Puppy Tucks Themself Into Pillow and Surprises Owner

  • last year
This person freaked out when they lifted a cushion and realized something was off. After learning that Tucker, their dog, had snuggled into the cushion through an open zipper, they eventually had to spend minutes pulling Tucker out of the pillow.
00:00 I just had an all-out heart attack when I picked up my pillow from the floor and it was very heavy
00:07 Come on
00:09 Come out
00:11 Senor
00:15 Come on
00:17 Can you believe this?
00:22 Tuckerson get out
00:24 Come on
00:26 Tucker Jones
00:29 Get out
00:31 That is not a bed for you get out, please
00:41 Silly boy, it's not a bed for you
00:50 Thank you!
