• 2 years ago
NASA astronaut Loral O'Hara, alongside Russian counterparts Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub launched aboard a Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

Credit: NASA
00:00 T-minus 20 seconds.
00:03 We have engine sequence start. We have engine ignition.
00:18 Three, two, one.
00:23 And liftoff.
00:25 Okara, Kononenko, and Chu begin a short-duration journey for a long-duration mission on the International Space Station.
00:33 All vehicle parameters are normal.
00:45 23 seconds into the flight. Good roll, pitch, and yaw program.
00:51 Engine performance on the first stage nominal.
00:57 L-plus 30 seconds. Flight is nominal.
01:01 40 seconds into the flight. Structural parameters are normal.
01:05 Engine parameters reported from the blockhouse in Baikonur all to be within limits and normal.
01:11 50 seconds.
01:13 Pressure in the engine chambers is normal.
01:17 60 seconds.
01:23 One minute, five seconds into the flight.
01:27 All the vehicle parameters are normal.
01:31 Good reports coming in from the blockhouse in Baikonur.
01:35 The vehicle arcing out to the northeast from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.
01:39 Parameters of the rocket system are normal.
01:47 90 seconds into the flight.
01:51 Engines of the first and second stages are normal.
01:55 L-plus 90 seconds.
01:59 Good engine performance being reported.
02:03 184608.
02:09 Off nominal pressure in KZO 1500.
02:13 Coming up on first stage shutdown.
02:19 And we have first stage separation.
02:23 Launch tower Jettison reported.
02:29 Everything in good shape. Two minutes, 12 seconds into the flight.
02:35 KZO is back to nominal. 980. Copy.
02:41 The vehicle now operating on its second stage engines.
02:47 All parameters are normal. Good structural performance by the vehicle.
02:53 Engine of the second stage is working normally.
03:01 Launch shroud Jettison now reported.
03:05 This view now from a camera on the upper stage of the Soyuz 2.1A booster.
03:09 Two minutes, 50 seconds into the flight.
03:13 A little over six minutes of powered flight remaining.
03:19 Launch vehicle is nominal. Copy.
03:23 Soyuz is nominal. The crew is feeling well.
03:27 Kononenko reports the crew is feeling well.
03:31 Three minutes, 15 seconds into the flight.
03:35 Perfect engine performance reported. Good structural parameters on the vehicle.
03:43 Second stage engine is functioning by the book.
03:57 The Soyuz heading for its precise keyhole in space.
04:03 Flight is normal.
04:13 Now four minutes into the flight. Everything going perfectly.
04:23 Kononenko and Chuub heading for their preliminary orbit and the chase to track down and dock to the International Space Station.
04:35 Four minutes, 20 seconds into the flight.
04:41 Roll pitch, roll normal. Engine performance is normal as well.
04:51 L+ 200, 70 seconds. Standing by for gate cut to command. Copy.
05:03 Coming up on second stage shutdown.
05:13 And we have second stage shutdown.
05:17 Second stage separation confirmed. Copy. Gate cut to command.
05:24 Second stage separation confirmed. That's the skirt for the third stage you saw being jettisoned.
05:33 Five minutes, 15 seconds into the flight. About three and a half minutes of powered flight remaining.
05:42 Soyuz now being propelled on the power of its third stage engine.
05:50 Copy. Soyuz is nominal. Crew is feeling well. Copy.
05:55 Kononenko continuing to report that the crew is feeling well. Everything normal on board.
06:04 Five minutes, 45 seconds into the flight. Good third stage performance.
06:14 L+ 350 seconds. Flight is nominal. Copy.
06:23 We've just passed the six-minute mark into the flight. Good reports continuing to come in.
06:31 Control of the Soyuz spacecraft after it separates from the third stage will transfer to the Russian Mission Control Center outside of Moscow.
06:42 Six minutes, 25 seconds into the flight.
06:47 Stage three engine operating nominally. Copy.
07:03 Six minutes, 45 seconds into the flight. Two minutes of powered flight remaining.
07:09 Vehicle stabilization is steady. Copy.
07:13 Good stable structural performance by the vehicle.
07:32 L+ 430 seconds. Stage three engine operating nominally.
07:41 Seven minutes, 20 seconds into the flight. Nothing but good reports coming in.
07:47 We're about a minute and a half away from third stage shutdown and spacecraft separation.
08:06 L+ 460 seconds. Launch vehicle structural parameters are nominal.
08:14 Seven minutes, 55 seconds into the flight. Everything is going perfectly so far.
08:19 Less than a minute to go before third stage shutdown and spacecraft separation.
08:31 L+ 490 seconds. Stabilization is steady.
08:39 Eight minutes, 20 seconds into the flight. About 30 seconds of powered flight remaining.
08:44 L+ 500 seconds. Light is nominal.
08:55 Right after third stage shutdown and spacecraft separation, we'll be standing by for the deployment of the solar arrays and navigational antennas on the Soyuz.
09:04 L+ 520 seconds. Standing by now for third stage shutdown.
09:09 Standing by for GECA 3.
09:14 530 seconds. And we have third stage shutdown and third stage separation.
09:18 Third stage engine cutoff confirmed.
09:23 Separation confirmed. Antares, we're handing you over to MCC Moscow.
