Identity Disorder on the NBC Medical Drama Transplant

  • last year
Watch the official "Identity Disorder" clip from the NBC medical drama series Transplant Season 4, created by Joseph Kay.

Transplant Cast:

Hamza Haq, Laurence Leboeuf, Ayisha Issa, Jim Watson, Sirena Gulamgaus, Torri Higginson, Grace Lynn Kung, Sugith Varughese, Linda E. Smith, Kenny Wong and John Hannah

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00:00 ♪♪
00:08 Be careful, ma'am.
00:10 Careful, ma'am.
00:12 [Glass shatters]
00:14 [Tires screech]
00:16 [Grunts]
00:17 [Tires screech]
00:20 [Glass shatters]
00:24 [Groans]
00:26 [Indistinct conversations]
00:28 We need to try and stop the bleeding.
00:30 Stop! He's not even breathing.
00:31 Don't touch him.
00:32 I know CPR.
00:33 And you know the first thing to do is look and listen.
00:36 I called it in.
00:37 That's a live power line.
00:38 He could be carrying a current.
00:39 His chest is moving.
00:41 It's shallow, but he's breathing.
00:42 [Horn honks]
00:43 And his heart is still pumping
00:45 based on the way his blood is pooling, so we have time.
00:46 You're a doctor.
00:47 Paramedics are coming.
00:49 Best thing we can do until we have all the facts
00:51 is absolutely nothing.
00:52 Dash, action out front.
00:53 Some kind of accident down the street.
00:55 Excuse me.
00:56 [Indistinct radio chatter]
01:00 Alexander Gordon, 42 years old,
01:02 electrocuted on a power line.
01:04 BP 80, over 60, rates 130, DCS 10.
01:07 Results are sad -- 80%.
01:08 He's tacky, and his temp's way up.
01:10 Hyperthermia is common with electrical burns.
01:12 No evidence of surface burns.
01:13 I did a quick neurological exam, but he'll need CT.
01:16 His femur's shattered, and I don't know for sure,
01:18 but I think there's fluid in his belly.
01:19 I'll call Ortho for the femur
01:21 and tell the doctor to know that we need trauma or, uh...
01:23 Dr. Zevi, are you okay?
01:24 People don't fall from the sky every day.
01:26 I'll meet you in there.
01:28 C-arms in position, everyone.
01:30 Hands off.
01:31 We'll need two large-bore IVs.
01:32 Activate MTP. Prep one. Grab TXA.
01:35 The sats are falling.
01:36 32 French clear.
01:38 Hemo-numo.
01:39 Where am I?
01:40 You're at York Memorial Hospital, Alex.
01:42 Try not to move.
01:43 Pack with fresh gauze.
01:44 Why does it hurt to breathe?
01:45 Probably for a lot of reasons,
01:47 but a minimum is because your lung is collapsed.
01:48 We're gonna put in something called a chest tube.
01:50 [Grunting]
01:53 How you doing, Alex?
01:54 It hurts. Why does it hurt so bad?
01:56 10 milligrams morphine.
01:58 We're going to give you something for the pain, Alex.
02:00 Try to remain as still as possible.
02:02 Waiting on film and putting in a chest tube, boss.
02:04 You're calling trauma or Dr. Novak.
02:06 Image is up.
02:08 Okay, that explains the fluid in his abdomen.
02:11 Looks like his pancreas is melting.
02:13 The current needed somewhere to land.
02:15 It has to come out here, now.
02:17 Any less invasive options to consider before major surgery?
02:20 Not if you want to avoid the infection due to dead tissue.
02:22 All right, let's get him prepped.
02:24 Dr. Hamed, you're gonna assist.
02:25 Claire, see if Ortiz from General's available,
02:27 if he knows anybody good who is.
02:29 You've resected a pancreas before?
02:31 We'll walk him through it.
02:33 Okay, you've got your hands full, Claire.
02:34 I will page Ortiz.
02:36 Alex, the electrical current
02:37 caused severe damage to your pancreas.
02:39 We need to take it out right now, okay?
02:40 No, I don't know.
02:42 I need Callum. Where's Callum?
02:43 No, if you don't do this right now, you're going to die.
02:45 [Grunting]
02:46 He's seizing.
02:48 Hypocalcemia from the pancreatic injury
02:49 can cause seizures.
02:51 We need to intubate. Dr. Novak, this can't wait.
02:53 Okay, let's get Ativan and calcium to calm the seizures.
02:55 Let's go.
02:56 [Gasps]
02:58 Your, uh -- your lung keeps collapsing.
03:02 The pancreatectomy was more urgent,
03:04 but you need an intervention called --
03:06 Vatspleurodesis.
03:07 I heard the nurses. No.
03:09 No more surgeries.
03:11 Alex, you have to understand --
03:12 Callum. I'm sorry.
03:14 Callum, you're straining to breathe.
03:16 If we don't do this now, it's only going to get worse.
03:18 You see? He won't hear me.
03:20 Um, we weren't aware of you at first.
03:23 We were working with the part of you that goes by Alex.
03:25 Now, you were both in danger,
03:27 and Dr. Hamid acted on the best information
03:29 he had at the time.
03:30 And now I want him to stop.
03:32 Callum, without surgery, you won't be able to breathe.
03:34 On your own, we'll have to intubate you and ventilate --
03:37 Stop threatening me!
03:38 [Coughs]
03:40 Dissociative identity disorder is forged by trauma.
03:46 Alex had a tough fight with leukemia as a kid.
03:49 Out of the system since 2010.
03:51 Now, people who heal from DID
03:54 work in cooperation with the parts,
03:56 like an internal family.
03:57 He likely has a number of parts,
03:59 and what happened today cost someone else the front.
04:02 [Music]
