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Pamela Anderson accuse un célèbre acteur américain de s'être exhibé devant elle pendant un tournage

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00:00 This scandalous statement is one of the many that can be discovered in her memoirs entitled
00:12 Love, Pamela appearing on January 31.
00:16 The book traces the trajectory of the actress of her childhood on the island of Vancouver
00:23 in Canada on the ramp fire in Hollywood.
00:27 It was in 1989 that the fate of Pamela Anderson the charming blonde landed in the United
00:35 States, on her Canadian island of Vancouver, knows a turning point.
00:38 First noticed for photoshoots in the pages of the magazine Playboy, Pamela Anderson is
00:47 asked to put on the famous red bath jacket from the cult series Alert to Maribu.
00:54 On the screen, the sculptural blonde puts the general public on the edge of apoplexy and
01:00 quickly accesses the celebrity.
01:02 The latter is accrued in 1995 due to the escape of her sextape with her husband Tommy Lee.
01:13 A traumatic episode for the actress who evokes it obviously in her memoirs Love, Pamela
01:19 appear on January 31.
01:22 But this memory is not the only one, sulfurous, reported in this work.
01:28 According to Veriety, who stopped getting the right sheets of the book, the actress
01:36 also remembers a memory from 1991 on the series known in France under the name of
01:42 Papa Bricole, the actress was then 23 years old.
01:48 In this series, one of the most cult of the 90s, she plays Lisa, the girl with the tools.
01:55 The star of Papa Bricole refutes the accusations of Pamela Anderson as much to say that her
02:02 statements about the comedian and comedian Tim Allen hero of the series and personality
02:07 ultra popular in the United States, should make noise.
02:12 Because Brandon's mother Ellie accuses the actor of behavior at least inappropriate.
02:18 "The first day of the shoot, I left my lodge and Tim was in the corridor in a
02:25 bathrobe.
02:26 He opened his bathrobe and he stopped exhibiting very quickly, completely naked underneath.
02:33 He said it was only justice, because he had already seen me naked.
02:43 Now, we are who he told you.
02:48 I laugh, but I was uncomfortable "she says.
02:54 Words that suggest that Tim Allen was heavily alluding to nude photos of the starlet
03:00 taken for Playboy and to justify an indecent behavior.
03:03 Interrogated by Variety, the comedian today aged 69, refuted the words of his former
03:12 partner.
03:13 "No, it never happened.
03:19 I would never do such a thing "he said.
03:25 The memories of that time, obviously, diverge.
03:31 "I was a little bit nervous," he said. "I was nervous about the whole thing, but I was also nervous about the whole thing
03:47 "
04:03 The starlet was seen in the bathroom, and Tim Allen was seen in the corridor.
04:18 .
04:25 (upbeat music)
