterday,
14:23 President Okufuwa said, quote, out of this 406 are classroom blocks of various types,
14:28 science laboratories and home economic blocks, 386 dormitory blocks, 233 toilet facilities
14:35 with nine newly constructed model STEM SHSs spread across the country.
14:42 Let me quickly get to page 13. An interesting matter there. And the office of the special
14:50 prosecutor has broadened the scope of investigations on a former minister of sanitation and water
14:56 resources, Cecilia Dapa, by involving the Federal Bureau of Investigations of the United States of
15:02 America. The anti-graft agency said the collaboration with the FBI was to enable it
15:07 investigate certain activities of the former minister and her associates in the United States.
15:15 And that's that's the story there. I'll just do something from the International Front. You react
15:22 and then we leave the daily graphic. Liberia awaits election results with bated breath and
15:28 Liberians are waiting with bated breath as the National Elections Commission slowly receives
15:34 and tallies results from 5,890 polling places for the October 10 presidential and legislative
15:41 results as representatives from different political parties observe and tally the votes.
15:45 The 15 counties have 19 magistrates for the coalition and there's been some delay which
15:52 is attributable to the bad nature of roads leading to hard to reach areas during a six-month
15:58 rainy season. Quick reflections on these? Yeah, so we would be happy as Ghanaians to learn that
16:07 the 115 billion that went into education since 2017 has yielded very very positive results for all of us
16:15 because our children are involved and all that our wards, our guardians are involved.
16:20 But if it looks fully like a political talk, we were all here, we saw what went into education,
16:26 the free SDGs, the double tracking, the troubles abroad, the issue from parents, from children,
16:33 from those who are involved directly in education. I was a board member in one of the biggest schools
16:38 in the world, R.G. Suga Kuber Senior High School. I was a board member, we know the challenges that
16:43 we face as a people and so yes, we would wish that things go well the way we expected.
16:50 I'm not sure at this moment anybody is strictly against the free SDGs policy that we are
16:57 experiencing. It's only the wish for most people that it is reviewed to take away most of the
17:04 teaching problems that we are experiencing from how much we spend on it if we can look at it and
17:10 make sure that those who may want to enjoy body facilities pay something because also feed
17:19 themselves. So why should bodies to then be fed for free and those who feed themselves also pay
17:26 their own accommodation. So that is what some of us are looking forward for where there will be a
17:31 complete review so that most of these issues can be sorted out. Now about the President touting
17:37 the results that we are getting, it's unfortunate that it looks like he is comparing mangoes and
17:42 apples because he thought too we were under the West African Association Council,
17:47 YAE and now it is like the Ghana version of that education and if you see the way things go,
17:55 the way past questions and answers were brought for students to just read and go write the answers
18:01 in past without text was being provided to these schools, the way the examination more practices
18:08 that we are experiencing by the period, the way some teachers who are supervisors have been
18:14 compromised to help these students, it's so unfortunate that we experienced those things
18:20 and out of which the results we got, what the President is touting now, I'm not sure there are
18:25 things we will be happy about and so let us be more serious and realistic. It shouldn't only be
18:31 that the President wants these results to beat his chest for which reason he's doing this and so
18:37 going forward let us all as people who are being affected by these things sit up and make sure we
18:42 do our best. The Sicilia-Dapak case which has taken an international turn makes it very interesting
18:48 and it makes no sense of what the President said initially when Sicilia-Dapak wanted to resign
18:55 saying that at the end of the day he's confident that she's going to pull through this and now
19:00 that the FBI itself is also... But he has a right to express his opinion right?
19:05 No of course he has but why should he preempt an investigative procedure that is going to be
19:12 undertaken as the President of the land? Why should he preempt it? Moneys have been found in
19:17 someone's home illegally and as the President you just have to say that I wish you well in
19:23 your endeavour. Why would you continue to say that you know that she'll pull through this situation?
19:27 Of the sitcoming it means that it's more serious and the attack she gave to
19:36 the other lawyer Martin Pebu in court yesterday... Martin, let me just put this out there. Martin
19:46 shared on social media, I wish I could find the bit to read for you, he says the picture that was
19:55 put out has been misconstrued by many people just since you started on that trajectory. Let me
20:01 let you know. I will quickly get to that but basically he suggests that the picture is...
20:08 it paints a picture that isn't the case and that they were not having any banter. Okay so I think
20:15 there it is. Okay I've seen the story but not the tweets or the post on social media. I'll look for
20:26 that and read it out but basically he says that it's a thousand words. I've found it now. So here's
20:36 what he posted. He says "I have seen pictures of us in the corridor of the courthouse today"
20:44 that was yesterday. "The interaction was not as bad as the picture portrays. Madam Dapa and I are
20:52 cool. Naturally she is going through a lot so she only sought to quiz me about my commentary
20:59 on her case. She has a right to ask. There was no showdown." So I think he himself has clarified
21:06 what happened yesterday. Yeah so my point is that this level of entitlement of some people
21:14 especially we are seeing in the MPP gurus as in Pungana and anything that happens they can stop
21:21 everybody in their track from making commentary. Look at what happened at UTV. A TV station doing
21:27 its own thing and you have the gut to bump in and to stop them that they are turning a showbiz
21:33 program into a political show and all that. And she said that "Dapa confronted Martin Quibu" whether
21:39 it was as bad as the picture or not I was in court. I only saw the picture and I read that
21:44 she confronted him. For me what gives her that boldness to want to confront Martin Quibu as to
21:50 what commentary he should run around the case or not. That's my point. So she's merely saying that
21:55 you've been she's not necessarily accosting him about the legal process she's merely saying okay
22:01 so you've been passing comments about you know my case in court but maybe this or that. There's
22:07 nothing wrong with that is there? I mean if you found someone who had been there are people who
22:13 sometimes come up to me and say oh um you know I heard you talk about this and I am the person you
22:18 are referring to but this and that it's okay it can be a convivial conversation. But of course
22:25 when threats or other things come in that is when it becomes problematic and according to Martin
22:29 Quibu that did not happen. Ben my point is that when these people feel that they can gag everybody
22:36 from speaking freely whilst we have the freedom of speech bill passed and now I can say whatever
22:42 you wish to the commentary you can run around. If she has the right to keep so much money in her
22:47 home why does Martin Quibu not have the right to talk about why she should be so much here?
22:51 Let's get into other stories we have less than 10 minutes uh to go unless there's something else you
22:56 would have wanted to say Max? No let's go to the next. All right so the Ghanaian Times uh newspaper
23:04 STEM education government targets Ghana as leader in Africa rolls out programs for groundbreaking
23:09 projects to achieve goal. I think we've heard a lot about the STEM projects in the country and the
23:15 way forward but this interesting one 61 aggrieved customers of former gold co securities picket
23:20 but SEC appeals for calm. There's also Nyaho Tamaklu Nunumensa urged government to address
23:26 social unrest ahead of 2024 election. Two of my uh uncle or father figures if you like
23:34 Nyaho Tamaklu you know him and then um Nunumensa uh both of them urging government to address social
23:41 unrest ahead of 2024 election. There's also GHS records 40 40 716 mental health cases in six
23:49 months 40 716 in six months mental health cases and then FC confiscates assorted bushmeat from
23:59 chobbar and traders. So let me do two stories um the wildlife division of the forestry commission
24:07 yesterday confiscated assorted bushmeat from chobbars and traders during an operation in the
24:12 central region towns of Senabriku, Winneba and Mankasim. These included guess what monitor
24:18 lizards, royal antelopes, both endangered species, bush rats and bats, squirrels and daika. Now I
24:28 don't know but some of these I don't know our protection mechanisms for wildlife in the country
24:34 are just uh something else and you talk about some of these bats and other things they are catching
24:43 you know that usually ebola and the rest that is how we get them and people will not stop.
24:48 Anyway the three-day joint operation which is being organized by the forestry commission and
24:52 the police service forms part of an exercise to ensure operators comply with a closed season
24:58 on wildlife farming. Then I'll go to page 14 and let you come in Maxwell page 14.
25:04 Here we go founding member of the new patriotic party Dr Nyaho Nyaho Tamaklu has urged the
25:11 government to address social unrest currently ongoing in the country. Quoting him he says we
25:17 need to be on the alert knowing that there are constant military overthrows in Africa. The very
25:21 reasons these coup d'etats are happening in Africa are also being experienced in this country so
25:27 the government should address these important matters as we head into 2024 as an electoral
25:33 year. And of course he shared all of these thoughts together with um general Nunu and Mensah both of
25:42 them talking about how bad things are and how much change must be brought to bear. Inflation is also
25:49 down to 31 point 38.1 percent. Quick thoughts.
25:53 Maxwell over to you sir.
26:00 Okay I think we've lost Maxwell there but I'll just check the live feed for any comments you
26:09 may have. I posed some questions I don't know whether there are any responses yet.
26:15 Uh Koblai Yomeso what you're saying I shudder to read uh though you're talking about protecting
26:21 ourselves but if we all did that then we would have a situation maybe akin to what
26:26 is in the United States but without their own um policies and regulations there. So I'll refrain
26:33 from reading your message for now and then maybe I'll take um the story from page 12. Maxwell can
26:40 you hear me now? Yeah I can hear you. Can you hear me? I can hear you. Please go ahead. Yeah so like
26:48 I'll say uh from the time it's always whether it should be STEM or STEAM. STEAM means that art
26:56 the same besides technology engineering math. Right. Yeah so it's always been a fight. I know
27:03 uh one person uh uh who's someone who has been fighting government to add the A which is the art
27:08 and so like I want to say it should be also a lip service to establish a center and up to now
27:16 it's not found the light of the end so we should be just be talking about this thing. The minister
27:20 of education is fond of talking and touting policies but he doesn't get to the ground so
27:26 let us seriously work on this. Now about the new support that we have in Ghana uh
27:32 and then other statesmen who have been part of the MPP government and are still part and so
27:40 for me it is time government listens to these people and shouldn't take things for granted.
27:46 The demonstrations that we are experiencing are here, they fix the country and the other one will
27:52 be having a daily demonstration in December and so the earlier some of the issues the
27:57 risks are resolved the better it is for all of us in the country because it is not a good
28:02 spectacle for us to behold every now and then seeing people on the streets and it looks like
28:08 government doesn't care about the concerns being raised. They are only interested in preventing
28:13 the demonstrators from venting their spleen and also making uh public their concerns and when
28:21 you continue to do that they may find other ways to to do the same thing so I think the call from
28:27 the Othama crew and uh it's a timely one that government would have to look at and make sure
28:33 that things are resolved and so that we have some kind of sanity going to the 2024 elections.
28:39 All right there's an interesting, my apologies, there's an interesting editorial here
28:45 on page four of media hubris uh that is if you like pride or arrogance hoodlums GJA and NCCE
28:56 uh it's an interesting story in the daily guide newspaper no surprises there and um
29:03 you could you could take a look at that story if you grab a copy of the paper and share your thoughts
29:09 on that. Yeah it's unfortunate that you see these days people talk as if media is rather the problem
29:15 they don't see themselves as a problem they always cheat in their group posts. It's interesting since
29:19 more have you come to realize that media hooliganism is our problem why people can't speak
29:25 people can't really talk why and then that image that's the people in the entertainment industry so
29:31 they should only go and sing dance and entertainers they can't take a bite on what goes on in our
29:36 political life what kind of attitude and mentality is MVP bringing to to to us now it's unfortunate
29:43 it's only the daily guy like so if I may read a portion of it it just says it is sad that the
29:47 Ghana Journalists Association the umbrella professional body of journalists seems to
29:51 have developed such a posture that nobody dares to question the propriety of media reportage that
29:57 is what they are saying I don't know where that exists that is what it looks hold for me Michael
30:02 the constitutional mandate that gives you the autonomy to do your work without censorship I
30:09 don't know where they are reading these things from well
30:16 is he a senior journalist now the minister of information and he seems to be playing to the
30:22 gallery and it's unfortunate what politics can do to people so fine gentlemen on your end today
30:27 he's the one uh let's not let's not attack the person of the the information minister I mean
30:33 I am not attacking I'm only talking about the thinking of Daniel because he has been part of
30:40 you he's right right right why should he today say that somebody should not have his day this
30:47 Maxwell we have limited time this piece though is not from the information minister it's an
30:54 editorial but the person adds such a mindset is dangerous from the GJA whose mandates besides
31:00 ensuring the welfare of media practitioners includes the promotion of the highest journalistic
31:05 standards well daily guide we thank you for having the highest journalistic standards I'll leave it
31:11 there uh there's we I will accept result of Liberia election uh he has said that the peace of
31:18 the country Liberia is above his personal uh gain or whatever he may stand for but a spokesperson
31:26 for him insisted that he was going to win the election Ethiopia's top student on excelling
31:31 an exam that only three percent passed now this has shocked everybody this is the grade 12 exam
31:37 which allows them to get into university only 3.2 percent passed that is 27 000 out of 815 000
31:43 Ghana school of law don't get any ideas and um she was the top student that has left Ethiopia
31:51 in uh shock but the other one I just wanted to add 13 hospitalized over food poisoning and 13
31:58 people have been rushed to the hospital after allegedly eating suspected contaminated food
32:04 the victims reportedly consumed wachi and uh at a trivia in the Asante Achem municipality please
32:13 even as we all you know go out there and grab something to eat I think I shared over a year
32:20 ago how food poisoning nearly took my life I was literally you know uh it was just disastrous so
32:29 please watch what you eat and in some places I know now that because um of the price of gas
32:36 and maybe even charcoal they will not cook food properly finish cooking it and all of that please
32:41 take care of yourself watch what you eat and let me just add this for many days I didn't have lights
32:50 uh the ECG decided to do thankfully I just want to say now that the light is back thankfully
32:55 yesterday ECG officials came to my place and I've spoken to some others including uh the
33:04 cameraman from here yesterday who indicated that his light was back but guess what after they brought
33:10 back the lights then later there was a power outage in my my neighborhood and I was asking myself
33:18 I think they really want to get me but the power came back after about 30 minutes so
33:23 ECG I am thankful thank you for bringing back my lights all right Maxwell you have the final word
33:29 I don't think we have time for Israel and Hamas we'll leave that for some other time
33:33 some 30 seconds and then we go yeah 30 seconds our lights are up in South
33:39 Rome because the power substation that provide lights to all of us has also been flooded can
33:44 you imagine oh wow so they've had to take it because else lives will be lost and the power station will
33:48 be lost as well yeah the power is off because the ECG substation has also been flooded and so they may
33:55 they may want to look for some quick uh recovery situation to make sure that light is restored to
34:02 our people if not it will be from back to west we are already experiencing flood and then light
34:07 also off so it's double agony uh I pray and I sympathize with my people who have been affected
34:13 I pray that not more which has nothing I thought but I know they will turn things around make sure
34:19 that something's provided right to at least alleviate problems which we have Maxwell thank
34:23 you so much for joining the conversation this morning Maxwell Lukoto he is uh MP candidate
34:29 elect for the NDC in South Tonga thank you so much for joining the conversation let me just do this
34:34 today happens to be world sites day and uh there is some free eye screening going on I'm just
34:40 sharing with you uh at the Oblobo health so it's actually at the Wajagbawi municipal hospital today
34:47 Wajagbawi municipal hospital and it's for free so just pass by and get your eyes uh checked
34:55 I also have a bit of a birthday request uh this morning so there is uh happy birthday to Patrick
35:05 Kwesi Brako Kumo MCE for Wajagbawi uh interesting because this is happening in your area today uh
35:11 world side day happy birthday to you Patrick Kwesi Brako Kumo MCE for Wajagbawi god bless you that is
35:18 from Echo Sam my producer and the entire team before we go Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic helped
35:23 us bring you this segment they're offering free prostate screening for men free fertility screening
35:28 for women locate them here in Accra at Spintex opposite the Shell signboard Kumasi Kronum
35:33 Wagwehia behind the Angel Educational Complex the Stakwadie Anadji State Thema Community 22
35:38 Teichiman Hanswe and Siaman Zimab their call lines 0244-867-068 or 0274-234-321
35:46 Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic the end to chronic disease ladies and gentlemen Ghana 4 sports is up next
35:53 [Music]
