Scrummage refereeing frustrates Ireland in World Cup quarter-final exit

  • last year
Coach Andy Farrell is frustrated by officiating as the favourites lose 28-24
00:00 It was a fantastic game to be part of and probably fitting of a final etc.
00:06 Scrum was part of the equation 100% and we'll get the answers you know.
00:13 Andrew 100% was very frustrated with what was going on out there so
00:21 we don't want to be bitter losers, we want to hold our head up high and
00:26 do it the right way. They didn't have to work as hard for their tries you know we
00:33 gave is almost a good sucker punched a couple of times I'm not taking anything
00:36 away from them they're a quality team and but the way we had to work for our
00:40 scores and to sort of have I suppose the upper hand and a lot of parts of the
00:46 game and then to concede you know the try that we did at the second half but
00:49 then to fight back again was just shows the character of the of the team they're
00:54 They're an incredible bunch, Rady.
