• 2 years ago
Sixteen year old midfielder Emma Dundas after A-League debut for Jets.
00:00 How awesome was it? I can't really describe it to be honest. It was crazy
00:03 Well, when did you get the nod that you're gonna start? I mean a few hours before the game
00:08 What went through your head? I was shocked
00:11 I didn't really know what to do and once you got out there made a couple of tackles
00:14 I've got the board of things just come naturally
00:16 Yeah, I think I sort of took a bit to settle into the game, but once I did found it a bit easier
00:21 Tell us about yourself. So you were away with the under 16s or 17s?
00:25 Under 17s, yeah.
00:26 That was only a couple of months ago? Yeah, just a few weeks ago actually I got back and straight into preseason
00:31 Just think two weeks ago. And what year are you in at school? I'm in year 10.
00:35 Year 10 at where? Westfield Zen High School. Okay, so you're pretty popular when you go back to school on Monday?
00:40 I don't know, maybe
00:42 Did it feel like a big step? Like in terms of the pace and the...
00:47 Yeah, it was a big step up to what I'm used to but it was good. It was a good challenge
00:51 What's your goals? I mean you want to be this is what you want to be for the rest of your life?
00:54 Yeah, for the rest of my life. Yeah, I want to play A-League. I want to play for Matildas one day. I guess that's a goal
