• il y a 2 ans
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Les 3 meilleurs jeux éducatifs à faire découvrir à votre enfant pour Noël

Musique est protégé des droits d'auteur par: https://www.ntmediastudio.com/
Musique de fond utilisée dans vidéo de cette chaîne: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIZ8_Xpxgn_lONAp32IEJqA


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01:00 Amazon being more very attractive. It will not cost you in fact + € 22.90 but only
01:09 € 17.33. Do not miss this 24% discount. It will allow you to get a multiple benefit game
01:22 for less than € 18. The perfect game to develop motor skills and discover baby colors.
01:31 So let me teach you what you do just get your butt in the groove do it like this and you
01:51 share of it cause god craig you must follow your body this your boy young let's tell you
01:58 what I just gotta say you need me you know you need me you know you need me you know
02:10 you really want something there oh yeah I see you around before you are game up for
02:15 team trade we get the fine time I know there's a nice solution yeah you made me choose to
02:21 now I smile right back you need me you know you need me you know you need me you need
