10 Most Inappropriate Moments In Star Wars

  • last year
Times Star Wars got a little bit inappropriate...


00:00 From awkward instances of unwanted romance, to a frankly disturbing amount of child-dispatching
00:05 visuals for a family-friendly franchise.
00:08 These are those times Star Wars likely went a little bit too far.
00:11 Gareth here from What Culture's Star Wars and here are the 10 most inappropriate moments
00:16 in Star Wars.
00:17 10.
00:18 An awkward Naboo visit was very nearly even more inappropriate.
00:22 Episode 2, Attack of the Clones There's actually a reason why George Lucas
00:26 routinely forced his actors to let loose some of the most painful dialogue ever uttered
00:30 by a human being over the course of his prequel trilogy.
00:34 When he allowed his stars the freedom to explore and improvise a touch, some rather inappropriate
00:38 shenanigans had a habit of trickling onto the Star Wars scene.
00:42 That's according to Padme Amidala actor Natalie Portman at least, with the Academy
00:47 Award winner explaining in an extract from The Best of Star Wars Insider Vol. 8, The
00:52 Saga Begins, that the scene involving herself and Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker
00:57 flirting over floating fruit on Naboo took a turn the minute they were allowed to go
01:01 off script a touch.
01:02 As she put it, "I don't think George was satisfied with the dialogue he had written,
01:07 because he told Hayden and me to just improvise, which was amusing because it got inappropriate
01:11 very quickly."
01:12 That being said, the sight of the two cheekily quipping at one another likely wouldn't
01:16 have been any more inappropriate than the disturbing visual of Anakin intensely claiming
01:20 he was in agony and tormented by his eventual lover later down the road.
01:25 But with the finished scene not exactly overflowing with raunchy dialogue, it's clear Lucas
01:29 opted to leave most of said inappropriate ad-libs on the cutting room floor.
01:33 9, Luke and Leia's Smooch, Episode 5 – The Empire Strikes Back
01:38 Highlighting the fact that George Lucas didn't quite have his Skywalker saga as fully mapped
01:42 out as he'd later suggest, eventually revealed siblings Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa share
01:47 a number of smooches, with the most passionate coming in the wake of the former's whomper
01:51 scare on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back.
01:54 And while clearly laced into Episode 5 as a way to get under Han Solo's skin, that
01:58 still doesn't change the fact that these brief moments of ultimately confirmed incest
02:03 make for a pretty uncomfortable watch whenever you opt to return to the OG trilogy.
02:07 Had Lucas opted to stick to Lee Brackett's first story treatment, then the emergence
02:11 of Nellith Skywalker as Luke's sister could have helped take some of the inappropriateness
02:15 away from those smooches.
02:17 But the mind behind the Force had other ideas, and so an awkward moment that Mark Hamill
02:21 is still making fun of to this day was born.
02:24 8, Grogu Chows Down on Frog Lady's Eggs – The Mandalorian
02:28 For all of the undoubted cuteness the Jedi youngling/Mandalorian foundling brought to
02:32 the Star Wars party during the first two seasons of The Mandalorian, there was still a moment
02:36 there that threatened to undo all of the good work Jon Favreau and the gang had put into
02:40 making the little green legend a precious household name.
02:43 After Mando agrees to help a Frog Lady transport her unfertilised eggs to her husband during
02:48 the events of The Passenger, the child soon decides to help himself to a few of the unborn
02:52 offspring upon getting a bit peckish.
02:54 And sure enough, fans of the usually adorable alien very quickly recoiled at the sight of
02:59 him seemingly casually munching on some soon-to-be children.
03:02 Lucasfilm creative art manager Phil Sostak would ultimately defend this rather jarring
03:07 action, claiming the episode makes it clear that the Frog Lady's eggs are unfertilised,
03:11 like the chicken eggs many of us enjoy.
03:13 And obviously chickens aren't sentient beings, and the child eating the eggs is intentionally
03:18 disturbing for comedic effect.
03:20 But it's not too hard to see why some found this one a little more unsettling than, you
03:24 know, hilarious.
03:25 7.
03:26 Droid Torture Makes Its Presence Known Episode 6 - Return of the Jedi
03:30 Whether it makes any real sense or not, there's still no getting around the fact that Star
03:34 Wars boasts a rather disturbing instance of pretty extreme torture in the opening stages
03:39 of Return of the Jedi.
03:41 During as C-3PO and R2-D2 get to know the ins and outs of Jabba's palace, the two
03:45 lovable droids are soon exposed to the sight of a Gonk Droid being flipped upside down
03:50 and having its feet scorched by another sadistic robot in the crime lord's torture chamber.
03:55 If the visual of a helpless little bot being burned alive wasn't bad enough, the scene
03:59 also seems to suggest that droids can actually feel pain in this galaxy far, far away, with
04:05 the Gronk unit letting out squeals of anguish before the scene also highlights another droid
04:10 being horrifically dismembered.
04:12 Now sure, the fact these machines are technically little more than bolts and circuits takes
04:16 a bit of the edge off of the horror, yet there's still no escaping the reality of Episode 6
04:21 getting the ball rolling with a moment that would have likely been classed as anything
04:24 but PG had the bots been replaced with living beings.
04:27 6.
04:28 Rey and Ben Solo Suddenly Get Romantic Episode 9 - The Rise of Skywalker
04:33 While it thankfully didn't involve any siblings locking lips out of the blue, we don't think,
04:37 that still doesn't make Ben Solo and Rey's decision to suddenly take part in a passionate
04:42 smooch towards the end of The Rise of Skywalker any less jarring to behold.
04:46 After the pair of Force-sensitive souls have to take down Rey's grand palps, the Emperor's
04:50 granddaughter suddenly kisses goodbye to the land of the living herself.
04:54 What a bummer.
04:55 Yet in an act that would effectively complete his redemption arc, the former Kylo Ren soon
05:00 finds a way to revive his long-time rival via the Force.
05:04 Instead of just having the pair share a knowing look of respect or Rey simply show her
05:07 gratitude by giving the redeemed Ben a more justifiable embrace for saving her life, however,
05:12 J.J. Abrams opted to have the two share an unexpected snug.
05:16 And clearly sensing the backlash that would be heading their way had Disney and Lucasfilm
05:20 leaned into this being a fully romantic moment, the eventual rise of Skywalker novelisation
05:25 would try and explain away the sudden beat of passion as a kiss of gratitude and an acknowledgement
05:30 of their connection.
05:31 Yeah, sure it was.
05:32 Frame it however you want, but that still won't change the fact that this climactic
05:36 and rather forced smooch felt somewhat out of place as the Skywalker saga reached its
05:41 end.
05:42 5.
05:43 Crispy Fried Owen and Beru - Episode 4, A New Hope
05:45 Nothing inspires a hero to leave behind their humble home and finally learn the ways of
05:50 the Force quite like the visual of their family being fried alive by stormtroopers, eh?
05:54 Well, that's what George Lucas thought during the first act of A New Hope, at least, with
05:58 Luke Skywalker soon stumbling upon the charred remains of his Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen in
06:02 the wake of discovering what he thought was the truth about his father from Obi-Wan Kenobi.
06:07 Little did he know.
06:08 Admittedly, seeing the smoking and destroyed Lars family homestead did highlight very early
06:13 on just how barbaric the Empire could be during their request to get precisely what they wanted.
06:18 But did folks really need to see the crispy fried skeletons of Luke's guardians lay
06:22 on the Tatooine sand to get that point across?
06:24 It no doubt helped burn the horrific moment into the minds of infants the world over upon
06:29 witnessing this shocking act for the first time, sure, but looking back, the sequence
06:33 feels like something straight out of a horror flick rather than a brief beat of darkness
06:37 in the thick of a fantastical space opera.
06:39 4.
06:40 Kylo Ren's Chest Makes a Jarring Cameo - Episode 8, The Last Jedi
06:45 Kylo Ren suddenly popping into Rey's head half-naked is still, well, something else,
06:49 isn't it?
06:50 And though Rian Johnson would later explain this decision to have Adam Driver oddly bare
06:53 his chest mid-movie as a way of upping the intimacy of Rey and Kylo's bizarre Force
06:58 Connection, claiming what's even more uncomfortable having a conversation face-to-face with a
07:02 person you don't want to is if they're half-naked during it while you're having
07:05 to do it, the end result still elicited a feeling of wholly unwanted awkwardness.
07:10 Between the attempts to fuse a highly dramatic conversation with some rather misfiring comedy,
07:14 and the unintentionally hilarious sight of Ren boasting nothing but some freakishly high-waisted
07:19 trousers, this moment had bad news written all over it from the get-go.
07:23 But at least one of the most surreal and ill-suited visuals the Skywalker saga had to offer gave
07:27 birth to Lego-topless Kylo and led to the moniker of Ben Swolo becoming a thing.
07:32 Every cloud and all that.
07:33 3.
07:34 Anakin chops down some younglings - Episode 3, Revenge of the Sith
07:38 At the risk of stating the obvious, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader performs some truly
07:43 unforgivable acts at various points throughout his time wreaking havoc on the galaxy far,
07:47 far away.
07:48 And whilst massacring villages, murdering Jedi Masters and even Force-choking his beloved,
07:53 all undoubtedly rank pretty highly on his list of despicable actions during the Skywalker
07:58 saga, there's no questioning which highly inappropriate deed sits atop his list of villainous
08:03 efforts.
08:04 Remarkably though, despite unquestionably sticking out as one of the most shocking and
08:07 unexpectedly appalling additions to the prequel trilogy, Anakin's cutting down of younglings
08:12 was almost even more barbaric at one point, before ultimately deciding that merely the
08:16 suggestion of the fallen Jedi slicing up the youngsters was enough to inspire outrage and
08:21 highlight how uncompromising Vader could be on his day.
08:24 Lucas actually shot a scene that involves Skywalker very much chopping down the Jedi
08:28 of tomorrow, but as Emperor Palpatine actor Ian McDiarmid would explain later down the
08:33 road, this gruesome alternative eventually ended up on the cutting room floor.
08:37 Despite retaining a PG-13 rating by not explicitly showing said youngling dispatching, the visual
08:42 hint at Anakin killing younglings was still enough to leave many feeling a touch uncomfortable
08:47 coming out of the last slice of prequel drama.
08:50 2.
08:51 Princess Leia Sports Her Gold Bikini As Jabba's Slave - Episode 6, Return of the Jedi
08:56 The fact that Carrie Fisher herself went on record to explain just how much she hated
09:00 donning Princess Leia's now infamous gold bikini during the opening stages of Return
09:04 of the Jedi is enough of a reminder why this rather inappropriate visual should have probably
09:09 never made it into existence in the first place.
09:12 In fact, upon being shown the outfit for the very first time by George Lucas, the actor
09:16 would even note how she thought her director was kidding her, and the fact he ultimately
09:20 wasn't made her understandably very nervous.
09:23 Being able to eventually be the one to kill off Jabba the Hutt did at least slightly redeem
09:27 the fact she'd been forced into this highly revealing outfit early into Episode 6, with
09:31 Fisher revealing "I really relished that because I hated wearing that outfit, and sitting
09:35 there rigid straight and I couldn't wait to kill him."
09:38 But even with that being the case, the icon wouldn't hesitate in advising the likes
09:42 of Daisy Ridley not to settle for simply being a sex symbol.
09:46 You should fight for your outfit, don't be a slave like I was in the years that followed.
09:50 All in all, Harrison Ford probably put it best in stating "She's a princess, what
09:54 the hell is she doing walking around in a bikini?"
09:57 1.
09:58 Peter Cushing is brought back from the dead - Rogue One, A Star Wars Story
10:01 Digitally de-aging an actor still very much alive and kicking is one thing, but completely
10:06 resurrecting a star that has very much passed on left a decent chunk of Star Wars supporters
10:11 feeling rather conflicted whilst taking in Rogue One, A Star Wars Story.
10:15 Despite getting permission from Peter Cushing's estate to use the late thespian's likeness
10:18 when bringing the iconic presence of Grand Moff Tarkin back into the mix, by infusing
10:23 CGI with Guy Henry's performance on set, the sight of an actor fans of the franchise
10:27 knew to be dead conversing with living figures during the flick inevitably still resulted
10:32 in many being immediately pulled out of the story, even if only for a few seconds.
10:36 The effect itself is admittedly rather impressively executed in the finished article, it must
10:40 be said, yet questions over whether bringing a deceased performer back to life was unethical
10:45 still remained heading out of the compelling 2016 feature.
10:48 And while Tarkin's unusual presence doesn't completely derail Rogue One as a whole, this
10:53 heavily CGI'd performance was still one that some deemed to be inappropriate in the
10:57 aftermath, with a lot of folks wondering why the less controversial call of simply, you
11:01 know, recasting the legendary figure for his Rogue One appearances wasn't opted for instead.
11:06 And that's our list!
11:07 Know of any other highly inappropriate moments in Star Wars?
11:09 Let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and do not forget
11:13 to like, share and click on that subscribe button while you're at it!
11:16 Also if you like this kind of thing then head on over to WhatCulture.com and find some more
11:20 fantastic articles just like the one this video you're watching right this second is
11:23 based on!
11:24 I've been Gareth from WhatCulture Star Wars, may the force be with you as always, thanks
11:28 for watching this video today and hopefully I'll see you very, very soon!
11:32 Bye bye!
