Russia push for Security Council action on Israel, Gaza fails

  • last year
A Russian-drafted United Nations Security Council resolution that called for a humanitarian ceasefire in the war between Israel and Palestinian forces in Gaza failed to pass on Monday (Oct 16), while a vote on a rival Brazilian text was delayed until Tuesday (Oct 17).

The resolution could have called for a humanitarian ceasefire, the release of hostages, humanitarian aid access, and the safe evacuation of civilians in need.

00:00 [ Background noise ]
00:15 >> Will those in favor of the draft resolution contained
00:19 in document S/2023/772 please raise their hand.
00:27 [ Background noise ]
00:36 >> Those against.
00:37 [ Background noise ]
00:43 >> Yes.
00:44 >> Yes.
00:45 >> Abstentions?
00:46 Five votes in favor, four votes against, six abstentions.
00:56 [ Background noise ]
00:59 >> The draft resolution has not been adopted having failed
01:04 to obtain the required number of votes.
01:08 [ Foreign Language ]
01:38 >> We have to take steps in order to put an end
01:43 to the bloodletting.
01:44 [ Foreign Language ]
01:54 [ Foreign Language ]
02:18 [ Foreign Language ]
02:47 >> Unfortunately, Russia's resolution presented today does
02:54 not meet all of these responsibilities.
02:57 Russia's resolution put forward
03:00 without any consultations make no mention of Hamas, none.
03:06 We will continue to urge our Israeli partners to work
03:10 to minimize the risk of civilian casualties.
03:15 This council must support Israel's right to defend itself.
03:19 But supporting this right doesn't mean echoing
03:22 empty words.
03:24 Don't send the signal that the Palestinian lives don't matter.
03:29 Don't dare say Israel is not responsible
03:34 for the bombs it is dropping over their heads.
03:38 Don't justify the killings.
03:42 Don't blame the victim and I repeat, don't, don't do that.
03:48 They said they would cut water, electricity, fuel, and food
03:55 for millions of Palestinians and did so in an inhumane
04:01 and unlawful collective punishment
04:03 as bombs were destroying every remaining aspect
04:08 of life in the Gaza Strip.
04:10 The meeting is adjourned.
04:13 [ Silence ]
