For 7 years, a family tries to establish a camping site of luxury on a desolate wilderness acreage in the Okanagan basin. Will they succeed? Retrace their attempts for a retirement home in 5 years, 63 entries of this logbook...
*Release of a reboot/sequel is legally blocked until 2028. After that, it is unknown.
* A DVD release was made as a Christmas present for December 7, 2022. All 63 entries digitally remastered.
*The only successive series is a project known as "The Next Chapter", which is an undocumented practice to just vacation at the hill with no event. It is successful since 2023 and further past the duration of this log.
*Release of a reboot/sequel is legally blocked until 2028. After that, it is unknown.
* A DVD release was made as a Christmas present for December 7, 2022. All 63 entries digitally remastered.
*The only successive series is a project known as "The Next Chapter", which is an undocumented practice to just vacation at the hill with no event. It is successful since 2023 and further past the duration of this log.