• 2 years ago
As the Supreme Court of India refused to give marriage equality rights saying it's an issue for Parliament, a move that allows the country's current limits on marriage to stand for the foreseeable future. It was only in 2018 that the supreme court scrapped a colonial-era law banning homosexuality in India. However, society has remained largely conservative and there was resistance to opening up marriage to same-sex couples. The challenge to the status quo followed the 2018 Supreme Court decision.

#SameSexMarriage #SameSexMarriageLegal #CountriesAllowSameSexMarriage #CountriesWhichAllowSameSexMarriage #SameSexMarriageDeathPenalty #HomosexualMarriage #heterosexualMarriage #LGBTQRights
00:00 As the Supreme Court of India refused to give marriage equality rights, saying it is an
00:13 issue for the Parliament, a move that allows the country's current limits on marriage to
00:17 stand for the foreseeable future.
00:20 It was only in 2018 that the Supreme Court scrapped a colonial era law banning homosexuality
00:27 in India.
00:28 However, society has remained largely conservative and there was resistance to opening up marriage
00:34 to same-sex couples.
00:36 The challenge to the status quo followed the 2018 Supreme Court decision.
00:41 Let us look at the countries where same-sex marriage is legal.
00:45 While the Netherlands was the first ever nation to legalise same-sex marriage in the year
00:51 2001, Taiwan has landed the feat to become the first Asian nation to do so.
00:57 With the Netherlands, more than 30 countries around the world have followed suit.
01:02 On June 20, 2023, Estonia moved to become the first ex-Soviet bloc country to legalise
01:08 the practice, with its new law taking effect next year.
01:12 There are currently 34 countries where same-sex marriage is legal.
01:16 Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,
01:24 Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico,
01:32 The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
01:39 Taiwan, The United Kingdom, The USA, and Uruguay.
01:43 23 countries have legalised same-sex marriage nationally through legislation.
01:48 Among these, Australia, Ireland, and Switzerland legalised same-sex marriage through legislation
01:53 only after nationwide votes.
01:56 10 countries have legalised same-sex marriage nationally through court decisions.
02:01 Austria, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Slovenia, South Africa, Taiwan, and
02:07 The USA.
02:08 Meanwhile, two countries, South Africa and Taiwan, enacted legislation legalising same-sex
02:13 marriage after courts mandated them to do so.
02:17 There are some big countries where same-sex marriage is not acceptable.
02:21 The number is around 64.
02:23 Here, same-sex relationship is considered a crime and death penalty is also included
02:29 as punishment.
02:30 Gay marriage is illegal in Malaysia.
02:33 Last year, Singapore ended the restrictions.
02:35 However, marriages are not approved there.
02:37 According to a report, even seven big economic countries, including Japan, do not give legal
02:42 permission to same-sex marriages.
02:45 Pakistan, Afghanistan, UAE, Qatar, Mauritania, Iran, Somalia, and some parts of northern
02:51 Nigeria are very strict regarding same-sex marriages.
02:55 There is a provision for even death penalty in Sharia courts.
02:58 In the African country, Uganda, there is a provision for life imprisonment and even death
03:03 sentence if found guilty of homosexuality.
03:07 Homosexual relations are also banned in 30 other African countries.
03:10 Recent surveys show that acceptance among people regarding same-sex marriage has also
03:14 started increasing.
03:15 In Sweden, 94% people were seen in support of same-sex marriages.
03:20 A survey by Pew Research shows that 53% of people in 24 countries around the world believe
03:26 that same-sex marriage should be accepted.
03:28 A survey by an organization named Ipsos says that 70% of the people all over the world
03:34 believe that marriage should be allowed.
03:36 53% of adult population of the 24 countries included in the survey supported the legalization
03:42 of same-sex marriages.
