• 2 years ago
00:00 The Dallas Cowboys value keeps climbing up and up and up.
00:03 Every year they continue to be the tip top of all the sports franchises when it comes to value.
00:09 Do you think Jerry Jones will ever sell the Cowboys?
00:13 He has said I will never sell.
00:14 And he makes the point that I didn't get in this for the money.
00:18 Now the cynic will say, "Well, it looks to me like you did.
00:21 You turned a $150 million investment into a $9 billion."
00:24 But it's true.
00:25 $9 billion is quite a bit.
00:27 Right.
00:28 He also gets made fun of by people that don't fully understand when he says,
00:31 "I scrapped together that $150 million."
00:34 Right.
00:34 And I understand why people...
00:35 What do you mean you scrapped?
00:36 You were rich, right?
00:37 Yeah.
00:38 But he still borrowed against himself to come up with $150 million.
00:44 So he wasn't looking through seat cushions for quarters,
00:47 but he was looking through seat cushions for thousand dollar bills and million...
00:52 Yeah, he absolutely was.
00:53 And he mortgaged everything he had in order to make this investment.
00:58 My old story, and he's told me this a number of times,
01:01 and I like to tell it here about Jerry Jones.
01:03 I've asked him, this goes way back, but it still lives today.
01:07 Are you a sportsman or a businessman?
01:12 Sportsman, of course, I just want to win Super Bowls.
01:14 Businessman, I want to make a profit.
01:16 And he says, "Mr. Mack, I couldn't let myself in the mirror as a sportsman
01:22 if I wasn't trying to win as a businessman."
01:24 And I couldn't...
01:26 And it was just good.
01:26 And then he had a little pause and he says,
01:29 "But I couldn't look myself in the mirror, just you and us girls, as a businessman
01:33 if I wasn't trying to win as a sportsman."
01:36 So that's Jones' impression, this side of the Mississippi.
01:40 It's the best, worst, which is what makes it so good.
01:42 It's so terrible.
01:43 That's the naked Jerry Jones truth.
01:46 The answer is both.
01:47 Would he spend...
01:50 If there wasn't a salary cap, would he spend more money
01:54 than anybody else in football to have a winning team?
01:56 Oh, I don't think there's any question about that.
01:58 Would he also want to make sure that he's selling more T-shirts and pennants and tickets
02:02 and negotiating TV contracts than anybody in the NFL?
02:05 He'd want that too.
02:07 Jerry Jones wants both.
02:08 Love it.
