I Tried Solving A Rubik’s Cube In Under 60 Seconds

  • last year
I Tried Solving A Rubik’s Cube In Under 60 Seconds


00:00 Challenge accepted.
00:06 I'm Dylan Wang.
00:07 I have a YouTube channel called JPERM, where
00:09 I make Rubik's Cube tutorials.
00:10 And I am ranked 69th in the world for fastest 3 by 3 solve
00:15 with a time of 5.31 seconds.
00:17 So Michelle, have you ever solved a Rubik's Cube?
00:20 No.
00:23 Never.
00:26 Oh my god, your hands are moving so fast.
00:29 That one's going to be for you.
00:30 What?
00:31 And you have to try and solve one side, all right?
00:34 I'm going to solve the whole thing.
00:35 Are you ready?
00:36 And we're racing?
00:37 We're racing.
00:38 Let's start.
00:39 3, 2, 1, go.
00:43 Oh, oh, oh, I got one.
00:45 I got one.
00:46 I think this is the prop.
00:50 You got five yellow pieces.
00:53 You get--
00:54 Yeah.
00:55 How many points is that?
00:56 Five?
00:57 Zero.
00:58 3, 2, 1, go.
01:01 Rubik's Cube competitions go back to 1982,
01:04 where there was a big one held and a world record was
01:07 set of 22 seconds, which honestly is not
01:09 great by today's standards.
01:11 But back then, the cubes were a lot worse.
01:13 If you've ever tried one of the really old ones,
01:16 if you have it slightly misaligned,
01:18 it doesn't really turn.
01:19 But on this one, you can even have it off the maximum amount.
01:23 45 degrees, and watch this.
01:26 It just turns.
01:27 It can turn from pretty much anywhere.
01:29 If you do a turn very slowly, it kind of locks in place
01:31 when you finish a turn.
01:33 Ooh, that's satisfying.
01:34 That's because there are magnets in these cubes.
01:36 Yeah, [BLEEP] magnets.
01:38 And this is just to help you turn the cube without using
01:41 your entire hand, because obviously that would be slower.
01:43 And then there's also the double flick,
01:45 which goes like this to turn twice at once.
01:48 And that can be done really fast.
01:50 That's one of the big reasons why
01:51 people have been able to solve it in under six seconds, five
01:55 seconds, and so on.
01:56 The world record is three seconds.
01:58 So it really goes far.
02:00 But one thing that keeps it really fun
02:02 is in cubing competitions, we actually
02:04 have multiple different events.
02:05 One-handed, blindfolded.
02:12 Oh my god.
02:14 Thank you.
02:15 It's not just the 3x3 cube.
02:16 We also have 2x2, 4x4, up to 7x7.
02:19 This one is a penguin.
02:20 Oh my god!
02:21 What?
02:23 Oh, now I'm sad.
02:24 Well, bring him back.
02:27 Oh my god, I have to fix the penguin.
02:30 You did it.
02:30 Yay!
02:32 This one is one I think you could start with.
02:35 This would be perfect for you.
02:36 This is so cute!
02:38 Yeah, but since it doesn't start scrambled,
02:40 you can't actually solve it.
02:42 I do have one more that I'm going to show you.
02:44 I'm having a strong visceral reaction to this.
02:54 It took me 6 and 1/2 hours.
02:57 So we're never scrambling this ever again.
03:00 I'd prefer if you did.
03:02 Unlike a lot of other sports where you're trying to beat
03:04 an opponent, in speedcubing, often you're
03:06 just trying to get better than who you were yesterday.
03:10 So as long as she enjoys that process,
03:11 I think that she's going to do just fine.
03:13 First, I'll have to teach you the different types of pieces
03:16 on the cube.
03:17 First is a centerpiece.
03:18 The centerpieces tell you which color goes on this side.
03:23 So if there is a blue centerpiece,
03:25 blue has to be on this side.
03:26 Next is an edge piece.
03:28 This goes between two centerpieces.
03:31 They have two colors on them, and you can actually
03:33 see it if you take apart a cube.
03:35 It's just stuck together.
03:36 Whoa!
03:38 And finally is the corner pieces.
03:40 These are just on the corners, obviously,
03:42 and have three colors on them.
03:43 They're all stuck together.
03:44 The total number of ways you can arrange the pieces
03:46 actually goes up to 43 quintillion.
03:50 But today, I'll be teaching you a way
03:52 to solve any of those positions with just one method.
03:55 The beginner method has seven steps.
03:58 In the first step, we solve the white cross.
04:00 So first, I want you to find the white center,
04:02 and then go around the cube looking
04:04 for pieces that have white on them and are an edge.
04:07 OK, all three of these.
04:08 But which one's an edge piece?
04:09 This one.
04:10 Yes.
04:10 So we're only focusing on that one right now.
04:12 It is also red, and you want to get it
04:15 attached to the red center.
04:17 Turn the yellow side to make it go underneath the red center.
04:20 There you go.
04:21 Then you will turn the red center until this piece
04:24 is part of the cross.
04:27 There you go.
04:27 That's your first piece solved.
04:29 Just 19 more to go.
04:30 So I'm going to teach you now your first algorithm.
04:33 Algorithms were definitely the hardest thing for me
04:36 to wrap my head around.
04:37 An algorithm is a pre-memorized sequence of moves on the cube.
04:41 These algorithms are either used to move one piece
04:43 to a different position on the cube
04:45 or even have two pieces swap positions entirely.
04:47 And to completely solve a cube, you
04:50 need to execute the right algorithms in the right order
04:53 according to your starting position.
04:56 Hit the target.
04:57 Yep, and then go back.
04:58 Perfect.
04:59 You've solved the cross.
05:01 That's--
05:01 I like that.
05:02 That's the first step.
05:03 Now, once you do the cross for white,
05:04 do you move on to the cross for the other colors?
05:07 No, actually, we are going to solve layer by layer.
05:10 The second step is to solve the white layer, which
05:12 is like the white side, but you also
05:14 need all the colors around the side to be correct.
05:16 And that's what makes it a layer.
05:18 Am I making it worse?
05:19 No.
05:20 You did it.
05:20 Did it.
05:21 There's the first layer.
05:22 That's when you go, except there are five more sides to it.
05:25 So after the first layer, we'll solve the second layer
05:27 around the cube here.
05:28 Yay, we got the second layer.
05:32 How are you feeling?
05:34 The fourth step is to make the yellow cross
05:36 on the opposite side from white.
05:38 See ya.
05:40 I don't want to be ya.
05:41 Step five is to get all the colors of the yellow cross
05:45 to be correct on the sides.
05:46 You look like your brain is breaking.
05:48 Yes.
05:49 That is the correct diagnosis.
05:51 It's OK.
05:52 We're almost there.
05:53 Step six is to put all the corners
05:55 in their correct spots.
05:57 Done.
05:57 Yeah, you got it.
05:59 And then the final step is just to solve
06:01 each of those corners one by one until the rest of the cube
06:04 is solved.
06:05 I'm going to give you this guide as a reminder for how
06:08 to do it in the future.
06:10 Are these the names of the moves?
06:13 You didn't tell me that these were called sexy move.
06:17 That's the name of this move.
06:20 I'll show you why it's called sexy move.
06:21 Just watch this.
06:22 What do you think?
06:31 I mean--
06:32 So literally, Mr. Rubik named this sexy move.
06:39 No, no, no.
06:40 He didn't name it.
06:41 Who did this?
06:42 Felix?
06:42 Felix, are you watching this?
06:44 Did you name this sexy move?
06:45 Who did this?
06:46 That's what the four moves are really called.
06:48 There's so much more history to cubing
06:50 than I thought there would be.
06:51 The Rubik's Cube was invented by Erno Rubik,
06:54 which is where the name Rubik's Cube comes from.
06:57 And a testament to how amazing this puzzle is
06:59 is that it is actually the number one
07:01 sold toy throughout history.
07:03 Rubik was a man who liked making puzzles.
07:05 And when he first saw it, much like a lot
07:07 of people's first impression, you think it's going to be easy.
07:10 But then he ended up taking a month
07:12 to finally be able to solve it.
07:13 This is where the appeal of the Rubik's Cube comes from.
07:16 People get this moment of, wow, this is so much more
07:19 than I thought it was.
07:22 How long was that?
07:24 That was about one hour.
07:26 Pretty good for your first time.
07:28 I've got a lot of work to do to get that down
07:30 to one minute in one week.
07:32 Have you ever seen a student with zero experience
07:35 get to under a minute in a week?
07:36 I don't think I have.
07:38 But I've also never had a student
07:41 who is going to put in as much time as hopefully you will.
07:44 Because this is going to have to be
07:46 your life for the next week.
07:48 Even if you're watching TV, you're
07:49 going to have to be solving a cube at least six hours a day
07:53 to get this to work.
07:54 OK, guys, so I have seven days to try and master Rubik's Cube
07:58 in less than 60 seconds.
07:59 And when I was thinking about how
08:01 I am going to approach this very daunting task,
08:04 I think I'm actually going to approach it in the exact same
08:06 way I do any of my other challenges.
08:09 The truth is I actually follow the same method
08:11 for every single one, whether it's mental or physical.
08:15 And actually, this is the perfect time
08:17 for me to tell you guys about a special project
08:19 I've been working on all year and dying to tell you about.
08:23 I have officially launched the Challenge Accepted Academy,
08:26 where I will be teaching you the exact method I've
08:29 used to conquer every single one of my challenges,
08:32 including this one.
08:33 Challenge Accepted Academy is a 30-day boot camp.
08:35 You're going to come to the academy
08:37 with a goal of your choosing.
08:38 And for an entire month, I'm going
08:40 to stay on your ass to make sure you accomplish it.
08:42 You guys are going to get access to a video
08:44 library of my entire process, start to finish, email
08:48 templates, cheat sheets, and a full workbook of exercises
08:52 that I've put together to help guide your journey.
08:55 Not to mention, in this inaugural wave,
08:57 we're also going to have a weekly call with me
08:59 and a group of trainers to help you stay accountable
09:02 and cross the finish line.
09:04 This course is not for everybody.
09:06 But if you're someone who's always had secretly deep down
09:08 a big dream goal, but never a road map,
09:11 or someone holding you accountable to make
09:13 sure you get it done, this is for you.
09:15 So if you want to learn more and join me this January
09:18 to kick ass in a goal of your own choosing,
09:20 be sure to visit the link below so you can have
09:22 your very own Challenge Accepted.
09:27 What's up?
09:28 For the next week, grinding cube is all we do here.
09:32 Eat, sleep, cube.
09:34 One layer done.
09:36 Two layers.
09:37 No, no, no, no, no, no.
09:39 Wait.
09:39 [LAUGHTER]
09:42 Dude.
09:43 No.
09:44 Dude.
09:45 I have my four.
09:47 Red.
09:48 What the heck?
09:49 I admit defeat.
09:51 The first solve that you did on your own
09:53 was a three minute, 51 second solve.
09:56 Yes.
09:57 Dude.
09:59 How does it feel?
10:00 I've got a lot to memorize here.
10:01 Later that day, you ended up getting a one minute,
10:05 47 second solve.
10:06 Let's go.
10:09 I'm cubing everything.
10:11 Everything I touch.
10:11 So much has happened in the past few days.
10:14 I feel like my brain has evolved.
10:16 Waking up, eating breakfast, and going right onto a stream
10:18 where we're going to train for you,
10:19 it's like an actual training montage.
10:21 I never thought I'd be living through an actual training
10:23 montage.
10:24 Get ready for chaos cube.
10:26 Get ready for chaos cube.
10:28 Just trust me.
10:35 [LAUGHTER]
10:39 You didn't even notice the noise around you.
10:42 Oh my god.
10:44 He's gotten so much better.
10:45 I got a flippity skippity in this.
10:47 Flippity skippity.
10:48 You've made up so many names.
10:50 We have the crank, the flippity skippity,
10:53 the skippity flippity, the break dance, party, reverse party,
11:00 and the finisher.
11:02 The finisher is when you're doing the last layer.
11:05 --in the middle of the party.
11:06 Look at it.
11:07 [LAUGHTER]
11:13 Oh, very good.
11:15 Oh.
11:17 Yes!
11:19 Yes!
11:20 107!
11:21 Let's go!
11:26 Oh my god.
11:28 Though I was constantly beating my personal best,
11:31 I was still making simple mistakes
11:33 that were stopping me from hitting sub 60 seconds.
11:36 Are you serious?
11:37 You didn't finish the four moves.
11:39 Dang it.
11:39 So the top was going to be messed up at the end.
11:44 You just-- every once in a while, a new mistake
11:47 just manifests itself.
11:48 I know.
11:49 And it's like, this is going to be the mistake
11:51 you'll make for a while.
11:54 I am seconds away from hitting my goal.
11:57 And what I've realized is that I need
11:59 to reduce the amount of time that I spend between algorithms.
12:03 So I'll be doing one algorithm.
12:05 And before I head into the next, I spend several seconds
12:08 just thinking and trying to recall
12:10 what I'm supposed to do next.
12:12 I just need to get faster and stop making mistakes.
12:18 There are so many times I'm so close to solving this,
12:20 and I'm on the last couple steps, and I just freeze.
12:23 And then the next thing I know, I'm at a minute 30.
12:25 It's a challenge to constantly improve yourself.
12:28 It's not like in some sports or video games
12:30 where you can kind of blame your opponents.
12:32 This is entirely yourself.
12:33 And so when you fail, it feels terrible.
12:36 But when you succeed, you know it was all you.
12:40 Ah, yes!
12:41 I got it!
12:44 59.8!
12:47 Let's go!
12:49 Nine.
12:50 Yes!
12:52 And to make sure it wasn't a fluke,
12:54 I did it again, this time at 55 seconds.
12:56 Getting a sub 60 seconds required me to learn
12:59 even more complex algorithms than what we showed here.
13:01 So if you want a more in-depth look into that learning process,
13:05 be sure to check out Dylan's video on the J Perm channel.
13:08 And if you want to conquer a challenge of your own,
13:10 enroll in Challenge Accepted Academy today.
13:12 There are a limited number of spots left,
13:14 so be sure to click the link below and join me this January
13:17 so you can start off your 2022 right.
