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Retro Gaming - PC DOS - AD&D - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - 2nd Edition - Ravenloft - Strahd - Let's Play
Happy Halloween Month!
But I hope you enjoy this series!
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Retro Gaming - PC DOS - AD&D - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - 2nd Edition - Ravenloft - Strahd - Let's Play
00:00 (no audio)
00:16 (no audio)
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00:21 (no audio)
00:23 (no audio)
00:26 So, uh, yeah, gonna play Strad's Possession.
00:36 And I just finished with the church, essentially.
00:46 I'm going to resurrect the, uh...
00:50 When I talk to the guy, he's going to tell me about his, uh...
00:56 Priestly companion-- you know, um...
01:00 Acolyte type of person, and I'm going to resurrect him.
01:04 I'm going to have some fun.
01:06 So, let's all enjoy it. Remember, like, comment.
01:10 Subscribe. Share.
01:13 Click the little notification button if you're on YouTube.
01:16 For those of you on Twitch, hope you're enjoying this.
01:20 And, uh, let's all have some fun.
01:24 (no audio)
01:31 (no audio)
01:34 (no audio)
01:58 Alright, alright, alright, let me, uh, read Van Richten's guide here about Strad von Zarevich.
02:08 Alright. What's it say?
02:13 "Let history record that so many died in the treachery of that fateful day
02:17 that we have no witnesses beyond the words of our lord Strad as to what truly happened.
02:23 And none more is required.
02:26 On the day of the wedding between our lord's brother, Sergei, and the woman Tatyana,
02:31 the blade of the Baal-Virzi assassin was driven into Sergei's heart.
02:36 Though it is recorded that Strad did all that was possible to comfort Tatyana,
02:41 investing his whole soul and being in the effort,
02:44 the loss of her betrothed proved more than she could bear.
02:48 Seeking to join Sergei in the world beyond,
02:51 while Tatyana leapt from the overlook of Castle Raveloft in a fit of grief,
02:56 on that same day a full and bloody struggle for power erupted within the castle,
03:01 the true agents of treachery revealing themselves as they made their attempt to bring our lord down to igno-
03:08 oh god, I hate this word, ignominious defeat.
03:12 They failed.
03:14 Since that rueful day, Strad von Zar- Zarovich has ruled in sile- silence,
03:21 wielding uncontested power and justice from Castle Raveloft to say otherwise is treason.
03:28 And I do say otherwise because I know the story.
03:32 Ben Ripton's Tale of Strad
03:40 Strad was the evil one.
03:43 He's the one that conspired to kill his brother and to take-
03:48 to take his brother's wife as his own.
03:55 A wasted attempt.
04:02 Trymnia's tome shall reveal its worth only when all of the required items have been gathered.
04:07 Perhaps a review of the list is in order.
04:10 Oh, okay.
04:12 Oh, okay.
04:14 Curious, it looks- yeah, okay.
04:24 Oh god, how do I- how do I combine them?
04:33 [Music]
04:36 [Music]
04:39 [Music]
04:57 [Music]
05:00 Does this have the, uh, ripped...
05:14 page?
05:17 No.
05:19 What is the ripped page?
05:22 [Music]
05:25 [Music]
05:28 That doesn't have the ripped page.
05:39 No.
05:42 Huh.
05:45 Oh, evil artifacts, cursed items, okay.
05:53 A writ of instruction of catalog.
05:56 Uh...
06:00 I've got a feeling I'm missing something here.
06:20 A writing, oh wait, wait, wait, wait, that's right, I gotta...
06:23 identify... oh, shoot.
06:29 Oh, he's, he's overloaded.
06:36 Uh...
06:41 [Music]
07:08 Hmm, proof to identify...
07:11 Ice storm.
07:16 Alright.
07:31 Let's see here, what do I have?
07:34 Oh, I don't need that.
07:38 Um, I hope you...
07:41 Let's see here, um...
07:45 [Music]
07:48 Probs mining plus three.
08:12 [Music]
08:15 Can't use that.
08:22 Let's see here.
08:27 And, uh...
08:31 Let's look at this one.
08:38 Oh, yeah, that's right, this is the one I have to do.
08:41 Okay, so...
08:42 "Of the mirror of life trapping, reflections do trap the soul.
08:47 They lure in the mirror brilliance, that faithful part,
08:52 until the grip of life trapping stills the heart.
08:55 He who has fallen victim to this faithful art
08:58 shall wait within the surface of the looking glass through all eternity.
09:02 He may be freed neither by innocence nor by blood.
09:05 Alas, reflection's grip may be broken only by a certain words of power.
09:10 Boldly spoken in the presence of the mirror,
09:14 these words are inscribed herein, but one page passed."
09:19 That's right, I gotta...
09:24 Where'd I put 'em?
09:34 Oh, come on.
09:37 Oh, God, I hate this.
09:40 I lost 'em.
09:43 Where'd I put 'em? There we go.
09:46 Now watch this, each one I put in, it'll actually cover it up, if I remember correctly.
09:56 Yeah, see?
09:59 It's kinda cool.
10:02 "At midnight, the cock crows at midnight."
10:12 This is kinda revolutionary when it happened.
10:20 "The mirrored sun."
10:23 Watch this.
10:28 There we go.
10:31 "At dusk, the cock crows. At midnight, the mirrored sun."
10:36 Oh, come on.
10:58 Alright, there we go.
11:01 "It's obvious the book is having no effect. If it is used closer to the mirror, we may see things take on a different light, perhaps even liberation of that poor trapped soul."
11:11 It took a little bit of time to get to there. Alright.
11:23 I'm gonna go ahead and zap my way there. Magic.
11:28 (mimics sound effects)
11:30 Chomka! Magic.
11:34 Alright, so let me go ahead and mute me and play everything here.
11:40 (music)
11:54 Silly me, I thought that it made a noise. It didn't. It just shattered the mirror.
12:06 I could have sworn that my original copy heard it shattering, but maybe I'm wrong.
12:32 It's good to see you mobile again, old priest. I take it the spirit in the mirror was yours?
12:39 "Oh, it was me. Indeed it was. Whoever you are, thank you, but go now. I am weary and this is no longer holy ground. It has been corrupted by the evil of Count Strahd von Zurovich. He came upon us as might a madman. No mortal could have defiled my church so easily, or dealt such vile blows to holy men. As if we were thieves, or worse."
13:07 (music)
13:09 "We've seen the bones of another within your church. Was this the intruder who cursed you, or perhaps another of your flock?"
13:17 That's number one. Number two is, "We had thought to venture into the cemetery besides your church, but we were unable to get past its mighty gate. Is there a key?"
13:27 So I'm gonna do one, then two.
13:29 "He was my novitiate. A devoted young man, slain by Strahd the night my spirit was cast into the mirror. If only the vigor of life could be returned to his loyal bones, I'm certain he would work to bring the Count to justice. I myself am too weary from the ordeal, and I believe no mere spell can raise his dead bones. A resurrection is necessary."
13:58 "There is a key. Giving it to you is the only reward a poor priest can provide for the gift of his spirit."
14:06 "He was my novitiate."
14:25 Okay, so I cannot remember if a regular resurrection spell works on the guy. I don't think it does. I'm gonna save and I'm gonna try it out. And if it does, you'll see a jump cut of me redoing the save and all that stuff.
14:48 So let me go ahead and pause it right now and use some magic. Jump cut!
14:55 Okay, so there was actually a special scroll of Remove Curse which was on the ground right here. It's necessary for the Werewolf quest. And I should have been writing down where the Atonement and the Remove Curse spells were, but I didn't.
15:16 So forgive me, but if you clear the dungeon, you will get everything you need to cure the Werewolf.
15:26 And this is a dungeon you do need to clear the entire way, so you know. It's just always double check what's lying on the ground.
15:38 Now I just need to find the stupid cleric.
15:43 Jump cut!
15:47 Okay, so yeah, I'm not gonna give you locations of the special scrolls just because you... think of this as some tough love.
15:58 You need to clear this entire dungeon. You just do. Everything is hidden in this dungeon. You're going to go into every single room. And the special scroll up there is a little bit difficult to see, but I mean just turn off the text and you'll see if there's something there.
16:18 Take everything off the ground. Now the cleric bones, I am marking those because unlike the scrolls, the bones don't show up.
16:27 So those are the cleric bones. I save. Now I'm going to see if... I keep forgetting if a regular...
16:37 See there's Atonement. Special scroll, remove curse.
16:50 Oh, come on. Where is the...
16:54 Oh god, is... do I not have a... did I not bring a resurrection spell with me?
17:02 This is going to be a terrible jump cut.
17:06 It's going to take me forever.
17:09 Oh, there we go.
17:27 Now this may be interesting.
17:32 Oh, I'm going to have so much fun doing this.
17:36 So yeah, you are witnessing me having a complete and total failure of preparation.
17:50 I am apparently not Batman. I am not always ready and I am not always prepared.
17:58 All right, so prepare for the quickest jump cut ever.
18:07 The longest one for me. See you in a few seconds.
18:12 All right, all right, all right. Jump cut.
18:15 So what does he say? He says, "Here he lies. Yes, it must be the young priest of the old one mentioned.
18:22 There must be a way to put flesh back on those young bones. Ah, how valuable it would be to hear him speak."
18:27 So, they only say this if you actually bring the cleric's spell of Razed Dead with you.
18:37 Oh, and one of... I don't know if a normal cure disease... oh god, this is terrible.
18:45 I'm going to have a real hard time. I may have to look up a hint book.
18:48 I don't like having to look up a hint book. I like trying to see if I can remember things when I play them.
18:57 But the thing is, the cure disease spell is almost always...
19:16 I just don't know if the cure disease spell is just any cure disease spell, or if they want a special cure disease spell.
19:27 I think... see, all the cure disease spells are, wait, .05.
19:39 I seem to remember that they might have been a different weight, but I don't think so.
19:49 So, let's go ahead and raise this guy, and I'll mute myself, and see if it works.
19:58 Let me go ahead and save.
20:10 Don't mute me.
20:29 (music)
20:49 (music)
21:03 Well, I was a fool. I absolutely do need to go to the cemetery first. I can't raise the cleric yet.
21:12 And the special scroll of cure disease is on the first floor.
21:19 I somehow missed it.
21:23 And I have no idea where it is.
21:28 So, I'm going to look around.
21:34 You know, one time it didn't spawn for me, and the werewolf quest got bugged.
21:42 I'm afraid that happened again. I had to use a hack in order to repopulate the stupid scroll, and put it in my inventory.
21:54 Oh, it sucked.
21:57 Let's see, there is no missing item here.
22:04 Well, I'm going to jump cut to the cemetery, unless I can find stuff.
22:18 Here it is. Oh, I'm such a fool.
22:23 The little thing that gives me access to the back.
22:29 There we go.
22:31 Oh, got to kill these guys.
22:34 (music)
22:49 (music)
23:09 (music)
23:29 (music)
23:49 (music)
24:09 (music)
24:29 (music)
24:43 Alright, that was, I knew I was missing those secret buttons.
24:49 Oh, and it's 30 minutes in.
24:52 So, let me double check and make sure I can't raise the cleric, and give me one quick jump cut.
25:00 Jump cut!
25:02 Yeah, I thought so. I have to get the Rod of Rebirth.
25:06 I didn't know what it was called, I just wanted to make sure I didn't have the rod on me right now.
25:11 That was the Rod of Smiting that I got. I got confused on that before.
25:15 So, yeah, I don't need all of these raised dead scrolls.
25:22 And I'm going to dump them, because they are useless.
25:27 Negative Plane Protection is actually kind of good, if you're going to get hit by wights.
25:33 But, I like to save all the Negative Plane Protection until I'm in the castle.
25:40 So, there we go.
25:45 Got our potions, got everything ready.
25:50 And, next time, for the next episode, we'll begin right at the cemetery. How about that?
25:59 (music)
26:02 And, this looks like some fun.
26:07 Oh, look, I can actually store stuff in here.
26:11 I'm going to store bags in here.
26:14 Free up some... Oh, I can't store... I can store bags in here, but I can't store boxes.
26:21 And, the sword is nonsense.
26:25 Chainmail is nonsense.
26:28 Alright, let's see here.
26:30 Evil artifacts.
26:32 Destruction of the catalog.
26:36 Put the catalog in here, too.
26:39 And, uh, Mage's Journal.
26:42 There we go.
26:45 And, that's what we got.
26:48 Oh, you know what? Maybe I should... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
26:52 Where's his throwing knife?
26:55 (gasp) His dagger disappeared.
26:59 (gasp)
27:02 My dagger.
27:04 So, yeah, I'm going to go ahead and find my dagger again.
27:08 And, uh...
27:11 Wherever my freaking dagger vanished off to.
27:16 You know, that dagger doesn't always return, and it should.
27:22 Uh, so, yeah, okay, that kind of...
27:26 Yeah, I need to find my dagger.
27:31 That dagger is, like, incredibly valuable.
27:36 I need that dagger.
27:38 So, yeah, I'm going to jump cut, and I'm going to get my dagger back.
27:42 Because you absolutely need it for Castle Ravenloft.
27:46 Don't forget to like, comment, share, subscribe, and click the little bell if you're on YouTube.
27:53 And, for those of you on Twitch, I'm going to go ahead and take a short break.
27:58 Run, uh...
28:01 Run, uh, ads, and, uh...
28:05 Yeah, find my dagger.
28:09 Take care. Love y'all. Bye.
28:13 [wind howling]
28:20 [ominous music]
28:24 [ominous music]
28:38 [ominous music]