• last year


00:00 About a number of women who were close to him,
00:02 Nolmi Saskia, Rita Tila, Tisha Erni,
00:05 and even Baby Shima were the hot topic of public discussion
00:08 before Sule became a wife of Natali Holscher.
00:11 The issue of the two of them also emerged
00:12 if the public found this beautiful feature
00:14 to be a comedian's close relationship just for the sake of his career.
00:18 Ebu Besar became a real man
00:23 after a lot of pain and experience
00:24 that was faced by Sule in the matter of Asmara,
00:27 his marriage, and even knowing the characteristics of every woman.
00:30 But he was still a father
00:33 who would always be a child's shield
00:36 even though the pain would be a blessing.
00:39 I agree with you, Sule.
00:42 You should find a partner
00:44 who you can talk to if there's a problem.
00:46 But Sule, the sentence is incomplete.
00:48 What is it?
00:49 If there's a problem, you should talk to them directly.
00:52 Not on social media.
00:53 You should do that.
00:54 I totally agree.
00:56 That's why it's easy to move on.
00:58 But if you're with us, it's not easy to move on.
01:01 Don't do that.
01:02 On Insert this morning, as usual,
01:04 we've prepared a lot of information
01:06 that is definitely about celebrity information.
01:11 There is.
01:11 The viral information.
01:12 There is.
01:13 The handsome one.
01:14 All of them.
01:14 The pretty one.
01:15 There's everything.
01:16 And this morning, I'm Jaislyn Lim.
01:17 And I'm Indra Herlambang.
01:19 The next topic is a documentary
01:23 that made Indonesia talk about a long-standing case.
01:27 Yes.
01:28 This is about iSchool.
01:29 You know, right?
01:30 The Co-Officiant.
01:32 It's said that Jessica Wong Soong's team
01:34 is planning to investigate again.
01:37 They're preparing some more evidence
01:40 to reopen this case.
01:42 Is it possible to do that?
01:44 And if anyone asks,
01:45 what is Jessica's condition right now
01:46 when she's in the detention center?
01:48 It turns out that she's doing well
01:50 because there are a lot of activities
01:51 that she's doing while in prison.
01:53 What is it like?
01:55 Let's see.
01:56 Here it is.
01:57 Jessica Wong Soong's case
02:01 that was allegedly killed by a drug dealer
02:03 through a coffee filled with cyanide
02:05 is now a hot topic.
02:07 The appearance of iSchool documentary
02:08 a few days ago
02:09 brought back public memories
02:11 about the struggle of Oto Hasibuan and his friends
02:14 when Jessica was in court.
02:16 From the beginning, she was hated by the whole of Indonesia.
02:18 Jessica showed sympathy.
02:20 After 7 years in prison,
02:22 she's now behind bars.
02:23 The appearance of iSchool documentary
02:25 made the legal team think
02:27 about investigating again.
02:29 On Friday,
02:32 at 2 o'clock, I met Jessica.
02:34 Because there was a discussion
02:36 about legal consultation
02:39 about our plan to go to the court.
02:42 We will make a proposal
02:44 about our plan to go to the court.
02:46 But now we're preparing.
02:49 To proceed with the investigation,
02:52 the legal team of Jessica
02:54 certainly has a well-planned plan.
02:56 As a professional in the legal field,
02:58 proceeding without a weapon
02:59 is the same as committing suicide.
03:01 Therefore, they need a well-prepared
03:04 before finally going to court
03:06 and proceeding with the investigation.
03:08 Actually, I can tell you more,
03:13 but not everything can be told.
03:16 Because I have to prove something
03:19 that I know.
03:21 I know that there is a lack of evidence,
03:23 but I know it happened.
03:25 There should be new evidence, right?
03:27 Of course, if there is no new evidence,
03:29 how can it be?
03:31 We have to use a new evidence,
03:33 which is called NOVUM.
03:35 We will do that later.
03:37 Can we discredit you?
03:39 No.
03:41 How many evidences do you have?
03:43 Later.
03:45 We can't discredit you yet.
03:47 We will open it later
03:49 when we are conducting a trial.
03:52 There are already some.
03:54 There are.
03:56 Maybe there are more
03:58 that will appear.
04:00 There are many that we have.
04:04 That's it.
04:06 So now we're in the process of preparing?
04:08 Just preparing.
04:10 We will arrange it.
04:13 [The trial is on]
04:15 It is not certain when the investigation will be resumed
04:18 by the legal authorities.
04:20 Clearly, for now,
04:22 they are still looking for evidence that will release
04:24 or at least ease Jessica's 20-year burden in prison.
04:28 Therefore, from the events that resurfaced
04:31 when the Ice Cold documentary appeared,
04:33 the interview of Mirna's father, Edi Salihin,
04:35 related to the CCTV on Karni Ilyas' channel,
04:37 clearly raises many public questions.
04:40 If the CCTV was not shown during the trial,
04:43 why was the important evidence kept?
04:45 Was Mirna's father sure at that time
04:47 about the end of the trial that took a long time?
04:51 His left hand.
04:54 It has never been released.
04:56 [The hand has never been released]
04:58 Why didn't we release him during the trial?
05:04 We don't want him to be sentenced to death.
05:06 Let him be tortured.
05:08 If possible, he should be sentenced to life.
05:10 That's what I mean.
05:11 Why wasn't the evidence released?
05:13 It should have been released during the P21 trial.
05:17 It should have been stated in detail.
05:19 The second stage,
05:20 the presentation of evidence and the suspect.
05:23 Yes.
05:24 It should have been handed over to the law enforcement.
05:26 The evidence.
05:27 But now, why is there no evidence?
05:30 What are you going to do?
05:32 Is the evidence from yesterday
05:34 valid or not?
05:35 Now, you want to add more?
05:37 Yes.
05:38 That's what we want to ask.
05:41 And it's being discussed.
05:43 About his hand.
05:46 What if his hand is just like that?
05:49 What if there's something that he dropped?
05:52 From which side?
05:55 It's not visible.
05:56 That's the evidence.
05:58 Why didn't you release the evidence?
06:01 Because it was presented again.
06:06 I don't know what he meant.
06:09 I forgot to remember.
06:10 But we didn't use any reason.
06:12 We didn't...
06:14 I don't remember.
06:16 But this is not included in the analysis by the forensic experts.
06:20 That's why we didn't use it.
06:22 If we say there's something wrong,
06:26 it's clear that what happened recently
06:28 is because Jessica's case needs more explanation.
06:30 It needs evidence that can ensure the public
06:33 that Jessica is the real culprit.
06:35 Because it's not only in the public.
06:37 There are also social media that keep spreading the word
06:39 that Jessica Wongso is guilty.
06:41 Is Jessica really innocent?
06:43 And what about the judge's decision 7 years ago?
06:47 I felt how she felt.
06:51 Why did I say she was guilty?
06:54 She was on vacation.
06:56 But the problem became a legal problem.
06:58 It became a criminal case.
07:01 And she didn't feel guilty.
07:03 I thought, "Why did she feel guilty?"
07:05 "I can sit here and communicate."
07:09 "I can go anywhere."
07:11 "She wants to be like me."
07:13 "But she can't."
07:15 Because she was accused of being a drug addict.
07:20 And she never committed the crime.
07:23 And it was never proven in the trial.
07:26 So, when I saw Jessica,
07:28 I was like, "What should I do?"
07:30 I cried.
07:32 I was like, "We only have one chance."
07:34 "There's no other chance."
07:36 "There's only one chance."
07:38 "There's a criminal case."
07:40 Jessica didn't want to take the case.
07:44 She didn't want to take the case.
07:46 Because it was an admission.
07:49 Jessica never admitted it.
07:51 She didn't do it.
07:53 7 years is not a short time.
07:58 There are still 13 years left
08:00 for Jessica Wong So to be released.
08:02 If she goes to jail at the age of 28,
08:05 Jessica will be a parent
08:07 when she is released.
08:09 If she is released at the age of 28,
08:12 Jessica will be released at the age of 48.
08:16 She will be unproductive in her job
08:19 and family.
08:21 Therefore, when she visited the court,
08:23 she admitted that she enjoyed her days in jail.
08:26 There were activities and routines
08:28 that made her comfortable for a while.
08:30 We can't see her room.
08:34 We can't.
08:35 What do you think about her situation?
08:38 Her situation is different from our room
08:40 and her room at home.
08:42 It's different.
08:43 She is a criminal.
08:46 She was sentenced.
08:48 But she is a human.
08:50 So, it means that
08:55 Jessica is in jail with 5 people.
09:01 But that's just her words.
09:03 I don't know.
09:05 But I feel that Jessica is safe there.
09:10 Because she has activities.
09:12 Because she is a civil servant
09:14 who is directed by the officers of the police.
09:18 But a question is here by itself.
09:24 If the investigation is resumed
09:26 and Jessica's last decision is released,
09:28 will there be a new suspect
09:30 who will be arrested for replacing Jessica's empty room at the Prodeo Hotel?
09:33 Will the law enforcement officers look for the intruder
09:35 and the suspect who has arrested the client?
09:38 I don't know.
09:42 The suspect or I don't know, that's the investigator.
09:45 The investigator will know later.
09:47 I'm not looking for a suspect.
09:49 I only have one client, Jessica.
09:51 Jessica is our family.
09:53 We never left Jessica.
09:56 If I say that, I feel sad and cry.
09:58 I cry when I see Jessica.
10:02 We are like this.
10:03 We are like this.
10:04 Jessica is inside.
10:05 She is reading a book.
10:06 She is sleepy.
10:07 Ouch.
10:08 My heart is broken.
10:12 99.9% Jessica is not guilty.
10:16 So, I can conclude that
10:18 0.01% is a conspiracy to blame her.
10:22 It's possible.
10:23 It's possible.
10:24 It's possible.
10:25 It's possible.
10:26 I hope Jessica,
10:29 this victim,
10:31 I pray to God,
10:35 with Jessica's belief,
10:37 with the belief of our team leader, Oto Sibuan,
10:42 Mr. Oto often gives advice.
10:45 I hope, and other friends too,
10:47 Jessica is strong, healthy, and gets out of here soon.
10:51 We hope, and other friends too,
10:53 Jessica is strong, healthy, and gets out of here soon.
10:56 We, as ordinary people,
11:00 who follow the case of Coppice Yanida,
11:02 which was done by Jessica Wongso,
11:03 and has been judged 7 years ago,
11:06 there are still many unanswered questions.
11:09 Even after 7 years,
11:11 Indonesian people are divided into two.
11:13 Two tribes.
11:14 Some support Jessica Wongso.
11:16 Now, some support Mr. Edi Darnawan,
11:19 who is the father of Mirna.
11:21 We don't know the answer yet.
11:22 What is the last one?
11:23 Because the plan for the investigation itself is not easy.
11:25 The mechanism must be gathered very strong evidence.
11:27 And the legal team is trying to do that.
11:30 We'll see what the next step is.
11:32 We move on to the next news,
11:33 about a child of a legendary musician,
11:37 who apparently, when he was selected as a musician,
11:40 felt confused.
11:41 Does he need to include his father's name behind his name?
11:44 He's not confident.
11:45 He's afraid that he might be a scapegoat.
11:47 That's him.
11:48 But, actually,
11:49 if we have a very big name,
11:53 it can be two things.
11:55 Either it makes it easier for you to have a career,
11:57 or another thing is,
11:59 "Can I be as good as my father?"
12:01 That's it.
12:02 We'll see how Mr. Syakrisya's journey,
12:05 who is currently trying to enter the world of music,
12:08 is like.
12:09 Stay tuned on Insert Pagi.
12:12 [Music]
12:20 [Music]
12:25 From one hotel room,
12:27 to another one,
12:30 this is the game changer seat.
12:32 Fly Emirates.
12:35 Fly better.
12:40 [Music]
13:02 Pan 12 Pan.
13:05 [Music]
13:11 Celebrate the journey of life that is proud.
13:14 Every moment and achievement to get to this point.
13:19 Yamaha NMAX 155.
13:22 Live the Pride.
13:23 Moving forward in the world.
13:27 Challenge.
13:28 Believed to be an official sponsor.
13:30 Gresini Racing MotoGP 2023.
13:34 If it's windy, I drink the wind.
13:37 WCWS 12 winds.
13:39 The struggle of this week's lovers.
13:42 You're so mean to me, Akbar.
13:44 You're wrong, Om.
13:45 His intention to return,
13:46 filled with hands and tears.
13:48 Akbar.
13:49 Can the girl find the love that has long been lost?
13:55 No, I'm in love with you.
13:57 I want to be with you.
13:59 I want to be with you.
14:00 Find the answer on Balikan.
14:02 Sunday, October 15th, at 4 PM.
14:05 On TransTV.
14:07 [Music]
14:09 Is he protected?
14:11 Since he was one year old,
14:13 he has been protected by Denkau.
14:16 Now, with more content.
14:20 Still, the price.
14:22 That's a vacuum cleaner.
14:25 It's the same as a self-cleaning machine.
14:27 Yes, the ingredients are the same.
14:30 The process is the same.
14:31 Wow, yes.
14:32 The dose is measured.
14:34 It's not salty anymore.
14:35 It's delicious, like a self-cleaning machine.
14:38 As delicious as a self-cleaning machine.
14:40 New Clear.
14:41 Anti-sting shampoo with the best technology.
14:44 With 10 times the strength of super vitamin.
14:47 Wipe out the wet and dry stings.
14:50 No more stinging worries.
14:52 New Clear.
14:54 Prove it now.
14:55 ABC Clefon Coffee.
14:56 New and sensational.
14:58 Coffee mixed with savory coconut,
15:00 sweet of palm sugar and the aroma of pandan.
15:01 Practical, use it right away when it's cold.
15:03 New ABC Clefon Coffee.
15:06 The taste of the country.
15:08 Usually, toothpaste is not good and makes you feel sick.
15:13 Now, we use Barakat's new toothpaste.
15:15 The contents of the toothpaste plus the green tea
15:17 makes the teeth feel more comfortable, clean and fresh.
15:20 Strong teeth also change after one brush.
15:22 Baru Barakat.
15:23 Healthy teeth, trust Barakat.
15:25 Aqua believes in wisdom and natural miracles.
15:28 Aqua comes from the chosen mountains,
15:31 not a place that is easily polluted.
15:33 Aqua is pulled by layers of protective rocks
15:36 without the recycling process.
15:38 Aqua contains natural minerals without dangerous additives.
15:43 So Aqua feels cold without being cooled.
15:48 Explain, if not all the water is Aqua?
15:53 Aqua 100% pure.
15:55 Hi, Leodra.
15:56 Hi, Kalpa.
15:57 Your coconut is so crunchy.
15:59 The chocolate is thick.
16:01 The coconut is savory.
16:03 That's right.
16:05 The coconut chocolate is one.
16:07 It's delicious.
16:09 Kalpa.
16:10 Assalamualaikum.
16:13 Hi, beautiful Sabah.
16:14 Richis and Cindy shop for cooking ingredients in the market.
16:17 What are their shopping?
16:19 In Sabah, beautiful people must be able to play various roles.
16:22 It's not a trick if you can't get the crew to drink jamu.
16:26 It's really delicious.
16:28 If you have a fish cooking business,
16:30 can you guess who is the best?
16:32 This is really delicious. Who wants to try?
16:34 Sahabat Cantik, Sunday, October 15th, at 9 am on TransTV.
16:39 I want noodles.
16:41 No problem.
16:42 There are oven noodles, the choice is healthier.
16:45 The product is in the oven, not fried.
16:47 The noodles are full, the taste is better.
16:52 Delicious.
16:53 In the oven, healthy.
16:54 Delicious.
16:55 Move, join Sprite Cheat The Heat promo.
16:58 Win Vespa and other cheat prizes.
17:01 Look, it's easy.
17:04 The winner is announced every week.
17:06 Join the competition.
17:08 Move, just chill.
17:09 This exercise is not afraid of sweating in the clothes.
17:11 I'm not worried about sweating in the clothes.
17:13 We use Sofim Fuwangi Active Sport.
17:15 New, quick absorb sweat, clothes stay dry.
17:18 Protect the clothes from bad smell.
17:19 The clothes stay fresh. Sofim Fuwangi Active Sport.
17:21 Free from smell, sweat in the clothes.
17:23 No way.
17:24 WinScare, finally both of us.
17:26 It's like a tree.
17:27 Use this.
17:28 Emerald Lovely Naturals Intense Moisturizing.
17:30 With honey, avocado oil, vitamin E and B5.
17:33 The skin becomes moist and soft.
17:35 Extra soft for your skin.
17:37 Emerald Lovely Naturals Intense Moisturizing.
17:39 That means I'm with you, right?
17:45 Who do we meet?
17:46 They, Sher.
17:47 Yes, you.
17:49 Buy Oreo Waffle, scan and check the method on Instagram.
17:52 Let's go.
17:53 Welcome, please.
17:55 Is there a time for headache?
17:59 Panadol Extra, quick relieve headache and fear of disturbing.
18:05 Panadol Extra, quick relieve headache, can be drunk before eating.
18:09 Well, it's not fit.
18:11 Just point it.
18:13 Only 7-spice from Pucuk Tai Pilihan.
18:17 Keep your spirit to face the challenge.
18:21 Make your day more exciting.
18:23 Pucuk Harum Tea.
18:24 Collagen production has decreased for 25 years.
18:28 Why should you wait?
18:29 Use Pond's Age Miracle now.
18:31 With Revyn Olsi, smooth line.
18:33 Mia Sinemai, black node line.
18:36 Skin looks younger, shine.
18:38 Pond's Age Miracle.
18:39 This week, Dr. Miko Saputra and Dr. Adit Duwitama
18:45 will travel in Bogor, West Java.
18:48 Start from hiking to waterfall,
18:51 tasting fruits along the trekking trail,
18:54 enjoying the fun of the activity,
18:56 to make Bogor's special food.
18:58 And of course, they will also share useful health information.
19:03 Dr. Traveler, Sunday, 15 October, at 9.30 am on TransTV.
19:10 [Music]
19:14 [Music]
19:18 [Music]
19:22 [Music]
19:25 [Music]
19:31 [Music]
19:37 [Music]
19:43 [Music]
19:49 [Music]
19:52 The talent of Maestro Christian in making music and lyrics
19:58 into a beautiful song to be heard,
20:00 is indeed undoubted.
20:02 He is even said to be one of the legends of music in Indonesia
20:05 whose works are still heard a lot until now.
20:08 But who would have thought,
20:09 when Maestro returned to the creator,
20:12 there was a bitter reality that had to be experienced by the child of the legend of music.
20:16 Behind the great name of Sang Ayah,
20:18 the name of Pak Syakris Mansyah,
20:20 a Christian boy who fights to dominate the world of music,
20:22 follows the footsteps of Sang Ayah's career.
20:24 At that time, it was not because of difficult conditions,
20:30 because there was no choice at all.
20:33 I told you that I was suspended from my job,
20:40 I was looking for a job.
20:41 At that time, everything was difficult,
20:42 because during the pandemic, there was no job.
20:48 So at that time, there was no other choice,
20:50 the only activity was to make music.
20:55 So at that time, I really felt directed.
20:59 "Your way is here."
21:01 I felt directed by the Almighty.
21:04 "Your way is here."
21:07 Now I can see that.
21:10 I was really directed.
21:12 If I make a song, I learn it myself.
21:15 I learn from listening to the songs I like.
21:20 I collect the chords.
21:22 "Oh, like this, like that."
21:24 Or maybe I already have my own sense since I was a child.
21:28 Maybe, maybe.
21:30 If the genre, I'm more into pop rock.
21:33 If anything, I'm more into sweet pop,
21:36 slow pop.
21:38 I'm more into pop rock.
21:41 Pasha once traveled around the world to work.
21:46 Everything went well.
21:48 But when the pandemic attacked, he admitted that it was difficult to survive.
21:52 He even admitted that he got the most meaningful life lessons at that time.
21:56 In the midst of the difficulties, he was grateful to get inspiration to enter the world of music,
22:00 continue his career as a father.
22:02 Now he is working with one of the famous labels in the music industry of Indonesia.
22:08 I was in charge of my father's royalties.
22:12 And it wasn't much, so I saved it.
22:17 So I learned to live.
22:19 I was really stingy.
22:21 I mean, I ate...
22:24 I ate...
22:27 So it was like...
22:29 How to say...
22:31 I was really stingy with food.
22:34 I spent my days cooking.
22:37 I really learned to live at that time.
22:41 To dare to work in the music world,
22:46 whether you want it or not, you have to accept it if your father's name is big enough to imagine the steps.
22:51 His heavy crushes certainly made the legendary music work as a benchmark for Pasha's work.
22:57 Although the father of the child adopted a different music genre.
23:02 The burden of the name of my father's big name is...
23:07 Actually, I created my own fear.
23:11 Now I can see it as an advantage.
23:15 But the first time, last year, I released my single "Bidadari".
23:20 I was still really scared.
23:23 With my father's big name.
23:25 So I was afraid that his fans wouldn't like it or not satisfied.
23:31 I was afraid of that.
23:33 But now, I just be myself.
23:37 And I trust myself more now.
23:40 After deciding to continue his father's career in the music industry,
23:47 Pasha also started to talk to some of his senior musicians
23:51 to exchange their thoughts and experiences.
23:53 One of them is Ryan DeMassive.
23:59 Of course, I will be associated with him.
24:01 Because he's my son.
24:03 I will always be associated with him.
24:06 And I realized that...
24:08 I didn't want to be associated with him.
24:12 In the first time, the stage name I chose was Pasha.
24:19 I didn't want to be associated with him.
24:22 Because people don't really care about the name.
24:26 So I chose Pasha.
24:36 But my mentor, who I like to talk to, Ryan DeMassive,
24:42 he advised me.
24:44 He said, "You have to use the name Pasha.
24:50 You have to carry his legacy.
24:53 And now you're continuing his career.
24:55 So you have to use his name.
24:58 Because he advised me.
25:00 Ryan DeMassive is not far from his dream.
25:04 He had worked in several professions.
25:06 But in the end, he went to the music industry.
25:09 To continue his father's career.
25:11 So, how will be the continuation of Pasha's career in the music industry?
25:15 Let's see, Pamirsa.
25:22 Actually, whether you use your father's name or not,
25:25 as long as you release a music product that can be loved by Indonesian people,
25:32 it's okay.
25:34 The important thing is to be comfortable.
25:36 Don't be uncomfortable with using your father's name.
25:39 Anyway, your father's name is a big name in Indonesia.
25:44 I remember when we bought the album.
25:47 The song was legendary.
25:49 Until now, everyone still remembers the songs of Almarhum Kresha.
25:53 For you, I wish you success in the music industry.
25:56 And be careful.
25:57 Because now, there are many problems in the music industry.
26:01 Especially between bands.
26:03 Vocalists or band personnel who may have a misunderstanding.
26:07 There's another incident with NAMM.
26:09 That's right.
26:10 He said he just released Soma.
26:12 Actually, they used to be friends.
26:16 They used to work together.
26:18 But this is a very important reason for Adi to release Soma.
26:23 He said his son loves music.
26:26 So, if the songs he made before can be released to his son,
26:31 it's like that.
26:32 We want to see what the case is like.
26:34 Stay tuned on Insert Pagi.
26:46 Thank you for watching.
26:49 From one hotel room to another one.
26:54 This is the game changer seat.
26:56 Fly Emirates.
26:59 Fly better.
27:00 Fly Emirates.
27:01 Fly better.
27:02 Fly better.
27:04 Pan 12 Pan.
27:06 Pan 12 Pan.
27:31 Next episode.
27:36 Don't forget to drink Yakult.
27:37 I take care of my family with love.
27:39 Don't forget Yakult, okay, Dad?
27:41 Like the good bacteria in Yakult, it protects your intestines.
27:45 Love your intestines.
27:47 Drink Yakult every day.
27:50 Kopiko Extra Besar.
27:52 The coffee is better.
27:58 It's delicious.
28:01 It's endless.
28:04 Kopiko.
28:06 Jajanan Bango Festival is back.
28:09 Bango soy sauce with high quality natural ingredients.
28:12 Bring up a million flavors.
28:14 Through the aroma of the delicious roasted liver of the heart.
28:18 The savory taste of the aceh noodles.
28:23 And the pleasure of the lady Eddie's slurping.
28:27 That tempts the taste.
28:29 Come to the Bangu Festival Festival in Makassar and Jakarta.
28:34 Because the taste never lies.
28:37 Welcome to Bercanda Berita Kocak.
28:40 For you, special appearance of Boris Bokir and Indra Jegel on television.
28:45 The weather in Surabaya.
28:47 Bringing various news with a sense of comedy.
28:49 Rain drops on the fence.
28:52 The water falls unexpectedly.
28:54 We see everything only on Bercanda.
28:57 Berita Kocak for you.
28:58 Bercanda, available every Saturday and Sunday at half past six in TransTV.
29:05 Sarimi.
29:07 New Sarimi, price Rp 2,500.
29:09 You must try it.
29:10 Sarimi with beef.
29:11 It's savory.
29:12 It's hot.
29:13 The crispy chicken Sarimi.
29:14 It's full of crunch.
29:16 Sarimi, new.
29:17 Price Rp 2,500.
29:18 The taste is always tempting.
29:20 ABC Klepon coffee.
29:22 A new sensation that's too luxurious.
29:24 Coffee mixed with savory coconut.
29:26 Sweetness of palm sugar and the aroma of pandan.
29:28 It's practical. You can use it directly when it's cold.
29:30 New ABC Klepon coffee.
29:32 The taste is always tempting.
29:34 I'm always asked to be extra fast, extra ready.
29:39 When my head hurts, I'm always ready for extra Bodrex.
29:43 Immediately reduce the headache.
29:45 Bodrex Extra, my best.
29:49 Maria with Mega 2023 is here with the winners.
29:55 Mega invites the winners to Hong Kong and Macau.
29:59 I'm so surprised.
30:01 Because I've never won in my life.
30:03 I'm surprised.
30:04 It's my first time going to Hong Kong and Macau.
30:06 I can have a duet holiday.
30:08 It's like a honeymoon.
30:09 So, save up at Mega Bank.
30:11 Get prizes around the world.
30:13 Free to choose your destination.
30:15 Only Mega Bank can make you smile.
30:18 I always choose SGM Explore.
30:23 Because the only one with Iron Sea.
30:25 Support my child to grow to the maximum.
30:29 I'm here.
30:30 Come, I'm here.
30:32 Wow, cool.
30:33 SGM Explore.
30:35 Just fill your stomach, it's empty again.
30:38 Tiki-tiki, hungry.
30:40 Just ate, but still hungry.
30:43 Tiki-tiki, hungry.
30:44 Sarigandum.
30:45 With white rice and chocolate cream, make you full longer.
30:48 Sarigandum.
30:49 As delicious as it is.
30:51 This, that.
30:52 Shampoo that fights tickling, or shampoo that fights stiff hair?
30:56 I want both.
30:57 Complete package, new.
30:59 Shampoo that fights tickling, with Provitamin.
31:01 Fight tickling and stiff hair.
31:04 Complete.
31:05 I love what I do.
31:08 With Royal Perfume Series by Soclin.
31:11 Inspired by world celebrity perfumes.
31:14 The perfume's fragrance is unbeatable.
31:18 Because it has a high concentration.
31:21 Royal Active Touch spreads its fragrance on every touch.
31:27 The fragrance lasts all day.
31:30 With Royal Perfume Series by Soclin, I win my world.
31:35 Windscare.
31:36 Wow, there's a new one.
31:37 Besides brightening, it makes your skin lighter.
31:40 Vice Luminous White Brightening Cream.
31:42 Eight times lighter skin, with a clear, luminous look.
31:45 SPF 36 PA++.
31:48 Love my Vice Cream.
31:50 Dive.
31:51 Hey yo, beautiful.
31:52 Ah, hot.
31:53 Wow.
31:54 Wow.
31:55 Ah, hot.
31:57 Ah, hot.
31:58 Ah, hot.
31:59 Ah, hot.
32:00 Ah, hot.
32:01 Ah, hot.
32:02 Ah, hot.
32:03 Ah, hot.
32:04 Ah, hot.
32:05 Are you sure you're clean after washing your face?
32:08 Use Garnier's No. 1 Water Mist.
32:10 With a missile like a magnet, 99% makeup, even dirt that doesn't show, is transparent.
32:16 Stay soft without feeling tight.
32:18 Use Garnier's Water Mist.
32:20 From Garnier.
32:21 You want to talk business?
32:27 Meet me in the onboard lounge.
32:29 Big discounts up to 50% at Transmart Full Day Sale.
32:35 Plus additional 20% discount with Aloe Prime, Mega Credit Card or Mega Sharia Bank.
32:41 Start from daily necessities, fresh products, household appliances, department store products, and electronics.
32:49 Buy now, pay later.
32:52 Today, start from the store until 10 PM.
32:56 At Transmart all over Indonesia.
32:58 [Music]
33:23 At this time, the reporter's work can be taken over by the netizens.
33:28 The work requires clarification, right?
33:30 This is related to Putri Anna.
33:32 A little bit of clarification, until Putri Anna is angry too.
33:36 Yes, making content, live.
33:40 Must ask, how is the relationship status with Aria Saloka?
33:44 Actually, I'm curious too.
33:46 Because if we get information, they have been separated for a long time.
33:51 But there is no news yet, until now, the marriage status is still on or already divorced.
33:58 We wait for clarification, to represent the netizens and reporters.
34:02 But talking about Aria Saloka, it must be often related to Amanda Manopo.
34:06 Because they are very famous for their role in a movie.
34:10 Amanda Manopo this time spits someone.
34:13 Wow, who is spitting?
34:15 This seems to be spitting Aliando.
34:17 Because these two are paired in a new movie title.
34:21 But one thing, it seems that if a movie actor, it doesn't have to be good at acting.
34:27 But must be good at promoting their own movie.
34:31 So maybe at the time of asking, they actually represent their role in the movie, right?
34:36 Agree.
34:37 Maybe in the role, there must be a relationship of anger.
34:40 Yes, it can be a promo too.
34:42 But be careful not to be a couple.
34:45 Because they are both single, right?
34:46 Oh yes, that's right.
34:48 If they are both single, it's okay.
34:50 If one is married, don't do it.
34:52 But it's okay to mention the news.
34:54 But there is also news from Brunei Darussalam.
34:58 Prince Abdul Martin said that he has released the wedding date.
35:04 The wedding is not just one day, two days, three days.
35:06 But ten days.
35:10 Yes, ten days.
35:11 And there is also a rundown of the event.
35:13 We have seen it too.
35:14 I saw it, there was an announcement.
35:16 What is the event today, what is it tomorrow.
35:18 Everything is complete and everyone is curious too.
35:21 Who is the candidate?
35:23 He said the candidate is also because of Chinwok.
35:26 Yes, in one place.
35:29 So this is the grandson of the advisor of Sultan Brunei Darussalam.
35:33 Yes, one place.
35:36 This will be a royal wedding that is expected by many people.
35:40 This will be a heart-breaking day for ASEAN.
35:44 I agree, because Prince Abdul Martin is very handsome.
35:49 He was so brave to come to Indonesia at the ASEAN KTT event yesterday.
35:53 But unfortunately we didn't get an interview.
35:57 It's okay.
35:58 If he's handsome, who knows what's the happiness of being handsome.
36:00 It's not just about being handsome.
36:01 What is it?
36:02 Rich, man.
36:03 Oh yes, the fortune.
36:04 That's the fortune.
36:06 Insert News Highlight.
36:08 The life of celebrities in Indonesia is always interesting to discuss.
36:18 Starting from lifestyle to the relationship between celebrities.
36:22 One of them is this one.
36:23 Back to the public's face.
36:25 The news of the relationship between Putri Anne and Arya Soloka's husband
36:28 is still a mystery that the citizens of Instagram Putri Anne are constantly asking.
36:32 Still about the story of Asmara,
36:34 the news of the happiness of Prince Abdul Martin and his partner Anisha Rosnah
36:38 who is known to be getting married soon.
36:41 In addition, the name Alindo Sharif is also being publicly leaked
36:44 when he was harassed by Amanda Manopo
36:46 when she said she hoped to be with Amanda.
36:49 Next, there is Adi Exnath who finally confessed
36:54 to playing a role in a band called X-SIS.
36:59 The name Soleh Solehun also has been spreading the latest media.
37:03 This senior comedian is getting a negative feedback
37:05 when he was chased by tax officers about his YouTube channel.
37:09 We have summarized all the news in Insert News Highlight.
37:13 Until now, the public still feels there is a gap in the relationship
37:20 between Putri Anne and Arya Soloka's husband.
37:22 Both of them have not given any clarification
37:25 related to their husband's background.
37:28 But from some moments,
37:29 the netizens feel that their relationship is not good.
37:33 The appearance of public speculation is getting clearer
37:36 when Putri Anne lives on her personal Instagram.
37:39 There are 7,321 problems on this earth that are happening.
37:49 But you still ask for clarification.
37:56 What's wrong with my phone?
37:58 The experts want to avoid the news of the ruination of their marriage.
38:03 But there is a little bit of regret in the tone of his speech
38:06 as the explanation contradicts the existing reality.
38:09 So, when will the two of them open their mouths
38:11 about the unsavory issues that attack their marriage?
38:14 Let's see later, viewers.
38:16 Senior comedian Soleh Solihun is becoming a public figure
38:25 because he posted a tweet on his ex-account.
38:28 He claimed that he was contacted by a tax officer several times
38:31 regarding the ownership of his YouTube account.
38:34 Actively posting content on YouTube,
38:35 Soleh is considered to receive a sum of money from the content.
38:38 But from the confession of the comedian who also observes the music,
38:41 he only received money from the content posted in 2018.
38:45 Even though he has made a clear confession,
38:47 the tax officer still contacted Soleh
38:49 through the AdSense account of his YouTube account.
38:52 After posting the tweet,
38:53 Soleh's account is also crowded with people at Warganet,
38:56 including the official account of Ditjen Pajak.
38:58 In the tweet,
38:59 Ditjen Pajak's account said that he would make a confirmation
39:02 regarding the conditions experienced by Soleh.
39:05 The names of Aliando Sharif and Amanda Manopo
39:11 are now being discussed in the media.
39:14 These two public figures are being called as a new couple.
39:17 The reason is because they both get the opportunity to play roles in a movie.
39:21 But for Aliando,
39:22 their relationship cannot stop here.
39:26 Because in several interviews,
39:28 Aliando always shows Amanda's attention with her skillfulness.
39:47 As they want to continue the relationship that was built when they played roles together,
39:51 Aliando confessed that he and Amanda are a couple.
39:54 The moment happened when they were doing an interview
39:57 about the movie that will be released.
40:00 In my opinion,
40:06 this is a match made in heaven.
40:09 Between the actor, the director, and even the crew,
40:12 there is him, not that couple.
40:16 But it's a match,
40:17 so it's a blessing for all of us.
40:20 And we are here as actors,
40:22 even to the whole team,
40:24 we don't feel like we are the best of ourselves.
40:28 But we try to be the best of ourselves.
40:31 That's it.
40:32 Aliando, with full of confidence,
40:34 confessed that he hoped that they would be a couple.
40:37 But unfortunately, Amanda showed her anger with a little bit of expression.
40:41 So, is it possible that love is in the relationship of these two public figures?
40:45 Let's pray for the best, shall we, viewers?
40:47 The start of his music career with the band Naf,
40:53 named Adi, the vocalist of the band Pop,
40:55 was a success when he released some popular works
40:58 that were successfully enjoyed by the public.
41:00 After deciding to leave the band that made his name famous in 2010,
41:04 now the former vocalist surprised the public
41:06 by playing the summary of the band that accompanied him on those days.
41:14 Adi explained the reason why he played the summary of the band that made his name famous,
41:18 which is the song he created.
41:21 He said that there was no royalty issue there,
41:24 he just didn't want the song he created to be claimed by the management.
41:28 The reason is that of all the hits that the band Naf has,
41:31 nine of them were created by Adi.
41:34 He did this just to continue the legacy for the heart.
41:42 So, will this case be brought to justice and cause a further conflict?
41:47 Hopefully not, viewers.
41:49 The name of Pangeran Martin is indeed widely discussed by the public,
41:56 after his visit with the King of Ayahanda to the archipelago,
41:59 the king's residence in Asia a few years ago.
42:02 But it seems that the remains of the king's charm are still a mouthpiece in the public,
42:06 including the story of Asmara who was found by a beautiful and beautiful girl named Anisha Rosna.
42:11 The picture is clear, the two will make a lifelong holy promise on January 7, 2024.
42:17 The wedding is also said to last about 10 days.
42:21 The circling of the news made Tom Hawa have to give up his fantasy.
42:26 The figure of Anisha Rosna was originally widely discussed as the lover of Abdul Matin in early 2023.
42:35 That's because Anisha Rosna was the only woman who accompanied Abdul Matin to take a picture with his sister, Puteri Azimah Bokiah.
42:43 At that moment, Abdul Matin and Anisha Rosna called Puteri Azimah Bokiah,
42:47 who was just officially married to Pangeran Mudapahar on January 15, 2023.
42:52 With this happy news, I hope all the best will join this jolly couple.
42:57 [Music]
43:04 He's already married.
43:08 And you're also married, by the way.
43:10 But he's so handsome.
43:12 He's really handsome and rich, right?
43:14 Because he's used to riding a private jet, he also has a lion or a tiger as a pet.
43:20 Yes, he also likes to ride a horse.
43:22 He's so handsome, when he's riding a horse, he looks like a man.
43:27 But the netizens are really detective.
43:30 In 2018, they took a picture together, but the location was the same.
43:35 They said they had a special relationship.
43:39 In 2023, they officially stated that they had a special relationship.
43:44 I like this couple.
43:47 They didn't have to show it, they just published it.
43:50 Suddenly, they got married in 10 days.
43:54 Okay, we'll leave the news for now.
43:56 Because next, we'll present you the story of Tantang Ginting,
43:59 who is really into sports.
44:01 She has a daily job, which is sports.
44:04 I think there are more than 4 types of sports that Tantang Ginting plays.
44:08 What do you think?
44:09 Stay tuned for more.
44:11 Stay with us on Insert Pagi.
44:13 We'll be right back.
44:15 (Insert Pagi)
44:17 We'll help you to return your safety.
44:26 (Insert Pagi)
44:28 You want to talk business?
44:34 Meet me in the onboard lounge.
44:36 (Insert Pagi)
44:40 (Insert Pagi)
44:42 Pan 12 Pan!
45:08 Pollution can easily cause itching.
45:11 The solution is to wear a mask and drink tolak angin,
45:14 which is scientifically proven to be safe and beneficial.
45:17 So that you can have strong arms and legs,
45:19 and don't get sick,
45:20 smart people drink tolak angin.
45:22 It's not fit.
45:24 Just try Pucukin.
45:26 Only from Pucuk Harum tea from Pucuk Tea Pilihan.
45:29 Keep your spirit up to face the challenge.
45:34 Make your day more exciting.
45:36 Pucuk Harum tea.
45:38 Just use soap to bathe.
45:39 The dirt will still be there.
45:41 New ProGuard Daily Purifying.
45:43 Remove dirt and blood from your body.
45:45 Anti-bacterial plus 99.9% of germs.
45:48 Maximum clean skin with ProGuard Daily Purifying.
45:51 Wingscare.
45:53 Want a free vacation?
45:55 It's time for Fresh Tea Fresh Break.
45:57 Get the chance to win a vacation and thousands of other prizes.
46:00 Buy Fresh Tea with the various mask covers,
46:02 scan the QR code and enter the code behind the bottle cap.
46:05 Hurry up and join before it runs out.
46:07 Just take it outside.
46:11 It's safe.
46:12 We'll make it safe.
46:13 They have to overcome various extreme challenges.
46:16 What is it, ma'am?
46:17 I'm a brave woman.
46:18 Who must use their energy, spirit and mind.
46:21 If I can do this, you can do this.
46:23 Everything is done to fulfill a proof as a super strong woman.
46:28 I am strong woman.
46:30 Strong Woman.
46:31 Every Sunday at 11.30 p.m. on TransTV.
46:36 Welcome.
46:39 Is there a time for a headache?
46:43 Panadol Extra.
46:45 Reduce headache and anxiety.
46:48 Panadol Extra.
46:49 Reduce headache and anxiety.
46:51 Drink it before eating.
46:52 Oh my God.
46:54 I'm hungry.
46:55 Aha.
46:57 I want to eat abon.
46:58 Extra abon.
47:00 Extra abon.
47:01 Extra energy.
47:03 Magical House.
47:04 Feel good, get ready to have fun.
47:06 Now fill in three more.
47:07 Let's have an energy cereal breakfast.
47:10 I'll make it, ma'am.
47:11 I want vanilla.
47:12 I want chocolate.
47:13 Energy, the number one cereal in Indonesia.
47:16 Made from Australian wheat.
47:18 Nutritious and refreshing.
47:20 It's delicious.
47:21 It's so good.
47:22 Gentle Jen now has a sachet.
47:25 Buy three for free.
47:27 The hand is still soft.
47:28 The shirt is also soft.
47:29 The scent is also long-lasting.
47:31 No need to smell the softness anymore.
47:34 Gentle Jen, the great detergent.
47:37 Wrongly clean the face causes skin barrier problems.
47:41 Clean with Wardah Agnidor Misteller Water.
47:44 With three powerful actions, clean skin effectively reduces acne.
47:48 Wardah Misteller Water.
47:49 Cleaning expert, protect your skin barrier.
47:52 Coffee together like a cafe.
47:55 Anytime.
47:57 Anywhere.
47:58 Anywhere.
48:00 This Cafe.
48:06 This is my cafe.
48:08 This exercise is not afraid of sweating on clothes.
48:10 I'm not worried about sweating on clothes.
48:11 We use Soaping To Wangi Active Sport.
48:13 New, quick-absorb sweat, clothes stay dry.
48:16 Protect clothes from bad smell.
48:18 Clothes stay fresh.
48:19 Soaping To Wangi Active Sport.
48:20 Free from smell, sweat on clothes.
48:21 No way.
48:22 Whiskey.
48:23 It's delicious.
48:26 Calm down.
48:27 You drink Vita every day.
48:29 With high vitamin C fruit.
48:32 To maintain your body strength.
48:34 Drink Vita.
48:35 It's time to maintain your body strength.
48:36 It's time to drink Vita.
48:37 Finally, pray.
48:39 Go to the tree.
48:40 Use this.
48:41 Emerald Lovely Naturals Intense Moisturizing.
48:43 With honey, avocado oil, vitamin E and B5.
48:46 Skin becomes moist and soft.
48:48 Extra soft for your skin.
48:50 Emerald Lovely Naturals Intense Moisturizing.
48:53 Hey yo, it's hot.
48:55 It's time to use honey.
48:57 All of the honey is smooth.
49:00 Only honey.
49:02 Honey.
49:04 All of the honey is smooth.
49:07 Glowing.
49:12 Point.
49:14 Point.
49:15 Brighten.
49:16 Healthy skin all day.
49:19 Fragrant skin all the time.
49:21 Glowing.
49:22 Point.
49:23 Point.
49:24 Moisturizing.
49:25 I'm out of it.
49:27 Just search.
49:28 You'll get it.
49:29 Glowing.
49:31 Point.
49:32 Point.
49:33 Scarlet.
49:34 Always glow on the go.
49:35 Available at your favorite store.
49:37 I always like to blow the wind to my hair.
49:41 Enjoy the morning sun.
49:43 It's fun to explore the beauty of my city.
49:48 But I'm afraid my hair will turn red and dull.
49:51 New Sunsilk Back Shine Active Infusion.
49:53 With urang aring, oil, collagen, and vitamin C.
49:57 Hair nourishing, makes it five times stronger,
50:00 stays healthy, and glows black.
50:02 Make us all glow.
50:04 Whatever our hair type.
50:06 New Sunsilk Back Shine.
50:08 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature.
50:10 So we don't use any soap.
50:14 We sanitize our gallons together before we refill.
50:18 Aqua 100% pure.
50:22 My secret beauty.
50:24 Lux Botanicals Body Wash.
50:26 Long-lasting fragrance, 12 hours.
50:29 Makes my body smell good all day.
50:33 The power of 12-hour fragrance, my strength.
50:36 Lux Botanicals Body Wash.
50:38 Are you sure your deodorant can be fresh all day?
50:40 Let's compare it with Rexona.
50:42 From morning to night.
50:45 The regular deodorant doesn't last long.
50:47 But Rexona is still fresh and clean all day.
50:50 Okay, I believe you. I'll use Rexona after this.
50:53 It turns out there are so many activities of a lady.
51:04 Especially her hobby.
51:06 Her hobby is exercising.
51:08 Let's see.
51:09 Exercise, driving, hair, tennis, golf, Friday, rest, Saturday, tennis.
51:15 When will I get a job?
51:18 You can do it anytime.
51:21 And this lady doesn't just focus on her training.
51:25 But also her job.
51:27 Because she's bored with just posting.
51:29 So she decides to be more fashionable.
51:32 Or wear a costume.
51:34 Halloween costume.
51:36 Or even a fashion show.
51:38 Tennis court, golf court.
51:40 It's a hassle.
51:41 But let's see what's the fun of it.
51:43 And what kind of fashion is chosen for exercising.
51:46 But this is also our closing.
51:48 Thank you for watching Insert Pagi.
51:50 We'll be back at 11 PM on West Indonesia time.
51:52 Only on TransTV.
51:53 Our show is with...
51:55 Paik.
51:57 Many children, many blessings.
52:01 It's a remote region inherited from generation to generation.
52:04 But for Talenta Ginting, what actually happens is...
52:07 She has many hobbies and many blessings.
52:09 And the blessings are not only about money.
52:12 But also a harmonious relationship with her wife, health, and her fellow comrades.
52:17 As a multi-talented artist, Talenta Ginting admits...
52:20 She has many similarities in her hobbies with her wife.
52:23 Which makes their relationship so close.
52:25 I try to find the same meeting point.
52:31 And now, my wife and I...
52:34 We have the same hobbies.
52:36 We both like to play golf and tennis.
52:39 And we like to travel.
52:41 So, wherever we go, we prefer to travel.
52:45 Because we already know what we like.
52:48 And when we want to exercise, we can do it together.
52:51 So, everything.
52:53 Because it's a hobby.
52:55 And it's what makes us become more distant from our partner.
53:01 One of the hobbies is traveling.
53:04 But the other one is staying at home.
53:07 So, the one who likes to travel is the one who travels alone.
53:10 And the other one is looking for a friend.
53:12 I don't know, looking for a friend who can do this.
53:15 So, it's dangerous sometimes.
53:18 So, for me, I'm lucky that I can do it with my wife.
53:21 Because we have the same hobbies.
53:25 With his wife, they both have the same hobbies.
53:28 From hobbies, chemistry between the couple,
53:32 and their unique personality.
53:35 Their marriage is not shaken.
53:37 What's more, not only sports,
53:40 the couple also often looks fashionable
53:42 with the youthful style every time they go down to the field.
53:45 The problem is, people like to look at us.
53:49 And now, one of the things that makes sports interesting is the look.
53:58 Because if I just show my video of me hitting someone,
54:02 they'll say, "You hit again."
54:04 What makes it fun to watch?
54:07 The fashion.
54:08 Sometimes it's made exciting, funny, and cool.
54:14 That's what can be played for the look.
54:16 The look is not boring.
54:18 That's why I always combine sports with fashion.
54:23 Sports is not just a side activity when work is not in full swing.
54:30 It's a routine that he does every day.
54:32 From Monday to Sunday, there's always free time for the couple to explore the world of sports.
54:37 Whether it's tennis or golf,
54:39 the activities he does make his body so active from day to day.
54:46 I play golf on Monday.
54:48 On Tuesday, I practice driving.
54:53 On Wednesday, I play tennis.
54:55 I also play tennis on Tuesday morning.
54:58 On Tuesday afternoon, I play tennis.
55:00 On Thursday, I play golf again.
55:01 On Friday, I sometimes take a break.
55:03 On Saturday, I play tennis again.
55:05 On Sunday night, I play tennis with my friends.
55:09 So, I do sports every day.
55:12 I think I'm not the only one who doesn't play sports.
55:16 An investment for the elderly,
55:22 sports from his age still makes his body active,
55:25 even though he's getting older.
55:27 Although he's now 41 years old,
55:31 his looks are still like a teenager.
55:34 He's been into tennis and golf since he was in high school.
55:38 He used to be more interested in basketball.
55:41 There are reasons why he has to quit the sport.
55:45 Actually, I'm only serious about golf and tennis.
55:53 I've been playing golf and tennis since I was in high school.
55:57 I started playing golf and tennis in 1995.
56:02 So, I'm actually serious about both.
56:04 But, when I was in high school in the US,
56:11 I couldn't play basketball.
56:15 I was a bad boy.
56:17 But, I was never chosen because I was short.
56:19 I was a waste of my body.
56:23 So, I could only play tennis and golf.
56:26 I'm still serious about both.
56:29 But, when I came back to Indonesia,
56:31 I couldn't play golf and tennis.
56:34 So, I played alone.
56:36 Until the pandemic happened.
56:39 I could only play tennis and golf.
56:43 Because I was not physically close to the outside world.
56:47 I was still indoor,
56:50 even though I wasn't physically close to the outside world.
56:53 But, everyone was playing tennis and golf.
56:58 So, I started to play golf and tennis.
57:03 I've been playing since I was a kid.
57:05 But, now I'm happy because everyone is playing golf and tennis.
57:09 And, I have a friend.
57:27 A funny incident on a busy street in Jakarta.
57:31 A bus ran over a car.
57:34 The driver and the passenger were hit by a car.
57:38 The bus was heading to Majupik beach.
57:40 The car was hit by a woman.
57:45 reported that the family had finished their journey on Friday night.
57:51 The family was mediated by Paul Sek, a network operator.
57:54 The bus driver said he wanted to take responsibility after he took all the passengers to the nearest bus stop.
58:00 The incident was reported by a driver who hit a car's tire on social media.
58:10 The driver was upset because the driver who was crossing the road at Gatot Subroto, Medan, cursed him.
58:16 Paul Sek's wife, Chandra Yuda, as reported by, said that the driver had been arrested in the past.
58:23 He hit the tire with a car tire because he was upset.
58:27 In Bojonegoro, East Java, a video of a primary school student who brought a food container with a viral sago fish in social media.
58:39 In the video, the fourth grade student was asked by his teacher to open the food container.
58:45 In the video, the teacher who recorded the viral video was caught by
58:50 The program brought the food container, then was promoted by the school alumni and got various comments from the family.
58:57 Hello, good morning. How are you, Pemirsa? I hope you are always healthy. Amen.
59:09 This is a holiday, so there must be a lot of activities and plans for the day.
59:14 Yes, usually the family will have breakfast together in the morning.
59:20 We can cook, picnic, or maybe exercise together.
59:24 But whatever your plans are, we also have a lot of plans and information.
59:28 Of course, on Good Morning, with me, Rizky Harisnanda.
59:30 And I'm Sarah Arianti. This is a complete Good Morning.
59:34 Good Morning.
59:36 Good Morning.
59:37 Good Morning.
59:38 Good Morning.
59:40 Good Morning.
59:42 Good Morning.
59:44 Good Morning.
59:45 (upbeat music)
59:47 (upbeat music)