00:00You stay down here and keep count, all right?
00:27You're giving me orders.
00:28I'll rank you a full grade, Custard.
00:30Your rank doesn't mean a thing while you're in my custody.
00:33So you follow my orders or you won't live to see your court-martial.
00:44Leave that pistol alone with me.
00:49I'm in command here.
00:51People are dying out there.
00:52There's nothing we can do for them.
00:54They're dead already.
00:56You'll be dead too if you fire that pistol.
01:09There's someone alive in the coach.
01:15Whoever you are in that stagecoach, stay down and keep quiet.
01:21Sounds like the gambler that was driving with us.
01:36He's dead.
01:37Now get under that stagecoach and play dead, now!
01:51Get his neck and mark his stomach.
02:14If we're going to die, let's die like soldiers.
02:16It's not die at all.
02:35Okay, Colonel.
02:36Grab that horse and start riding the rest.
02:39Lieutenant, we'll ride double in this one.
02:47Come on.
03:20I will have the scalp of yellow hair.
03:40At 24, he had been the youngest general in the Civil War.
03:43Within five years, he had been reduced in rank and sent west to be forgotten.
03:47But he was not the kind of man to let the world forget.
03:50His name, George Armstrong Custer.
04:38Any sign of them?
04:42We've lost them.
04:44Two things, that, Colonel.
04:45You don't know Indians very well.
04:47I know savages just as well as you do, Custer.
04:50Blue Creek, I fought more than 400 Cheyenne.
04:53Yeah, we've all heard about your Indian exploits.
04:57Two hundred and fifty of them were women and children.
05:00The rest of them were men.
05:02I've heard about your Indian exploits.
05:05Two hundred and fifty of them were women and children.
05:08That's a lie.
05:09And the rest of them were weaponless,
05:11since they were camped under the flag of truce and turned their weapons in at Fort Lyons.
05:16I intend to prove that that's a lie.
05:18Well, you're going to have to, Colonel,
05:20because that's why you're under arrest and headed for a court-martial.
05:23You're beginning to sound like a blasted Indian lover, Custer.
05:27I say we've lost the Indians. Let's get out of here and make tracks for Fort Hayes.
05:30As far as we go by horse.
05:32You can dismount, Colonel.
05:33You too, Lieutenant.
05:36Are you out of your mind? You mean to put us afoot in this country?
05:39That's correct. Now get down.
05:41You intend to walk to Fort Hayes?
05:43It's the only chance we have.
05:46Now dismount, Colonel.
05:48I'm sorry, Colonel Custer. I may be under arrest, but that's one order I don't intend to follow.
05:53Colonel, did you see that Indian on that paint pony?
05:56Well, that Indian's name is War Cloud.
06:00Now, if you're under the delusion that you can outsmart and outrun War Cloud,
06:04well, you just point that pony south towards Fort Hayes.
06:07Now, it's only 50 miles,
06:09but I can almost guarantee you you'll have a fire roasting under your belly before sundown.
06:14Have you a better plan?
06:16I have.
06:18We can take the long way around.
06:23Walk right into their hands.
06:25It's the thing they'll least expect us to do.
06:30Fool, we could have used that horse when we made our stand.
06:33What would we use to make our stand with, Colonel?
06:36Lieutenant LeMay's revolver and that bow and arrow?
06:39If we were in such a hurry, we could have picked up our sidearms in that luggage booth.
06:42And given up our scalps in the process. No thank you.
06:49Sir, I don't understand. What are you doing?
06:51Those ponies are headed in the direction of Fort Hayes.
06:54I'm hoping that War Cloud will think we are for a while,
06:57until he picks them up at least.
07:00That'll buy us some time.
07:02Now, let's get lost up in those bushes.
07:05We can get out of those boots and into the moccasins we took.
07:08Only if they're good enough to follow our boot marks,
07:10they're good enough to follow moccasin prints.
07:12That's true, but this is Indian territory,
07:15and I'm hoping they won't be able to tell our tracks from theirs.
07:18Now, pick up that lance and let's move.
07:28Two ponies to Sankawitka.
07:32They're right south to White Man's Fort.
07:36Yellow hair is full.
07:38There are many Lakota Sioux who sleep forever, Tatso Brightbone.
07:42We waste time.
07:44Listen to me.
07:46Yellow hair wears a white skin, but he has the heart of a Sioux.
07:50He thinks like a Sioux.
07:52Yellow hair wears a white skin, but he has the heart of a Sioux.
07:55He thinks like a Sioux.
07:57But we shall hunt him like a Sioux, not a white-eye.
08:00Or others will die.
08:03You do not think he has gone south?
08:06I think he's gone to the Black Hills.
08:09He would not dare.
08:12He will follow these tracks into the Black Hills, Brave Bow.
08:16We will go south after the ponies.
08:22Let's go.
08:38Custer, I'm getting tired of this little game.
08:44It's not exactly a game, Colonel.
08:47Warcloud's the hunter and we're the prey.
08:49I'm tired of no. We have nothing to say about it.
08:52Colonel Custer, I don't see how we can hope to hit anything with that boulder.
08:55Look down there.
08:57That's Buffalo Gap, the only way into the Black Hills section.
09:01It's a fine defensive position.
09:04I assume your strategy is to make our fight here.
09:07If you'd stop thinking like a soldier for a minute, Colonel,
09:10and start thinking like an Oglala Sioux,
09:12you'd realize that our strategy is to make a fight nowhere.
09:15Well, there can't be more than a few of them. We have LeMay's pistol.
09:18We may need the bullets for ourselves.
09:20I don't think you'll relish what they'll do to you if they take you alive.
09:24Yes, sir.
09:27Colonel Custer, if you left an empty trail for Warcloud back on the plains,
09:31what are we doing here?
09:35Get down quickly. Get down fast.
09:41The answer to your question.
09:48He's suspicious.
09:53Wait a minute. That's where Colonel Custer dropped one of the boots.
10:18He swallowed the bait.
10:21How'd you know he'd come?
10:23Warcloud's a hard man to fool.
10:26But he had to follow the horses, and he had to make sure it wasn't a trick.
10:29So he sent a man here.
10:32Even Warcloud wouldn't have figured you'd be insane enough to enter the Black Hills.
10:36Wrong, Colonel. That's exactly what he'd do himself.
10:49Washtay, Kanaska!
10:54Washtay, Kimitakiak!
11:07Get the holding rock.
11:11The holding rock!
11:39You're welcome, Custer.
11:41No, Charlton. You didn't save my life.
11:44You probably put us all in the arrow's run.
11:47Minikonju, Sanzak, Abule,
11:51Sitting Bulls Humpapa, Oglala,
11:54they infest those hills.
11:56Now, let's get out of here.
12:06The pony got away, sir.
12:08No matter. We need at least two horses.
12:11The country's too rough to ride triple.
12:13That rawhide Rieta will come in useful.
12:18Come on.
12:25From now on, Colonel, do your killing quietly.
12:29Can't teach, sir. Army issues.
12:31Little bend up, still hold water, though.
12:34Second Cavalry.
12:37Why, they're stationed back in Julesburg.
12:42The other one was taken from one of General Terry's men out of Fort Hayes.
12:46That'll give you some idea about Warcloud, Colonel.
12:49He's like a fire sweeping the plains,
12:52all the way from Julesburg to North Platte,
12:54from the Republican River to Fort Hayes.
12:57He's a brilliant tactician,
12:59and he commands one of the finest light cavalries in the world.
13:02So don't take him so lightly from here on.
13:08Let's move.
13:11What are you doing, Charrington?
13:14There's a $20 bounty on every hostile scalp brought in.
13:19Put that knife away.
13:23Why should I?
13:25That brave was as good a soldier as you or I,
13:28and he died fighting for a cause he believed in.
13:31You're as romantic a fool as I've been told, Custer.
13:41Let's go.
13:54Yellow Hair must cross this land to reach the port.
13:58We shall make camp here and wait for him.
14:02But we shall not let him hide.
14:05You two shall follow Yellow Hair
14:07to the edge of the Buffalo Hood. Go!
14:43Thank God there's two less braves to worry about.
14:47You're wrong, Colonel.
14:49What do you mean, sir?
14:53Warcloud is as good a tracker as any human being alive.
14:59What makes you think he's a human being?
15:02They come in all sizes, shapes, kindnesses and cruelties, Colonel.
15:07And until the white man taught him,
15:10Warcloud never attacked women and children.
15:13What are you talking about, sir?
15:16Why don't you tell the lieutenant what happened, Colonel?
15:19When we get to Fort Hayes, I'm gonna demand satisfaction for that, sir.
15:22I was in Denver when the Colorado volunteers returned from Blue Creek.
15:27They brought back human trophies.
15:31You mean American soldiers did that?
15:33They could have taught a Comanche.
15:36They taught us.
15:38We were just giving them back a little bit of their own medicine.
15:42You mean you admit it's true?
15:45Lieutenant, whenever Warcloud, Gall or Crazy Horse does it,
15:50sooner or later they're forgiven and offered a reservation.
15:53When we do it, some greenhorn, sick at the sight of blood,
15:58he wants to court-martial us.
16:01But they're savages.
16:03That might excuse them.
16:05But what excuses us, Colonel?
16:10Warcloud sent those two braves to cut us off from behind and flush us out.
16:15They'll be down there waiting to set a trap.
16:18Because he knows it's the only way we can get back.
16:21Well, hadn't we better move out before those two airlifters come back?
16:25We will, just as far as it takes us to set up a good ambush.
16:30That looks like a good spot right there off that trail.
16:33You're insane.
16:35You mean to tangle with those two with Warcloud within gunshot?
16:39Warcloud expects those two Indians to flush us out on foot when we reach the plains.
16:44And I intend for us to be on horseback.
16:47But I don't see any way of getting ponies
16:49unless we take them from those two Indians who are after us.
16:52Now let's move.
16:55Let's go.
17:01He's mad.
17:03Mad as impossible. He's mad as...
17:09There's no point in carrying this.
17:11There's no water to be found between here and Fort Hayes.
17:15There might be.
17:17In any case, you'll keep it.
17:21What for?
17:23It might make a fine weapon.
17:25A weapon? How?
17:27I don't know.
17:29I'm afraid it's too dangerous.
17:31I'm afraid it's too dangerous.
17:33I'm afraid it's too dangerous.
17:35A fine weapon.
17:37A weapon? How?
17:39If it had less to fight Goliath.
18:05I don't know.
18:35Let's go.
19:05Let's go.
19:35Let's go.
19:59He's dead.
20:01The horses got away.
20:05We're gonna have to help me get this arrow out.
20:19The barb's in there.
20:21We'll have to butcher it out.
20:27Anytime, Colonel.
20:32It's gonna hurt.
20:34It already does.
21:01Is it clean?
21:03Yeah, it's clean. It's not bleeding much.
21:08Rub some Wozner in there.
21:10Some what?
21:12Wozner. It's in that bag.
21:17It'll make a good poultice.
21:19Wozner. It's in that bag.
21:23It'll make a good poultice.
21:31Let's pack it in the wound.
21:41when we reach the plains...
21:43we won't have any cover from there to Fort Hayes.
21:46Or Cloud and his braves will be waiting for us.
21:48You know, we gotta come out of here sometime.
21:51We gotta get around them.
21:53It's not gonna be easy to do.
21:57I'd give anything for a Hotchkiss cannon.
22:00Lob a canister of grape shot right in that cutthroat's can.
22:08That's a good idea, Colonel.
22:10It's a good dream.
22:12We'll have to make us one.
22:14I think that wound has gone to your head, Custer.
22:17We can't make a cannon...
22:19but we can make a canister of grape shot.
22:23Get me that empty canteen you were so anxious to throw away.
22:29Check it. Make sure it is dry.
22:31Dry as death.
22:33Good. Gunpowder.
22:40Pour it in.
22:45That's good.
22:47How many bullets we got?
22:49We got four.
22:51Let me have them.
22:53I'll save two. I don't want to be taken alive.
22:56Let me have two.
23:05I would say this was a sheer waste of effort.
23:08Well, you better pray that it works, Colonel.
23:11Because your life depends on it.
23:34Something is wrong.
23:42We should have seen the fire arrows by now.
23:47Ride north. Find spotted tails capped.
23:52Bring back many warriors.
24:12You better throw it, Colonel.
24:14I'm still a little unsteady from that wound.
24:18I hope this contraption of yours works.
24:22So do I, Colonel.
24:24So do I.
24:53Get away!
25:03Let's go.
25:06Arrowhead dies hard.
25:12But he will die.
25:53Don't see a fire.
25:55Not in here. Not in weather like this.
26:01The rain will wash out our tracks.
26:03Good luck won't be out of here tomorrow.
26:06I wouldn't be overly optimistic about that, Colonel.
26:34It's incredible.
26:38Incredible the tricks that life plays on a man.
26:46You were last graduating from a class of 34 men.
26:52I wasn't on the map.
26:54By all the laws of logic, common sense,
26:58I should have gained the glory.
27:01That may be true, Charrington.
27:04Except for one thing.
27:06I know what you're going to say.
27:10Custer's luck.
27:12Everything you touch turns to glory.
27:18When I sat 36 hours straight in the saddle,
27:22you rode a dead horse.
27:24When I sat 36 hours straight in the saddle,
27:28you rode a desk in Washington.
27:30Custer, I'll have you know that I requested field duty.
27:35I'm sure you did.
27:42You want to know how I got field duty?
27:45General Winfield Scott.
27:47General Winfield Scott had a good appetite.
27:51Good enough for three men.
27:54But the thing he liked best were wild strawberries in season.
28:01I made sure that General Scott got his wild strawberries
28:05by riding 120 miles in a single day.
28:10I cheated.
28:14Yes, I even blackmailed General Scott
28:18to transfer me to McClellan's outfit.
28:22Luck, maybe.
28:25But no one ever gave me anything.
28:28You must be joking.
28:31A major general at 24.
28:33You were the boy general.
28:37I received my stars in the field of battle
28:40at the recommendation of General Pleasanton.
28:43But there were three other men
28:46who granted that same honor.
28:48Not just me.
28:50Now, Farnsworth and Merritt were only months older than I was.
28:55Either of them could have been singled out by the newspapers
28:59for the same attention I was given.
29:01That's exactly my point, Custer.
29:09Well, I'd say a certain amount of ability
29:12had something to do with it.
29:14I'm sure that's true.
29:16But in any case, you rode on to glory ever since
29:19and we were left in the shadow.
29:22I'll tell you something.
29:24Well, it might amuse you.
29:27For years, I've sworn to myself
29:30that if ever given the chance,
29:34I would gain as much glory as you or more.
29:39The Blue Creek fight, for instance.
29:42You know how that came about?
29:45I was thinking of you.
29:47Your fine grand charge at the Washington.
29:51You rode in at dawn and your band was playing the Gary Owen
29:55and you rode right into the front pages
29:57of every newspaper in the world.
30:00And honestly, I hated you.
30:04And I swore to myself that I would do more.
30:09Much more.
30:13You'd do more.
30:15Much more.
30:23You slaughtered an entire Indian village for that?
30:28For that?
30:31Exactly for that.
30:33For the glory.
30:34Only, it seems that I don't have your luck.
30:37You massacred the Cheyenne, the Washington.
30:40I did the same thing in the Blue Creek
30:42with a brand-new murder.
30:47You are a murderer, Charlington.
31:10Not enough cover for a snake.
31:41Do you hear anything?
31:43They're coming.
31:45Let's go.
31:48That gully.
32:00We're through, Constable.
32:02This is no cover.
32:04It's all the cover we're going to have.
32:07Get in.
32:09Get in.
32:40Charlington, if you make a move,
32:42give us a way out to leave it for later.
32:46Let them go.
32:47We don't hunt buffalo today.
32:49We hunt yellow hair.
33:39Let's go.
34:09Let's go.
34:40What are you keeping that rattler for?
34:43Another weapon.
34:47So it's...
34:58They're gone.
35:01Let's get out of here while we have a chance.
35:04Relax, Charlington.
35:06War Cloud's got eyes like an eagle.
35:09If we so much as rubble that dust out there,
35:12they'd spot us.
35:14We should get out of here.
35:16They're liable to come back.
35:18That's for sure.
35:20As soon as they fail to turn up any tracks further on.
35:26Custer, we should make a run for it.
35:29We will.
35:31Just as soon as it's dark.
35:34I suppose you've picked a direction.
35:37I have.
35:40Well, is it a secret?
35:43Not especially.
35:45We'll head for that rocky butte,
35:47just west of here.
35:49That's miles out of our way.
35:52It depends on how you figure it.
35:55Seeing that we've been living on borrowed time
35:58since War Cloud jumped that stagecoach,
36:01I figure we've got nothing to lose.
36:03Except our lives.
36:05That's right.
36:07Sometimes I don't understand you, Custer.
36:09You're obviously a man driven by ambition.
36:14Guilty, Your Honor.
36:16Constantly in hot water for offending your superiors?
36:20That may be true, but just the same.
36:23You're the one that's up for a court-martial.
36:26For doing my duty.
36:28For following orders I was given, Custer.
36:31What orders, Charlington?
36:34I've never seen any orders that required us
36:36to wipe out the Plains tribes
36:38or destroy their culture.
36:42Your talk is the talk of a stupid sentimentalist.
36:45These ignorant savages have controlled this land
36:47for thousands of years, and what have they achieved?
36:50They haven't even learned to grow crops
36:52to feed their own bellies.
36:54The only thing they know is to chant meaningless noises
36:57and paint their faces and kill.
37:01What crops have you grown, Charlington?
37:04You wear a fancy uniform and spout words that mean nothing.
37:09And you kill men.
37:11So what makes us any better than these tribes?
37:14We represent civilization.
37:21Obviously you've chosen the wrong side of this war, Custer.
37:26In a way, perhaps you're right.
37:28I'm in a party to destroying a people's way of life
37:31that I've learned to understand and appreciate.
37:34But I've also learned that that's not really what's important.
37:40What is important?
37:42This will be a big country someday, Charlington.
37:45Big enough to hold all kinds of people
37:47and all ways of life.
37:50And that's what I'm fighting for.
37:53You really believe that?
37:57Enough to die for it.
38:03Now get some sleep.
38:27These fires will drive Yellowhead away.
38:30He will escape us.
38:32No, he will not escape us.
38:34He will see the fires and approach them.
38:37He is not that foolish.
38:39Perhaps he hears your words and laughs.
38:42He would not come that close.
38:44That's what he wants us to think.
38:46He will pass us over.
38:48He will kill us.
38:50He will kill us.
38:52He will not come that close.
38:54That's what he wants us to think.
38:56He will pass us so close,
38:58our fires will cast his shadows on the ground.
39:01Then we should be out there, waiting for him.
39:05Bent Arm is a brave man,
39:07if he hunts the cougar at night.
39:12I am not afraid.
39:14Only a fool would say that.
39:17I will prove it.
39:22The squire will sing the death song for you.
39:53Will you kill that thing?
40:00Those fires,
40:02they cut off our escape.
40:10Didn't you hear me?
40:12I said they cut off our escape to the north.
40:15I said they cut off our escape to the north.
40:18I said they cut off our escape to the north.
40:21I said they cut off our escape to the butte.
40:44If we kill him, we get the horses.
40:47Forget it.
40:49Let's go to the fort.
40:51At least until some war parties
40:53spread out between here and Fort Hayes and those hills.
40:56Nothing's going to get through there but the wind.
40:59Let's move.
41:01Now, those horses, if we couldn't get a hold of them.
41:04These aren't sleepy-eyed rebel farm boys
41:07standing guard duty, Colonel.
41:09These are War Cloud's braves.
41:12They can see better than we can,
41:14and hear better than we can.
41:16I'd better too, for that matter. Let's go.
41:46Let's go.
42:16We'll rest here before we start climbing.
42:19It'll be daylight soon. We won't stand a chance.
42:22We haven't stood one for the last two days,
42:25so nothing's changed.
42:37A legend of Custer.
42:40Boy general.
42:43I can understand how that came about.
42:47You're a crude, resourceful man.
42:50I'll give you that.
42:53The kind of things a dying novelist exploits so well.
42:57It just comes naturally to you.
43:00I'd say some nice things about you too, Colonel.
43:03If I could think of any.
43:08No, it's true.
43:13You have a knack for the heroics.
43:18You kept us alive longer than I believe possible,
43:21and if we get out of this situation,
43:23I'm sure there'll be a dozen sensational stories
43:26about your frontier prowess.
43:29At least that many.
43:31Another spectacular exploit.
43:36Make all the newspapers in the country,
43:40and you'll be a bigger hero than you've ever been.
44:10I don't need your help.
44:12Have a joke.
44:19Keep climbing.
44:21Keep climbing.
44:23Keep climbing.
44:33Keep climbing.
44:35Keep climbing.
44:37Keep climbing.
44:39Keep climbing.
45:03He'll waste bullets. He's too high.
45:09Keep climbing.
45:11Keep climbing.
45:13Keep climbing.
46:12You two stay here.
46:14Come with me.
46:24It's time for us to part company, Colonel.
46:28Give one of us a chance to stay alive a little longer.
46:30Keep moving.
46:32Follow this cleft as far as it goes.
46:34When you reach the far side of the butte,
46:36you should be able to find a way down.
46:38If you make it all the way,
46:40wait till dark and then make your move to Fort Hayes.
46:42Once you're across the river, you should be safe.
46:44What are you going to do?
46:46I'll try to draw them away from you.
46:48Now move out.
46:50And let you make another noble gesture, Custer.
46:52Not on your life.
46:54Suit yourself.
49:12You're not winning this time, Custer.
49:14I am.
49:16I'm taking a lesson from your book.
49:18You're not going to be the hero.
49:20I am.
49:22What's happened to us
49:24will make a sensational story.
49:32Beat Warcloud out of his head.
49:34He's a hero.
49:36He's a hero.
49:38He's a hero.
49:40Beat Warcloud out of his own game.
49:44Charges against me will be dropped
49:46when the public learns to idolize me
49:48the way they have you.
49:50Come on.
50:08I unloaded it last night
50:10while you were asleep.
50:14There's no glory
50:16in what happened for either of us.
50:18There's little honor
50:20in running from the stupid savages
50:22as you call them.
50:24So let's move out.
50:26You've got a court-martial
50:28waiting for you.
50:48THE END
51:18THE END