Najat Vallaud-Belkacem : l'ex-ministre revient là où on ne l'attendait pas, elle s'explique

  • last year
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Najat Vallaud-Belkacem : l'ex-ministre revient là où on ne l'attendait pas, elle s'explique
00:00 A return unexpected.
00:09 After being beaten in the legislative elections of 2017, Nadja Tvelo-Belkacem announced her
00:16 big political comeback four years later with the firm intention to challenge Laurent Wauquiez
00:22 in the regional elections of June next in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
00:26 Becoming in March 2020 the Director General of LONGUAN in France, who fights poverty
00:33 and avoidable diseases, the former Minister of Education under François Hollande admits
00:39 having needed to move away from politics.
00:42 At least, partisan politics, as she specifies in the columns of liberation, in Kiosk Monday
00:51 March 22.
00:53 "I needed to take a distance, to cut with the media sound, but I never stopped
01:00 to do politics, to commit, "assures Nadja Tvelo-Belkacem, who specifies having traveled,
01:07 and try to understand the movements in the world, including populism, "she adds.
01:13 Four years have passed since her attempt to stay in politics, and her failure in the
01:21 legislative election in 2017.
01:24 But this time, she seems determined to come back, and this because of her sense of responsibility.
01:31 "The period is uncertain and hard with the pandemic, I could not hide "she says.
01:41 Nadja Tvelo-Belkacem taught in Morocco before becoming the Director General of LONGUAN
01:48 in France, Nadja Tvelo-Belkacem had decided to move away completely from the political sphere,
01:54 by integrating the professorial body of the Polytechnic University Mohamed V. located in Marrakech.
02:01 She had been named a professor affiliated with LUM6P in her country of origin, which
02:08 she had left in the 1980s.
02:12 After her transition to the Ministry of Education, she decided in 2017 to join the
02:20 Ipsos Institute as the Director General Delegate in charge of the Department of International
02:25 Studies and Social Innovation, a position she left at the end of 2019.
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