
  • last year
HiveIQ has won a Design Award for its innovative beehive.
One innovation is to make it out of a type of plastic rather than the traditional wood - and the plastic insulates the hive and the bees more effectively. It makes for more honey and healthier bees.
The not-so-simple innovation is to pack the hive with all sorts of electronics which allow the hive to be monitored from many miles away.
The bee keeper gets information about the temperature and humidity of the hive. He or she also gets the weight of the hive, and that information reveals the state of the bees.
00:00 Hives haven't changed in 170 years. What we did was start it from the ground up and the number one
00:05 thing is insulation. Insulation really matters just like it does within your house. You've got
00:10 a poorly insulated house, the energy builders through the roof both in summer and winter.
00:15 These hives address a lot of that because it's just like having a nice warm insulated house for
00:20 the bees. That means the bees are a lot healthier because they don't suffer from anywhere near the
00:24 moisture content in the hive which equals mould, which equals disease. We've brought sensors into
00:30 the hives and scales under the hives so you can actually see remotely what is going on with the
00:36 hive, whether it's time to harvest, whether your bees are healthy. We're doing both the hardware,
00:41 the actual beehive, we're doing the software so you can control and run your whole business
00:46 from a beehive perspective and we're doing the tech that actually informs both of those.
