• 2 years ago
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - As Eurian hearts beating as one,
00:05 the rumbling beast of the movable feast.
00:09 - The estate of the family de la Croix.
00:16 Whilst their countrymen clutch ration cards,
00:19 they've made quite a killing manipulating the black markets.
00:22 (speaking in foreign language)
00:26 (speaking in foreign language)
00:30 - Give us a layout, would you not?
00:38 14 rooms, 19 guests, plus the hosts.
00:45 13 men, eight women, and, and?
00:49 Small firearms in the library bureau.
00:54 (chomping)
00:56 - Enjoy yourselves.
00:57 - You coming?
01:01 - I ate before the play.
01:03 I'm gonna.
01:04 - I understand you supplement your diet.
01:16 - I feast human every other night.
01:19 It's my way.
01:20 You're not gonna move.
01:23 - I am now where I most want to be.
01:25 - Nice night.
01:31 - Very nice.
01:33 - You carry yourself well.
01:40 - Merci.
01:41 I like how you withhold.
01:44 - I don't know about that.
01:47 Cautious, maybe.
01:48 - It's alluring.
01:49 It's practiced.
01:52 I find myself thinking, what is in there?
01:54 - I'm thinking the same about you.
01:57 I think about you often.
02:00 - Tricky.
02:07 - What's that?
02:08 - Us.
02:09 - Who?
02:11 - Covenant life can get labyrinthian depths of,
02:17 it can be tricky.
02:20 (choking)
02:22 - She's something, your Claudia.
02:28 - Spark in the dark.
02:30 - Pity she was made so young.
02:32 Imagine her in a body equal to her mind.
02:36 - She's managed to it.
02:37 - Particularly skilled at blocking her thoughts.
02:41 - You must work harder on that.
02:43 - I could help you hone that skill.
02:49 - Oh yeah?
02:50 That'd be great.
02:52 - Good, because I do believe I felt some trepidation
02:56 when the name Lestat was uttered.
02:58 - Who?
03:00 (dramatic music)
03:02 (dramatic music)
03:05 (dramatic music)
03:08 (dramatic music)
03:11 (dramatic music)
03:14 (dramatic music)
